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I was the oldest of five children back in the 60’s. We lived in a nice little three-bedroom bungalow(平房)in Michigan. Mom and Dad worked so hard, yet always found the time to spend with us. The only place they could take five active children to was the drive-in (汽车影院)movies!

We always looked forward to going to the drive-in! Mom would fill a big bag with homemade popcorn. On the way there, Dad would make a special stop at the penny candy store, where we were all allowed to fill a little brown bag with all kinds of penny candy. We were so exited as we carried our treasures back to the car, knowing we couldn’t eat it until the cartoon began.

We would get there early, so that we could play on the playground, right under the big screen. As soon as it started to get dark, the screen lit up, and we would race back to the car to get our candy.

There were always two cartoons playing before the movie, like Felix the Cat, The Coyote, and Tom and Jerry, But what was just as exciting was the ticking clock advertisement for the refreshment stand, with dancing hot dogs, candy and ice cream. That came on right before the movie. It was all that five kids could hope for, and by then, stay awake for.

We would get home around 2 am, pretty late for us. Mom help?ed us drug ourselves and our pillows to our beds and dad carried in the little ones.

I was disappointed the day they closed the last drive-in in our town. It will always hold special memories for us—those days of penny candy.

1.What could the author eat when he watched the cartoons and movies?

A. Hot dogs. B. Ice cream.

C. Hamburgers. D. Popcorn and candy.

2.What does the underlined phrase “our treasures” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. Mom and dad. B. The penny candy,

C. Favorite cartoons. D. Homemade popcorn.

3.What was the last show before I be movie?

A. Felix the Cat. B. Tom and Jerry.

C. The dancing hot dogs. D. The ticking clock advertisement.

4.What do we know about the author?

A. He had a boring childhood

B. He had four younger brothers.

C. He missed the driver in very much.

D. He didn’t like watching the movies at all.


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2017届高三下学期第二次统测英语试卷 题型:短文填空

People who have spent time in other cultures often talk about "reverse(逆向的)culture shock". If you leave your country for more than a short tourist trip and then go back home, you may feel1..What is “reverse culture shock”? Well, imagine the following: You have just adjusted to a new culture and have come2.(enjoy) life in it. You have made new friends and have had3.great variety of new experiences. Then, 4.(sad) enough, it's time to leave, but you are also very excited about5.(go) home. Arriving home is wonderful-seeing all the friends and relatives you haven't seen, eating all the special foods, reading the newspapers6.hearing music you haven't heard in such a long time. But then after a few weeks, perhaps, things may not seem so “wonderful”. You may become critical of your home country7.you have grown up. You may not like certain things or ideas.8.your eyes, either you or your home country9.(change).

This is the process of re-adjustment. It's a difficult period, and many people experience it after the10.(excite) of coming home has worn off. Fortunately, it doesn't usually last as long as adjustment to a new culture does.


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省昆明市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

_________they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting_________a natural fertilizer for the next year’s crop.

A. Whatever; become B. Whichever; become

C. Whatever; becomes D. Whichever; becomes


科目:高中英语 来源:广西省桂林市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试卷 题型:完形填空

One Sunday, I drove my wife to work. On my_______she asked me to do some shopping at the local shopping centre. Outside I noticed a(n)_______guy. He sat on the floor with a small cup asking for_______and a little dog at his side, keeping_______.

The shoppers walked past, _______him on such a very cold day without any mercy. I_______my pockets.£1.5 was all the change I had and I_______it in his cup and said to him to treat himself. _______I left him, I thought to myself: Is that really a treat? Leave this guy in the cold and_______throw him£1.5!I knew this wasn't________.

I collected my shopping and as I made my way back, I thought what I could do to help this guy. So I went into a bakery and bought some ________for him. But what about his________? Again, I went to a shop, grabbing some doggy chocolate treats.

Coming________, I sat down, introduced myself and gave him the food. He was________and couldn't believe it, but he kept shaking my hand and _________me. Then I left. As I returned my car, I ________. The guy was eating his food and filling a bowl of water for his dog.

Christmas is about ________and helping others. ________everything you have, for example, the rich food in your fridge over the Christmas period and your sofa. On the contrary, this guy had ________of these. I've helped him for a day or two and hope that you may spare a thought next time you see someone on the________.

1.A. travel B. return C. business D. celebration

2.A. intelligent B. strong C. annoying D. homeless

3.A. treat B. water C. respect D. money

4.A. balance B. company C. peace D. silence

5.A. helping B. watching C. ignoring D. pushing

6.A. checked B. filled C. picked D. shook

7.A. collected B. shot C. moved D. placed

8.A. As B. Since C. If D. Unless

9.A. even B. just C. yet D. still

10.A. clever B. common C. special D. right

11.A. food B. pots C. bowls D. material

12.A. cat B. dog C. son D. daughter

13.A. forward B. in C. out D. down

14.A. honored B. frightened C. astonished D. satisfied

15.A. thanked B. paid C. comforted D. questioned

16.A. looked around B. looked out C. looked up D. looked back

17.A. suggesting B. giving C. accepting D. abandoning

18.A. Consider B. Donate C. Show D. Store

19.A. many B. all C. few D. most

20.A. sun B. air C. street D. moon


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二4月联考英语试卷 题型:短文填空

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly,four things are necessary.First,we must understand the language when we hear it1.(speak).Secondly,we must be able to speak it 2.(correct) with confidence and without hesitation.Thirdly,we must be able to read the language,and fourthly,we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences3.are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way4.(get) success in language learning.A good memory is of great help,but it is not enough only to memorize5.(rule) from a grammar book.It is no use6.(learn) by heart long lists of words and their7.(mean),studying the dictionary and so on.We must learn by using the language.If we are satisfied8.only a few rules we have memorized,we are not really learning the language."Learn through use"9.(be) a good piece of advice for those who are studying10.new language.Practice is important.We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher?I think the following would be generally accepted.

Firstly,the teacher's personality should be lively and attractive. This does not rule out people who are plain?looking,or even ugly,because many such people have great personal charm. 1..

Secondly,it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a capacity for sympathy,a capacity to understand the minds and feelings of children. 2.—not of what is wrong,but of the weaknesses and immaturity of children,which cause them to make mistakes.

Thirdly,I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths and limitations,and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. 3.. That is part of the technique of teaching,which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act—to enliven(使生动)a lesson,correct a fault,or award praise.

A teacher must be capable of infinite patience. 4.,for we are none of us born like that.

Finally,I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. 5.;there is always something more to learn about. There are three principal objects of study:the subjects which the teacher is teaching;the methods by which the subjects can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching;most importantly,the children,young people,or adults to whom the subjects are to be taught.

A.This,I may say,is largely a matter of self?discipline and self?training

B.Closely related to this is the capacity to be tolerant

C. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect

D.Children,especially young children,live in a world that is rather larger than life

E.There is no contradiction (自相矛盾)in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor

F.But it does rule out such types as the over?excitable,sad,cold,and frustrated

G.There are two fundamental principles of British education today


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市2017届高三下学期临考冲刺训练英语试卷 题型:短文改错







My friend Lily and I met each other when they were five years old. At that time, I moved into a new house next to hers because my father’s work. I felt so lonely when facing the new environment. Then someday, Lily played in her yard, but when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me if or not I could play with her. I was shy at first, but then I was affecting by her kindness. We became good friend soon. As time goes by, our relationship becomes much close. When I met difficulties, she will help me without a hesitation. I think I am luckily to have her as my friend.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋中市2016-2017学年高一下学期质量监测(优生检测)英语试卷 题型:书面表达













科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋中市名校2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达


姓名:Mark Twain










Dear editor.

I’d like to introduce a great man to you.







Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

