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1The company has changed some of its working practices in response ______ complaints from the customers.

2__________ no account should you go to bed with the gas on.

3Time __________( permit), I will go shopping with you next Monday.

4You can rely on _________ that they will finish their work ahead of time.

5With the government’s aid, those ________ (affect) by the earthquake have moved for the new settlements.

6He is such a man who is always finding fault ____ other people.

7Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me next month.

8You ________ return my umbrella now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

9________( appreciate) by others is something that always makes people happy.

10I can’t have you _________ (speak) to your mother in a rude manner.










9Being appreciated




考查固定短语。句意:为了回应顾客的投诉,公司改变了一些工作方法。根据句意,此处是短语in response to,意思为“对……的回应/响应”。故填to


考查固定短语。句意:你决不应该开着煤气睡觉。根据句意,此处是短语on no account.,意思为“决不”。位于句首,首字母大写。故填On


考查非谓语动词。句意:如果时间允许,我下周一和你一起去购物。句子主语timepermit之间是逻辑上的主动关系,因此用现在分词形式;Time permitting是独立主格结构,相当于条件状语从句if time permitspermit的现在分词需要双写t,再加ing。故填permitting


考查it作形式宾语。句意:你可以放心他们会提前完成工作的。此处用it做形式宾语,指代后面that引导的宾语从句that they will finish their work ahead of time。故填it


考查过去分词做定语。句意:在政府的帮助下,那些受地震影响的人已经迁移到新的定居点。短语be affected by意思为 “受……影响”;分析句子结构,“_____by the earthquake”是定语,thoseaffect之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词后置定语。故填affected


考查固定短语。句意:他就是这样一个人,总是找别人的茬。根据句意,此处是短语find fault with.,意思为“找茬,挑剔”。故填with


考查同位语从句连接词。句意:随信还有他答应下个月来看我。分析句子结构,“_____ he would visit me next month”是同位语从句,先行词是promise;同位语从句句意完整,不缺少任何成分,因此用that引导。故填that


考查情态动词。句意:你现在不必还我伞。如果你愿意,你可以借到下个星期。根据“You can keep it till next week”可推知,说话人认为没必要现在就归还雨伞,因此用情态动词needn’t,意思为“不必”。故填needn’t


考查动名词。句意:被别人欣赏是一件让人快乐的事情。分析句子结构,“____ by others ”在句子中是主语;appreciate是动词,因此用动名词形式作主语;短语be appreciated by sb.“得到某人的赞赏”,因此用动名词的被动形式being done作主语。故填Being appreciated


考查非谓语动词。句意: 我不能听任你对你母亲说话粗鲁无礼。此处是短语can't have sb. doing …,意思为“不能听任某人做/不允许某人做某事……”;宾语youspeak之间为逻辑上的主动关系。故填speaking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The legal age for smoking in Japan is 20 and as the country' s 570,000 tobacco vending machines ( 自动售货机) prepare for a July regulation requiring them to ensure buyers are not minors, a company has developed a ______ to identify age by studying facial features.

By having the customer look into a digital camera ______ to the machine, Fujitaka Co's system will ______ facial characteristics, such as wrinkles surrounding the eyes, bone structure and skin sags (松弛), to the facial data of over 100,000 people, Hajime Yamamoto, a company spokesman said.

"With face ______ , so long as you've got some change and you are an adult, you can buy cigarettes like before. The problem of ______ borrowing (identification) cards to purchase cigarettes could be ______ as well," Yamamoto said.

But due to concerns about its accuracy, the facial identification method has yet to be ______ .

Yamamoto said the system could ______ identify about 90 percent of the ______ , with the remaining 10 percent sent to a "grey zone" for minors that look ______ , and baby-faced adults, where they would be asked to insert their driving license.

1A. system B. machine C. program D. monitor

2A. added B. attached C. covered D. devoted

3A. prefer B. adjust C. lead D. compare

4A. features B. structure C. recognition D. expression

5A. students B. youths C. adults D. minors

6A. avoided B. clarified C. raised D. improved

7A. corrected B. approved C. updated D. spread

8A. completely B. correctly C. specifically D. partly

9A. smokers B. sellers C. lookers-on D. users

10A. older B. younger C. wiser D. nicer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Alibaba, Bank of China and Huawei—these are the dream employers for Chinese students, according to a new survey.

“The survey of more than 55,000 students, conducted by the research firm Universum, has found that roughly a quarter want to work for an international company, while only 9 want to work for a start-up. Five percent want to start their own business.”

The students said that work-1ife balance was the most important career goal, followed by job stability. When it comes to desirable companies, Bank of China has been named the top choice by business students for seven consecutive years, and the gigantic state-owned firm shows no signs of giving up its lead.

William Wu, the China country manager for Universum, said that banking remains an attractive industry for young Chinese. “China’s government is now emphasizing the revolution of the finance industry, which leaves the younger generation with the impression that although banking is a traditional industry, there are still a lot of development opportunities.” Wu said.

E-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA, Tech30) improved six places from 2014, ranking second among business students. Alibaba’s rise shouldn’t come as much of a surprise—the company held a record-breaking $25 billion IPO in September.

Among engineering students, Alibaba was once again a bridesmaid. Instead, Huawei—a telecoms infrastructure firm that now makes consumer products-took the top spot.

“Both of these companies are pioneers in terms of local companies going international.” said Wu. “It shows that… an international development strategy has a positive influence among Chinese young talents.” Tech companies ruled the rankings for humanities students, with Alibaba—which was ninth in 2014 landing at the top. Last year, Apple was the Number l choice of Chinese students.

1What’s the percentage of the surveyed students who want to join a company set up recently

A.Five percent.

B.Twenty-five percent.

C.Nine percent.

D.Twenty percent.

2What is the second most important career goal for the students

A.Work-life balance.

B.Job stability.


D.Their own business.

3In William Wu’s viewpoint, a native company that _______ will attract graduates.

A.is rooted only in China

B.makes consumer products

C.goes international

D.just aims at the foreign market

4What does the passage want to tell us mainly

A.What companies students want to work for.

B.Why students have to go to university.

C.How a company can develop well.

D.Where students’ success lies in.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear Dad,

On this date of your 50th birthday, Mom gave me the letter you wrote me when I was born 18 years ago. In your letter, you 1(wish) me to be strong-minded and successful. You were looking forward to 2(see) me fight for my future bravely and do well for 3 and others.

After reading this letter, I feel quite 4(shock) at your5(expect) on me. I also feel shamed 6not having performed well to meet your demand. I still remember when I was in primary school, I failed to apply myself to studying. I was addicted to computer games. As a consequence, I soon became the last one in my class. You didn’t abuse me at all. 7the contrary, you taught me that studying was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me to study hard. Only 8I read your letter did I realize that I behaved so badly at that time and you were so sad to see I didn’t do well for myself.

I can’t help expressing my gratitude and sending my best wishes to you. Wish you9(health) and happy. I promise that I will spare no effort to satisfy your demand of being10brave and successful person.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I have three kids and a great husband and I’m enjoying a career that I find challenging and fun. This feels like “Success” to the outside world. But there is still a voice in my heart asking if this is who I truly am. Only in silence do I hear the self and wonder who that person might be

So I booked a trip to find out. I travelled, for the first time, without my husband or kidsI went to Iceland with a friend, who shares an appreciation for wilderness and silence

For six days, we were immersed in wild, raw scenery and real weather—all kinds of weather. Climbing a mountain against rain and returning to a tent for a simple meal reminds you how little you actually need. And how strong it feels to be uncomfortable sometimes

I found silence in Icelandand time to consider the me outside of career and the me outside of kids as I shared stories with strangers

When I stopped talking and just listenedI became more generousI 1earned that choosing to be generous can create more space, more food and more warmth

But I didn’t really gain any better appreciation of what I want from life or my jobI suspect the anxiety that drove me to seek silence in Iceland was losing sight of my ability to choose gratitude and joyand to be present in the challenges I set in my career and my family

I came home to noiserush and lovewith no less confusion on who I want to beI know the answer isn’t waiting out there on the top of a mountain in Iceland. The answer is in front of me with every step on my own 1ife’s path, and in every choice I make

1Why did the author take a trip to Iceland?

A.To gain a new experience

B.To enjoy family happiness

C.To better understand herself

D.To appreciate natural beauty

2Which word can best describe the author’s trip?



3What change happened to the author after the trip?

A.She became more positiveB.She became more energetic

C.She became even lonelierD.She became more anxious

4What will the author do in the future?

A.Withdraw back to nature

B.Embrace reality bravely

C.Travel to Iceland more often

D.Pay less attention to her feelings


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Garbage is a seriously problem in my town. We throw away from too much paper and too many soda sans, and there isn’t enough space to put it in. This is a small town and we have too few land for more garbage dumps (垃圾场). Many people throwing their garbage everywhere, and they don’t think about the pollution this cause. So I think we need a better recycling system. Now, there are too few recycling station so It isn’t convenient to us to use them. If more and more people are able to recycling their waste, our town become clean and attractive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


As is known, China is a great country with a time-honored history and profound culture. While 1(mention)Chinese culture, Chinese tea culture cannot be missed. It is the culture of making tea and drinking tea in China, which is 2 (difference) from that of Europe, Britain, and Japan.

In China, drinking tea 3(refer)as tasting tea, which not only means distinguishing the quality of tea, but also enjoying the pleasure of falling into the dream about life while drinking tea. A short retreat from a much busier life, make a cup of tea4taste it in a quiet place on your own, not only relieving tiredness but also refreshing 5 (you) soul heartily.

China is a country with a time-honored civilization, 6is quite particular about ceremony and etiquette(礼节). When guests pay a visit, etiquette of making tea for guests is 7(basic)required. When making tea, proper blending of tea8 (leaf)is quite necessary, so that favorable flavor would be created. When drinking tea with guests, pay attentions to the tea left in 9 cup of guests and it should be refilled when the cup is half-full. If 10 (accompany)with tea dessert, candies and dishes, drinking tea would be more tasteful and joyful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Although it was autumnthe snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet. Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicyclesThat's what we looked likeAlong the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze. Howeverthe lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful. Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She is very reliable and I knew I didn’t need to encourage her. To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around uswe were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. Then we began going down the hills. It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer. In the valleys colorful butterflies flew around us and we saw many yaks and sheep eating green grass. At this point we had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.

In the early evening we always stop make camp. We put up tent and then we eat. After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed awake. At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so quiet. There was almost no wind-only the flames of our fire for company.

Part 1

As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had already traveled.



We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon, where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us. We can hardly wait to see them!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many people connect gratitude (感谢) with saying “thank you” to someone who helped us, making it a short act of appreciation. According to Robert Emmons, a leading researcher, gratitude is an emotion that can result in long-lasting positivity (积极性). 1

Gratitude is good for your health.

Through his research, Emmons found that grateful people reported feeling healthier and happier, both mentally and physically. 2 In the workplace, employees who are shown that they are appreciated are healthier and more productive by 50 percent.


Gratitude is a selfless act. We often take for granted the simple things in life. Those who recognize the goodness in life, no matter how simple, are more likely to be sensitive to the needs of others and to help whenever they can. Being considerate to others’ opinions, experiences and backgrounds will make you a better person.

Gratitude makes us more self-aware.

Working in an ever-developing, fast-paced society, we are surrounded by ambitious people who are always struggling for more and better. 4 It starts by paying attention to what’s now going on in your life, and that’s true self-awareness is the key to being successful.

Gratitude helps us build strong relationship.

Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening relationship, both at work and in your personal life. People who express their gratitude tend to be more willing to forgive others and therefore able to create long-lasting connections.

5 Taking the time to thank people for their work and kindness --- whether it was today, last month or many years ago-makes you happier and more self-aware.

A.Specially, those who were grateful were 25 percent happier than those who weren’t.

B.Gratitude builds understanding.

C.The old saying goes “It’s never too late to say you’re sorry”, but the same is true of gratitude.

D.All in all, we feel and express our gratitude in different ways.

E.Gratitude makes you reflect (反思) in the moment instead of always thinking about the future.

F.Gratitude helps us build up self-confidence.

G.Here are a few benefits of being grateful.

