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 Narayanan Krishnan was a bright, young, award-winning chef with a five-star hotel group in Switzerland. But a quick family visit home before heading for Europe changed everything. He saw a very old man under a bridge eating his own human waste for food while visiting a friend in the south Indian city of Madurai in 502. Shocked by this, Krishnan gave up his job within the week and returned home for good, convinced of his new cause.

“That inspiration is a driving force still inside me as a flame—to serve all the mentally ill (精神病患者) and the people who cannot take care of themselves,” Krishnan said. He founded the organization Akshaya Trust in 503. In Hindu mythology (神话), Goddess Annapoorani’s “Akshaya bowl” fed the hungry endlessly, never using up its resources. Now 14, he has served more than 1.2 million meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner to India’s homeless and the poor.

Krishnan’s day begins at 4 a.m. He and his team cover nearly 110 miles, routinely working in temperatures topping 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot meals he delivers are simple, tasty vegetarian food he personally prepares, packs and often hand-feeds to nearly 400 people each day.

Krishnan carries the barber’s tools and is trained in eight haircut styles that, along with a fresh shave, provide extra dignity (尊严) to those he serves.

He says many of the homeless seldom know their names or birthplaces, and none has the ability to beg, ask for help or offer thanks. They may be unfriendly or ill-willed because of their conditions, but Krishnan says this only makes him offer help more willingly.

1. During his visit home, Krishnan ______.

A. worked at a local five-star hotel

B. helped an old man under a bridge

C. won an award in a chef competition

D. knew the condition of the mentally ill

2. Krishnan named the organization Akshaya Trust to show ______.

A. he is as kind as a Hindu goddess

B. he is ready to help anyone in trouble

C. he hopes to carry on his career for long

D. he was originally inspired by Hindu mythology

3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. He gets donation and others’ help.

B. He is busy with his cause every day.

C. He cooks delicious food for the poor.

D. He leads a regular life every day.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that Krishnan ______.

A. may continue his old job in Switzerland again

B. gets money support from the government

C. will train more chefs to join in the cause

D. may meet cold response from the poor people


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Narayanan Krishnan was a bright, young, award-winning chef with a five-star hotel group in Switzerland. But a quick family visit home before heading for Europe changed everything. He saw a very old man under a bridge eating his own human waste for food while visiting a friend in the south Indian city of Madurai in 502. Shocked by this, Krishnan gave up his job within the week and returned home for good, convinced of his new cause.

“That inspiration is a driving force still inside me as a flame—to serve all the mentally ill (精神病患者) and the people who cannot take care of themselves,” Krishnan said. He founded the organization Akshaya Trust in 503. In Hindu mythology (神话), Goddess Annapoorani’s “Akshaya bowl” fed the hungry endlessly, never using up its resources. Now 14, he has served more than 1.2 million meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner to India’s homeless and the poor.

Krishnan’s day begins at 4 a.m. He and his team cover nearly 110 miles, routinely working in temperatures topping 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot meals he delivers are simple, tasty vegetarian food he personally prepares, packs and often hand-feeds to nearly 400 people each day.

Krishnan carries the barber’s tools and is trained in eight haircut styles that, along with a fresh shave, provide extra dignity (尊严) to those he serves.

He says many of the homeless seldom know their names or birthplaces, and none has the ability to beg, ask for help or offer thanks. They may be unfriendly or ill-willed because of their conditions, but Krishnan says this only makes him offer help more willingly.

1. During his visit home, Krishnan ______.

A. worked at a local five-star hotel

B. helped an old man under a bridge

C. won an award in a chef competition

D. knew the condition of the mentally ill

2. Krishnan named the organization Akshaya Trust to show ______.

A. he is as kind as a Hindu goddess

B. he is ready to help anyone in trouble

C. he hopes to carry on his career for long

D. he was originally inspired by Hindu mythology

3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. He gets donation and others’ help.

B. He is busy with his cause every day.

C. He cooks delicious food for the poor.

D. He leads a regular life every day.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that Krishnan ______.

A. may continue his old job in Switzerland again

B. gets money support from the government

C. will train more chefs to join in the cause

D. may meet cold response from the poor people

