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He gives the impression of being a hard worker.




科目:高中英语 来源:2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试江西卷英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Many people write to newspaper and magazines to express their opinions. Letters to the editor must carry the writer’s full name, address and telephone number, although the information is not necessary for publication. This requirement to provide personal particulars is a clear indication that writers are held responsible for what they say. When a writer wants his voice heard, he needs to claim ownership of his voice. Responsibility is the name of the game.
“People today prefer living together to putting their signatures on a marriage certificate because they refuse to accept responsibility for the relationship,” said social worker Ken Yip, “and this is what is causing a lot of family problems.” When we sign a paper, for example, a business contract or a bank document, the signature is a seal of consent, an agreement to take the matter seriously. Most governments and many organizations will not process written complaints if they do not bear the writer’s signature. The absence of a signature, they explain, tells us that the writer cannot be too serious and therefore does not deserve a reply.
There are people who wish to remain anonymous(匿名的)for various reasons. Multi-billionaire Mr. King donates generously to charity several times a year. He gives simply because he wants to help but not for the publicity his donations may bring, and he does not want his good deeds to make news. In other cases, people insist on anonymity because they are afraid of the consequences of revealing their identity. Crime witnesses may be willing to assist the police, but most are unwilling to give their names when reporting a crime.
Name or no name? The answer is very personal and lies in how much we want to get involved. We all have a name. It is a matter if responsibility to use it when we make a statement, a claim or an accusation. We all want to honour our own name, and it is only by stamping our expression of an opinion with our own name that we honour what we say.
【小题1】What does the writer mean by saying “Responsibility is the name of the game”?

A.Writers need to provide their personal information in the game.
B.Publication must bear the writer’s full name, address and phone number.
C.Writers should be responsible for their names.
D.Names are required to indicate writers’ responsibility for what they say.
【小题2】The second paragraph suggests that a paper without a signature may _______.
A.help to end a relationship B.not get a reply
C.be accepted all the same D.become a family problem
【小题3】Some people don’t want their names known because they are ________.
A.hesitant to make a donationB.unwilling to draw public attention
C.afraid of an accusationD.ready for involvement
【小题4】The passage is mainly about _______.
A.honour and writersB.identity and signature
C.signature and responsibilityD.anonymity and signature


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考第二轮专题复习提分训练专题十三完形填空英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ)Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker.He is not famous in sports or the arts.But people in the streets___himespecially those who are____.

For those peoplehe is “Gloves” Greenberg.How did he get that____He looks like any other businessmanwearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱)But he’s____.His briefcase always has some gloves.

In winterMr.Greenberg does not____like other New Yorkerswho look at the sidewalk and ____the street.He looks around at____.He stops when he____someone with no gloves.He gives them a pair and then he____looking for more people with cold____.

On winter daysMr.Greenberg____gloves.During the rest of the yearhe____gloves.People who have heard about him____him glovesand he has many in his apartment.

Mr.Greenberg ___ doing this 21 years ago.Nowmany poor New Yorkers know him and___his behavior.But people who don’t know him are sometimes____ him.They don’t realize that he just wants to make them____.

It runs in the____.Michael’s father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier.Michael Greenberg feels the____.A pair of gloves may be a____thingbut it can make a big difference in winter.

1.A.know about? Blearn from

Ccheer for? Dlook after

2.A.old? Bbusy

Ckind? Dpoor

3.A.job? Bname

Cchance??? Dmessage

4.A.calm? Bdifferent

Ccrazy? Dcurious

5.A.act? Bsound

Cfeel? Ddress

6.A.cross over? Bdrive along

Churry down? Dkeep off

7.A.cars? Bpeople

Cstreet numbers? Dtraffic lights

8.A.helps? Bchooses

Cgreets?? Dsees

9.A.holds up? Bhangs out

Cmoves on? Dturns around

10.A.hands? Bears

Cfaces?? Deyes

11.A.searches for?? Bstores up

Cgives away?? Dputs on

12.A.borrows?? Bsells

Creturns? Dbuys

13.A.call?? Bsend

Clend? Dshow

14.A.delayed?? Bremembered

Cbegan?? Denjoyed

15.A.understand?? Bdislike

Cstudy? Dexcuse

16.A.sorry for? Bsatisfied with

Cproud of? Dsurprised by

17.A.smart? Brich

Cspecial? Dhappy

18.A.city? Bfamily

Cneighborhood? Dcompany

19.A.honor? Bpain

Csame? Dcold

20.A.small? Buseful

Cdelightful? Dcomforting



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮增分增值集训:名词英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Check Engine Light

As I turned from the parking lotheading for homeI noticed a yellow light on my dashboard(仪表板)had come on.The symbol indicated that I was to ____ the engine.I noted the water temperature and the oil light ___ to see if there were problems that would ____ an overheated engine.Noting these two gauges(仪表)were okayI ____ I could ignore the little yellow light that caused such great ___ for at least the moment.

After I retrieved my owner manual(用户手册)I ____ the check engine light comes on to indicate that there is a problem and that ____ is required.Malfunctions will often be indicated by the ____ before any problem is apparentwhich may ___ more serious damage to the vehicle.This system is ___ to assist you and your technician in ____ diagnosing any malfunction.

Reading the manual made me think of how we need ____in our lives to be our “check engine light”We need to know when a(n) ____ occurs and when service is required in our lives.We need to correct our problems before serious damage surfaces.We need a light to ____ in our minds to help us avoid conflictpainor disaster.We need a(n) ____ to come on to tell us not to yield to temptation.We need to be ____ that we shouldn't ignore good and work to make life better for all of us.

God makes a magnificent “check engine light”He gives you an awareness to keep your pathway ____.He shows you the beauty of the earth to ____ you to him.He gives people who care about youto help ____ your living.He has provided his word to point the ____.Lean on God to lead your pathway from the problems that could damage your living.He can repair malfunctions before they destroy your being.

1.A.replace? Bheat? Crepair? Dcheck

2.A.quickly? ????????????? Bgradually

Cluckily? ????????????? Dapproximately

3.A.cool? Bcause? Cprotect? Dhide

4.A.wondered? ????????????? Breasoned?

Cimagined? ????????????? Dappreciated

5.A.strength? Bdifference? Canxiety? Drisk

6.A.found? Bsensed? Crequired? Dbelieved

7.A.balance? ????????????? Bpatience?

Cservice? ????????????? Dperformance

8.A.sight? Bsituation? Csystem? Devent

9.A.generate? ????????????? Bprevent?

Caccumulate? ????????????? Dincrease

10.A.charged? Barranged? Cachieved? Ddesigned

11.A.truly? Bsimply? Ccorrectly? Dslowly

12.A.anyone? Bsomeone? Ceveryone? Dno one

13.A.problem? Bquestion? Cargument? Daccident

14.A.run away? ????????????? Bwork out

Ccome on? ????????????? Dturn up

15.A.cube? Balarm? Cflash? Dlight

16.A.reminded? Bapplied? Crecognized? Dassured

17.A.similar? Bstraight? Ctough? Dchangeable

18.A.adapt? Bapply? Crush? Dlead

19.A.guide? Bfinish? Cmake? Daffect

20.A.use? Btime? Cway? Dsign



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆市高三第三次(5月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Man was very sad. He knew that the Cat's days were numbered. The doctor had said there wasn’t anything more that could be done, and that he should take the Cat home and make him as comfortable as possible.

A tear rolled down the Man’s cheek and landed on the Cat’s forehead, The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed look. “Why do you cry, Man?” the Cat asked. “Because you can’t bear the thought of losing me? Because you think you can never replace me?” The Man nodded “yes”.

“Pick up that piece of string from the floor. There, my ‘toy’. The Man reached over and picked up the string. It was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to entertain himself for hours with it. “Now take each end of the string in one hand,” the Cat ordered. The Man did so.

“The end in your left hand is my birth and the end in your right hand is my death. Now bring the two ends together,” the Cat said. The man did so. Then the Cat continued, “You have made a continuous circle. Does any point along the string appear to be different, worse or better than any other part of the string?” The Man inspected the string and then shook his head.

“Close your eyes.” the Cat said. “Now lick your hand.” The Man widened his eyes in surprise. “Just do it,” the Cat said. “Lick your hand, think of me in all my familiar places, and think about all the pieces of string.”

Licking his hand, he discovered what a cat must know, that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more clearly. He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days. He waited for the Cat to tell him to stop, and when he didn’t, he opened his eyes. The Cat’s eyes were closed. The Man stroked(轻抚) the warm, brown fur, but the Cat was gone.

One day, not long after, there was a new cat on his lap. She was a lovely white cat. It is very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.

1.Why did the Cat give the man a slightly annoyed look?

A.Because the man’s tears made the Cat really anxious.

B.Because the Cat didn’t know what made the man burst into tears.

C.Because the Cat couldn’t go to sleep when the man was in low spirits.

D.Because the man didn’t have to be so sad and concerned.

2.According to the text, which of the following is the reason why a cat licks paws?

A.Licking paws can make a cat remain calm and have a clear mind.

B.Licking paws will make a cat happy and energetic.

C.Licking paws will make a cat find out many unknown secrets.

D.Licking paws can make a cat stay tidy and healthy.

3.What does the underlined word “string” in paragraph 3 stand for?

A.Life.              B.Birth.             C.Hope.            D.Power.

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Pets play an important part in our life.

B.Life has no end and death is just a new beginning.

C.We should take a positive attitude towards life and live life to its fullest.

D.It gives us some suggestions on how to relieve ourselves when a pet passes away.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011海南海口市高考调研英语试题 题型:完型填空

Thanksgiving Day was near. Lucy, the first grade teacher, gave her class a fun   36  — to draw a picture of somebody or something for which they were    37   . When the students    38  

their assignment, she found most of them drew some pictures of their family, teachers, friends or neighbors.

Douglas, however, made a different kind of picture. He was a   39   boy. He didn’t act the same as others. He always seemed to be shy and sad. He   40   played with other children during the break   41   they kindly invited him to. Lucy treated him very well. She always helped him and   42   him to be confident. Yes, his picture was different. He just drew a   43  . Nothing else. His abstract image   44   the imagination of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One guessed it was a mother’s hand, for mother’s hand gives children warmth and   45  . Another child guessed it was a police officer’s hand, because the police   46   people and care for people. And so the discussion   47  .

     When the children were discussing it, Lucy paused at Douglas’ desk,   48   down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy murmured, “It’s   49  , teacher.” Douglas was most thankful for her hand. She was   50   and felt tears in her eyes. She thought of the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there. She   51   how often she had said to him, “Take my   52  , Douglas. We’ll go outside.” or “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.”

     The story speaks of   53   thankfulness. It also says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship. They might not always say “  54  ” out, but they’ll remember the hand that you   55  out to give them love and be grateful to you always.

1... A. assignment      B. question         C. suggestion           D. solution

2.. A. sorry        B. regretful            C. thankful        D. responsible

3.. A. gave in          B. handed in            C. put off          D. called off

4... A. strong          B. kind             C. different            D. humorous

5... A. often           B. usually          C. seldom           D. ever

6... A. because         B. though           C. as               D. since

7... A. encouraged      B. discouraged          C. cheered          D. praised

8... A. hand            B. face             C. ear              D. leg

9.. A. reduced          B. ruined               C. inspired        D. used

10... A. comfort        B. praise           C. sorrow               D. coldness

11... A. search         B. question         C. meet             D. protect

12... A. ended          B. succeeded            C. continued            D. failed

13... A. broke          B. pulled           C. looked           D. bent

14... A. his            B. yours                C. my mother’s         D. my father’s

15... A. disappointed       B. annoyed          C. tired            D. touched

16... A. forgot         B. regretted            C. recalled         D. understood

17... A. hand           B. book             C. lesson           D. gift

18... A. rather than        B. more than            C. anything but     D. nothing but

19... A. I’m sorry     B. Take care            C. I’m all right           D. Thank you

20... A. get            B. reach                C. put              D. make



