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     Question: My ninth-grade art teacher doesn't give any grade above 94% because, she says, "There's
always room for improvement." In previous years, I earned a 99% and a 100%. The 94% I received this
term does not reflect the hard work that I put into this course. Because of her "improvement" theory, I
got a lower grade than I deserve Is her grading philosophy morally correct?
     Answer: Your teacher's grading system may be unwise, but it is not morally wrong. A teacher deserves
wide latitude in selecting the method of grading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is, after
all, the prime function of grades. It is she who has the training and experience to make this decision.
     You can criticize her methodology. A 100 need not imply that there is no possibility of improvement,
only that a student successfully completed the course work A ninth grader could get a well-earned 100 in
English class but still has a way to go before he writes as well as Jane Austen. What's more, grades are not
only an educational device but are also part of a screening system to help assign (分配) kids to their next
class or program. By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at
100, your teacher could risk making a student lose a chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top
     What it is wrong to condemn her for is overlooking your hard work. Your hard work is worthy of
encouragement, but effort does not equal accomplishment. If scholars suddenly discovered that Rembrandt
had dashed off The Night Watch in an afternoon, it would still be The Night Watch.
     I could spend months sweating over my own "paintings", but I'd produce something you wouldn't want
to hang in your living room or your garage.
     One feature of a good grading system is that those measured by it generally regard it as fair and reasonable-
not the case here. Strong feeling of anger is seldom an aid to education And so your next step should be to
discuss your concerns with your teacher or the principal.
1. When writing the question, the ninth-grader was _____.
A. annoyed
B. worried
C. excited
D. delighted
2. The underlined word "latitude" in Paragraph 2 probably means _____. 
A. difference
B. knowledge
C. freedom
D. experience
3. Rembrandt's painting is mentioned to show that _____.
A. there's difference between effort and achievement
B. The Night Watch was completed in half a day
C. everybody's hard work should be encouraged
D. one is to blame for doing the work in a hurry
4. What is the author's attitude towards the grading system of the ninth-grader's teacher?
A. Supportive.
B. Confused.
C. Unconcerned.
D. Unfavorable.

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  The earliest Canadian schools dated from the early 17th century. Higher education was set up in 1635 with the founding of the College Juites in the city of Qu. The early 19th century saw the founding of the large universities. Since World War Ⅱ ended in 1945, a great expansion(扩大)in higher education has happened. Many new institutions have been founded, and the older universities have increased in size and influence. The federal and provincial governments found the university system in Canada, and students pay only a small part of the cost. In the early 1900s Canada had 69 universities and colleges, which together included some 572,900 full-time students.

  Education in Canada is generally compulsory(义务的)for children from ages 6 or 7 to ages 15 or 16, depending on the province in which they live, and it is free until the completion of secondary school studies. In the early 1900s Canada had more than 16,000 elementary and secondary schools, with nearly 5.3 million students.

  In the early 1900s Canada had l9 specialized schools for the blind and the deaf. These institutions together included about 2300 pupils, who were educated by some 575 teachers.

(1)The large universities appeared in Canada in ________.

[  ]

A.the early 17th century

B.the late 18th century

C.the late 17th century

D.the early 19th century

(2)Students have to pay for their education when they are ________.

[  ]

A.in elementary schools

B.in secondary schools

C.in specialized schools

D.in college

(3)The phrase“elementary and secondary schools”is closest to ________.

[  ]

A.junior and senior middle school

B.high school and middle school

C.primary school and middle school

D.primary school and high middle school

(4)In the early 1900s about ________ students studied in elementary and secondary schools in Canada.

[  ]

A.5,300,000    B.572,900

C.16,000     D.5,872,900


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省实验中学2009届高三上学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  China has a wealth of classical literature dating from as far back as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and including the Classics, whose compilation(收集,选编)is attributed to Confucius.Among these, the most important classics in Chinese literature include the Yijing, the Shijing, the Shujing, the Liji, the Chunqiu and the Lunyu.

  The earliest and most influential poetic collection was the Chuci, made up mainly of poems by Qu Yuan and his follower Song Yu.The songs in this collection are more lyrical and romantic and represent a different tradition from the earlier written Shijing.During the Han Dynasty, this form developed into the fu, a poem usually composed in rhymed verse except for the introductory and concluding passages, which are often in the form of questions and answers.

  Classical poetry in China reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.The early Tang period was best known for a number of poetic styles including the lushi, an eight-line poem with five or seven words in each line; and the jueju, a four-line poem with five or seven words in each line.The two best-known poets of this period were Li Bai and Du Fu.Li Bai was known for the romanticism in his poetry, while Du Fu was seen as a Confucian moralist with a strict sense of duty toward society.

  Later Tang poets developed greater realism and social criticism within their work and improved the art of narration.One of the best known of the later Tang poets was Bai Juyi, whose poems were an inspired yet critical comment of the society of his time.

  As the classical style of poetry became redundant(多余的), a more flexible poetic medium, the ci, arrived on the scene.The ci, a poetic form of Central Asian origin based on the tunes of popular songs, was developed to its fullest by the poets of the Song Dynasty.


According to the passage, in contrast to the Shijing, the Chuciwas ________.

[  ]


different in terms of style and tradition


created earlier and considered more influential


made up of poems by a larger range of poets


more different from the fu during the Han Dynasty


Among the poets mentioned in the passage, whose poems were considered to be romantic?

[  ]


Li Bai and Du Fu.


Bai Juyi and Li Bai.


Qu Yuan and Li Bai.


Du Fu and Qu Yuan.


Compared with poets of early Tang, Bai Juyi’s poems were more ________.

[  ]


flexible and lyrical


practical and romantic


pessimistic and realistic


realistic and critical


Unlike the classical poetic forms, the ci of the Song Dynasty was ________.

[  ]


often in the form of questions and answers


based on the popular poems at that time


a little more flexible poetic form


similar to the earliest style of poetry


科目:高中英语 来源:高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the Explorers
(探险者) landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed
their surprise to the"moon people" they met.In turn, the"moon people" expressed their surprise."Why," they
asked,"are you traveling to outer space when you don't even use your inner space?"
     H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon.
People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the qu- estion that the "moon
people" asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of acientists are seriously thinking about it.
     Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such
as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The"Chunnel", a tunnel (隧道)
connecting England and France, is now complete.
     But what about underground cities? Japan's Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground
systems, called"Alice Cities," The designers imagine using surface space for pubic parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome (太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.
     Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use
the earth's space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness, H. G. Wells
"moon people" would agree. Would you?
1. The explorers in H. G. Wells, story were surprised to find that the "moon people"_____.
A. knew so much about the earth
B. understood their language
C. lived in so many underground cities
D. were ahead of them in space technology
2. What does the underlined word "it" (paragraph 2) refer to?
A. Discovering the moon's inner space.
B. Using the earth's inner space.
C. Meeting the "moon people" again.
D. Traveling to outer space.
3. What sort of underground systems are already here with us?
A. Offices, shopping areas,  power stations.
B. Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
C. Gardens, car parks, power stations.
D. Tunnels, gardens, offices.
4. What would be the beat title for the text?
A. Alice Cities-cities of the future
B. Space travel with H. G. Wells
C. Enjoy living underground
D. Building down, not up

