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     "How lucky you are to be a doctor…" Anyone who's a doctor is right out of luck,  I thought.
     You may think I want to change my job. Well,  at the moment I do. As one of my friends says-even
doctors have a few friends-it's all experience. Experience! I don't need such experience. I need a
warm, comfortable and undisturbed bed all my own. I need it badly. I need all telephones to be thrown
down the nearest well. That's what I need.
     All these thoughts fly round my head as I drive my Mini(微型汽车) through the foggy streets of
East London at 3:45 am on a December morning. I am a ministering angel in a Mini with a heavy coat
and a bag of medicines. As I speed down Lea Bridge in the dark at this horrible morning hour, the heater
first blowing hot then cold, my back aching from the car seat, I do not feel like a ministering angel. I
wish I were on the beach in southern France. Call me a bad doctor if you like. Call me what you will.
But don't call me at half past three on a December morning for an earache that you have had for two
     Of course,  being a doctor isn't really all bad. We_do_have_our_moments. Once in a while people
are ill, once in a while you can help, once in a while you are given a cup of tea and rockhard cake at
two o'clock in the morning-then you worry if you have done everything. But all too often "everything" is
a repetitious rule: look,  listen, feel, tap, pills, injection,  phone, ambulance and away to the next.
     And then there is always the cool, warm voice of the girl on the switchboard of the emergency bed
service who will get your patient into hospital for you-the pleasant voice that comes to you as you stand
in the cold, dark, smelly and dirty telephone box somewhere in a dangerous section of town. Oh,  it has
its moments, and this life does.

1. According to the sentence "Anyone who's studying medicine should have his head examined." we
know that ________.
A. a medical student should have a very good memory
B. a doctor must be mentally strong so that he can meet any difficult situation
C. the writer thinks that those who want to be doctors are crazy
D. to be a doctor is a challenge for people's mental health
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The writer wishes he could have a quiet, undisturbed night in bed at home.
B. One of his friends says that being a doctor helps one gain all sorts of experience.
C. He hates the telephone as a modern means of communication.
D. He is not happy with the small and uncomfortable car he is driving.
3. The statement “We do have our moments.” could best be replaced by “________.”
A. We doctors are called at a moment’s notice to see people who need medical treatment
B. Usually we are glad that we can do something to help the sick
C. Sometimes we find people are thankful for our help
D. There are chances that doctors find their work rewarding and satisfying
4. From the whole passage we know that the writer ________. 
A. is a bad doctor,  unwilling to make a house call during the night time
B. is so dissatisfied with his job that he wishes to find a new one
C. is satisfied with his job but he hates to be called out unnecessarily
D. thinks a doctor can enjoy certain special rights because he likes to be a doctor

科目:高中英语 来源:广西桂林十八中2009-2010学年度高二下学期4月段考(英语) 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Having divorced (离婚) my dad, my mom had to move frequently in order to find a job that would provide her with enough money to support the big family. For three years, we lived in the town of Parkersburg. On the first Christmas there, my brothers and I had been well prepared for a holiday without presents. But we had a surprise on Christmas Eve.
At midnight, we were woken up by someone shouting at our front door, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” We jumped up and ran to the door to find no one there, but several boxes and bags! Not only were there gifts, which were our favorite, but there were also clothes and food. Each of us kids, as well as Mom, had gifts with our names on them. And the clothes all fit us!
Another year went by and on Christmas Eve, we again got boxes and bags full of goodies. The next year we moved. We were in the same town but across the other side. Mom was beginning to get on her feet. Since we had moved and Mom had a better job, we were quite certain that “Santa” wouldn’t visit us that year. But we were wrong!
Those “Santa” visits restored in me the belief in the goodness of mankind, though to this day we don’t know who our helper was.
When we grew up, Mom moved to Virginia. She had some extra money one Christmas. She sent it to me and let us know her decision. We then took action. My husband and children had so much fun buying and wrapping presents for the needy family we had chosen. On Christmas Eve, we allowed the excited kids to stay up late to be part of our secret “Santa” project.
Such satisfaction there was in being able to pass on the gift of love to others who needed it. And the gift goes on!
56. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.
A. the writer’s family didn’t like to celebrate Christmas
B. the writer felt sorry about not having Christmas presents
C. the writer’s mother couldn’t afford any Christmas presents
D. the writer knew that something surprising would happen
57. The presents that the writer’s family received must be from _______.
A. someone who has no children        B. someone who knew them well
C. the church in the neighborhood       D. the richest family in the town 
58. What decision did the writer’s mom make in the fifth paragraph?
A. To give her extra money to a poor family.   
B. To thank the person who once helped her family.
C. To give some Christmas presents to a poor family in secret.  
D. To invite a poor family to spend Christmas with her family.  
59. This passage is written to ______.
A. show pity to the poor people        B. show human kindness  
C. thank the helper                 D. show the advantages of being rich


科目:高中英语 来源:广西桂林十八中2009-2010学年度高二下学期4月段考(英语) 题型:阅读理解


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Having divorced (离婚) my dad, my mom had to move frequently in order to find a job that would provide her with enough money to support the big family. For three years, we lived in the town of Parkersburg. On the first Christmas there, my brothers and I had been well prepared for a holiday without presents. But we had a surprise on Christmas Eve.

At midnight, we were woken up by someone shouting at our front door, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” We jumped up and ran to the door to find no one there, but several boxes and bags! Not only were there gifts, which were our favorite, but there were also clothes and food. Each of us kids, as well as Mom, had gifts with our names on them. And the clothes all fit us!

Another year went by and on Christmas Eve, we again got boxes and bags full of goodies. The next year we moved. We were in the same town but across the other side. Mom was beginning to get on her feet. Since we had moved and Mom had a better job, we were quite certain that “Santa” wouldn’t visit us that year. But we were wrong!

Those “Santa” visits restored in me the belief in the goodness of mankind, though to this day we don’t know who our helper was.

When we grew up, Mom moved to Virginia. She had some extra money one Christmas. She sent it to me and let us know her decision. We then took action. My husband and children had so much fun buying and wrapping presents for the needy family we had chosen. On Christmas Eve, we allowed the excited kids to stay up late to be part of our secret “Santa” project.

Such satisfaction there was in being able to pass on the gift of love to others who needed it. And the gift goes on!

56. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. the writer’s family didn’t like to celebrate Christmas

B. the writer felt sorry about not having Christmas presents

C. the writer’s mother couldn’t afford any Christmas presents

D. the writer knew that something surprising would happen

57. The presents that the writer’s family received must be from _______.

A. someone who has no children        B. someone who knew them well

C. the church in the neighborhood       D. the richest family in the town 

58. What decision did the writer’s mom make in the fifth paragraph?

A. To give her extra money to a poor family.   

B. To thank the person who once helped her family.

C. To give some Christmas presents to a poor family in secret.  

D. To invite a poor family to spend Christmas with her family.  

59. This passage is written to ______.

A. show pity to the poor people        B. show human kindness  

C. thank the helper                 D. show the advantages of being rich



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Tess still stood hesitating like a swimmer about to make his dive, hardly knowing whether to return or move forward, when a figure came out from the dark door of the tent. It was a tall young man, smoking.

He had an almost black face, though red and smooth. His moustache was black with curled points, though he could not be more than twenty, three or four. There was an unusual force in his face, and in his daring rolling eyes.

"Well, my beauty, what can I do for you?" said he, coming forward. And seeing that she was quite at a loss: "Never mind me. I am Mr. d'Urberville. Have you come to see me or my mother?"

This differed greatly from what Tess had expected. She had dreamed of an aged and dignified face. She tried to keep calm and answered, "I came to see your mother, sir."

"I am afraid you cannot see her—she is ill in bed," replied the representative of the house; for this was Mr.Alee, the only son of the noble family."What is the business you wish to see her about?"

"It isn't business—it is— I can hardly say what!"


"Oh no. Why, sir, if I tell you, it will seem—"

Tess's sense of a certain ridicule was now so strong that, despite her general discomfort at being here, her rosy lips curved(弯曲) towards a smile, much to the attraction of the young man.

"It is so foolish," she stammered(急急巴巴地说); "I fear I can't tell you!"

"Never mind; I like foolish things. Try again, my dear," said he kindly.

"Mother asked me to come," Tess continued; 'and, indeed, I was in the mind to do so myself. But I did not think it would be like this.I came, sir,to tell you that we are of the same family as you."

"Ho! Poor relations?"



"No; d'Urbervilles."

"Ay, ay; I mean d'Urbervilles."

"Our names are wom away to Durbeyfield; but we have several proofs that we are d'Urbervilles. The local scholars hold the view that we are,and we have an old seal(印章) and a silver spoon marked with the same castle as yours. So mother said we ought to make ourselves known to you, as we've lost our horse by a bad accident; we can hardly make a living."

"Very kind of your mother, I'm sure.' Alec looked at Tess as he spoke, in a way that made her uneasy. 'And so, my pretty girl, you've come on a friendly visit to us, as relations?"

"I suppose I have," looking less confident and uncomfortable again.

"Well-there's no harm in it. Where do you live? What are you?"

                                  —Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas Hardy

61. How does Tess feel in the whole course of the meeting with Alec?

      A. Excited and hopeful.          B. Nervous and uncomfortable.

      C. Surprised but comfortable.           D. Pleased but embarrassed.

62. In the eyes of Tess, Alec is _______________.

      A. forceful and daring            B. unfriendly and talkative

      C. a gentle and reliable man      D. older than she had expected

63. Why does Tess pay the visit to the d'Urbervilles?  

      A. To see Alec himself.

      B. To see Alec's mother.

      C. To confirm that they are of the same family.

      D. To make known their relationship and seek help.

64. Alec appears quite friendly to Tess mainly because __________.

      A. Tess is his distant relation      B. Tess looks polite to him

      C. Tess is a pretty girl             D. Tess looks ridiculous


科目:高中英语 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Bicycle tour and race
     A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat. & Sum. ). At 5:30am, the riders will
leave Tian'anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometer leg,
from   Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive(竞争性的)part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.
     The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaibe, covering a distance
of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.
     Cost:200 Yuan    Telephone:4675027
     Brazilian footballers
     The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guo'an Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26. The club has four national team players . Also coming is 1994 US World Cup starRomario ho has promised
to play for at least 45 minutes.
     Ticket prices:60,100,150 Yuan
     Time/Date:4:30 pm, August 26(Sat.) Telephone: 5012372
     Rock climbing
     The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou
Mountain-climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing. Free for spectators(观众).
     Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.
     Time/Dates:9-12 am, August 26 and 27
     Telephone:7143177, 7144850, Wang Zhenghua

1. The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ___.

A. visiting teams
B. famous players
C. things to do for the weekend
D. prices to pay for the sports events

2. If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for ___.

A. 35 kilometres    
B. 55 kilometres
C. 75 kilometres    
D. 110 kilometres

3. the underlined word "leg" in "Bicycle tour and race" probably means____ .

A. race
B. practice
C. part of the training
D. part of the tour

4. If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?

A. 4675027
B. 7143177
C. 5012372  
D. 71


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Having divorced (离婚) my dad, my mom had to move frequently in order to find a job that would provide her with enough money to support the big family. For three years, we lived in the town of Parkersburg. On the first Christmas there, my brothers and I had been well prepared for a holiday without presents. But we had a surprise on Christmas Eve.

    At midnight, we were woken up by someone shouting at our front door, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” We jumped up and ran to the door to find no one there, but several boxes and bags! Not only were there gifts, which were our favorite, but there were also clothes and food. Each of us kids, as well as Mom, had gifts with our names on them. And the clothes all fit us!

    Another year went by and on Christmas Eve, we again got boxes and bags full of goodies. The next year we moved. We were in the same town but across the other side. Mom was beginning to get on her feet. Since we had moved and Mom had a better job, we were quite certain that “Santa” wouldn’t visit us that year. But we were wrong!

    Those “Santa” visits restored in me the belief in the goodness of mankind, though to this day we don’t know who our helper was.

    When we grew up, Mom moved to Virginia. She had some extra money one Christmas. She sent it to me and let us know her decision. We then took action. My husband and children had so much fun buying and wrapping presents for the needy family we had chosen. On Christmas Eve, we allowed the excited kids to stay up late to be part of our secret “Santa” project.

    Such satisfaction there was in being able to pass on the gift of love to others who needed it. And the gift goes on!

56. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. the writer’s family didn’t like to celebrate Christmas

B. the writer felt sorry about not having Christmas presents

C. the writer’s mother couldn’t afford any Christmas presents

D. the writer knew that something surprising would happen

57. The presents that the writer’s family received must be from _______.

A. someone who has no children        B. someone who knew them well

C. the church in the neighborhood       D. the richest family in the town 

58. What decision did the writer’s mom make in the fifth paragraph?

A. To give her extra money to a poor family.   

B. To thank the person who once helped her family.

C. To give some Christmas presents to a poor family in secret.  

D. To invite a poor family to spend Christmas with her family.  

59. This passage is written to ______.

A. show pity to the poor people        B. show human kindness  

C. thank the helper                  D. show the advantages of being rich

