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All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully ????___        the risks and benefits .

       A.weighing        B.checking C.taking      D.supposing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

About 40 percent of the top students in college entrance examinations have chosen overseas universities for their postgraduate studies, according to a survey.

Most of them have stayed overseas after finishing their intended courses, showed a survey that tracked 130 top performers in college entrance exams from 1977 to 1998.

The survey, released on the China Alumni Association website, found it worrying that many of the top students would not ________ despite the country's rapid development in the past few decades.     

The government should find better ways to hold back talented students, said Cai Yanhou, a professor with Central South University in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province.

UNESCO figures show Chinese students comprise 14 percent of international students, the highest in the world. Their favorite destinations for higher studies are the US, Britain and Japan. Some experts said handsome scholarships, better job prospects and more opportunities to pursue further studies are the main attractions of foreign universities.

But Cai, who also led the survey team, said "top in exams" does not necessarily mean "top in career" because the study found none of the top students at college entrance exams had become a top Chinese expert or academic. Some of them are just more adaptable to exam-oriented education than their peers, experts said.      

The media fill pages and time slots with their "success" stories to gain wider readership and viewership. High schools promote their former students proudly to attract new ones, and universities want to show their superior status by recruiting them, they said.

Wang hoped future reforms would do away with the score-oriented method so that students can be judged from all aspects.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

The top students’ “success” stories are widely announced by the media to attract the readers’ and the viewers’ interest.     


3. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)      


4. If you are one of the top students in college entrance examinations, will you choose to study abroad? Why or why not?(Please answer within 30 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一第二次随堂练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

When we talk about a wolf, we tend to describe it as a kind of fierce creature. But is it true that the wolf stands for devil(魔鬼) and ugliness?

Have you read the book "The Wolf Totem'' 《狼图腾》by a famous writer Jiang Rong, which tells the story of the relationship between wolves and human beings? Have you ever 51 the wolves' world? If you had, you would __52__ the wolves. In the book, wolves are heroes on the large grassland. They know more about __53__ than humans. They can attack sheep without disturbing their mothers. They also know how to __54__ full use of the shape of land to __55__ sheep. I believe that if wolves were humans, they would be __56__ at fighting.

The wolf is a kind of special creature that can deeply understand __57__. Each wolf serves its group with its heart and soul. A __58__ wolf has little power, but a group of wolves __59__ nothing. All the wolves obey the rules. __60__ they are beaten, they run away together. It is their teamwork __61__ makes wolves powerful.

The wolves also have great self-preservation and won't __62__ to anyone. The writer, who wrote the book “The Wolf Totem”, __63__ stole a one - month - old baby wolf and raised it very carefully. To his __64__, he found the little wolf still wanted to go back with __65__ wolves. The little wolf bit through the iron chain that limited it. The wolf was __66__ and never gave up fighting __67__ its death. It seemed that the little wolf died as a glorious fighter.

I was shocked by this kind of __68__ wolves which are one of the most respected creature on the  earth. I want everyone to look at wolves in a __69__ way. They are our teachers. They show us how to survive and __70__ this not simple but dangerous world. Please honor the wolves, please honor all these heroes of nature!

1.                A.talked about     B.walked into      C.thought about  D.cared for


2.                A.hunt           B.watch          C.draw D.admire


3.                A.survival         B.life            C.food D.plant


4.                A.get            B.make           C.have D.take


5.                A.trap           B.avoid           C.fight D.discover


6.                A.considerate     B.imaginative      C.creative  D.expert


7.                A.process        B.lifestyle         C.teamwork D.control


8.                A.brave          B.single          C.lonely    D.fair


9.                A.fight           B.struggle         C.fail  D.fear


10.               A.Even if         B.As though       C.Even so   D.As for


11.               A.what           B.that           C.which D.one


12.               A.turn in         B.break in        C.take in    D.give in


13.               A.just            B.once           C.soon  D.only


14.               A.satisfaction      B.sadness        C.disappointment D.pleasure


15.               A.rest           B.the other       C.another   D.others


16.               A.willing         B.worried        C.proud.    D.eager


17.               A.although        B.until           C.before    D.unless


18.               A.selflessness     B.self-confidence  C.self-protection D.self-respect


19.               A.different       B.curious         C.strange    D.humorous


20.               A.step out        B.set up          C.succeed in D.get into




科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东揭阳第三中学高二下期第二次阶段考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When movie star Scarlett Johansson was photographed naming in Los Angeles recently, she attracted a lot of attention; for the 27-year-old actress was wearing Vibram FiveFingers, so called because they look more like gloves than shoes, with a space for each toe.

Strange though they may look, these so-called barefoot shoes, which reproduce the effect of barefoot running but with less pain, are just one brand in a range of minimalist footwear. These super-thin sports shoes are causing a stir in the world of running and fitness. Why? Because some experts believe they could make you a better, more efficient runner and that traditional trainers could be doing you more harm than good.

"Wearing a shoe that has lots of cushioning and support affects the way your body naturally moves and studies suggest that this carries a higher risk of injury," explains Matt Wallden, an athlete performance expert. "But with barefoot shoes, the foot can actually feel the firmness and shape of the ground, which allows your body to respond effectively.'"

But before you rush out to invest in minimalist footwear, be careful. These kinds of shoes are not meant for everyone, or at least not straight away.

"Ordinary sports shoes with support are good for beginners whose bodies are not used to the impact of running," explains Patrick Davoren, former Olympic athlete. "If you are not in great condition, then running in minimalist footwear may cause injuries and will turn a lot of people off exercise and running.

If you are currently injured, and figures show that in any given year 65% of all runners are, it can be tempting to try anything that promises to get you back on the road, trail, or beach. But barefoot running is not a method of treating injury nor is it a magical way of suddenly turning you into a great athlete.

Even if you're used to running, when you start using minimalist shoes you should build up your distance gradually. Start_off'by doing just 10% of what you'd normally run and increase the distance by no more than 10% every week. And a word of warning - you may never have soft feet again

1.The Vibram FiveFingers are shoes ______.

A.specifically designed for women

B.that have lots of cushion inside

C.safest for people who enjoy sports

D.that are much thinner than normal sports shoes

2.The underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A.experts           B.feet              C.shoes             D.runners

3.According to Matt Wallden, the new shoes ________.

A.make feet more sensitive to the running surface

B.will produce immediate improvements

C.force your body to move less naturally

D.increase the chances of getting hurt

4.The author suggests that new users of Vibram FiveFingers should ________.

A.run in the shoes every day at top speed

B.begin with a shorter running distance than normal

C.occasionally run barefooted to harden their feet

D.make sure they are already very fit before using them

5.Where would you probably read this article?

A.A travel book.                          B.A movie website.

C.A sports magazine.                      D.A science journal.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山东省聊城市高二第四次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most people want to be successful, but never stop to think what it will really take to get there in their chosen field. If it means going back to college for 2 years of night school, could you do it ? If it means reading a book a week for about 6 months in order to really master a new skill ? If you aren’t prepared to do any of those things because they are outside of your comfort zone, then you can forget being succesful. I guarantee you will never reach your goals in life, unless your goals are to be ordinary.

The biggest killer by far is the dreaded “ comfort zone ” where most people live in their entire life. And the funny thing is that people just can’t wrap their heads around the fact that people who have reached some success get tons of time to just relax, but only because they’ve earned it ! If you haven’t built a successful business, or in some way built a career that allow you so much freee time, then you are stuck in the grinding world of nine-to-five jobs everyone else. So how comfortable is that ?

So what can you do about it ? Well, find a way to make something happen in your life--- build a business around your favourite hobby, write a book and publish it, or take a course in stock trading and become an expert at that, working on making enough money to retire. If you don’t take massive action that puts your way of your comfort zone, you will never be successful at much of anything. I promise--- and I don’t make many promises !

Finding real happiness in life can be a mystery for many. That’s why I wrote The Road to Happiness for those who want real success and happiness in life, including spirituality and all the gifts life has to offer.

Don’t wander aimlessly through life. Get focused on your goals, start helping others in need, and live life to the fullest ! Life is too short to be anything but happy. Visit my website and find what you’ve been missing. Sign up for my newsletter and get seven free ebooks, too ! Read hundreds of articles while you’re there in the article section, which is updated daily.

1.This text must be taken from __________.

A.a radio program                        B.a website

C.a newspaper                           D.a TV program

2.If you want to be successful in life, what should you do first ?

A.We should think what it really takes to be successful in our chosen field.

B.We should focus our full attention on the work in our chosen field.

C.We should live out of the “ comfort zone ” all through our life.

D.We should work together with other people to reach our goals in time.

3.According to this text, why do some people have so much free time to relax ?

A.Because they have enough money to do so.

B.Because they don’t want to be successful.

C.Because they have already earned it through hard work.

D.Because they only work nine to five every day.

4.The writer thinks it necessary for you to __________ if you want to be successful.

A.do a lot of actual work

B.write a book and publish it

C.take a course in stock trading

D.make enough money to retire



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

One warm day when I was walking in my backyard, I saw a pinecone(松球) on the ground. I picked it up, and some seeds fell out of it. Those seeds would be a tasty treat for a squirrel (松鼠).

I realized that pinecones were not always open like this one. Sometimes cones were tightly closed. I decided to find out why.

I gathered pinecones from my backyard. I watched them for over a year. Here’s what I learned.

Pinecones open and close slowly as the weather changes. When it’s cold or wet, cones are tightly closed. This protects the seeds inside from rain and snow.

When the weather becomes warm and dry, pinecones open. On a hot day, you might even hear the sound of cones popping open. The seeds inside may then fall to the ground. The wind may blow the seeds to places where they can grow into new pine trees. A seed has a better chance of taking root and growing when the weather is warm.

“Pine seeds are an important source of food for many animals,” says Monty Maldonado. He is a pinecone expert with the United States Forest Service. He says squirrels depend on pinecone seeds for most of their meals. They spend lots of time gathering and storing the cones. Maldonado says some animals eat only the seeds from a pinecone. But red squirrels and gray squirrels will eat the whole thing.

Small animals aren’t the only creatures that eat pine seeds. Maldonado says big grizzly bears (灰熊) and people eat them, too.

Seeds inside a pinecone are important for the growth of new trees and as food for animals. It is the pinecone’s job to protect them. So take note of the pinecones you see on the ground. They hold treasures inside.

45.According to the passage, when it is rainy, cones          .

A.are open   B.are usually shut       C.grow quickly    D.stop growing

46.According to Monty Maldonado,        .

A.not all squirrels eat the whole pinecone        

B.pine seeds are difficult to find for many animals

C.people in the forest are sometimes attacked by grizzly bears

D.most small animals depend on pinecone seeds for their meals

47.We can learn from the passage that on sunny days         .

A.seeds may fall out of the cones      

B.squirrels stay still in their nests      

C.it’s difficult for a seed to take root

D.the wind will put the pine trees in danger

48.In the last paragraph, the author points out that         .

A.more and more new trees need to be planted in future 

B.people should be responsible for protecting animals

C.people should be careful not to damage the pinecones  

D.squirrels now have few seeds to feed themselves

49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The author learned why pinecones are not always open in the forest.  

B.The author gathered pinecones and observed them for a month.  

C.The author is fond of gathering and storing the cones. 

D.Pine trees are precious to animals and people.


