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2.--Do you think Mary will pass the exam this time?
-I think so.She_____for it for months.(  )
A.is preparingB.was preparing
C.has been preparingD.had been preparing

分析 --你认为玛丽这次会通过考试吗?

解答 答案:C.根据Do you think Mary will pass the exam this time可知考试还没有进行,所以她现在还在为考试做准备,而for months表示准备工作从过去开始一直到现在,所以用现在完成进行时,答案是C.D是过去完成进行时.

点评 考查现在完成进行时.prepare和prepare for 的用法
eg.Mother is preparing lunch.(母亲正在准备午饭.)
2)prepare for:为…作准备,for 后的宾语为准备的目的.
eg.The students are preparing for the exam.(学生们正在为考试作准备.)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.It's said that the new campus of the school is now_______ what it was.(  )
A.twice much large thanB.large as twice as
C.twice as large asD.as twice larger as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Yesterday I was in Milwaukee visiting my family,and while I was there I stopped at a café on a particular street corner.It was a corner that brought back a specific(特别的) memory.I had been on this street corner long before.
It was a very cold night in late January,1978.I was halfway home that night after working the evening shift (夜班) at the shopping mall,and I had to change buses.I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus and just shivered(颤抖)."Gosh,this is terrible,"I thought."I need to get out of this."
I also thought about my young life at the time and where I was going.I felt very upset,because I was not satisfied with it.There was something asking me to make a change.I had just heard of a scholarship opportunity at a small university in San Antonio,Texas the week before,and it really got me thinking.But it was 1,200 miles away from my family and friends     But I sensed (感觉到) that if I stayed where I was,I wouldn't be really happy with myself.I felt like there was something missing.And yes,I was really cold,too.I thought of warm days in January in South Texas.That would be nice.
I was at a fork(分叉,岔路口) in the road that night,and little did I know what that decision would mean to me.As the wind rose and my shivering worsened,my mind suddenly cleared and the path became clear-I had to leave.I was going to San Antonio.Even though I wouldn't know a person,I decided to take the risk and do it,and start over.
    The bus finally came and as I finally could feel my face again I looked out of the window of the bus and dreamed about the new horizons that were in front of me.That day,at that moment,at that fork in the road,I made the most important decision of my life-going to university.And thankfully,it was the right one.What an important fork in the road!
46.The writer stayed on that street corner on a very cold night becauseB.
A.he had come out for a walk
B.he was waiting for a bus at the nearby bus stop
C.he had to work at a café till the morning
D.he had to buy something
47.What did the writer think of his life that night?D
A.He was happy with it
B.He thought it was exciting.
C.He thought it was full of hope
D.He was not satisfied with it.
48.For the writer,a disadvantage (不利,劣势) of going to San Antonio was thatA.
A.it was far away from his hometown        
B.it was colder than his hometown
C.it was smaller than his hometown             
D.it was poorer than his hometown
49.That night,the writer decided toC.
A.stay with his family                         
B.find a new friend
C.go to university                         
D.move to Milwaukee
50.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Fork in the road
B.Don't make decisions too quickly.
C.It's never easy to make changes
D.Accept your life as it is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.In order to find the missing boy,the young couple            all they can over the past twenty-four hours.(  )
A.doB.didC.have been doingD.had done


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.---How far is the airport from here?
It's about ______walk.You'd better take a taxi.(  )
A.thirty minute'sB.a thirty minute's
C.thirty-minutesD.a thirty-minute


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Now we're always hearing about road accident,and when we're in a car we try to drive carefully,but how many of us take the same degree of care in our homes?Any large hospital will tell you the number of the accidents that happen in the home is almost the same as those on the road.
    One of the commonest and most dangerous causes of home accidents is wrong and careless use of electrical equipment.People will continue to use a loose plug or pull out a plug without first turning off the power.In spite of warnings,one will carry an electric heater into the bathroom when he is going to have a bath.Sometimes one forgets to cut off the power before mending a lamp or something else.All this will cause accidents.So the rule about anything that work by electricity is:Switch off before you touch anything and don't pretend you know when you actually don't.
If you've got children in the house,it's always best to keep medicines of any kind out of their reach.Otherwise,they may be taken for candies or a new kind of drink.When there are older people living with you,you have to take particular care in a number of ways in order to make them safe and happy.
Fire,of course,is always a risk.So,remember not to dry clothes in front of fires,or leave stoves in the middle of rooms where they can easily be knocked over.And don't forget to keep the children away from fire.Smoking,too,may cause fire.So you'd better give it up.Safety first may mean a little more time and care,but it may save you a lot of trouble.
36.According to the writer,we try to drive carefully in a car whileC.
A.we take the same degree of care in our homes
B.We don't care much about the accidents in large hospitals
C.We don't pay enough attention to home accidents
D.We seldom think a lot about the road accidents
37.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.people should never be allowed to carry an electric heater into the bathroom
B.the improper use of the electrical equipment is the most dangerous cause of home accidents
C.people should cut off the power first before using the electrical equipment
D.both the children and the older people should be taken special care of at home
38.It can be inferred in the text that our life at home will be much safer ifA.
A.we know more about the accidents that happen in the home
B.all of us give up smoking as soon as possible   
C.we take more time and care in our life
D.we keep the stoves at the corner of the rooms
39.The main purpose of writing the text isD.
A.to tell how and why home accidents happen
B.to persuade people to get rid of bad habits
C.to explain how to use electrical equipment
D.to instruct people how to prevent home accidents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Students taking the course _____to finish their homework with the help of computers.(  )
A.are encouragedB.have encouraged
C.are encouragingD.had been encouraged


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Don't be _____ by her beautiful appearance,as a matter of fact,she is very cruel.(  )
A.brought inB.taken upC.picked upD.taken in

