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These tickets are ________. The film company gave them away to us ________.

[  ]

A.for free; free

B.free; freely

C.free; for free

D.for free; free of charge




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A long car journey can be a nightmare(噩梦) for everyone, whether they are adults or children, passengers or drivers. The driver at least has something that he or she needs to concentrate on but for the other occupants of the car, the journey can be boring, uncomfortable, and can make you feel sick. Moreover, passengers who suffer during car journeys can cause stress and anxiety to the driver, who may therefore lose concentration and cause an accident.

With this problem in mind, doctors and child psychiatrists have recommended a series of things to do and not do to make these journeys less stressful.

◆Surveys suggest that a major cause of arguments on car journeys is _________, and evidence shows that drivers operate better if they are listening to something of their own choice. This means that, especially when different generations are traveling, everyone except the driver who wants to listen to music should be equipped with their own source of music or radio.

◆By far the most successful strategy, especially if there are children in the car, is to turn the journey into a fun task of some kind. For example, children can be issued with an illustrated worksheet, offering them the chance to tick off things that they see-a blue motorway road sign, for example, or a particular kind of tree.

◆It is of course important to have sufficient provisions(储备物) for the trip, with water on the top of the list. However, doctors are now warning parents against giving their children fast food items and fizzy(起泡的) drinks, the kind of things that cause hyperactivity and can create tension and problems.

1.What is the main idea of this passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


2.Fill in the blank in the third paragraph of the passage to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)


3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

    For children passengers, the most efficient way is to make the journey more enjoyable.



4.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into proper Chinese.



5.What do you think are the needed sufficient provisions for children during the trip? (Please answer within 20 words)




科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省绍兴市2010届高三下学期教学质量调测 题型:完型填空

Just ten years ago, I sat across the desk from a doctor with a serious look. “Yes,” he said, “there is a serious injury in the left lung…” I listened, too  21  to speak, as he continued, “You’ll have to  22  work at once and go to bed. Later on, we’ll see.” He gave no definite promise of recovery.
Feeling like a man who has suddenly been placed under  23  of death. In the next three days, I   24  my affairs; then I went home, got into bed, and set my watch to tick off not the minutes,   25  the months. Two and a half years and many crashed hopes later, I left my bed and began the long  26  back. It was another year before I made it.
I speak of this experience because these years that passed so  27  taught me what to believe and what to  28 . They said to me: Take time,   29  time takes you. I realize now that this world I’m living in is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my opportunity to be  30  . To me, each day is such a   31 gift. The sun comes up and presents me with 24 brand new, wonderful hours—not to pass, but to  32  .
I’ve learned to  33  those little but all-important things I never thought I had the time to notice before: the play of light on  34  water, the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree. I seem now to see and hear and feel with some of the recovered  35   of childhood. I recall the touch of the springy earth under my feet the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like  36  one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.   37  ,I sit back and say to myself, let me make a   38  of this moment I’m living right now. All this, I owe to that long time spent on the deadlines of life. Wiser people come to this awareness  39  having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough. I’m   40  now, a little, and happier.
21.A.frightened     B.embarrassed     C.shocked      D.confused
22.A.pick up        B.give up        C.take up       D.keep up
23.A.sentence      B.shadow        C.pressure      D.trial
24.A.figured out      B.looked after     C.cleared up    D.concentrated on
25.A.or            B.and          C.nor          D.but
26.A.jump         B.walk         C.rush        D.climb
27.A.quickly        B.slowly         C.quietly        D.easily
28.A.expect         B.desire          C.obtain         D.value
29.A.before         B.after         C.until        D.when
30.A.picked         B.accepted      C.grasped       D.quitted
31.A.precious      B.potential      C.pleasant      D.permanent
32.A.spend          B.fill           C.employ       D.kill
33.A.observe       B.appreciate     C.ignore        D.respect
34.A.falling         B.rolling         C.running      D.pouring
35.A.Ignorance     B.absence       C.Carelessness  D.freshness
36.A.regaining     B.requiring     C.rebuilding    D.recovering
37.A.Regularly     B.Immediately     C.Frequently   D.Continuously
38.A.copy         B.note         C.study        D.summary
39.A.beyond        B.by            C.without       D.through
40.A.better              B.stronger       C.wiser        D.Healthier


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省襄阳市四校高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How to Tell If Someone Is Happy or Sad on the Phone

    Scientists have come up with some researches on what makes different types of people“tick”.

    The scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed new mobile phone technology called Emotion Sense that can tell if a caller is happy, angry or sad.

    Scientists hope to fit the speech recognition system to standard mobile phones and use it to determine emotions—it will also use a GPS tracking system to log where the call is made.

    And they’ve already made some pretty major breakthroughs into really getting under the skin of us humans.

    The results from the pilot scheme make interesting scientific reading. Among the key revelations (﹦facts) are that callers feel happier at home and sadder at work.

    To break it down, scientifically, it shows 45 percent of all emotions produced at home are “happy”and 54 percent of emotions at work are “sad”.

    Meanwhile, people show more “intense”(﹦nervous) emotions in the evening than they do in the morning.

    Of course, this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly “intense”. Eating breakfast and getting to work on time is usually enough of an achievement.

    Anyway, the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers’ emotions are changed by everyday factors.

    The sensors analyze voice samples and these are then divided into five categories: happiness, sadness, fearfulness, anger or neutral-—boredom or passivity(消极) would fit into this last category.

1.How many emotions can the sensors tell?

A. Two          B. Three             C. Four            D. Five

2.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Scientists have put something testing people’s emotions under humans’ skin.

B. There were some breakthroughs in this technology in getting something from people’s skin.

C. In this technology, people’s skin was broken through.

D. There were improvements in testing people’s emotions.

3.Why do most people feel less intense in the morning than in the evening?

A. Because morning is the start of a new day.

B. because they feel too tired in the morning.

C. Because of humans’ physiological structure.

D. Because of the fresh air and bright sunlight.

4.Which of the following hasn’t been put into the standard mobile phones?

A. Speech recognition software.             B. Phone sensors.

C. GPS sensors.                          D. Translation system.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       While many Americans hope the new stimulus(刺激) package will provide some relief in the year ahead, many who were recently laid off or are facing layoffs are looking for a more immediate solution, such as a new job. But, according to Josh Klapow, clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama Birmingham School of Public Health, a clear mind is the first step to finding a new job.

       “After a job loss, a person’s memory and concentration can be weakened. Within the first 24 hours of being laid off, the best thing to do is doing nothing,” said Klapow. “I encourage people to just cool it.”

       According to Klapow, many people tend to over-think their situation, which may lead to anxiety, and difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Instead of letting your thoughts race, Klapow suggests writing a list of tasks.

       “Write down everything you think you may need to do, then make a list,” he said. “It gets your thoughts out of your head and onto a piece of paper.”

       Once your mind is clear, and the list is in front of you, you can start from the top and do one thing at a time, he said.

       Not having to prepare for work in the morning may no longer be an excuse to watch the morning hours tick away from under the covers.

       Staying in bed allows anxiety and guilt to build up within oneself, he said. Getting a start to the day keeps away the negative thoughts associated with losing a job, and allows you to work on applying of other positions and getting things done.

       Getting up early may not seem appealing if there isn’t much to do. Taking part in activities or taking on projects that would have previously cut into work hours is a good way to stay positive.

       Activities can include exercising, volunteering, or attending career fairs. These can not only improve your emotional well-being, but also help you discover opportunities you may not have found if you stayed at home.

       “We have the tendency to think of problems as permanent, but they always get resolved in the end,” said Klapow. “The important thing is for a person not to go downhill and stay there.”

       Laughter is the best medicine, as the saying goes. And although laughter may not bring a nation out of a recession(经济衰退), it can bring about a positive outlook. According to Klapow, laughing can improve your physiological(生理的) response to losing a job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A long car journey can be a nightmare(噩梦) for everyone,whether they are adults or children,passengers or drivers.The driver at least has something that he or she needs to concentrate on but for the other occupants of the car, the journey can be boring, uncomfortable, and can make you feel sick. Moreover, passengers who suffer during car journeys can cause stress and anxiety to the driver, who may therefore lose concentration and cause an accident.

  With this problem in mind, doctors and child psychiatrists have recommended a series of things to do and not do to make these journeys less stressful.

  ◆Surveys suggest that a major cause of arguments on car journeys is    , and evidence shows that drivers operate better if they are listening to something of their own choice. This means that, especially when different generations are traveling, everyone except the driver who wants to listen to music should be equipped with their own source of music or radio.

  ◆By far the most successful strategy, especially if there are children in the car,is to turn the journey into a fun task of some kind. For example, children can be issued with an illustrated worksheet, offering them the chance to tick off things that they see—a blue motorway road sign,for example,or a particular kind of tree.

  ◆It is of course important to have sufficient provisions(储备物) for the trip,with water on the top of the list. However, doctors are now warning parents against giving their children fast food items and fizzy(起泡的) drinks,the kind of things that cause hyperactivity and can create tension and problems.

1. What is the main idea of this passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


2. Fill in the blank in the third paragraph of the passage to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)


3. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

  For chihlren passengers, the most efficient way is to make the journey more enjoyable.



4. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into proper Chinese.


5. What do you think are the needed sufficient provisions for children during the trip?

   (Please answer within 20 words)


