精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】Once upon a time, a hardworking farmer had a fine farmland. And the harvest is always ____ under his care. But he knew that his three sons ____down upon the farm work, and were ____to make wealth through adventure.

When the farmer was old and felt that he would ____soon, he called the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the ____. Dig for it, if you wish it.”

The sons ____to get him to tell them in what part of the farmland the gold was hidden; but he would tell them ____more.

After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to ____the pot of gold; since they did not know____ the hiding-place was, they ____to begin in a line, at one end of the farmland, and to ____until one of them should find the money. They dug until they had turned up the ____from one end of the farmland to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. ____no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have____it, or as if the farmer had been playing a joke on his____. The three sons were very____to have all their work for nothing.

The next year, the farmland produced ____food than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of ____.

And when they saw how much money had come____the farmland, they suddenly understood what the ____father had meant.

1A. bad B. good C. helpful D. important

2A. got B. put C. looked D. started

3A. eager B. patient C. upset D. clever

4A. live B. work C. play D. die

5A. farmland B. house C. garden D. forest

6A. refused B. pretended C. tried D. failed

7A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

8A. find B. sell C. buy D. divide

9A. which B. what C. where D. how

10A. preferred B. quarreled C. helped D. agreed

11A. water B. dig C. plant D. fertilize

12A. root B. seed C. pot D. soil

13A. So B. But C. And D. Or

14A. stolen B. thrown C. touched D. protected

15A. friends B. daughters C. sons D. neighbours

16A. disappointed B. worried C. satisfied D. excited

17A. less B. more C. cheaper D. worse

18A. salt B. sugar C. gold D. wine

19A. with B. after C. into D. from

20A. wise B. foolish C. honest D. bad























1B考查形容词。句意在他的照料之下,庄稼收获总是很好。A. bad坏的;B. good好的;C. helpful有帮助的;D. important重要的。故选B。

2C考查动词短语。句意但是他知道他的三个儿子瞧不起他的农活。A. got得到;B. put放;C. lookeddown upon构成短语,意为贬低,瞧不起”;D. started开始。故选C。

3A考查形容词。句意并且渴望通过冒险挣大钱。A. eager用于短语be eager to do something意为渴望做某事”;B. patient耐心的;C. upset心烦的;D. clever聪明的。故选A。

4D考查动词。句意农夫老去并且知道自己很快就要离开人世。A. live生活;B. work工作;C. play游戏;D. die死亡。故选D。

5A考查名词。句意他把三个儿子叫到跟前说:孩子农田里埋着一罐金子。A. farmland农田;B. house房子;C. garden花园;D. forest森林。故选A。

6C考查动词。句意三个儿子试图让老农告诉他们金子埋在哪个地方。A. refused拒绝;B. pretended假装;C. tried尝试,try to do something意为试图做某事”;D. failed失败。故选C。

7A考查代词。句意但是他不再告诉他们更多。A. nothing无事,无物;B. something某事,某物;C. anything任何事;D. everything每件事情。故选A。

8A考查动词。句意农夫死后,儿子们去寻找金子。A. find查找,找到;B. sell销售;C. buy买;D. divide划分。故选A。

9C考查特殊疑问词。句意因为他们不知道埋藏金子的地方在哪儿。A. which哪一个;B. what什么;C. where在哪儿;D. how如何。故选C。

10D考查动词句意他们达成一致:从农田的一端一字型排开挖直到他们中有人找到金子。A. preferred偏爱;B. quarreled吵架;C. helped帮助;D. agreed同意。故选D。

11B考查动词。句意从农田的一端一字型排开挖直到他们中有人找到金子。A. water灌溉;B. dig挖;C. plant种植;D. fertilize使肥沃。故选B。

12D考查名词。句意他们一直从一端挖到了另一端,把土翻了个底朝天。A. root根,根源;B. seed种子;C. pot壶;D. soil弄脏。故选D。

13B考查连词。句意但是没有找到金子。A. So因此;B. But但是;C. And和;D. Or或者。故选B。

14A考查动词。句意似乎感觉有人把金子盗走了。A. stolen偷窃;B. thrown扔掉;C. touched触摸;D. protected保护。故选A。

15C考查名词。句意还是老农捉弄了他的儿子。A. friends朋友;B. daughters女儿;C. sons儿子;D. neighbours邻居。故选C。

16A考查形容词。句意三个儿子很失望--因为他们的努力一无所获。A. disappointed失望的;B. worried担心的;C. satisfied感到满意的;D. excited兴奋的。故选A。

17B考查形容词。句意第二年农田产了比他们播种时更多的果实。A. less更少的;B. more更多的;C. cheaper更便宜的;D. worse更糟的。故选B。

18C考查名词。句意卖完食物后,儿子们得到了一满罐子的金子。A. salt盐;B. sugar糖;C. gold金子;D. wine酒。故选C。

19D考查介词。句意当他们看到从农田里收获了多少金子时…。A. with在一起;B. after之后;C. into里边;D. from从。故选D。

20A考查形容词。句意他们才突然明白了睿智的父亲是何用意。A. wise明智的;B. foolish愚蠢的;C. honest诚实的;D. bad坏的。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




修改:在错的词下划一横线 ,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



I saw a traffic accident on my way home on last night. A car hit a motorbike. The motorbike driver was bad hurt and sent to hospital. After a while, the traffic police came. Under the help of the people who witnessed the accident, the police found out a truth. The driver of the car was drinking and his car went out of control. At last he was taken to the police station. All the people there think the car driver was to blame for this accident.

Which is reported in the news reports, drunk driving causes many people lose their lives, such as the accident that happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu. It is high time that we prevent drunk driving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why does the woman call the man?

A. To place an ad in the newspaper.

B. To ask about something for sale.

C. To find out about a TV program.

2When will the speakers meet this afternoon?

A. At 2:00. B. At 3:00. C. At 4:00.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







词汇:推广 promote;便利 convenient










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1Where was Brandon last seen?

A. In the frozen foods section.

B. In the sporting goods section.

C. In the toys section.

2】【2What is Brandon wearing?

A. A white shirt and a red baseball cap.

B. Blue jeans and a black baseball cap.

C. A dark shirt and blue jeans.

3】【3What should guests do if they see the boy?

A. Call the security department.

B. Take him to the Pizza Hut.

C. Help him to reach the security desk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rocky Mountain Summer Adventure Camps Bring Learning to Life!
The Museum of Idaho Rocky Mountain Adventure Camps are available for students aged 6-14. Participants will have amazing outdoor experiences combined with adventure and fun. Space is limited to 20participants each session and registration is not complete until payment has been received by the Museum of Idaho. Registration fee is non-returnable.
Junior Adventure Camp
Children aged 6-9 (must have completed first grade).
Well conduct experiments, go on field trips, and discover the fun and excitement of science! This year, we will learn about colonial(殖民主义的)science to go along with our exhibit, America’s Revolution!
Instructor: Chloe Doucette
Dates: June 27- June30
Time: 9:00 a.m. - noon
Cost: $75 per child, $60 per child for MOI members, $50 each additional brother or sister
Original Camp
Children aged 9-12 (must have completed third grade)
Original Camp is for children who are ready for an exciting full-day outdoor camp. Participants visit various habitats and ecosystems as we explore eastern Idaho. Well go bird watching, hiking in the mountains, and lots more!
Instructors: Alana Jensen, Jerry Petty
Dates: July 18- July21
Time: 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.(9:00-6:00 on the last day)
Cost: $150 per child, $125 per child for MOI members, $100 each additional brother or sister
High Adventure Camp
Youth aged 11-14 (must have completed fifth grade)
High Adventure Camp is for youth who are looking for an amazing summer adventure! This outdoor camp is full of exciting physical challenges and involves participants in even more in-depth activities than the Original Camp. This year, students will study how rattlesnakes experience the outdoors!
Instructors: Chloe Doucette, Mike Winston, Jerry Petty
Dates: August 8- August 11
Time: 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.(9:00 6:00 on the last day)
Cost: $150 per child, $125 per child for MOI members, $100 each additional brother or sister
Participate in both Original AND High Adventure for only $200! Call522-1400 ext. 3002 to take advantage of this great offer. If you have any questions about the Museum of Idaho’s education programs, contact Chloe Doucette, Education Director at (208) 522-1400 ext.3002.
(1)If participants want to register successfully, they need to _________.
A.choose their favorite instructors
B.make up a team of 20 participants
C.be accompanied by family
D.pay for the fee ahead of time
(2)To make experiments, what will a 9-year-old boy choose?
A.Original Camp.
B.Junior Adventure Camp.
C.High Adventure Camp.
D.Three of them.
(3)How much will a child and his brother spend at least if they sign up for both Original and High Adventure Camp?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I recently started a new job, in a small office, where four of us______a fridge. In that fridge is a Brita water filter pitcher(过滤水壶). One of my______complained(抱怨) the water tasted “______”. It went on for a few days, and she was______that I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to______my taste buds(味蕾), but the water really______fine.

Finally, she______the problem was actually her______. She simply forgot to______it, which after a while started to______the water inside it. She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem.

I can’t help but look at this, and think about the______we live in. Too often we______blame other people, other things, anything else______ourselves. “It’s your fault”. “You’re intolerant(偏执)”. “You’re to______”. “You’re the problem”. The world isn’t______, I know, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask______some tough questions.

Can I be better? Is my______really pure? Can I help improve this______with kindness?

I want to tell you this: please clean your cup. Because when you do, the______will taste much better. I______you this.

1A. share B. make C. invent D. find

2A. classmates B. friends C. teachers D. coworkers

3A. good B. dirty C. sweet D. fine

4A. pleased B. upset C. surprised D. sad

5A. believe B. concern C. judge D. doubt

6A. looked B. felt C. tasted D. smelt

7A. found out B. worked out C. turned out D. carried out

8A. cup B. fridge C. buds D. pitcher

9A. dry B. hide C. place D. clean

10A. drink B. use C. affect D. purify

11A. house B. office C. world D. environment

12A. slowly B. quickly C. finally D. gradually

13A. and B. but C. or D. besides

14A. finish B. begin C. believe D. blame

15A. perfect B. big C. good D. bad

16A. coworkers B. parents C. roommates D. ourselves

17A. cup B. heart C. hand D. office

18A. situation B. job C. person D. water

19A. fruit B. water C. air D. food

20A. tell B. inform C. promise D. answer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault.” or “I know I’m late, but it's not my fault; the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner's key to success.

Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don’t rely on the person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.

This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don't have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is”. Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stop on for success.

1According to the passage, winners________.

A. deal with problems rather than blame others

B. meet with fewer difficulties in their lives

C. have responsible and able colleagues

D. blame themselves rather that others

2The underlined word “remedy” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

A. avoid B. accept

C. improve D. consider

3When your colleague brings about a problem, you should________.

A. find a better way to handle the problem

B. blame him for his lack of responsibility

C. tell him to find the cause of the problem

D. ask a more able colleague for help

4When problems occur, winners take them as________.

A. excuses for their failures

B. barriers to greater power

C. challenges to their colleagues

D. chances for self-development


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He was only interested in the story that was sounded moving.


2She was made prepare for the exams next month.


3These apples are good to eat with.


4He was seen sit there without doing anything.


5Unless some extra money found,the theatre will close.


