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7.Don't let yourself be _____(说服) to buy things that you really don't need.

分析 不要让你自己被说服买些你确实不需要的东西.

解答 答案:persuaded 考查翻译填空.persuade意为"说服",根据句意,应是"自己被说服",要用不定式的被动形式,persuade的过去分词是persuaded.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.That's anordinary(普通的) event.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Each cartoon is accompanied by a briefexplanation (解释) of its content and significance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Thankstohis help,I was able to pass the exam.(幸亏,由于)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The reason why the two boys oftenquarreled(争吵) with each other confused their teacher.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.She dreamed about a handsome young man coming to rescueher from her pain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.A MAJOR breakthrough that could save many lives could be coming,as a simple blood test from genomics (基因组学) company Illumina could help to detect (发现) cancer early.
The company,helped by $100million (about 658million yuan) from famous tech founders like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos,aims to find warning signs of any type of cancer before there are any symptoms or tumors (肿瘤),and thus save many lives,according to The Telegraph.
The race to invent this type of technology is happening between several scientists.For example,the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute and the University of Leicester in the UK are both working on similar technologies.
Although some blood treatments that show tumors returning or cancer getting worse have been developed,scientists have been trying for some time to find cancer signs in people that otherwise seem healthy.The technology,called"liquid biopsy",would work by finding parts of DNA that are known to be signs of cancer in the blood as the disease developed.
Catching cancer early isn't always a good thing-some cancers never go on to become dangerous,but treating them can have bad side effects.However,Jay Flatley,the Illumina chief executive and chairman of Grail,a company set up by Illumina,told The New York Times that Grail will solve these issues by sequencing (确定…的顺序) the DNA of 30,000to 50,000people.It will check how serious their cancers are over time to make the test accurate.The money of a large company like Illumina means that its DNA sequencing technologies are far more accurate than the average ones.
At the University of Leicester,researchers such as Professor Jacqui Shaw are also trying to solve the problem by analyzing bits of DNA for errors that are only related to fast-progressing tumors.
"We hope today is a turning point in the war on cancer,"said Flatley."By making it possible for cancer to be detected early in people with no symptoms through a simple blood test,we aim to greatly decrease cancer deaths by finding the disease at a stage when it can be cured."
Last year,a similar test created in London by the Institute of Cancer Research was able to tell if breast cancer was coming back almost eight months before any symptoms were found.

55.According to the article,the company IlluminaD.
A.has invented a new medicine to cure cancer
B.has found a new way to cure cancer of any kind
C.is developing a new treatment for breast cancer
D.could use a blood test to catch cancer early
56.What can be concluded from the article?C
A.Blood tests still can't discover signs of cancer returning.
B.Only scientists in the UK are making progress in cancer research.
C.Finances play an important role in research.
D.The"liquid biopsy"technology is the first blood treatment adopted in the history of cancer research.
57.From Paragraph 5,we can learn thatD.
A.liquid biopsy works by sequencing a few people's DNA
B.DNA sequencing technologies are widely used in many areas
C.once cancer is detected,it should be treated as soon as possible
D.DNA sequencing results could be different depending on the technology used
58.The author wrote the article mainly toA.
A.inform us of a new method of detecting cancer
B.call for donations to companies doing medical research
C.compare different cancer experiments
D.stress the difficulties of medical research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.There are stock markets (股票市场) in large cities in many countries.Stock markets in Paris,London,Tokyo,Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known.The stock,also called stock exchange,is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or  company.And each share means certain ownership(所有权) of a factory or company.
Different people go to stock markets.Some are rich,who want to get more money than they have.Others are not very rich,who buy stocks to try to become rich.Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money.
Of course,investing (投资) money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money.
No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well.The factory or company may do badly.Then the stocks will go down,and the investors will lose money.The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons.Everyone wants the stock to go up,but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job,the stock may still go down.
     Going to the stock market is often like gambling (赌博).All want to make money by"gambling'in the stock market.Factories and companies that need money are pleased that so many people are ready to"gamble".Indeed,the stock market is an attractive(吸引人的) but complex part of the business world.
33.The passage mainly wants to tell usC.
A.how to buy or sell shares        
B.the stock market is like gambling
C.a general idea of stock market     
D.investing money in the stock market is not the safest way
34.Factories and companies are pleased that so many people"gamble"becauseB.
A.they can make them rich
B.they need their money to do business
C.they need more people to work for them
D.some people win and some lose
35.If you are a good investor,Cin the stock market.
A.you can always make money      
B.you can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down
C.you may sometimes lose money   
D.your gambling is always safe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Don't we all know a"Happy Meal"when we see one-the famous boxed meal that includes a hamburger,a kid-sized portion of fries,a drink and so on,served with a toy that's extremely popular with children who love to collect them?
But collectors of these little toys will soon be in for a surprise.For the book lovers though,there is some good news.Mc Donalds will replace toys with books.However,each of these books will mainly pass on nutritional messages.
Do you know that Mc Donalds has been marketing the boxed kid's meal since 1979?Happy Meals are extremely popular with kids,especially for its collectible toys,when you consider that over 1.3 billion of these packages are sold each year!These packages have been very controversial.Health supporters believe that drawing kids to these meals with toys is a clever way of promoting unhealthy food choices.They see it as an advertising strategy of"catching its customers young"-a move that has paid off very well for the fast food company.
Child development experts say that food habits get formed in children by age six and continue through to their adult life.Fatty and sugary foods such as those served in Mc Donalds'Happy Meals are believed to play a big role in growing health problems such as obesity and diabetes.Public health care costs have gone up and untold amounts of other health problems.In 2010,the State of California tried to ban toys in Happy Meals.But it was strongly opposed by some as being heavy-handed,and the ban was thrown out by the government.
While some people believe that Mc Donalds,with its large following of children,can create a powerful message through the books,others believe its actions are contradictory.Anyway,the company is trying to spread the message of nutrition while it is serving food that is anything but healthy.
28.What's the aim of the question raised in the first paragraph?D
A.To give a surprise to the book lovers.
B.To persuade the readers to buy boxed meals.
C.To make the readers think about the answer.
D.To get the readers'attention to the passage.
29.Books will be added into Happy Meals toC.
A.encourage more kids to read books
B.introduce the history of McDonald's
C.have kids learn more about nutrition
D.help young kids learn to read and write
30.In the author's opinion,Happy MealsB.
A.bring much fun to children
B.do no actual good to children's health
C.are popular with the young and the old
D.teach children a lot about nutrition
31.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A
A.Are Happy Meals Really Happy?
B.The links Between Food and Health
C.The Importance of Eating Healthy Food
D.Happy Meal-A New Advertising Method.

