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16.Raise your hand if you've had your Smartphone stolen. According to the Federal Communication Commission(FCC.),the phone theft rate for the year 2013is estimated to be about 369per 100,000individuals-with a higher rate in cities. The solution to that problem  starts at home-with you. While 36percent of Smartphone owners secure their phonic with a  four-digit code,just 11percent used a code longer than four digits,a password,or an unlock  pattern; fully a thrice of those surveyed took none forth listed security measures at all.
Improved security can definitely help deter thefts. In cases where users set no password,it's quite easy to erase a phone and turn it around on the black market. While simple four-digit pass codes can help slow that process down,they are mathematically much cashier to crack(破解) than longer,more complicated passwords.
Technological measures have agreeably begun in the making process:Apple,lord example,introduced a feature which prevents someone from disabling the Find My aphonic service,erasing the device,or react.inviting an erased device. In the six months after that upstate,thefts of phones decreased by around a quarter in New York,San Francisco and London. Were everybody to set a strafing password on their devices-or work device makers to re.curie. Lasers to set a pass code,rather than merely suggesting it.it would be considerably harder tore thieves to resell those phonics elsewhere. Though. much as with cars,it wouldn't necessarily stop insolents where smart phones arc taken apart.
I've FCC,is asking that device makers better educate considers about the anti-theft measures available on their devices. Really,it's a matter of common sense:just as you wouldn't leave your house unlocked-especially if'you lived in an urban area-you shouldn't walk around with an unprotected phone. Because these days. the amulet oversensitive and personal information you keep in your phone may actually be more valuable than what you leave in your house. So,for your own sake,fire up that Smartphone and sct a secure pass code,and do it right now.

41. Which of the following can be the FCC's conclusion'sA
A. More smart bones arc stolen in cities than in the countryside.
B. Smartphone's should be put at home so that they won't be stolen.
C. About 400smart phones were stolen in cities in 2013.
D. A four-digit codec is the best way to scurf your Smartphone.
42. What does the underlined word"deter"in Paragraph 2probably mean'?B
A. Commit.                 B. Discourage.
C. Investigate.            D. Report
43. If security measures are taken in the making process,C
A. it won't be possibly for stolen smart phonics to be sold
B. users have to set a pass Coclé before using a Smartphone
C. there will be fewer thefts of smart phonics
D. the stolen smart phones will be almost Listless
44. We can know loom the last paragraph thatD
A. houses can usually be lei unlocked in the countryside
B. people should buy more expensive snort phones
C. personal or valuable information should be kept in the Smartphone
D. phone nacres are expected to play their part in preventing pone thefts
45. What is the purpose of'the passage?A
A.low advise sacking smart phonics.
B. To advertise an Apple predict.
C.1condoning snail.11t'ne halts.
D. To tell L/S the relit oaf survey.

分析 本文是关于手机失窃频繁的原因及用户及生产厂家应对的措施.

41.答案 A 细节理解题  根据According to the Federal Communication Commission(FCC.),the phone theft rate for the year 2013is estimated to be about 369per 100,000individuals-with a higher rate in cities.可知,城市里手机失窃较农村多一些,故答案为A
42.答案 B 词义猜测题  根据下文 While simple four-digit pass codes can help slow that process down,they are mathematically much cashier to crack(破解) than longer,more complicated passwords.可知,复杂的密码可以使小偷望而却步,减少盗窃的发生,可得知deter的意思是discourage,使气馁,故答案为B
43.答案C 细节理解题 根据第三段In the six months after that upstate,thefts of phones decreased by around a quarter in New York,San Francisco and London,可知,在生产制作过程中增加安全措施减少了手机的盗窃,故答案为C
44.答案 D 推理判断题 根据I've FCC,is asking that device makers better educate considers about the anti-theft measures available on their devices.可知,FCC正要求手机制造商加强手机本身的防盗窃措施,故答案为D

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I'm calling to enquire about the position _____ in today's China Daily.(  )
A.advertisedB.to be advertised
C.having advertisedD.advertising


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Some of the most painful moments I spend as a vet (兽医 ) are those spent with my customers assisting my animal patients from this world to the next.Making this final decision is not easy,and I have often felt powerless to comfort the sorrowful owners.
That was before I met Shane.
I had been called to examine a ten-year-old dog named Belker who had developed a serious health problem.The dog's owner-Ron,his wife,Lisa,and their little boy,Shane-were hoping for a miracle (奇迹).But I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker,and offered to perform the euthanasia (安乐死) for the old dog in their home.As we made the arrangements,Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for the four-year-old Shane to observe the euthanasia.They felt Shane could leam something from the experience.
The next day,I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him.
Shane seemed so calm,patting the old dog for the last time,that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
A few minutes later,Belker slipped peacefully away.The little boy seemed to accept Belker's death without any difficulty or confusion.We sat together for a little while after Belker's death,wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane,who had been listening quietly,piped up:"I know why."
Shocked,we all turned to him.What came out of his mouth next astonished me.I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.
He said,"Everybody is born so they can learn how to live a good life:like loving everybody and being nice,right?"The four-year-old continued,"Well,animals already know how to do that,so they don't have to stay as long."

21.Shane's parents wanted Shane to witness the euthanasia mainly becauseA.
A.they hoped he could gain something from it
B.they knew he hated to part with Belker
C.they wanted him to remember Belker forever
D.they intended him to learn to carry out euthanasia
22.What can we learn from the third paragraph?B
A.Belker got sick mainly because of lack of care.
B.There was no hope for Belker to recover but to suffer.
C.Shane didn't feel sad about Belker's death.
D.Belker didn't want to live any longer because of the pain.
23.We can infer from the underlined sentence thatA.
A.words failed the vet when he tried to comfort Belker's family
B.the vet was familiar with the feelings of Belker's family
C.the vet would rather not perform the euthanasia
D.the vet's throat was uncomfortable with Belker's family around
24.What would the author say about Shane?C
A.He knew little about animal lives.
B.He felt unexpected about Belker's death.
C.He had a unique opinion about life.
D.He was an outgoing and warm-hearted boy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Harry Potter and The Hunger Games haven't been big hits for nothing.Lots of teens and adolescents still read quite a lot.But a study shows a clear decline over time.Nearly half of 17-year-olds say they read for pleasure no more than one or two times a year,and that's way down from a decade ago.
The digital revolution means there are more platforms than ever to read on.Jim Steyer has been studying the effect of technology on children,and he finds the results striking.Steyer has four kids and has seen the trend most with his 16-year-old.
"I start to see it in our 10-year-old,because he is less and less reading,and more and more attracted to some of the digital media platforms that he has access to."he says.
Researchers want to know more about how teens are spending their time in the digital age.But Kathryn Zickuhr of the Pew Research Center says it's tricky.If a kid is looking at a book,you can assume he or she is reading.But when it comes to looking at a smartphone or tablet,who knows?
"We've heard from middle and high school teachers that sometimes the Internet is wonderful for highly motivated students to do deep and expansive research,"says Zickuhr."But on the other hand,obviously there are many distractions(干扰)on the Internet."
"Despite those distractions,parents can do a lot to promote reading.Kids with parents who read,who buy or take books out of the library for their kids,and who then set time aside in their kids'daily schedule for reading,tend to read the most,whether it's on a book,an e-book or some other devices."Jim Steyer says.

29.What does Jim Steyer see in his four kids?C
A.They become addicted to magic novels.
B.They read for pleasure more frequently.
C.They spend too much time on electronic devices.
D.They get their reading ability improved on the Internet.
30.According to Kathryn Zickuhr,D.
A.it is easy to know whether a kid is reading on a tablet
B.kids are making the best of the Internet in their study
C.the Internet is an effective motivation to reading
D.the Internet can easily get students unfocused
31.According to the last paragraph,the key to helping kids to read more isB.
A.the Internet    B.parents    C.digital devices  D.scientists
32.Which of the following questions is the passage intended to explain?C
A.How do parents get teens out of digital media?
B.What can be done to help kids to read for fun?
C.Why are teens reading less than before in digital age?
D.Why is reading for pleasure beneficial to kids?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.[1]In Finland winters are long and cold,with temperatures rarely rising above freezing,and the nights never seem to end.In addition,those who live in the far north of the country have to cope with the"polar night",a period of 51 days on end during which the sun never rises.But the Finns have invented a way of staying warm and happy-the sauna(桑拿).
[2]Almost every house in Finland has one;in a country which numbers just five  million inhabitants,there are an estimated two million saunas.
[3]Saunas have been around for a long time.The first written reference to the sauna dates back to the l2th century.At first,the sauna was just a heated hole in the ground used for bathing.But over time,as the population became more settled,it became an above-ground room separated from the main house.Today,however,most modern hornes include a sauna,in addition to a shower or bath,in the bathroom.
[4]For Finns the sauna is part of life from childhood,and an experience to be shared with family or friends.It is usual for men and women to take turns to have a sauna.In public saunas there will be separate saunas for men and women.The aim is to relax and sweat,after which you can have a shower,or just run about in the snow outside.Some people even dive into a nearby lake!
[5]But are saunas healthy?        .For example,although some people think  that it is possible to use a sauna to lose weight,most doctors would advise against it.More realistic claims made in favor of saunas include improving blood circulation,getting rid of toxins(毒素),helping people who have breathing problems,and relieving tired muscle.What's more,research by the Finnish Medical Society suggests that people who regularly have saunas reduce their chances of catching colds by up to 30 percent.
66.What is"polar night"?(no more than 20 words)The polar night is a period of 51 days on end when the sun never rises.
67.What does the information in Para.2 suggest?(no more than l5 words)It suggests that the saunas are very popular in Finland./People in Finland love saunas very much.
68.What's the main idea of Para 3?(no more than 10 words)The history of the sauna./The development of the sauna./Saunas have been around for a long time.
69.List three things that people usually do after taking saunas.
①having a shower ②running about in the snow outside ③diving intoa nearby lake    
70.Fill in the blank in Para.5 with proper words.(no more than 10 words)Opinions are divided./Opinions are different./People have different opinions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.A love marriage,however does not necessarily ____much sharing of interest and responsibilities.(  )
A.hold onB.take overC.result inD.set about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Without the leadership of our Party and our government,we___________ these splendid
results.(  )
A.have achievedB.wouldn't have achieved
C.should have achievedD.would not achieve


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Do you know the factory,__________ products are of high quality?(  )

