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【题目】假定你是李华,你校将到黄山风景区举行我爱黄山(Mr. Huangshan)”主题活动。请你给交换生James发一封邮件告知活动相关情况。内容包括:




注意:1. 词数100左右;










【答案】Dear James,

I’m Li Hua. Our school will have an activity to call on people to love Mt. Huangshan. I’m writing to invite you to take part in it.

We are to meet at the school gate at 7 o’clock this Saturday morning and then go to Mt. Huangshan by bus. On arriving there, we’ll pick up the litter in Mt. Huangshan. A speech about the importance of protecting natural heritage will also be given.

Since the activity will last to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, you’d better wear comfortable shoes. Besides, everyone is expected to bring their lunch and share it.

Would you like to join us? Hope to see you then.


Li Hua


亮点分析,文章第一段点明邮件的原因。第二段首先具体介绍了活动牟时间和地点,接着是活动安排。在活动安排时,用一个非谓语on arriing there作状语。 最后的注意事项是由since引导的状语从句完成的:Since the activity will last to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, you’d better wear comfortable shoes. 在文中交替使用主动语态和被动语态。句式时有变化,使用了一些复合句,单句和复各交互运用。使用一些较高级的词汇如call on people to do, invite sb to take part in , expect to do,would ike to join us hope to see 等。也使用一些连词如then. Besides,使文章通顺,有条理。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

hard, we can not go climbing.
and the meeting began.
(3)这家工厂离这所学校很近。(be close to)
The factory the school.
(4)今年再度出国是不可能的。(out of the question)
Another trip abroad this year .
(5)他兴趣广泛。(a variety of)
He has interests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As the new semester begins, millions of college students across the country are trying hard to remember how best to write a paper or, more likely, how best to delay that paper.
Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer form it. They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing but staring into space, eating snacks, surfing the Internet, watching videos and looking at other students sitting around them, who, most likely are doing nothing either.
Paralyzed (使失去活力) by their habit to procrastinate, they write micro blogs about their fears, asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue. But this does nothing to break the spell (魔咒).
According to a recent report, 95 percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20 percent of the world's population are always procrastinating. The figures are disappointing. Procrastinators are less wealthy, less healthy and less happy than those who don't delay. Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior, but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.
Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure. Pelling says this is non sense, as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time. The behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel ashamed, inconveniences others and annoys loved ones.
Pelling also points out that procrastination feels particularly delinquent(过失的) in a society that thinks of speedy action as admirable, and, at times, even as a moral good.
Fortunately, social scientists have thrown their weight behind efforts to understand this behavioral mistake and offer strategies to control it. Piers Steel, a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation, believes human is “designed” to procrastinate. Nevertheless, he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.
(1)Which behavior belongs to procrastination?
A.Never dream away the time.
B.Always complete the tasks ahead of time.
C.Never put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
D.Always wait to work until the “good mood” or “good time”.
(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Procrastination makes people waste their time.
B.Speedy action is considered as a moral standard in the society.
C.procrastinators usually complete their tasks perfectly.
D.Procrastination is common among people.
(3)What is most likely to be discuss ed in the paragraph that follows?
A.Ways to handle the study pressures.
B.Introduction to the book The Procrastination Equation.
C.More examples to illustrate procrastination
D.Measures to deal with procrastination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The effects of coffee consumption on health have long been a subject of conflict and uncertainty. Since the 1980s, some have spoken out against coffee as harmful to health, while others have welcomed coffee for its supposed benefits to health.

According to a scientific report, mild coffee consumption, three to five cups per day, can be taken as a healthy dietary pattern, along with other healthful behaviors. The report also says that coffee consumption helps reduce the risk of heart disease and it protects against Parkinson’s disease.

According to Dr. Donald Hensrud of Mayo Clinic, high consumption of coffee has health risks. Dr. Hensrud mentions the dangers of high coffee consumption for people with a certain illness that slows the breakdown of caffeine in the body. Some studies said that drinking two or more cups of coffee daily can actually increase the risk of heart disease in these people.

According to conclusions from a recent study led by Dr. Gregory Marcus, a doctor from the University of California San Francisco, daily moderate consumption of caffeine, less than 4 cups, is not associated with these issues.

Until the scientific community reaches a general agreement on the effects of coffee consumption on human health, it will be up to the individual to decide whether the benefits of drinking coffee are greater than the risks.

When informed of these possible health benefits and harms of drinking coffee, Harwood, a high school student stated, “Even though there might be some negative effects of drinking coffee, for the most part, coffee drinking sounds good for health. Not to mention I need coffee to stay awake. ”

1What is the people’s attitude toward the effects of coffee on health according to Paragraph 1?

A. Disapproving. B. Tolerant.

C. Doubtful. D. Mixed.

2What can we infer about Harwood?

A. He’ll keep on drinking coffee. B. He loves his high school life.

C. He often falls asleep in class. D. He has some health problems.

3What would be the best title for the text?

A. Why People Love Coffee? B. How Coffee Affects Health?

C. The Culture of Coffee Drinking. D. The New Findings of Heart Disease.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and help control body weight.
Any pet owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress levels and blood pressure in people (half of them were pet owners) while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. People completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions. It seems that people feel more relaxed around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don't judge.
A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog may also have an effect on your body weight. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying two groups of fat people who were put on a diet-and-exercise program: one group with pet dogs, and the other without. On average,dog owners lost about 11 pounds,or 5% of their body weight; While those without dogs lost about 8 pounds. The pet owners, said researchers, got more exercise overall (mostly with their dogs) and found it worth doing.
(1)What does the text mainly discuss?
A.People's opinions of keeping pets.
B.How pets help people calm down.
C.What pets bring to their owners.
D.Pets can help in medical research.
(2)We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if_________.
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has less stress of work
C.he often dose mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
(3)According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around?
A.They are less nervous.
B.They are in higher spirits.
C.They become more patient.
D.They have lower blood pressure.
(4)The research mentioned in the last paragraph suggests that_________.
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It’s surprising how much simple movements of the body can affect the way we think. Using expansive gestures with open arms makes us feel more powerful, crossing your arms makes you more determined and lying down can bring more insights(领悟).

So if moving the body can have these effects, what about the clothes we wear? We’re all well aware of how dressing up in different ways can make us feel more attractive, sporty or professional, depending on the clothes we wear, but can the clothes actually change cognitive (认知的)performance or is it just a feeling?

Adam and Galinsky tested the effect of simply wearing a white lab coat on people’s powers of attention. The idea is that white coats are associated with scientists, who are in turn though to have close attention to detail.

What they found was that people wearing white coats performed better than those who weren’t. Indeed, they made only half as many errors as those wearing their own clothes on the Stroop Test( one way of measuring attention). The researchers call the effect “enclothed cognition,” suggesting that all manner of different clothes probably affect our cognition in many different ways.

This opens the way for all sorts of clothes-based experiments. Is the writer who wears a fedora more creative? Is the psychologist wearing little round glasses and smoking a cigar more insightful? Does a chef’s hat make the resultant food taste better?

From now on I will only be editing articles for PsyBlog while wearing a white coat to help keep the typing error count low. Hopefully you will be doing your part by reading PsyBlog in a cap and gown.(学位服).

1What is the main idea of the text?

A. Body movements change the way people think

B. How people dress has an influence on their feelings

C. What people wear can affect their cognitive performance

D. People doing different jobs should wear different clothes

2Adam and Galinsky’s experiment tested the effect of clothes on their wearers’___________.

A. insights B. movements

C. attention D. appearance

3How does the author sound in the last paragraph?

A. Academic B. Humorous

C. Formal D. Hopeful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


give a great impression, take it easy, pay attention to, in particular, make up

(1)—Mr Smith, I have an ache on my leg.
. Let me have a look.
(2)This funny book ten units.
(3)Look at the picture. its colour and then paint another one just like it.
(4)His speech on the audience.
(5)Among all English poems, I enjoy those written by Shakespeare .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你们学校将举办英语演讲比赛(English Speech Contest),请你根据以下要点,以校学生会的名义写一则英语演讲比赛的通知:







We are glad to inform you that________________________________________________________________








The Students’ Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A college graduate was new in the job and she found something really strange. One of her colleague was a lazy man, who usually played his digital camera or listen to music during working time. To her surprised, the boss never blamed him because his behavior.
One day, her colleague was listening to the music while the boss came and said serious, “the host computer has something wrong.” The colleague rushed to the controlling center to solving the problem and began to fix them silently. Twenty minutes later, and the host computer reworked normally. Then the graduate realized the economic loss what her colleague had saved this time must have been hundreds of his salary.

