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1. It is Henry Adams,an American businessman,who is lost in London and does not know what he should do. (P17)


① 本句是一个主从复合句。

② 主句是It is 4Henry Adams,an American businessman Henry 的同位语。

③ who引导非限制性定语从句,在从句连接两个并列 的谓语is lost和does not know,know后跟一个由what引导 的 从句。




1. [分析]宾语

[仿写]It is Lucy,a foreign tourist,who lost her purse and does not know what she should do.

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第35期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



     One day,a patient came to see me. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant and his problem was acW (胃酸倒流) ,a disease that influences as many as 40 percent of Americans,a marked increase in recent years. Reflux can lead to (食道的) cancer,which has increased by about 500 percent since the 1970s. The drugs we use to treat reflux don't always work and may even increase the risk of developing cancer when used long term.

     What is responsible for these worrying devetopments? For one,our poor diet,with its huge increases in the intake of sugar,fat^ soft drinks,and unhealthy foods. But another important fact has been overlooked: dinnertime. Over the past twenty years,the time of my patients’ evening meals has become later and later. Dinner — already pushed back by longer work hours — is often further 办/?yed (推迟) by activities such as shopping and exercise.

     In my experience,the single most important treatment for reflux is to avoid late eating. A patient with reflux came to see me because her father and uncle died of esophageal cancer,and she was afraid of getting it too. Her nightly routine (常规) included a 9 p.m. dinner with at least two bottles of red wine. The reflux was serious,and changes were needed.

She listened,then did not come back to see me for a year. “For the first two months,I just hated you,” she told me, “and for the next two months, was having some trouble eating. I guessed I was going to die of esophageal cancer/' Then she added,You know,we  are the reason that it 's not so easy to get 6 p.m. (预约) at the good restaurants anymore."

    To stop the increase in reflux disease,we have to stop eating at least three hours before bed. As for my waiter patient? I told him to eat dinner before 7 p.m. Within six weeks,his reflux was gone.

29. The disease the waiter caught is .

   A. on the rise

   B. easy to control

    C. unusual in Ameiica  

    D. the most dangerous cancer

30. What does the underlined word “overlooked” in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Talked about a lot.

   B. Paid no attention to.

    C. Carefully looked into.

   D. Taken into consideration.

31. Why did the woman patient hate the author?

   A. He spoke of her dead father and uncle.

   B. He asked her to change her eating habits.

    C. He couldn't find a way to deal with her problem.

   D. He couldn’ t make her healthy again within  a year.

32. The author writes the text to tell US .

   A. not to work late at night

   B. to avoid eating at restaurants 

   C. unhealthy foods cause cancer

   D. the danger of eating late at night


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



    We stood silently under the stars,just metres from our tent,hardly daring to breathe. Not far away stood four (黑斑玲) .Did they know, as we did,that a  leopala(豹子) lay under a bush?

    She jumped. Four shadowy shapes jumped into the woods. Had the leopard made a successful kill? The whole scene had taken place too quickly,and in not enough light,for any of US to be sure. In fact,we had been on our way from the tent to the suppertime campfire. Half an hour later we had a tale to outdo most told around the fire. “This has got to be the best nightlife in the world,answered my boy Toby,whe]tr some middle-aged tourists asked him how he was enjoying his holiday.

     So much for the lies of experts who doubted that safaris(游猎) would be workable for teenagers. True,this is a difficult age,with teens beginning to sense that they are too old for family holidays. But our kids didn't want to return to the kind of “teen clubs”. So,my wife and I thought,if we were going to have one really good family holiday,why not Africa?

Our holiday began with a flight to Aruslm airport,then a long drive south. We chose to stay at Mdonya Old River Camp because this is one that avoids soft beds and towels,etc; these,to my mind can prevent US from connecting with nature. Instead,the five of US shared a simple tent at the edge of a dried-up sand river.

     If there was one disappointment about the wildlife viewing in Tanzania,it was that game drives are not allowed in any of anthere  country  national parks after dark. But if anything,this made our night-time meeting with the leopard and impala outside our tent even more special.

     Our final trip was over to Zanzibar where we sailed out to a sandbank and watched a beautiful sunset. And we concluded(得出结论) that if there  is one family holiday that will attract teens,it is a safari.

1. When they were sitting round the campfire,the family .

   A. learned what happened in the end from other


   B. were sorry about the death of four impala

   C. were proud of what they had seen earlier  

   D. saw a leopard hiding under a bush

2. The author and his wife decided on an African safari because they .

   A. didn't want to be with other families

   B. wanted to do something different from usual 

    C. were advised that teenagers often enjoy


   D. wanted their children to learn some independence

3. Why did the author choose Mdonya Old River Camp?

   A. It was quite basic.

   B It wasn't easy to get to. 

   C. There was water nearby.

   D. The tents were of good quality.

4. What does the underlined word  this in Paragraph 5 refer to?

   A. The dark. 

    B. The rule,

    C. Their disappointment.

    D. Their plan.

5. How did the author feel about the holiday?

   A. Unsure whether they would come back again,   

    B. Unhappy they hadn't seen more animals,

    C. Satisfied the children had enjoyed it.

   D. Lucky they hadn't  been attacked.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Those cats have been (尖声叫) for hours.

4. For (餐后甜点) there's apple pie,cheesecake or fruit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. She simply welcomed him and reminded him the last time they had met.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. I would do anything to get back your trust in me.

I would do anything to   your trust in me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   在复合句中,担任表语的从句叫表语从句 f句1-句13) 。可接表语从句的词除系动词be外,

还有seem,look , ,sound等连系动词(句1-句5) 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The film contains some funny (场面) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. If the train is , it should arrive at three

o’ clock exactly.

