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.None of us know what happened ________ him ________ the evening of November 12.

A. for; in           B . with; on            C. to; on               D. to; in







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

An 18-year-old high school student who had just learned to swim in the last summer vacation saved the life of a drowning Ohio boy on Friday afternoon.

Tom Erickson was credited with (因......而受赞扬)saving the life of Jason Pryor,10, in Mill Creek (小河) Park. Young Jason Pryor, from Chillicothe, was visiting relatives from Anchor Point when he fell into Mill Creek.

The Pryor boy had no business playing near the edge of the river, but he had no idea of the danger.

The creek, with much more water than usual for the recent spring rains, flowed fast and carried the boy around a bend and out of sight from his parents, who took Jason out there and said they had not even witnessed the incident.

Luckily for Jason, one of the most unselfish students from Brentwood’s Central High School was taking a walk alone through the park.

As soon as he found the boy struggling in the water, Erickson jumped into the creek and managed to pull the drowning boy out of the water. And it was reported that Erickson had never received any life-saving instruction before.

“I wasn’t sure I could do it,” Erickson said. “I didn’t know if I could swim through the river by myself, not to mention getting another person out with me.”

This incident should be a lesson to young children who do not know how to swim. Stay away from dangerous bodies of water.

   Young Jason Pryor lives at _______.

A. Anchor Point     B. Chillicothe, Ohio    C. Mill Creek           D. Brentwood

Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?

A. Life-saving instruction helped a lot in the incident.

B. Jason’s parents saw him fall into the creek but couldn’t help.

C. The creek flowed fast because it was very straight without any bends.

D. Erickson was not sure if he could save the boy when jumping into the creek.

What’s the possible meaning of the underlined sentence “The Pryor boy had no business playing near the edge of the river,” in the third paragraph?

    A. The accident was none of the boy’s business.   

    B. The boy had no friends to play with him.

    C. The boy shouldn’t have played near the creek. ks5*u

    D. The boy was very busy and had no time to play.

What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Did You Know the Danger of Water         B. Be Responsible Parents

    C. The Fast Running Mill Creek              D. Beginning Swimmer Saved Drowning Boy


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The 30-mile road that runs through the mountains of Willie Valley makes most drivers′ hands sweat. But Andersen, a 46-year-old father of four, wasn’t expecting any trouble on the road last New Year’s Eve, when he set off for a ski trip to the Bear Mountains with nine-year-old daughter Mia, four-old son Baylor, and nine-year-old neighbor Kenya. Andersen had driven through the Valley hundreds of times over the years.

The weather was fine. But the higher they drove, the more slippery the road became. Rounding a sharp U-turn, Andersen saw a heavy truck off the road and immediately hit his brakes. In a minute, the car was going at 25 miles per hour down the mountain before falling down from a ten-foot dam into the extremely cold Logan River.

The crash had broken a few windows, and within seconds, the car was filled with water. “It was frightening that we were going fast into deep water,” remembers Andersen, a soft-spoken manager.

Having lost all sense of direction, Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids. Mia had been right next to him in the front seat; now, in the blackness, he couldn’t find her. “I thought, if I don’t get out, maybe none of us are going to get out.” Andersen got out of his seat belt, swam through a broken window, and, deeply and quickly, breathed air at the surface. That’s when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam. One after another, they rushed down into the water. Helping onto safety all the three children, they began to shout at the father, “Who else is in the car?”

Andersen says respectfully, “It was like the sight of angels.”

1. What might be the main cause of the car accident?

A. The bad weather.                        B. The high dam.

C. The sudden brake.                                D. The heavy truck.

2. Andersen didn’t expect any trouble on the road because _____.

A. he was familiar with the road

B. he was good at driving

C. his hands didn’t have sweat

D. the weather was fine

3. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Andersen lost consciousness in the water.

B. Strangers helped Andersen out of the car.

C. Andersen liked Mia most among the children.

D. Strangers teamed together to save three children.

4.The underlined sentence is to express Andersen’s feeling of being _____.

A. tired                     B. excited                     C. doubtful                    D. thankful

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A. Stay calm when in trouble

B. Drive rounding a U-turn

C. Miracle rescue from a river

D. Mystery of the Bear Mountains



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖北省高三适应性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A recent Living Social survey showed that Americans may live up to their poor reputation while travelling abroad. But what’s more surprising is that many of those surveyed self-identified themselves as ‘ugly’ Americans and the world’s worst travelers.

Those in the U.S. ranked themselves as the worst travellers by a shocking 20 per cent, followed by 15 per cent saying the Chinese were the most substandard tourists.

Americans topped the list as being the worst-behaved travelers in a survey of 5,600 respondents, 4,000 of whom were Americans. Other respondents were in Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom. But even American respondents considered their compatriots(同胞) as the worst travelers from a list of 16 nationalities.

Canadians and Australians also put Americans in the No. 1 spot. Irish respondents pointed to U.K. residents and U.K. respondents gave Germans the nod. On the other hand, 37% of Americans opted for "none of the above" in answer to the worst-tourists question, displaying more tolerance and open-mindedness than the other nationalities.

Other survey questions had respondents admitting pilfering from hotels. Four in ten U.S. survey-takers said they’d stolen something – mostly towels (28%) and bathrobes (8%). Other popular pinched items included pillows, remote controls, Bibles and sheets.

Not surprising is that Americans have less time off from work than other nationalities. Americans reported getting 16 days off, compared with 28 days for the Irish, 27 days for Australians, 23 days for U.K. workers; and 21 days for Canadians.

In the travel mishaps department, the most common travel disaster reported by Americans was lost luggage on an airline (21%); bad weather (21%); and getting very lost (16%).

As for places Americans most want to see, Disney World and Las Vegas made the top 10, but they weren't at the top of the heap. And New York didn't make the cut.

1.What percentage of American respondents is in the survey?

A.20 %




2.The underlined word “pilfering” in Para. 5 most probably means ________.





3.According to the survey, what kind of things are most taken away by Americans?

A.towels and pillows

B.bathrobes and remote controls.

C.towels and Bibles

D.bathrobes and towels.

4.What’s the best title of this passage?

A.Chinese were announced as the world’s worst travellers.

B.The global worst travellers were announced.

C.Disney World is the best destination to Americans.

D.European travellers were the best in the world



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年重庆市高三5月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Alaska Inside Passage Craises

Most cruises(游船) are seven nights long and typically begin an4 end in either Vancouver or Seattle.This "roundtrip" travel plan makes this a very popular cruise vacation because of the convenient flight schedules and affordable roundtrip airline tickets into and out of Vancouver and.Seattle.Longer 10-night and 11-night Inside Passage Cruises are available from California.Depending on your ship and your plan, a typical Alaska Inside Passage Cruise spends the first day cruising the famed Inside .Passage, a narrow waterway nestled between towering mountains, waterfront communities, and the Pacific Ocean.

Alaska Glacier Cruses.

Alaska Glacier Cruises are also known as Gulf of Alaska Cruises.Every cruise line has a different name for it, but they all mean the same thing —they are cruises that sail one-way through the Gulf of Alaska where you'll find the greatest number of glaciers(冰川), mountains, wildlife and scenery.

Unlike an Alaska Inside Passage Cruise, an Alaska Glacier Cruise does not do a U—turn back to the; departure port.Alaska Glacier cruises are one way journey that sail from.North to South (Southbound Glacier Cruises) or South to North (Northbound Glacier Cruises).These routes allow you to spend more days in Alaska ports or National Glacier Parks as there are fewer days at sea compared to other cruises.If you only have a week and want wonderful glacier viewing and time on land, this is your best choice for an Alaska Cruise Vacation.

Regent Home Alaska Cruises

For a close and personal contact with the Great White North, step aboard the All-inclusive, 700-guest Seven Seas Mariner.You can watch seabirds perform beautiful dances or a group of playful whales swim by as you're eating breakfast in your private room. 

1.What is "Inside Passage" according to the text? 

    A.It's the name of a typical cruise ship.                 B.It's a popular hiking route in Alaska.

    C.It's the name of a famous tourist company.              D.It's a body of water with beautiful scenery.

2.If you are interested in sightseeing on foot, which cruise might be a better choice than others?

    A.Alaska Inside Passage Cruises.                          B.Gulf of Alaska Cruises.

    C.Regent Home Alaska Cruises.        D.None of the above.

3.Which of the following cruises repeat its routes?

    A.Alaska Inside Passage Cruises.                          B.Southbound Glacier Cruises.

    C.Northbound Glacier Cruises.                             D.Seven Seas Mariner.

4.What's the purpose of this passage?

    A.To explore the natural beauty of Alaska.

    B.To introduce the ways of traveling in Alaska.

    C.To attract tourists to cruise vacations in Alaska.

    D.To offer advice to people traveling in Alaska.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年河北省高一下学期3月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

When people in the U.S. have company or when they're invited to (formal or informal)get-together, they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed.On the whole, they tend to be informal. Men shake hands, but usually only when they're introduced. Male friends and business associate who haven't seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually don't shake hands when being introduced to each other. When a woman and man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman. Americans rarely shake hands to say goodbye, except on business occasions. American women are used to being independent. They are used to going to places by themselves, making their own money, and often living alone. Sometimes they will ask men for help, but they usually don't want to be protected. Since the women's movement started, it's not always clear whether women expect men to open doors or help them into their coats. American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.

 There are a lot of Americans who don't smoke or drink, and many who don't want people to do those things in their houses. It's always best to ask for permission before you,bring alcohol to a dinner or before you light up a cigarette, if you are with people you don't ,know very well. Non-smokers have become more militant (好战的) about smoking in public places. Many restaurants, for example, have set up special areas for smokers.

House guests may bring gifts when they come to visit, and they often offer to help in some way. As a guest, you may want to ask your host or hostess if there's anything you can do to help in the kitchen. In many cases, the gesture is more important than actually helping.

1."…the gesture is more important than actually helping." Here "gesture" means_________.

     A. 态度       B. 话题          C.姿态         D. 言行

2.When American people are introduced to each other, ____________.

     A. men seldom shake hands                       B. women often shake hands

     C. a woman decides if she will shake hands with a man

     D. a man decides if he will shake hands with a woman

3.___________is not mentioned in the passage.

    A. How to visit an American family      B. When American women's movement started

    C. American women are independentD Non-smokers hate smoking in public places.

4. Which one is NOT right? ________________.

A None of Americans want people to smoke or drink in their houses

B Many Americans don’t smoke or drink

C Many special areas for smokers have been set up in the US

D It’s best to ask before you smoke in America



