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9.[1]A flood is the overflow of a huge amount of water onto normally dry land.Flooding occurs when the overflowing water submerges (淹没) land,and it causes a lot of problems.It is a cruel and violent expression of water.
[2]Floods are often deadly and damaging.They kill lots of people,damage houses and crops,and cause extensive destruction.In broader terms,floods are of two types:natural floods and catastrophic floods.Natural floods are the floods that are caused naturally by the overflow of a huge volume of water,from rivers,lakes,oceans,or by heavy rain or downpours,hurricanes,and so on.Catastrophic floods are floods that are caused by some significant (重大的) or unexpected events,for instance,dam breakages.
[3]Heavy rainfall is one of the major causes of floods.The level of water in rivers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfall.When the level of water rises above the river banks or dam,the water starts overflowing,which causes floods.Floods occur more in the regions that ____________.
[4]Floods are also caused due to heavy snow melting.Global temperatures are rising due to global warming.The rising temperatures are making the snow caps melt faster.Continuous and fast melting snow raises the level of water in the oceans,which consequently raises the level of water in rivers,and when the level of water in rivers rises above the river banks,it causes floods.
[5]Generally,floods occur more in low-lying areas or areas below sea level.One of the main reasons is that rivers flow slowly in these areas.′The volume of water increases in low-lying areas.When the level of water rises in these regions,it causes floods.
[6]Sometimes floods are caused due to poor dams that cannot hold great volume of water.Therefore,there are always different causes of floods.However,floods caused by humans can be avoided.Humans should let the nature go its own way.
76.What is the main idea of the passage?(no more than 5 words)
What causes floods.
77.When do floods occur?(no more than 6 words)
When the overflowing water submerges land.
78.What causes catastrophic floods?(no more than 8 words)
Some significant or unexpected events,like dam breakages.
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 wit proper words.(no more than 4 words )
get heavy rainfall
80.What does the word"They"(Line 1,Paragraph 2)probably refer to?(1 word)

分析 洪水是大量的水流向平常干燥的地区.当大量的水淹没陆地时,就产生了洪水灾害.洪水通常是致命的、具有破坏性的.可以分为自然性和灾害性洪水.造成洪水的原因有很多.

解答 76 What causes floods.
77  When the overflowing water submerges land.
78  Some significant or unexpected events,like dam breakages.
79  get heavy rainfall
80  Floods.
76 What causes floods.主旨大意题.文章第一段介绍了洪水的概念;第二段讲的是洪水的分类,接下来几段讲的是洪水产生的原因.Heavy rainfall;heavy snow melting;low-lying areas or areas below sea level;poor dams等都是洪水产生的原因,文章主要讲的是造成洪水灾害的原因,故填What causes floods..
77  When the overflowing water submerges land.细节题.根据第一段"Flooding occurs when the overflowing water submerges (淹没) land"可知,当过多的水淹没地面时,就会产生洪水灾害.故填When the overflowing water submerges land..
78  Some significant or unexpected events,like dam breakages.细节题.:根据第二段"Catastrophic floods are floods that are caused by some significant (重大的) or unexpected events,for instance,dam breakages."可知,灾害性洪水是由一些重大或突发事件引起的洪水.故填Some significant or unexpected events,like dam breakages..
79  get heavy rainfall细节题.根据第三段"Heavy rainfall is one of the major causes of floods."可知,本段讲的是大雨,所填的与大雨有关,故填get heavy rainfall.
80  Floods.猜测词义题.根据第二段"Floods are often deadly and damaging."可知,代词they指的是Floods.故填Floods..

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.When a baby is seven months old,he or she can already feel,hear,taste,smell and see.As a new mother,you should know that your child is ready to learn about the world from birth.
Touch.One of the most important means of communicating a mother has with her baby is touch.Babies enjoy gentle touch and rhythmic(有节奏的) movement.While inside the mother,the baby is used to being rocked by the mother's movements.After birth,the same rocking movements comfort him or her.Crying babies often become quiet by being put close to the mother's body and gently rocked.Even the most common activities-feeding and bathing the baby,or walking with the baby in your arms-improve the baby's sense of touch and movement.
Smell and Taste.Even at birth,babies show that they can tell apart different kinds of smells by turning away from unpleasant ones.They quickly learn to recognize familiar smells,especially their mothers'.Although their taste organs aren't completely developed,they can tell sweet from sour and much prefer the former.
Hearing.A baby listens to your voice,your heartbeat,breathing and so on.When his or her head is pressed against your chest,those familiar sounds are comforting,and many babies fall asleep in this position.You may notice that high-pitched(声调高的) voices are more pleasant to babies,so men should raise the pitch of their voices when speaking to them.As a baby gains more control over his or her head movements,it becomes clear that he or she can correctly find the location of a sound source.Loud,sharp noises often upset babies,while soft,rhythmic sounds calm them down.Music boxes,toys that make pleasant sounds and soft music stimulate(激发)the babies'sense of hearing.
61.According to the passage,a mother should communicate with her baby byD.
62.Which of the following is TRUE about babies?C
A.They don't like the mother's movements.
B.They can't tell sweet smells from unpleasant smells.
C.They would be upset by a toy that makes sharp noises.
D.They're not sure of where sounds are coming from
63.Men should raise their voices when speaking to babies becauseD.
A.higher voices are more familiar to babies
B.they need to attract babies'attention
C.babies can't hear clearly
D.babies like higher-pitched voices
64.In the next part the author will probably talk aboutA.
A.the baby's sense of sight
B.the effect of a mother on her baby
C.how to improve the baby's senses of smell and taste
D.how the baby's hearing develops inside the mother
65.The passage is mainly written forB.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Reading to oneself is a modern activity that was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval(中世纪的)worlds,while during the fifteenth century the term"reading"undoubtedly meant reading aloud.Only during nineteenth century did silent reading become common-place.
One should be careful,however,of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others.Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.
The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy,and thus in the number of readers.As readers increased,so the number of potential listeners declined,and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud.As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common,so came the flourishing(繁荣) of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries,railway carriages and offices,where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.
Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully,and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening.Indeed this argument remains with us still in education.However,whatever its virtues,the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals(期刊)for a specialized readership on the other.
By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate,if not impossible,for the oral reader.The social,cultural,and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term"reading"implied.

81.Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century?Few people could read for themselves
82.The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century indicates thata change in the nature of reading.
83.People are still arguing about the value ofthe value of different types of reading material.
84.What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?To explain hoe present-day reading habits developed..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.【1】People study their family history for different reasons.For some,genealogy(家谱学) is important to their religion(宗教信仰).Other people who get involved in genealogy may want to confirm (证实)stories they heard about a family member.Some people say their interest in genealogy came from an eight-part series on television called Roots.Roots was first broadcast in 1977 and was based on a book which describes how the author's ancestor,long ago in Africa,as slave was brought to America.After watching Roots,many Americans wanted to study ________________.
【2】Finding family roots is not always easy.So how exactly does someone start a genealogical research?
【3】Experts say you should start with yourself.Write down your own history.One idea is to ask your parents what they can remember about their parents or grandparents.You can often find a lot of information in family pictures,letters and other documents.
【4】Resources on local history may also provide useful information.Large libraries may have hundreds of helpful books.In the United States,several groups have large collections of genealogical materials.These collections are open to the public.
【5】Governments often have many helpful records of genealogies.Governments usually keep official copies of birth,marriage and death records.Local governments may have copies of wills.These statements of final wishes often contain details about a person's life and wealth.
【6】Today,many people use the Internet.There are thousands of websites related to genealogy.They can guide people to historical records and provide information about how to write down their family's history.
76.What is the passage mainly about?( no more than 10 words)
Why and how to start a genealogical research.
77.How many ways are mentioned in how to start a genealogical research?( no more than 2 words)
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.( no more than 6 words)
Their own roots./The history of their families.
79.Why should people ask governments for help in the study of genealogy?( no more than 8 words)
Because governments have many helpful records of genealogies.
80.What does the underlined word"They"(Paragraph 6 ) probably refer to?(no more than 5 words)
Thousands of websites.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.[1]Zhuge Liang (AD 181-AD 234)was a great politician,diplomat and inventor in the Three Kingdom period of china.It is said that Zhuge Liang was a talented man.He mastered Chinese handwriting,painting,music,astronomy,strategy and military science.At the same time,Zhuge Liang was also a famous inventor.Here are some of his inventions.
[2]Repeating Crossbow:The repeating crossbow could shoot ten arrows at one time.The bow's arrows were put longitudinally in the arrow box.Triggering once and shooting an arrow saved time.
[3]Kong Ming Chess:In order to call away the soldier's blues mood,Zhuge Liang has invented a kind of chess game-.Kong Ming Chess rule is simple,it is a kind of intelligence game.
[4]Kong Ming Chess:It was a kind of military transmission information lamp.It could float in the air.It used the principle of the hot-air balloon.The Kong Ming Lamp is still used now to pray for blessing.
[5]Kong Ming Lock:Zhuge Liang invented a kind of magical technology of intersecting.At that time,the technology was used in Chinese buildings.That was the Kong Ming Lock.It is a traditional Chinese toy and it is very difficult to play.If you don't believe,you can buy one and try.
[6]Wooden Ox and Horse:This was a kind of very magical means of transportation which solved the problem of army transportation of food supplies.According to records,it looked like an ox or a horse.It was made of wood.It could walk by itself,without needing any energy.Nobody knows how it worked.
[7]In a word,Zhuge Liang has had a lot of inventions in all his life.What I wrote is only a part among them,a lot of inventions of his have already been lost.Now,in the minds of Chinese people,Zhuge Liang has already become the incarnation of intelligence.
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 8 words)
Some of Zhuge Liang's Inventions
77.Do you think Zhuge Liang was a talented man?Why?(no more than 15 words)
Yes,because he mastered Chinese handwriting,painting,music,astronomy,strategy and military science and inventions./Yes,because he was a great politician,diplomat and inventor.
78.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(no more than 3 words)
Kong Ming Chess
79.Please list three inventions invented by Zhuge Liang.(no more than 10 words)
①Repeating Crossbow②Kong Ming Chess③Kong Ming Lock
80.What does the word"it"(Line 4,Paragraph6)probably refer to?(no more than 4 words)
Wooden Ox and Horse.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.[1]As is known,it is important to help your children gain key information from textbooks or understand what they read,especially as they get older.Here are the ways to improve their reading comprehension.
[2]Have them read aloud.This forces them to go slower,which gives them more time to process what they read.Besides,they are not only seeing the words,they are hearing them,too.
[3]Provide the right kinds of books. Make sure your children get lots of practice reading book that aren't too difficult.They should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help.Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for them to focus on the overall meaning of the story.
[4]Reread to build fluency.To gain meaning from text,your children need to read quickly and smoothly-a skill known as fluency.Rereading familiar,simple books gives your children practice at decoding(解译) words quickly,so they'll become more fluent.
[5]Talk to the teacher.If your children are struggling with comprehension,they may need more help with their reading-for example,they can turn to the teacher to build their vocabulary or practice phonics skills.
[6]Supplement(补充) class reading. If the class is studying a particular theme(主题),look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic.Some prior knowledge will make their way through tougher classroom texts.
[7]Talk about what they are reading. This"verbal processing"helps them remember and think through the themes of the book.Ask questions before,________,for example:
Before:"What interests you in this book?What doesn't?"
During:"What's going on in the book?Is it turning out the way you thought it would?"
After:"Can you summarize the book?What did you like about it?"
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 7 words)
How to improve your children's reading comprehension
77.To gain meaning from the text,what skill do your children need?(no more than 5 words)Reading quickly and smoothly
78.Please fill in the blank in the seventh paragraph with proper words.(no more than 6 words)during and after reading the book
79.How many ways are mentioned in this passage?(no more than 2 words)six
80.What does the word"them"(line 2,paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)the words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Summer vacations  should be a time of leisure for college students.However,many of them use the opportunity to participate in summer projects instead.From volunteering work  to environmental protection tours9students aim to get ahead and prepare for their future.
Xu Dan loves vacations because it means she can spend more time volunteering.The 21-year-old English major from Zhejiang Normal University believes that volunteering has   transformed  her life and made her a better person.
Two years ago,Xu was a shy girl.One day,she saw a group of volunteers picking up trash in the street.Since she had no plans for the summer vacation and wanted to make some friends,she picked up her courage and joined them.
"I used to think volunteering is nothing more than picking up trash.Now I know that the meaning of volunteer work is helping others and gaining self-esteem,"Xu says.Her vol-unteering schedule is full:teaching migration workers'children English from Mondays to Fridays,picking up trash on Saturdays,and visiting old people on Sundays.
For Xu,visiting old people is the most rewarding activity.¨I help them clean their homes and cut their hair,l talk to them and listen to their life stories.These are just small things,but I'm addicted to it because every time I help others I feel satisfied and more confi(1ent about myself,"Xu says.
According to Xu,the positive energy she gets from volunteering reflects on the way she deals with people and sees the world."I can see things from other people's point of view and look at things more positively.I think I'm going to make volunteering a lifelong undertaking,"she says.

66.Why do many college students participate in summer projects?(No more than 12words)
Because they want to get ahead and prepare for their future.
67.What  is the meaning of the underlined word."transformed"in Paragraph 2?(l word)
68.How does Xu Dan arrange her volunteer work on weekends?(No more than 12words)
By picking up trash and visiting old people
69.What can we learn by volunteering in this passage?(No more than 15words)
helpingothersandgainingself-esteem/helpingothersmakes us satisfiedandmoreconfident./Seeing thingsfromotherpeople'spointofviewandlookatthingsmorepositively./Volunteering can change our life and make us a better person.
70.If you join in volunteer work:what project are you interested in?And why?(No more  than 25words)
I am interested in helping kids in rural areas because education is important to them./I want to raise money for families in need because they are poor and need our help..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.You can't imaginehow excited they were when they received these nice Christmas presents.(excited)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Isincerely(真诚地)hope that you'll get better soon.

