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13.Doing sports is beneficial to our healthmentally and physically.

分析 体育锻炼对我们的身心都有益处.

解答 答案:mentally.

点评 首字母填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.同时还要注意提示字母.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.The UK has a wellrespected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world.But to those who are new to it all,sometimes it can be confusing.
October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar.Universities have something called Freshers'Week for their newcomers.It's a great opportunity to make new friends,join lots of clubs and settle into university life.
However,having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind,the prospect(前景)of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nervewracking(令人头痛的).Where do you start?Who should you make friends with?Which clubs should you join?
Luckily,there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot.So just take it all in slowly.Don't rush into anything that you'll regret for the next three years.
Here is some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers'Week:
●Learn rules.Make sure you know British social etiquette(礼节).Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.
●Be kind.Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.
●Be sociable.The more active you are,the more likely you'll be to meet new people than if you're someone who never leaves their room.
●Bring a doorstop.Keep your door open when you're in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you're friendly.
So with a bit of clever planning and effort,Freshers'Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you'll be passing on your experience to next year's new recruits.

31.Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?D
A.October is generally the busiest month for universities.
B.It's a good idea to have a doorstop.
C.A bit of planning can make Freshers'Week easier.
D.The first week of your every year at university is called Freshers'Week.
32.The underlined word"recruits"in the last paragraph refers toB.
A.courses  B.freshers  C.neighbors  D.challenges
33.We can infer from the 4th paragraph thatC.
A.the newcomers usually miss the days living at home
B.most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities
C.many freshers are worried about how to fit university life
D.all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs
34.Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?B
A.To pass the busy university life.
B.To help make friends with other freshers.
C.To show yourself a drinker as others.
D.To pass the time in a happy way.
35.The main purpose of the passage is toA.
A.tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities
B.introduce something about higher education system of the UK
C.discuss something about the Freshers'Week in the UK
D.advise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.I think the car will ______ till we get to the village.(  )
A.extend outB.go in forC.hold upD.hold out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world.There was also a great deal of machinery on display.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Since the 1970s computers have been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Popeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach to make him strong.People watched him,and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach.Popeye helped sell 33 percent more spinach than before!Spinach became a necessary part of many people's diets.Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.
Many people thought that the iron in spinach made Popeye strong,but this is not true.Spinach does not have any more iron than any other green vegetable.
People only thought spinach had a lot of iron because the people who studied the food made a mistake.In the 1890s,a group of people studied what was inside vegetables.This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than it did.The group wrote the number wrong,and everyone accepted it.
Today,we know that the little iron that is in spinach cannot make a difference in how strong a person is.However,spinach does have something else which the body needs-folic acid.
It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help make a person strong.Maybe it was really the folic acid that made Popeye strong all along.
50.A good title for this reading passage isB.
A.Popeye the Sailor                
B.The Truth About Spinach
C.A Mistake with Numbers            
D.Folic Acid Makes You Strong
51.Why did many people eat spinach after they saw Popeye the Sailor?A
A.They thought spinach made them strong.
B.They thought Popeye was funny.
C.Spinach had a lot of iron.
D.People liked folic acid.
52.A research group told people that spinachD.
A.made Popeye strong              
B.was a green vegetable
C.had less iron than other green vegetables
D.had more iron than other green vegetables
53.The reading passage says that perhaps Popeye got his strength fromB.
B.folic acid      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.You may feel short of money even if you have a good salary.The following are some tips on(61)how to save your money.First,set goals to save money and form money-saving habits while staying away from those that waste money.Think twice (62)before using money on expensive skin care products.Second,cut down your daily expenses.When going to a supermarket,write down(63)what you want to buy to avoid (64)buying (buy) unnecessary stuff.Girls,(65)who always spend money on clothes,should keep (66)aneye open for discounts-you're likely to buy good summer dress in winter at a(67)reasonable (reason) price.Third,economize your social life.When it's(68)yourturn to buy a meal,invite your friends to your home and cook the dinner yourself.If you separate from your boyfriend,you (69)are supposed ( suppose) to donate the gifts he sent to you to some charities instead (70)ofthrowing them away.Finally,you need find other ways to earn extra money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.With the help of the natives,almost 6000square kilometers have been reservedfor national
forests and parks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-I have been working hard at my English in the past two months,but I think I make little progress in it.
-______,Emma!Your English will soon be perfect.(  )
A.I can't help itB.Make it
C.Hang in thereD.You really have me there

