精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. There was a terrible noise____(follow) the sudden burst of light.
2. Soon they could see the steam___(rise) from the wet clothes.
3. With his lips still____(tremble),he couldn't say a word.
4. "Mama!" he cried suddenly, tears____(roll) down his cheeks.
5. Weather____(permit),we'll go to the Great Wall.
6. ____(See)from the top of the hill, we can find that the city looks more beautiful.
7. "Can't you read?" Mary said, angrily____(point) to the notice.
8. The workers had the machines____(run) all night long to finish the work on time.
9. Just then he heard someone____(call) for help.
10. The missing boys were last seen____(play) near the river.
1. following 2. rising 3. trembling 4. rolling 5. permitting
6. Seeing 7. pointing 8. running 9. calling 10. playing

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. We have no more right to___ happiness without pro ducing it.(consume)
2. New factories are____ everywhere.( go up)
3. Stress and tiredness often ____ a lack of concentra tion.( result in)
4. She ____ round the room before she left.( glance)
5. He ____reducing military spending.(advocate)
6. The witness ____ that she had never seen Mr. Smith. ( state)
7. He ____ talking.( keep on)
8. What ____ you doing from 9 to 11 this morning? ( be)
9. We ____ some guests for dinner last night.( have)
10. How did it ____ that he knew where we were?( come about)


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I wish I______(be)a bird.
2. I wish I______(see) you yesterday.
3. He wishes I_______(go) with him tonight.
4. She insisted that she ______( 8end) there alone.
5. It was suggested that we ______(put)the meeting off.
6. He gave orders that the work _______( start)immediately.
7. His proposal was that a meeting _______( hold) tonight.
8. It's necessary that the question ______( settle) at once.
9. It is strange that he ______( go) away without telling us.
10. It is high time our athletes ______ ( show) their best.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. If you___(arrive) ten minutes earlier, you could have seen them off.
2. It's time that we____(go) to the railway station.
3. If they____(not help) us, our experiment would have failed.
4. You're five minutes late. I suggested that you____(come) earlier tomorrow.
5. Mother often tells us that it is necessary that we____(drink) a glass of water after we get up.
6. She insisted that she____(send) to work in the faraway small town.
7.____I not____(forget) his telephone number, I would have rung him.
8. He is busy now. If he____(be) free, he____(go) with you.
9. The manager was in his office then. If he____(be) here, everything____ (settle)in a minute.
10. Noisy as it was, he went on reading as if nothing____(hap- pen).

