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18.He is one of my students and always come to see me whenever  .(  )
A.he is convenientB.he will be convenient
C.it is convenient to himD.it will be convenient to him

分析 他是我的一个学生,总是在方便的时候来看我.

解答 答案:C.

点评 本题考查时间状语从句,要求学生对句子理解充分,并选择合适的关联词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.In order to save money,I opened a bankaccount.(账户)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.The decision was made in hisabsence(不在),so he was angry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.---Instead of lending a hand,Jim stood by,laughing at us in trouble.
---Oh,it's ________ of him to be so cold hearted.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.When Polly left home that morning,the city (61)was covered(cover) in a grey mist.The broadcast said it would be a( 62)foggy( fog) day.After work,she stepped out into the fog and wanted to take her usual bus.But the fog was too thick for the bus( 63)to run( run )
that far.So she had to take an underground train.On (64)arriving/arrival(arrive) at the station entrance,she found there was no one in si ght.While walking along the narrow street,she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.How she wished for someone  (65)whowould come along to help her!She wanted to run,but fear held her still.To ( 66)hersurprise,the man turned out to be a kind blind man that wanted to help people in the fog.Polly hesitated for a moment and  (67)finally(final) accepted the offer.She took the man's hand,and set off towards King Street.The man told Polly to watch out (68)forher step.About half an hour (69)later(late),Polly arrived home.She asked the man to have a rest,but he refused.He said there might be more people
(70)losing(lose) th at day,and it gave him a chance to pay back other people's help when it was sunny.What a grateful helper!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.He was dismissed,because he had been warned to be punctualbut was late again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.The organization works on theprinciple(原则)that all members have the same rights.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.As we know,many teen celebrities(名人) feel and think that having a slimmer figure can do great good to them.But,does size really matter?Are teenage fans trying hard to become like their celebrity idols( 偶 像 )?Do celebrities  really have the power to influence people,especially teenagers?
For the longest time,many parents blame teen idols for influencing the way their kids act.Have you noticed how teens idolize the celebrities these days?Even,their personal affairs are being followed by kids these days.Take for example the case of Lindsay Lohan of Mary Kate Ashley.They are definitely famous teen stars.But,since they are trying to project an image to satisfy a lot of people in show business,their health and body suffer.Many kids are aware of this problem.But they are easily influenced by these celebrities to exercise and eat less.
It is a fact that the media,and especially famous teen celebrities,can influence people powerfully.But teenagers are easily influenced because teenage years are the period when our personality and identity developments take place.Teens watching TV shows and reading magazines are easily pulled into the dieting and harmful eating habits because the media have some ways to pull these acts.They use thin models and celebrities to endorse( 做 广 告 宣 传 ) products or to star in an up-and-coming shows or movies.With fierce competition,celebrities are forced to eat less and do extreme exercise routines to get the roles or offers that come their way.
Living in today's time and generation is a bit disturbing to a lot of parents.Media,especially as well as the celebrities,have a very powerful influence to drive teenagers to good or bad.It's good that we can control ourselves to avoid bad things from happening.If not,parents should really be aware and guide their teens to determine what's in and what's out.
21.From the passage we can find Lindsay LohanC.
A.doesn't get any exercise
B.lives a rich and happy life
C.lives an unhealthy lifestyle
D.sets a good example for teenagers
22.According to the writer,why are teenagers easily influenced by some TV shows?D
A.They are tired of school.
B.Their celebrity idols appear in many TV shows.
C.They have nothing to do in their spare time.
D.They're in their development period.
23.Many celebrities have to be on dietB.
A.to keep a slim size
B.to survive under pressure
C.to keep healthy to face competition
D.to satisfy their teenage fans
24.What's the title of the passage?B
B.Bad influences of celebrities.
C.Advice on self-control.
D.Media's bad influences.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Some people have wrong attitudes towards people with disabilities.

