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      HERE are many different Londons, and they appeal to people with many different passions: museum
lovers, theatergoers, opera buffs (爱好者, 迷;热心人), devotees of royalty, students of history, people who like to walk in the rain.But richest of all, perhaps, is the London for book lovers.
     Because the city is the star and the backdrop of so much great literature, it is possible to believe you
know it very well-how it looks, how it feels-without ever leaving your home country, or indeed your
home.But it is better to visit, if only for the joy of seeing the landscape of your imagination come to life.
How breathtaking to happen upon Pudding Lane, where a bakery accident led to the Great Fire of 1666, after reading Pepys' account in his diaries.Or to wander along Baker Street, where Sherlock Holmes
once fictionally solved the unsolvable.Walk across London Bridge and gaze down, toward Southwark
Bridge: this is the stretch of the Thames where Dickens's sinister characters dredged up corpses in "Our
Mutual Friend."
     The city is not so foggy as it was in 1952, when Margery Allingham published "The Tiger in the
Smoke, " or as socially stratified as it when Marianne Dashwood waited in "Sense and Sensibility" for a
suitor who never called;or as greedy as it was in the thrusting 1980s of Martin Amis' "Money." But it is
all of those Londons, an accrual of different descriptions and eras.It is a city made for description-reread
the first passages of "Bleak House, " also on the subject of fog, for a moody introduction-and one that so
respects its authors that it buried a number of the best ones in style, in Westminster Abbey.
     There are plenty of organized literarythemed tours around the city, easily found on the Internet.Or you
can wander characteristically on your own, which is more fun.If you take the Tube or the bus, make sure
to carry a book.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.Most people of London like visiting museums.
B.No Londoners go to cinemas to see the films.
C.A majority of Londoners are book lovers.
D.All the Londoners like to walk in the rain.

2.What information can you get from Pepy's diaries?
A.Great Fire of 1666 caused by an accident in a bakery.
B.Sherlock Holmes once lived in Baker Street.
C.London Bridge is next to Baker Street.
D."Our Mutual Friend" is one of Dickens's works.

3.Who is Sherlock Holmes?
A.A book lover.
B.A character of Dickens's novel: "Our Mutual Friend".
C.A detective.
D.A person who set the Great Fire of 1666.

4.In which book can't you find the description about the fog in London?
A."The Tiger in the Smoke"    
B."Sense and Sensibility"
D."Our Mutual Friend"

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Most kinds of tours around London may be found on the Internet.
B.You must be shown around London by a guide.
C.There are many kinds of literarythemed activities including tours.
D.You'd better take a book when you travel in London.

科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:050


  In the past few years telephones in cars have become increasingly popular in the United States. At first they were very costly. And then they cost less, so many people ate now buying and using them. The police say people with car phones are reporting crimes they see and helping catch criminals.

  In the southern State of Florida, more than 125,000 people have telephones in their cars. Almost one car in every 30 has a telephone. A man in a bug city of Florida is one of these car phone owners. One evening as he arrived home, he saw two people he did not know leaving the house next door. He called the police on his car telephone and followed the strangers in his car. The police caught the two men. A woman in another city of Florida sew a man shooting at another man during an attempt of robbery. She called the police on her car phone and followed the gunman as he fled in a car. She told the police where he was driving. With her information, the police stopped the man and caught him.

  Many people use their car phones to report other drivers who seem to have drunk too much wine. They also report accidents. This helps doctors and nurses get to an accident sooner to provide medical aid. All those car telephones are like having many more sets of eyes and eats on the road. They help the police to do their jobs better. Car phones also help drivers find the best way to get to a place. In some Florida cities, car phone owners can make Gee calls to radio stations to report when roads become blocked by accidents or too marry cars. The stations then broadcast warning to other drivers to find different roads to use.

1.Recently telephones in cars have become more popular because ________.

[  ]

A.the police want people to use them to report crimes

B.they are very handy and useful

C.they are much cheaper than many years ago

D.people in Florida can call others on their car phones

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Every person has a car phone in the State of Florida.

B.The number of people who own car phones is not known in the State of Florida.

C.One in every 30 cars has a phone in the State of Florida.

D.A car phone is a necessary part in the State of Florida.

3.The man called the police on his car telephone because ________.

[  ]

A.he wanted to see if it worked properly

B.he saw two strangers passing the house next door and thought they were thieves

C.he did not know the two men who were driving away

D.he saw two strangers coming out of the house next door and going away

4.Which of the following can he the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.Car Telephones and Grimes in Florida

B.Car Telephones Help People in Many Ways

C.Car Telephones Reduce Traffic Accidents

D.Do You Know Anything about Car Telephones?


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2010届高三下学期第一次压轴卷 题型:阅读理解




When I worked in Swaziland, one day we went to an orphanage. There we found a beautiful little girl named Tanzile. I gave her a sweet and she said something back to me in Si-swati, which the nurse next to me translated, “She wants another one — to give to her little sister.” I said “of course”. When we were going to leave, we passed by Tanzile’s house to say goodbye. To our surprise she seemed to be holding on to that extra sweet I had given her. I remember saying to the nurse “this little darling is clever — she has taken two for herself.”

But the nurse told us, “Tanzile is 7 now. Two years ago her mum and dad both died of AIDS. She was separated from her sister who was three at the time. Tanzile has not laid eyes on her since. But from then on whenever Tanzile receives anything from anyone, including food — she refuses to accept it, unless they give her two.” In fact, in the little mud hut where she lives, we find a pile of old things which she has been collecting to give to her sister one day.

People sometimes look at faces of African children and think that they are somehow different from our kids — that somehow they don’t feel pain or love. But that is not true. Their pain is deep. And so is their love. I can still remember the nurse trying to convince her that “if someone gives you food, you must accept it — even if it is only one piece and not two — for your own health.” And it was so hard for us to keep the tears from our eyes as she shook her head. Her hope and her love was all that she had. It mattered more than anything else. When I returned home that day, I was shocked to find that this was not an isolated story but others in the hospital knew of orphans just like Tanzile — waiting with a little pile of things in their hut, for their lovers who they haven’t seen so long.

I think of that old song — “when we’re hungry, love will keep us alive.”

56. From the passage we can learn Tanzile__________.

A. is very clever        B. knows her sister has died

C. has stored a lot for her sister       D. doesn’t like sweets

57. How old was her sister when the author met with Tanzile?

A. Three years old.    B. Four years old.

C. Five years old.     D. Six years old.

58. What has the author learned from her experience in Africa?

A. Love is more important in life than anything else.

B. African children are different in a way.

C. African children should be treated fairly.

D. We should express our love in time.

59. The best title for the passage would be __________

A. Give every child two sweets      B. Tanzile’s love for her sister

C. One for my sister               D. Change your attitude to African children



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届黑龙江省高三上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解





 A month after Hurricane Katrina, I returned home in New Orleans.There lay my house, reduced to waist-high ruins, smelly and dirty.

Before the trip, I’d had my car fixed.When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill, she noticed my Louisiana license plate.“You from New Orleans?” she asked.I said I was, “No charge,” she said, and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet.The next day I went for a haircut, and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florida, we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house.We looked at many places, but none was satisfactory.We’d begun to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while, when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California.He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for Slate, the online magazine, and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”) a new house across the lake from New Orleans.

It sounded too good to be true, but I replied, thanking him for his exceptional generosity, that we had no plans to go back.Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year paid leave.The rent was rather reasonable.I mentioned the poet’s offer to James Kennedy, and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience, the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity.It’s almost worth losing your worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance.

56.What do we know about James Kennedy?

         A.He was a writer of an online magazine.        

         B.He was a poet at the University of Florida.

         C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.      

         D.He learned about the author’s sufferings via e-mail.

57.It can be inferred from the text that ______.

     A.the author’s family was in financial difficulty

         B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster

         C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane-stricken area

         D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank

58.The author learned from his experience that ______.

         A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary

         B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases

         C.people benefit from their sad stories                                           

    D.human beings are kind after all



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省三明市三校高三上学期期末联考 题型:阅读理解


第三部分 阅读理解


All her life, my mother wanted busy children. It was very important that her house should remain at all times clean and tidy.

You could turn your back for a moment in my mother's house, leave a half-written letter on the dining room table, a magazine open on the chair, and turn around to find that my mother had "put it back where it belonged." as she explained.

My wife, on one of her first visits to my mother's house, placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. When she returned, she found the packet had been removed. Confused, she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits, only to return to find that her drink had disappeared. Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so as not to make water rings on the end tables. Now she knows better.

These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family. We were all inclined to (有...的倾向) forgetfulness, and it was common for one of us, upon returning from the bathroom, to find the every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly. "Do you remember what I was doing?" was a question frequently asked, but rarely answered.

Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows, and my brother does the cleaning in his house, perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet. I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.

56. Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?

A. She enjoyed removing other's drinks.

B. She became more and more forgetful.

C. She preferred to do everything by herself.

D. She wanted to keep her house in good order.

57. My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother's house because _______.

A. she had already finished them                       B. my mother had taken them away

C. she forgot where she had left them             D. someone in my family was holding them

58. The underlined part to the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.

A. is happy to clean windows                              B. loves to clean used windows

C. is fond of clean used windows                       D. likes clean windows as my mother did

59. This passage mainly tells us that _______.

A. my mother often made us confused           

B. my family members had a poor memory

C. my mother helped us to form a good habit

D. my wife was surprised when she visited my mother



科目:高中英语 来源:2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试山东卷英语试题 题型:阅读理解

阅读理解: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush. Through her own efforts, her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards across the country.

The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids FACE worldwide and is the world's largest youth environmental organization.

Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a "Children's Forest" project in every national park. In 1992, she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.

Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E. members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kid's Yards – the creation of backyard wildlife habitats (栖息地) and now Kids F.A.C.E. is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

"Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment. Club members started doing things like recycling, picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club."

"We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy," she explains. "You need to start being a responsible, environmentally friendly person now, right away, before you become a resource-sucking adult."

1. Kids F.A.C.E is _____.

A. a program to help students with writing

B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush

D. a club of environmental protection

2. What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboard across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts

D. She joined the National Park Service.

3. Kid’s Yards is _____.

A. established in a national park.

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a wildlife- raising project

D. an entertainment park for kids.

4. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resource-sucking people

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization

C. Kids F.A.C.E members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged to save natural resources.


