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Loving France

  Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country.

  France, about hexagonal(六边形)in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bounded on the southeast by Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea; on the south are Spain and Andorra, with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders.

  A series of massive mountain ranges includes the Alps, which separate France and Italy, and the Jura Mountains that delineate(画出轮廓)the Franco-Swiss border.The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary.The Pyrenees Mountains, extending along the Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay, forms the other mountain boundary of France.

  The plains region is a projection of the great plain of Europe.The outstanding features of the plains are the river valleys.Among all the rivers, totaling more than 200 with numerous tributaries which are almost all commercially navigable, the Rhine River is the largest in terms of discharge volume.

  The capital and largest city in France is Paris, which attracts many visitors every year.Marseilles is a chief port and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles.Other major cities include Toulouse, an industrial and trade center; Nice, a resort(胜地); Strasbourg, a Rhine River port and industrial and commercial center; Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine.

  French perfume(香水), champagne(香槟酒), and bridges in Paris…want to know more?Then next time we will return to Paris, and you will learn more about her.


How many mountain ranges are mentioned in the passage?

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The underlined word“discharge”means ________.

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electric power production


the release of water


the money made


Which is not TRUE according to the passage?

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Spain is to the south of France


Mountains are the outstanding features of the plains.


Both Marseilles and Bordeaux are ports.


Both Paris and Nice attract many tourists


Which city is flourishing both in its industry and commerce?

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科目:高中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市2011届高三一级达标学校联盟高中毕业班联合考试英语试题 题型:050


Americans are more socially isolated(孤立)than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported.Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had "zero" close friends with whom to discuss personal matters, while more than 50 percent named two or fewer confidants, most often immediate family members.'This is a big social change, and it indicates something that's not good for our society," said Duke University Professor Lynn Smith Lovin, lead author on the study.Smith Lovin's group used data from a national survey of 1,500 American adults that has been ongoing since 1972.She said it indicated people had a surprising drop in the number of close friends since 1985.At that time, Americans most commonly said they had three close friends whom they had known for a long time, saw often, and with whom they shared a number of interests.They were almost as likely to name four or five friends, and the relationships often developed from their neighborhoods or communities.Ties to a close network of friends create a social safety net that is good for society, and for the individual.Research has linked social support and civil participation to a longer life.Smith Lovin said.People were not asked why they had fewer close ties, but Smith Levin said that part of the cause could be that Americans are working more, marrying later, having fewer children, and commuting longer distances.It's one thing to know someone and exchange e-mails with them.It's another thing to say, "Will you give me a ride out of town with all of my possessions and pets? And can I stay with you for a couple or three months?” Smith Lovin said.


What's the main idea of the passage?

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Americans have more close friends than ever.


Close friends are very important in Americans' life.


Americans’circle of close friends is becoming smaller.


Americans love making friends with their neighbors.


The underlined word "confidants" can be replaced most probably by ________.

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familiar people


close friends


personal matters


family members


According to Professor Llynn Smith Lovin, ________.

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50 per cent of Americans have no close friends


Americans develop friendship from communities


Americans used to exchange emails with friends


a social safety net is good for the individual


What's the researchers’ attitude towards Americans’present situation in this passage?

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科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     An overweight, middle-aged man lies dead on a trolley, with a woman weeping over his body. The
body's cold hand still grasps a half-eaten McDonald's hamburger. American doctors' TV ad features the
image which weakens the slightest of appetites and the line "I was lovin' it".
     The hard-hitting US television commercial supported by a Washington-based medical group has angered
McDonald's by taking an unusually direct shot at the world's biggest fast-food chain this week. The line is
a twist on McDonald's long-standing advertising slogan, "I'm lovin' it" and a voice-over intones, "High
cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks. Tonight, make it vegetarian."
     The commercial, funded by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), goes further
than most non-profit advertising and has drawn an angry reaction from both the Chicago-based hamburger
multinational and the broader restaurant industry.
     The National Restaurant Association criticized it as "irresponsible" and said it was an attempt to scare the
public with a "limited" view of nutrition. A McDonald's spokesman said,"This commercial is unbearable,
misleading and unfair to all consumers. McDonald's trusts our customers to make food and lifestyle choices
that are right for them."
     The commercial, to be aired at the beginning in the Washington area but potentially in further US cities,
comes amid an increasingly lively debate in the US about healthy eating. The first lady, Michelle Obama, has
made nutrition a signature issue and is leading a campaign to encourage physical fitness and improved diets-
particularly among American children, a third of whom are overweight.
     The economic decline has hardly helped the healthy eating cause. McDonald's has enjoyed a relatively
prosperous financial crisis as diners choose its affordable offerings in place of more expensive high-street
restaurants. Its global profits for the six months to June were up 12% to $ 2.3 billion, powered by sales rises
both in the United States and Britain.
     The PCRM's director of nutrition education, Susan Levin, made no apologies for singling out the golden
(拱门):"McDonald's is one of the biggest fast-food chains in the world. Its name and its golden arches
are instantly recognizable. We feel we're making a point about all fast food when we talk about McDonald's."
1. The ad-maker makes a change in the McDonald's slogan _____.
A. to warn people of risk of eating fast food
B. to convince people of cause of the death
C. to remind people of the man's preference
D. to accuse McDonald's of the murder
2. The goal of this passage is to tell us that _____.
A. the TV commercial goes too far
B. people enjoy eating fast food for its taste
C. Michelle Obama's campaign doesn't work
D. McDonald's provides unhealthy food
3. The underlined words "the golden arches" in the last paragraph refers to _____.
A. the line
B. the ad
C. McDonald's
D. fast food
4. What is the theme of the passage?
A. A fierce debate about healthy eating
B. McDonald's targeted in US health ad
C. N US health ad advocates healthy life
D. Say goodbye to McDonald's right now

