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“All _____ present and all _____ going on well.” our monitor said.

  A. is; is  B. are; are  C. are; is  D. is; are





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

"All____present and all ____ going on well."our monitor said.

A. is; is             B. are; are            C. are; is             D. is; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


________(不知怎么地) it didn’t seem very important to her.

A f_____ teller would say that he can tell everything about a person from looking at the palm of his hand.

He can’t _______(抵抗...的诱惑) ice cream.

His suggestion was accepted by all present at the conference as it sounded___________(合理的).

The police made an  ___________( 逮捕) in our neighbourhood last night. 

He has got a train ticket v_______ for three months, so he can decide to go out at any time.

If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then you’re m__________.

In the word “knife”, the letter “k” is not p___________.

They were ________(打断) by a knock at the door

If you have any questions, please don’t h__________ to ask me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11.Every boy and every girl ___ a new book.

   A. are given         B. is given         C. has given          D. have given

12.Each of us ___ a dictionary of this kind.  

We each ___ a dictionary of this kind.

   A. has; have         B. have ; have        C. has; has          D. have ; has

13. “All ___ present and all ___ going on well,” our monitor said.

   A. is; are           B. are ; are           C. are; is            D. is; is

14. The young ___ happy to give their seats to the old.    

A. is              B. are                C. has             D. have

15. Over sixty percent of the city ____ destroyed in the war. 

Thirty-five percent of the doctors ____ women.   

A. was; was         B. was; were          C. were; were       D. were; was

16.The shoes ___ mine.     This pair of shoes ___ my brother’s.

   A. are; is             B. is; is             C. are; are             D. is; are

17.Large quantities of cotton ___ shipped all over the world already.

  A large quantity of bamboo ___ used for pipes to carry water.

   A. has been; are        B. has been; is       C. have been; is      D. have been; are

18.Setting fire to the public buildings ___ highly dangerous and forbidden by law.

   A. are                B. is             C. has                D. were

19. The only means to achieve success ___ to appeal to arms.   

A. is              B. are              C. were                D. have

20. Whisky and soda ___ always his favourite drink.

A. are             B. is               C. be                  D. were


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省福州高级中学高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:填空题

76.  ________(不知怎么地) it didn’t seem very important to her.
77.  A f_____ teller would say that he can tell everything about a person from looking at the palm of his hand.
78.    He can’t _______(抵抗...的诱惑) ice cream.
79.    His suggestion was accepted by all present at the conference as it sounded___________(合理的).
80.    The police made an  ___________( 逮捕) in our neighbourhood last night. 
81.    He has got a train ticket v_______ for three months, so he can decide to go out at any time.
82.    If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then you’re m__________.
83.    In the word “knife”, the letter “k” is not p___________.
84.    They were ________(打断) by a knock at the door
85.    If you have any questions, please don’t h__________ to ask me.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高考二轮复习单项选择易错题集锦 题型:单项填空

“All ______ present, and all ______ going on smoothly.” Said the secretary.

A.are; is

B.are; are

C.is; is

D.is; are


