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【题目】The old temple __________ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.

A. where

B. which

C. its

D. whose


【解析】考查定语从句。所填词引导定语从句,先行词是the old temple,先行词在从句中作roof的定语,故用关系代词whose,选D。其余选项与题意不符。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



【1】With the fog-haze weather appearing frequently, nowadays many a citizen _____________________ live where the air is fresher. (desire)


【2】I do hope so because I want you to live _______________________ as I have. (as)


3】If you had expressed yourself in another way, the clerk ____________________ all through the campaign.(conduct)


【4】As a person with a strong sense of collective honor and responsibility, he always grasps at anything ___________________________ his class and group. (benefit)


【5】Many netizens don’t spent 2,000 dollars going to Brazil just to watch a football match. ( worthwhile )


【6】______________________ the new teaching system, the foreign student began to fit in well with his new classmates and made great progress. (adapt)

适应了新的教育系统后, 那个外国学生开始融入了他的新同学中并取得了很大进步。

【7】Though tomorrow would be the first day for little Jenny to attend school, with ______________________, she felt a little excited instead of anxiety. (accompany)


【8】Mr. Johnson owns a big corporation, _________________________, his son, junior Johnson will take charge of the daily management. (absence)


【9】A new system has been designed to limit the usage of the Internet in this school, so it’s strange that the students _______________________________ it. (access)


【10】The car ran down the hill, and the driver was reported, according to the local newspaper, __________________ in the accident. (kill)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We should tell the truth. But there are different of doing it without making people .

Once there was a(n) emperor. As a result of an accident , he lost an eye and broke his back.

One day, the emperor called three artists to his palace to paint a portrait for him. I want it to look just like me If you ,I will punish you.

The first artist the emperor's instructions. He asked the emperor to stand next to his horse and draw one. The portrait looked just like him He had only one . One shoulder was than the other, and the right leg was longer than the left. When the emperor saw it,he shouted , Put him into prison The soldiers took him into .

It was the second artist's . He asked the emperor to stand on a hill. He painted a beautiful portrait for him The emperor was looking eastwards at the sunrise with two eyes. His back was straight his shoulders were square and his legs were as as each other.

When the emperor saw it, he was again very angry. Hang him! The soldiers took the poor man away and hanged the poor man.

Now the third artist saw that he had a serious He thought hard and came up with several different After a while, he decided to do.

He asked the emperor to bring his and stand in a forest. He painted him firing his gun at an animal,so of course one eye was . One shoulder was higher than the other because he was the gun. His left leg rested on a tree,so that no one could see that it was shorter than the other one.

The emperor was very pleased. He had never seen a wonderful portrait before. He gave the artist a bag of gold.

【1】A. ways B. pictures C. portraits D. artists

【2】A. angry B. rude C. clear D. happy

【3】A. gentle B. educated C. cruel D. good

【4】A. lose B. finish C. fail D. pass

【5】A. followed B. gave C. realized D. understood

【6】A. hand B. shoulder C. leg D. eye

【7】A. stronger B. higher C. taller D. wider

【8】A. happily B. angrily C. friendly D. kindly

【9】A. palace B. prison C. forest D. hill

【10】A. time B. turn C. pity D. question

【11】A. bad B. good C. closed D. terrible

【12】A. long B. short C. thick D. lame

【13】A. picture B. question C. drawing D. problem

【14】A. ideas B. thoughts C. styles D. colors

【15】A. how B. what C. when D. where

【16】A. horse B. gun C. portrait D. animal

【17】A. opened B. close C. closed D. opening

【18】A. taking B. holding C. preparing D. carrying

【19】A. fell B. falling C. fallen D. fall

【20】A. so B. what C. such D. very


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Being able to learn to relax can be very important, especially if you have a stressful life. When you build up too much tension without being able to control or release it, over time, 1 can develop some serious health problems.

If you want to learn 2 to relax, one simple way is to remind yourself that most of the things that we worry about never even happen. It is good to think ahead to make sure that future problems don’t show up, 3 many people spend a lot of time worrying about things that are totally out of their control. Learn to relax by only focusing on things you 4 control. Relaxing doesn’t always mean sitting back and 5 doing anything. If you have things to do, you can do them in a relaxed manner.

You can still relax and do all the things you need to do. Just 6 you have demands and responsibilities, it doesn’t mean you have to do everything in 7 stressed manner. The key is to simplify your life. Just relax by focusing 8 the moment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】grow ________长大;成长

【2】let ________承认;泄露秘密

【3】start ________起程;动身

【4】________ the pace定出速度

【5】take hold ________握住;抓住

【6】be envious ________嫉妒;羡慕


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 —Whats your plan for the future?

—I hope to attend my dream college in China at first and __________ work for Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd.

A. regularly B. frequently

C. gradually D. eventually


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin __________ on Wednesday that he had bought 20 percent shares in Spanish league champions Atletico Madrid.

A. confirmed B. submitted C. informed D. promoted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 People are __________ shoppers in China on November 11th, contributing to more than 35 billion online shopping sales

A. potential B. enthusiastic

C. intelligent D. temporary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As we know,the Great Wall ________from west to east.

A.fights its way B.feel its way

C.winds its way D.make its way

