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6.Job Chances in Top Schools
Throughout China
Interested in teaching in a foreign country?Schools all over China are looking for skilled teachers interested in teaching English.There are chances all over the country.Apply today!
Necessary conditions
Native speaker of English
BA Degree or higher (English and Education major preferred)
Teaching experience is preferred,but not required.
Must be a citizen of one of the following countries:Australia,Canada,Ireland,South Africa,New Zealand,the United States,or the United Kingdom.
Pay to be offered
From$1,800to$2,300a month depending on conditions and experience
Pays differ depending on schools.Benefits differ between employers,but the following benefits must be offered:
FREE apartment with furniture
Overtime pay
10---14days paid vacation
Medical insurance---generally half provided
Round-trip ticket
How to apply
To apply,only send us the following information:
Resume/Date of Birth/Recent picture
Once we receive your information,we will get you into our job matching lists,when a match is recorded,we will get in touch with you for an interview.Click on the following apply.
Now button to offer your resume and required documentation.
Any questions send us an e-mail at primejobs@teachers.com.

21.One who gets the job will teachB.
22.We can learn from the passage that a JapaneseA.
A.can't apply the job
B.can apply the job at any time
C.can get more benefits from the job
D.can get more medical insurance from the job
23.If you get the job and take the vacation for ten days,you willC.
A.be fined            
B.not get paid
C.be paid as usual      
D.be paid with overtime pay
24.Where is the passage most probably taken from?D
A.A newspaper.
B.A magazine.
C.A dictionary.
D.The Internet.

分析 本文为广告应用文,是一篇顶尖学校的招聘广告,介绍了相应的岗位和要求.

解答 21-24 BACD
21.答案B.细节理解题.根据文章标题下面的句子"Interested in teaching in a foreign country?Schools all over China are looking for skilled teachers interested in teaching English."可知得到工作的人将教英语.故选B.
22.答案A.细节理解题.根据文章Necessary conditions里面的句子"Must be a citizen of one of the following countries:Australia,Canada,Ireland,South Africa,New Zealand,the United States,or the United Kingdom."可知一个日本人不能申请这个工作.故选A.
23.答案C.细节理解题.根据文章Pay to be offered里面第五段的句子"10---14 days paid vacation"可知如果你得到这个工作,并度假10天,报酬是一样的.故选C.
24.答案D.推理判断题.根据文章最后一行的句子"Any questions send us an e-mail at primejobs@teachers.com."可知这篇文章是出自网络.故选D.

点评 在解答事实细节题时,我们首先就要在试题中寻找关键的线索词,如名词、动词、形容词或副词等实义词,带着问题和它们去阅读短文,要标明其出处,为迅速、准确地选择正确的答案作好充分准备.其次要忠实于原文.该类题源于短文,所以在解题时要紧扣原文,在短文中找到相应出处,要以此为依据,而不是想当然地仅凭自己已有的知识进行答题.此外,还应注意句子间的逻辑关系(如因果、方位、次序、时间先后、转折/相对和递进关系)和认真识别指代词语(如代词和替代词:one,the one,those,that,it,they等).  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.If you have already taken too much medicine,go to theemergency (急救) room of your nearest hospital now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The biggest hamburger restaurant chain(连锁) in the world is McDonald's.It started in 1955with just one restaurant,but now has more than 20000worldwide.There are more than 12000McDonald's restaurants only in the US.You can find them in 100countries on six continents.There isn't a McDonald's in Antarctica,but I don't suppose they eat hamburgers at the South Pole.When you eat at a McDonald's restaurant you are joining the 35million people who eat and drink at McDonald's every day,and there are more than one million people who work there.McDonald's has sold 100billion hamburgers since it opened,and it sells more than 6.8million pounds of French Fries every day.
How do you like your hamburger restaurant?There are old McDonald's----part of one restaurant in England is 600years old.There are elegant(高雅的) McDonald's----there is one on the Champs Elysees in Paris.There are cool McDonald's----there is one in Hollywood.There are McDonald's restaurants on ships and trains,in hospitals and zoos,in airports and in colleges.
Clearly many people like the speed,hygiene(卫生) and cheapness of fast food restaurants.However,not everyone likes fast food.Some people question the nutritional value of the food; some people think the fast food causes too much waste and pollution.So the fast food business gives us plenty of food for thought,as well as convenient,affordable meals.
28.There areB McDonald's restaurants outside the US now.
A.about 20000B.about 8000
C.about 12000D.about 32000
29.How many people does each McDonald's employees serve on average every day?C
A.About 35billionB.About 100billion
C.About 35millionD.About 600million
30.From the passage we can infer thatA.
A.there are McDonald's of different styles to meet different customers
B.the writer encourage more people to eat hamburgers
C.the writer thinks people should stop eating hamburgers
D.hamburgers are of great nutritional value
31.The underlined phrase"plenty of food for thought"in the last paragraph probably meansC.
A.a lot of delicious food
B.a lot of food you can afford
C.a lot of things to think about
D.a lot of convenient food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Feeling lonely has a bigger influence on older people's life expectancy(预期寿命) than smoking,top government adviser David Halpern said earlier this year.
This shocking fact,given that loneliness is reaching high levels in the UK-with 3.1 million over-65s going more than a week without seeing a friend or family member-has caused quite a debate.Later retirement age is one idea for how the government might respond,but I think we can make a change without waiting for a new law.
My solution?Yup,you guessed it:the web.OK,I'm not mad enough to suggest that a piece of electronic equipment is a magic bullet(灵丹妙药) to loneliness,but I do,hand on heart,think that encouraging more older people to get online is the simplest and cheapest tool we can equip them with so they can reawaken old,or form new,friendships.
One of my favorite jobs as Digital Champion is judging Age UK's Internet Champion of the Year Award.Looking through this year's shortlist,it was obvious that each participant had been suddenly filled with a desire to socialize because of the way the net had widened their social circle.Reading the shortlist,what also struck me was how far from rocket science getting older people online is.
One of this year's winners,Brenda,has a great story that's both totally special and also ver y typical.Brenda felt extremely lonely after her husband's death.Several months later,she got online.Having quickly got used to using the computer,Brenda amazingly managed to make contact with a soldier who had stayed with her family during the Second World War.Starting up their friendship again after more than half a century is the kind of miracle(奇迹) the Internet has made us almost take for granted-but which would have been almost unthinkable just ten years ago.
32.Why did the author suggest the web as a solution?D
A.It is an all-purpose tool.
B.It is strongly advised by the government.
C.It is the only way older people make new friends.
D.It can solve the problem of loneliness in an easy way.
33.What did the author learn from the shortlist?C
A.Participants had a similar social circle.
B.Participants found it difficult to get online.
C.Participants benefited greatly from the web.
D.Participants knew each other because of the net.
34.As a lonely old woman,BrendaD.
A.searched hard for her old friend        
B.became a new friend of a soldier
C.lived alone for more than half a century  
D.got in touch with an old friend on the net
35.What is the best title for the text?A
A.Friends Online                     
B.Debate on Loneliness  
C.Encourage Older People             
D.Help an Internet Beginner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fun day
To celebrate the Year of the Rooster
Organized by Lam Tin Youth Centre and Kwun Tong High school
Date:2February 2017
Place:Kwn Tong Playground
Fee:20 (buy three get one free)
Programmes:drama,lion dance,magic show and ballet performance
Highlights:1)enter the lucky draw to win a digital camera
2)learn to make festival food
Join us on the Fun day!

All are welcome!
★Tickets are available at the General Office of Lam Tin Youth Centre.
★For those who would like to be a volunteer,please contact Miss Olivia Wong one week before
the activity.
21.What is going to take place on 2February,2013?C
A.A party for close friends to meet and have fun.
B.A social gathering to raise money for wildlife.
C.A big event to welcome a Chinese new year.
D.A meeting of Kwun Tong High School students.
22.How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together?B
23.Which of the following statements is true?D
A.Tickets are sold in Kwun Tong High School.
B.Free digital cameras are provided for everybody.
C.Festival food will be served without extra charge.
D.It's unnecessary to take soft drinks with you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Zheng Pengyu:Interest is the best teacher.Classrooms that weren't fixed could give students the chance to explore their interests.At the same time,they would be able to learn on their own because they would have to make their own decisions.All in all,the new system would be a good chance to inspire students'love for studying.
Sun Yao:Despite its benefits,I'm worried about whether the new system would work.Going to different classrooms would take up a big part of our break time and we would have less time to relax after class.Also,not all schools could offer so many different classes.
Shi Zhenghan:I support students learning in different classes.It would solve the problem of some students thinking the classes are too easy while some think they are too difficult.Teachers could also teach more effectively.What's more,friendships built while in different classes might be a pleasant surprise.
Zhou Qingqing:In my opinion,studying in different classrooms might affect students'psychological development.They might find it difficult to develop deep and strong friendships with other students if they had to change classrooms constantly.They would also lose their sense of belonging to a certain class.
Hu Qile:I applaud the idea.It would help teachers set up special teaching plans for different classes.For students,making choices by themselves could encourage them to be responsible.Changing classrooms could also help remove the boredom of doing the same dull routine (惯例) every day.
Wang Xiaoqian:The new system might help with students'individual development,but I still prefer the current system.Studying in one fixed classroom,students with different academic levels can help each other.Spending your senior middle school years with the same classmates is an unfortgettable experience.
21.According to Sun Yao,which of the following sentences is TRUE?B
A.The new system will work if great measures are taken.
B.All the schools can't afford so many different classes.
C.Students will have more time to relax.
D.He supports the system because of its benefits.
22.Among the following people,who prefers the new system?C
A.Sun Yao   
B.Zhou Qingqing   
C.Hu Qile   
D.Wang Xiaoqian
23.What is the passage about?A
A.Different opinions about changing classrooms.
B.Students find it difficult to develop friendship.
C.Schools should offer different classes to students.
D.Changing classrooms can help with students'individual development.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Train big cats in Las Vegas!
Big cats are lions,tigers,cheetahs,etc.
They appear in world famous circus performances!
(No experience necessary)
We supply:
•high pay
•fantastic conditions
•an exciting star-like life
The successful person is required to be:
•able to decide quickly
•ready for anything
•full of energy
•fit and healthy
Don't wait!Apply now.
Have you ever wanted to write for a popular magazine?Well now's your chance!
We are looking for someone to write a weekly column (栏目) in our magazine on any topic they want.
•You become well known.
•You have influence and people everywhere read your opinions.It's a fantastic chance.
We provide:
•help from editors
•allowance (津贴)
•high pay
You provide:
•imagination (想象)
Volunteers wanted for the new TV show
Supreme ChallengeTM will take 15ordinary members of the public and put them in difficult situations (on mountains,in the forest,at sea,etc.).
The winner gets 5million!!!
We are looking for volunteers who are:
brave*cheerful*fit*outgoing*good in a crowd
21.What is a cheetah in the left ad?A
A.A wild animal.
B.A kind of bird.
C.A circus performer.
D.A tool to train big cats.
22.What can a person get for training big cats in Las Vegas?B
A.No training.
B.Fantastic conditions.
C.A boring life.
D.Low pay.
23.To write for the magazine,a person should provideC.
24.How much can the winner get in the challenge for the new TV show?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.This is Tornado and Severe Weather (龙卷风与恶劣天气) Awareness Week.It's important to know what to do and where to go during severe weather.A Wisconsin couple says an early warning could have been the difference between life and deathwhen a tornado hit last summer.
Larry and Rita Krznarich were camping in northern Wisconsin last year.The day started off nice,but took a turn for the worse in the evening.So they turned on their weather radio.
"I turned the radio on and there was a specific warning:A storm is about to hit the Turtle-Flambeau.Take cover immediately,"says Larry Krznarich."I said to Rita,‘Head for the table.I'm going to warn the neighbors.'"
Larry joined Rita under the picnic table and within minutes a tornado hit.A falling tree hit Larry and broke his leg bone,but without the warning the couple says things could have been worse.
"The tent,where we may have been if not for the weather radio,was completely covered by trees; all of our things were completely covered,"says Rita Krznarich.
With spring here,people are being reminded to plan for severe weather.That includes buying a weather radio.
"The great thing about the weather radio is that it's instantaneous.It's directly from the weather service,so you're getting information at exactly the same time they're getting it,"says Tod Pritchard,Emergency Preparedness Coordinator.
Larry has recovered from his injuries and now the couple makes sure everyone they know has a weather radio.
"Ever since the storm,we've given weather radios as gifts to people.You can get them for $20so there's no excuse not to have one or a couple,"says Larry.
1.What happened to the Wisconsin couple?A
A.They survived a violent storm.
B.They were attacked while camping.
C.They got seriously injured in a tornado.
D.They were saved from danger by their neighbors.
2.The radio warned people toD.
A.stay at home in the evening     
B.aoid camping in the Turtle-Flambeau
C.watch out for falling trees      
D.protect themselves from bad weather
3.What does the underlined word"instantaneous"in the text mean?C
4.What's the main idea of the text?B
A.We should protect the environment to avoid natural disasters.
B.A weather radio should be part of severe weather preparations.
C.The Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week is necessary.
D.We should make safety plans for severe weather before we travel.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

8.The launch of the UK's biggest online university venture has the potential to"revolutionise conventional models of formal education"and keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education,says universities minister David Willetts.
The FutureLearn project will see more than 20 institutions enter the global market to offer massive open online courses,or Moocs.Until now,the US has led the way in the creation of Moocs,catering to an estimated 3 million learners worldwide with hundreds of courses from a range of top institutions.
Bath,Exeter,Birmingham,Edinburgh and Warwick are among the 21 UK universities that have signed up.The British Library,British Museum and British Council will also make material available to students.The venture,set up by the Open University,is a response to the rise of Moocs and will offer students a new and innovative way to access courses,says Martin Bean vice-chancellor of the Open University.Bean said,"Time and again we have seen the impact the Internet can have on industries-driving innovation and enhancing the customer experience.I have no doubt Moocs will do the same for education-offering people new and exciting ways to learn."
A senior academic at University College London-which has chosen not to be involved in FutureLearn-has questioned whether the Mooc model is the best road for universities to go down.Although free for students,online courses have some downsides.Stephen Caddick,professor at the university,says students want flexibility above all."Moocs are an online product of higher education currently experienced offline by a lot of students:inflexible",said Caddick."These courses are free to students,yet very expensive to develop for universities."
Simon Nelson,CEO of FutureLearn,said university partners see this opportunity as"money extremely well spent",helping them to boost their global profile and encourage experimentation and innovation within university departments.According to Nelson,FutureLearn will continue to expand its number of partners both in the UK and overseas,as well as develop its commercial model,which in the future could see students paying to take exams and purchase extra course material.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)
78.Besides revolutionizing traditional educational models,FutureLearn has the potential toto keep UK ahead in the global race to deliver the best education.
79.How many learners all over the world have benefited from the online courses offered by American universities?an estimated 3 million learners
80.What are the two downsides of online courses mentioned by Stephen Caddic?These courses are inflexible and expensive to developfor unversities.
81.What is the plan for FutureLearn according to Nelson?to expand its number of partnersand develop its commercial model.

