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26 November 1922

Today is the best day of my life! All my years of training as【1】 ______ explorer have finally paid off!

After days of labour, making surveys, digging and _【2】_____ (carry) away earth, we 【3】_____ (final) found the tomb of Tutankhamun, opened it and saw 【4】___ contents.When we broke open the door, the air was_【5】_______ hot and dusty inside that we had trouble【6】________ (breathe).Since it was dark, we had to turn _【7】_____ some flashlights so that we _【8】_______ (can) see.Within the tomb, whichever way we looked there 【9】____ (be) a fortune in gold and treasure.Everything in the tomb had been preserved from the time of King Tutankhamun's death.After looking into the tomb, we closed it back up again.As we want to have a scientific【10】 ____ (examine) of everything there, we do not want to disturb anything in it until we are ready.














【1根据句意可知explorer是可数名词,在本文段中第一次出现,故用不定冠词an。考点定位: 冠词

【2分析句子,可知carry这个动词是与前面的两个动作making和digging表示并列的关系,故用现在分词形式表伴随。考点定位: 现在分词。

【3此词要用于修饰其后的动词found,故用final的副词形式finally。考点定位: 副词/比较等级

【4分析句意,可知此处要用一个形容词性物主代词来修饰名词content,由于指代的是那个瓶子的,故用its。考点定位: 代词/不定代词

【5分析句子,可知本空格后的that知道这是一个固定句型so…that(如此…以致…),故填so。考点定位: 固定句型

【6】在英语中,have trouble (in) doing sth.是固定搭配,意思是:做某事有困难。故填breathing。考点定位: 词组/短语在英语中,

【7turn on是固定搭配,意思是:开(电器)。考点定位: 介词/介词短语

【8分析句子,可知全文是叙述了一件发生在过去的事情,因此动词动用过去式。故用could。考点定位: 时态和语态

【9由文意,可知全文是叙述了一件发生在过去的事情,因此动词动用过去式。同时,由于a fortune是单数,故用was。考点定位:时态和语态;主谓一致

【10由于空格前的词scientific是形容词,故用其后要用exam的名词形式。考点定位: 构词法


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






On Friday,our teacher told us that there would an English corner in front of our teaching building.I set about soon after the l ast class in the afternoon.

To my joy,the English corner had just been on for a few minute.I joined them on their talk.At first,I was afraid that my English was so poor and limit that I couldn’t follow them or make myself understanD. I was also afraid that anyone might la ugh at me.But a smiling face here or an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease.Though I speak to them only in simple English that day,I believe in future I will make a greater progress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We can always hear voices comparing the education systems in China and the US. It's true that【1】exist a lot of differences, but this cannot be an excuse【2】having a passive attitude toward studying in China.

When I came back from the US last year and continued my senior middle school education in China, I sensed many great differences. I thought that school in China was too hard for【3】(we) students, and that we didn't get to do enough fun exercise except running around playgrounds together. My mom had a long talk with me. After that, I realized that though high school life in China is harder, it can give us【4】(much). The pressure helps us learn the true meaning of competition【5】we step into society. It gives us a strong heart and【6】(teach) us to step forward no matter what the【7】(real)is. It's like climbing a mountain. You might feel dizzy and nervous, but the top is always there【8】(wait) for you as long as you are strong enough—【9】(take) one more step.

We complain【10】(main) because we can't see the whole picture. We all need to understand that success takes efforts and tears.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






参考词汇:适应be/get used to 压力pressure

家长期望高high expectations from parents

课外活动after-class activities


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Wrong Reasons for Going to College

A college education can be priceless. 【1】 If any of these following factors had a big influence on your decision, you’re probably right to second-guess yourself.

Because all your friends are going.

In only a few weeks’ time, the whole friend group will be scattered to a half dozen different colleges in a half dozen different places. Not to go will set yourself apart. 2

Because someone else expects it from you.

Perhaps you come from a family where everyone goes to college, or maybe you’re the kid that everyone is proud to believe will be the first to get there. 3 It’s become so much a part of the air you breathe that you’ve never stopped to consider whether you want to go or whether you’re ready to go.


It’s been tough to find even a summer job. You don’t have an alternative plan. Everyone else is doing it (see above). You think you might as well go to school. That is the lamest(无说服力的)of reasons to spend $ 20,000 or more in the next year.

Because you are afraid you’ll regret it if you don’t go.

Your uncle tells you that he regrets that he didn’t go to college. Others tell you they could have gone so much further in their career if only they had a college education. 5 So this is not a persuasive reason for you to go to college.

A. Because you don’t want to work.

B. Friends will wonder what’s wrong with you.

C. Because you don’t know what else to do.

D. Everyone seems more excited than you are.

E. It seems that for years everyone has just thought that of course you’ll go.

F. Whatever the story is, there are always people who regret decisions they’ve made.

G. But maybe in your heart you know that you are going for the wrong reasons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Today I kept a promise and had lunch with a friend I had not seen for a while.I was extremely tired 【1】 school, work and my 5-hour art lab I had just come from and I 【2】 (real) wanted to go home after a long day.But I kept my promise not 【3】 (upset) my friend this evening.

As it turned out, we had such a good time that I stayed 【4】 (long) than I had planned and saw how much the occasion 【5】 (mean) to my friend.We usually have been busy with our own daily life, and it felt as if we had never had such 【6】 long break.

I extremely wanted to go home and hide under the covers today But in 【7】 (keep) my promise to meet with a friend, I not only was kind to another person, 【8】 was also kind to myself.

I got some much 【9】 (need) self-care out of the occasion and was able to make the day of another person meaningful-someone who had just been as busy as me and still kept his promise to have dinner with 【10】 (I).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Health of the most of important thing in the world. Nothing is more important than health. If one takes away our money, houses, cars or even our clothes, we can still survive. 【1】 That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

How can we keep healthy? In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, which are junk foods. 【2】 Besides, I only eat little meat.

【3】 Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What’s more, I think friends are an important part of one’s health.__ 【4】__ I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It is good to stay with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them.__ 【5】___

A. Many studies show that people with a narrow(狭窄) range of social contacts(社会交往) often get sick.

B. There are some people who like staying alone, but they keep healthy

C. On the other hand(另一方面), doing exercise is very important.

D. But if our health was taken away, is its certain that we wold surely die.

E. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

F. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins

G. Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When people reunite with their loved ones, it’s usually all extremely happy moment. But what is their most common response to seeing them again? It may seem strange,but most of the time they break down in tears.

Now a group of psychologists from Yale University say they have found the reason why, and that crying tears of joy may well be the body’s way of keeping emotional balance. “They seem to take place when people are overtaken by strong positive emotions, and people who do this seem to recover better from those strong emotions,” Oriana Aragon, the lead researcher said.

Aragon and her fellow psychologists looked at hundreds of participants’ emotional responses to different things, including happy reunions and cute babies. Many participants said they would react in a negative or aggressive way to the positive things —— to cry at happy moments and want to pinch(捏)a cute baby’s face or even tell them “I want to eat you up!” But then researchers found that these people were able to calm down from strong emotions more quickly.

There are many other examples of times when people respond to a positive experience with a negative emotional reaction. At an exciting concert, fans scream at their idols(偶像). People who have just had a big lottery win are often in floods of tears. “These findings advance our understanding of how people express and control their emotions, which is importantly related to mental and physical health, the quality of relationships with others, and even how well people work together.” said Aragon.

【1】What have professors from Yale University found in their research?

A. The reason why people cry with tears.

B. Crying tears of joy helps to balance emotions.

C. Strong negative feelings are useful to people.

D. People recover slowly from strong emotions.

【2】Which of the following agrees with the findings of the research?

A. Crying at good news.

B. Crying at a failure.

C. Kissing a cute baby.

D. Laughing at happy reunions.

【3】Where does the passage most likely come from?

A. A science fiction novel.

B. A psychological science journal.

C. A popular biology book.

D. An adolescent literature book.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Nowadays, there exist an increasingly special phenomenon which bicycles take up the road again. There are a couple of reason that produce this phenomenon. Firstly, riding bicycles is the most environmentally-friendly. It doesn’t have to burn any fuels, so does it give off any polluted air. Secondly, it was quite convenient. The bicycle can always find its way ahead, even though there is traffic jam. Thirdly, the bicycle costs the least among all means in transport. It costs so little that almost every one family can afford to buying one. Finally, by riding bicycles, people can take regularly exercise.

