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16.The problems facing us today are different from _____ that we faced last year.(  )
A.theseB.thatC.the onesD.ones

分析 今天我们面临的问题和去年我们面临的不一样.

解答 答案:C
分析句式可知,主句为"The problems  are different from _____ that we faced last year","from"介词后缺一个宾语,代指前文的"problems","that we faced last year"这句是一个定语从句修饰先行词"problems",属特指,故用"the ones"代替."these"意为"这些,指离自己较近的东西,一般不做先行词","that"意为"那个,指单数,不符合题意","ones"意为"同类事物中很多,泛指,也不符合题意."

点评 本题考查代词.考生首先分析句子结构,分清the ones特指,ones泛指.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Since the 1990s,education has been required for all South Africans from age seven to fifteen.Last December,the government announced that seventy percent of students passed their final examination to finish high school.In 2008 the passage rate was about sixty-three percent.There have been increases each year since then.
Professor Shireen Motala at the University of Johannesburg says that access to basic education is no longer the problem in South Africa.She says most children stay in school until they are about sixteen.The problem now,she says,is that large numbers of them leave without completing high school.
Students take an examination known as the matric in grade twelve,their final or"matriculation"year.Professor Motala notes that less than half the children who started school in 2000 sat for the matric last year.
Educational researchers also point to another problem.They say South African schools do not produce enough students with the skills for higher education in math and science.Many schools are not well-equipped.They do not have libraries at school.Ninety-two percent of the schools do not have libraries.
Also,education specialists say,in many cases,teachers and school principals do not have the skills or training to do their jobs.In other cases,they are simply not doing their duty to provide an education.
Professor Motala says a number of teachers were poorly trained during the system of apartheid (种族隔离制度),or racial separation in South Africa.Apartheid ended in 1994.
Secondly,she says,teachers have been confused by the many educational reform efforts in the last fifteen years.And,finally,she thinks language differences in the classroom have not gotten as much attention as they should.
South Africa's minister of basic education promises a number of improvements.
41.What does the underlined word"passage"most probably mean?D
A.Leave school                        
B.Receive education.
C.Take exams.
D.Pass the exam.
42.What's Motala's attitude towards the basic education for students in South Africa?A
43.Form the passage we know the matric isB.
A.an examination difficult for students to pass
B.an examination for students in grade twelve
C.the number of students leaving school
D.the number of students taking exams
44.Students in South Africa find it hard to get improved in math and science becauseC.
A.they drop out of school without finishing high school
B.teachers don't have the abilities to teach them
C.most schools can not provide enough equipment
D.there aren't such subjects in most schools
45.In which section of a newspaper can you most probably see the passage?C
A.Entertainment.B.News report.C.Education.D.Lifesty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is no doubt tuhao,a sarcastic,light-hearted term referring to rich people of little education,bad taste or lacking self-awareness.
This is yet another example of smart Chinese Internet users applying their creativity to an aged phrase and giving it new life and meaning.The term,which literally means"country bully",has been around since ancient times,when it was used to refer to rich and powerful rural landlords.
However,the meaning of the word changed significantly when it was adapted a few years ago by Chinese players of the wildly popular computer game"World of Warcraft"to refer to rich players who spend big money buying powerful virtual weapons.Because they don't improve their skills by playing,these players are considered silly,uncultured,and unprofessional.
But that is not the end of tuhao's new life story.The renewed popularity of the term also coincides with(同时发生)the emergence(出现)of the Chinese"nouveau riche"一a generation of businessmen and women,property owners and entrepreneurs who have rapidly accumulated large amounts of wealth in recent years.
Similar to the many rags-to-riches stories in human history,many Chinese billionaires who are on the global rich list do not come from well-educated or prestigious(声望很高的) backgrounds.Rather,they achieved financial success through powerful connections,smart investments,and by riding out China's economic boom.Many of them don't shy away from throwing their money around,yet we are often reminded of their lack of manners,taste and cultural sensitivity.
As a result,a term that was popularized in the gaming world has now also been introduced into daily conversation.
Trendy,young Internet users,who see themselves as the opposite of tuhao一not wealthy,but well-educated and cultured一have further popularized the term by using it in various comic situations.For example,the phrase"let's be friends,tuhao,"became hot after it appeared in an online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk.
When Apple released its much anticipated iPhone 5S in September,Chinese Internet users accurately predicted the great popularity of the new golden-colored models among Chinese consumers,and named it"tuhao Gold",to make fun of the taste of rich Chinese people.
"Tuhao"---a latest buzzword in China
 in meaning
In (72)ancient/old times"Country bully",(73)referring
to rich and powerful landlords who oppressed others
In the (74)
Rich but unprofessional players,meaning players who would rather buy powerful (75)virtualweapons than improve skills by playing.
In recent daily (76)conversation/lifeTasteless"nouveau riche",indicating those rich people who have benefited from the (77)booming
economy of China but are (78)known
for their lack of manners,taste and cultural sensitivity.
of its application
"Let's be friends,tuhao."An online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk.
"Tuhao gold"A term intended to (80)tease/mock
the taste of rich Chinese people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive(欺骗)?When someone tells you something that is true,but leaves out important information that should be included,he can give you a false picture.
For example,someone might say,''I just won a hundred.dollars on the lottery(彩票).It was great.I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!".This guy's a winner,right?Maybe,maybe not.We then discover that he bought$200worth of tickets,and only one was a winner.He's really a big loser!He didn't say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purpose.That's called a half-truth.Half truths are not technically lies,but they are just as dishonest.
Some politicians often use this trick.Let's say that during Governor Smith's last term,her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs.Then she seeks another term.One of her  opponents says,"During Governor Smith's term,the state lost one million jobs!"That's true.However,an honest statement would have been,"During Governor Smith's term,the state had a net gain of two million jobs."
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths.It's against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth.An advertisement might say,''Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache.''It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Company.
This kind of deception happens too often.It's a sad fact of life:Lies are lies,and sometimes the truth can lie as well.

31.The underlined word"opponents"in Paragraph 3meansA.
A.enemy    B.partner    C.cooperator   D.assistant
32.We may infer that the author believes people shouldC.
A:.buy lottery tickets if possible    B.make use of half-truths
C.be careful about what they are told D.not trust the Yucky Company
33.How many examples does the writer give to show how the truth is used to deceive?C
A.One.    B.Two.    C.Three. D.Four.
34.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.Using half truths is against the law.
B.Technically,half truths are in fact lies.
C.Yucky Pills is a very good medicine for toothache.
D.Governor Smith did a good job during her last term.
35.which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?B
A.He's really a big loser!
B.Sometimes the truth can lie as well.
C.Advertisers will sometimes use half truths.
D.It's against the law to make false statements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Lumberjack Art
When people think of an artist,they probably do not imagine a lumberjack(伐木工人)cutting down trees with a chainsaw.Yet many lumberjacks consider themselves to be artists. Instead of.patiently working on a large block of hard rock,however,lumberjack artists use chainsaws to carve their,masterpieces from wood.
Wooden,sculptures (雕塑) created with chainsaws are perfect examples of folk art. Everyday tools are used to create art that focuses on subjects found in nature,such as bears or other forest animals.Not all lumberjacks are artists,but some chainsaw artists have been lumberjacks.
A lumberjack,who is also an artist might cut down a tree during a workday.If the stump,the bottom of the tree,is a good size,the artist might be motivated to sculpt the stump into the shape of a forest animal.The chainsaw artist might also carve other large blocks of wood.Sometimes a homeowner might cut down a tree in the yard and then hire a chainsaw artist to create an outdoor sculpture from the stump.So,this art owes its origins to everyday tasks and nature.
The origins of chainsaw art may be humble (不起眼的),but the practice has expanded well beyond turning a stump into a sculpture.In some ways chainsaw artists are like traditional woodcarvers.One artist said that using chainsaws was simply more practical.This person began his work as a traditional woodcarver-that is,he used hand tools to.carve the wood into the shapes he wanted.To save time,he began using a chainsaw to remove some parts of the wooden block.This artist realized that the chainsaw not only cut down large pieces of wood quickly,but also produced a distinctive and beautiful pattern on-the:wood.These patterns would not be seen in other pieces of art.Eventually,the artist began using the chainsaw for nearly all of his carvings.
However unusual it may seem,chainsaw art is here to stay.The final test of success for any type of art is the enthusiasm and acceptance of the public.The conclusion is; people love watching chainsaw artists work,and people love the sculptures they create.
60.What do we know about chainsaw artists?C
A.They are originally traditional lumberjacks.
B.They create masterpieces in woods and forests.
C.They introduce a new concept of artists to people.
D.They produce their sculptures while cutting down trees.
61.Chainsaw artA
A.is a kind of folk art                     B.is hard to be spread
C.focuses on modern themes               D.needs time to be mastered
62.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 4?D
A.The origins of the lumberjack art.
B.The experiences of a chainsaw artist.
C.The procedure for creating a chainsaw sculpture.
D.The application of chainsaw in the lumberjack art.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Talking about buying cars,I prefer a car less than 100,000yuan to _____ over the amount.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Many of the exhibits were damaged in the fire and _________ were totally destroyed.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Emily sat down on the sofa.She took off her shoes.She put her feet on the coffee table.She leaned back.She picked up the remote and turned on the TV.It was 6o'clock.The news was on three channels.She didn't want to see the news.The news depressed her.It was usually about accidents and murders.There was too much bad news on TV.She found a talk show to watch.It was Ellen.She liked Ellen who was a comedian and told good jokes.She showed animals doing funny things.She gave expensive gifts to her fans occasionally.This show was a rerun.because Ellen's live show was usually on at 4o'clock.But that didn't matter to Emily.All she wanted to do was relax.
Her life has one problem after another.Her husband had just lost his job while her only child had dropped out of high school.Even worse,he had left home.He told his mom he would call from time to time.but he hadn't called in two weeks.She was worried sick.She didn't know where he was.She didn't know if he was dead or alive.Her husband said she shouldn't worry.He had done the same thing when he was 17.But when he found out that life on the road wasn't as easy as he thought it was,he returned home and got his high school diploma (毕业证书).
Hearing this,Emily became a little relaxed and to her relief their son returned home two days later,though tired and hungry.

56.Which of the following is TRUE about Ellen?A
A.She usually came to tell jokes at 4p.m..
B.Her performances became very popular recently.
C.She knew many fans and often bought expensive gifts.
D.She wanted to be relaxed after her performances on TV.
57.What was the matter with Emily's family?B
A.The parent-child relationship became strange.
B.There was more than one unhappy thing happening to them.
C.Both Emily and her husband had no work to do.
D.Husband and wife didn't love each other.
58.Why did Emily's husband comfort her about their son?B
A.Because he knew where their son was.
B.Because he had the same experience when young.
C.Because he didn't love his son as Emily did.
D.Because he never minded where his son was.
59.Why did Emily's husband then return home after he left home at a young age?D
A.Because he had no money on him.
B.Because he didn't get his high school diploma.
C.Because he missed his parents very much.
D.Because he found life wasn't as easy as he had imagined.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work.Both were tired.They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.
"Ah!"said one farmer,"tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well."The second answered,"Nonsense (胡说),the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼)."
So they began to quarrel (争吵).Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling.Both farmers explained about the black cloud.
"What cloud?"asked the third farmer.They all looked at the sky.The cloud was no longer there.
Choose the right answer
59.The two farmers wereA.
A.going home   
B.going to the field   
C.going to work   
D.going to see their friend
60.The two farmersCon that day
A.had a holiday                       
B.didn't work
C.worked hard                        
D.wanted to quarrel with each other
61.How many farmers said that the rain would be helpful?B.
A.None          B.One               C.Two              D.Three.

