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Whenever we do something wrong, Jesus Christ sees it. He loves us and doesn’t say it. Perhaps he’s wondering how long we’ll keep our mind suffering. A little boy named Johnny was visiting his grandparents on their farm and he was given a slingshot(弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He        for some time but he could never hit the target he had set for himself. Getting a little       , he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner. As he was _        back, he saw Grandpa’s pet duck. Just out of       , he let the slingshot fly , hitting it in the head ,and killed it. In a panic, he         the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister Sally        be watching him. Sally had seen all this, but she said _   _ . After lunch that day Grandma said, “Sally, it’s your turn to wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” And then she spoke _     to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if        wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally just smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he was too       to help you. And she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny        to help make supper. After several days of doing both his       and Sally’s, Johnny finally couldn’t      it any longer. He came to his Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck .Grandma smiled and gave him a big __    . “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was watering the flowers at the window        I saw you shoot my duck with the slingshot, and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I      you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally     _ of you.”

In reality, no matter how      __ or how uncomfortable it is to admit our wrongdoing, we should always choose to       it and work it through instead of running away from it. Hard as it is, it        us and makes us who we are.

1.A. promoted         B. exercised          C. practiced              D. consumed

2.A. delighted        B. upset                   C. amazed            D. scared

3.A. running          B. rushing      C. heading                   D. leaving

4.A. sympathy       B. pride        C. impulse            D. politeness

5.A. hung           B. presented            C. protected          D. hid

6.A. should                        B. shall                       C. must                        D. might

7.A. nothing         B. everything          C. something         D. anything

8.A. loudly          B. softly                   C. guiltily         D. innocently

9.A. Sally            B. Johnny         C. the children         D. Grandma

10.A. reluctant              B. willing        C. curious               D. cautious

11.A. kept up                B. held back             C. left behind     D. stayed behind

12.A. chores                B. homework          C. games                   D. sports

13.A. accept                B. stand               C. withdraw          D. allow

14.A. hug                  B. blow               C. reward              D. award

15.A. whereas               B. as           C. while                D. when

16.A. appreciate             B. admire                  C. forgive           D. Force

17.A. put the blame         B. make friends        C. put pressure    D. make a slave

18.A. doubtful               B. grateful            C. harmful            D. painful

19.A. reject                 B. control     C. face               D. witness

20.A. develops               B. shapes                  C. ruins               D. prepares


























1.C 动词辨析。A 提升; B 运动; C 练习; D 消耗; 根据上文提到Johnny得到一把弹弓,拿到森林里玩耍,but后面又讲到:他从来都没有射中靶子,可知:Johnny在森林里练习射弹弓一段时间了。故C正确。

2.B 形容词辨析。A 高兴; B 难过; C 惊奇; D 恐惧;根据上文提到:Johnny没有射中自己设置的靶子,当然是有点难过地回家。故B正确。

3.C 动词辨析。 A 跑; B 冲; C 朝  前进; D 离开; 根据上一句“he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner.”可知他要回家吃晚饭,这里当然表示当他回到家时,他看见了爷爷的宠物鸭。故C正确。

4.C 动词辨析。A 同情; B 自豪; C 冲动;D 礼貌; 该空后面提到:他让弹弓飞出去,击中了宠物鸭,宠物鸭死掉了。可知:Johnny是出于冲动。故C正确。

5.D  动词辨析。 A 挂; B 赠予; C 保护; D 隐藏;根据上下文:处在紧张中,他把鸭子藏在木堆里;故D正确。

6.A  上下文串联。 A 理应; B 将来; C 必须; D 也许; 根据下文提到:姐姐发现了他打死了鸭子,他只好听从姐姐,并帮姐姐做家务,可知此处填的是“按道理应该是看见了”;故A正确。

7.A 不定代词辨析。A 什么都没有; B 一切; C 某些; D 任何一个; 根据下文Johnny自己告诉爷爷,以及他帮助姐姐做家务活,可知:姐姐什么也没说。故A正确。

8.B 副词辨析。 A 大声地; B 温柔地; C 有罪地; D 无辜地;根据上文提到:奶奶叫姐姐去做家务活,姐姐说到:Johnny想去帮忙,其实不是真正去帮忙,只是不得已,这是姐姐是拿鸭子一事来说Johnny,故是温柔地说;B正确。

9.C 上下文串联。根据下文奶奶的回答:奶奶想要姐姐帮忙做饭,Sally又说Johnny很想帮她的忙,可知爷爷是想叫他们两个孩子去钓鱼;故C正确。

10.B 形容词辨析。 A 勉强的; B 愿意的; C 好奇的; D 小心的;奶奶叫Sally帮忙做饭,而Sally则说Johnny很愿意帮忙,故B正确。

11.D 动词短语辨析。 A 支持; B 收回; C 落后; D 留下来; 根据上文提到:Sally去钓鱼,而Johnny只能留在家里帮忙做饭,同时姐姐又用鸭子的事来吓唬。故只能留下来;D正确。

12.A 名词辨析。 A 零星工作(尤指家常杂务);B 家庭作业; C 游戏; D 运动; 根据上下文提到:Sally总是叫Johnny做家务活,故A正确。

13.B 动词辨析。 A 接受; B 忍受; C 拿走; D 允许; 根据上文提到的:Johnny做了自己的家务活同时做了姐姐的那一份。后面文章讲到:Johnny把真相告诉了奶奶,所以他是无法忍受了。故B正确。

14.A 上下文串联。 上文提到:Johnny把真相告诉了奶奶,下文奶奶所说的话可知,奶奶给予Johnny拥抱。故A正确。

15.D 连词辨析。奶奶告诉Johnny其实奶奶在给花浇水时也看见了他用弹弓击中了鸭子。故表示当奶奶看见时奶奶正在浇水。所以D正确。

16.C 动词辨析。 A 感激; B 钦佩; C 原谅; D 强迫;根据上一句:因为奶奶爱你,奶奶原谅了Johnny,故C正确。

17.D 短语辨析。Make a slave of …表示“把   当做奴隶”之意故D正确。

18.D 形容词辨析。A 怀疑; B 感激; C 伤害; D 痛苦;根据句意:无论你有多痛苦和多么不舒服,你都要承认你所做错的事。故D正确。

19.C  根据句意:无论你有多痛苦和多么不舒服,你都要承认你所做错的事,要敢于面对它。故C正确。

20.B 根据句意:无论承认错误多么痛苦,都要面对,承认错误更好的让我们塑造我们自己。故B正确。


第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建安溪一中养正中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

I Believe I Can Fly is a song that tells us confidence is important.
【小题1】       my granny put it, one will make it whenever he believes
【小题2】in himself. Dreams and confidence are         keep us going
【小题3】on. Three years ago I was        (接纳) to the present school. However,
【小题4】I was not used to the new school life so that I did b      in exams.
【小题5】     was my friends who got me to understand I would fly high
【小题6】as long as I had confidence. After several        (月) of hard work,
【小题7】I made great progress. Now I am firmly        (相信) that our dreams
【小题8】will come true if we try our best. W       old or young, lucky or
【小题9】not, never give up when faced         difficulties. Remember
【小题10】confidence is the key to        (成功).


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山西原平第一中学高三上学期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Once my friend Peterson bought a pack of chicken, the brand of which was very famous at that time. But when he got home he found that the chicken had gone bad. He took the chicken back to the shop and he was paid twice of the price. We may say now he should have been satisfied but my friend would not like to stop. He decided to write a letter to Frank, president of the company, who was also the founder of the chicken brand.

About a week later he received a letter written by the president himself. In the letter he apologized to my friend for it whole –heartedly .There was also a card in the envelope ,with which my friend could get another pack of chicken in any of the shops. In the end my friend was asked to answer some questions.

1. When and where did you buy the chicken?

2. What was the real problem of the chicken?

3. What did the shop ass istant say when you took the chicken back to the shop?

4. W hat do you think is the reason for the chicken to go bad?

5. What do you suggest we should do to get away from such problems?

Two days later, my friend also received a telephone call from the president’s office, asking whether he had received the letter as well as the card and then some other questions. Since then, my friend has always bought chicken of this brand whenever he wants to.

1.What did the friend get when he took the bad chicken back to the shop?

A. Another pack of chicken.

B. Two packs of chicken.

C. Double the price.

D. A whole-hearted apology.

2.What did the author’s friend do when he came back from the shop after he was paid back?

A. He felt satisfied with the result.

B. He wrote a letter to the President of the US.

C. He became very angry with the shop assistant.

D. He wrote a letter to the president of the company.

3.What is the author’s friend’s attitude towards the chicken brand?

A. He still believes in it.

B. He doesn’t believe it at all.

C. He will never buy it again.

D. He has never been satisfied with it.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The company may still be a top brand now.

B. The president of the company is a responsible person.

C. The company must have closed down.

D. The author may also believe in the chicken brand.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年新课标版高中英语选修七 Unit3练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Usually we can read some a(逸事)_____of famous people in the magazines.

2.He was the only w________(目击者)to that accident.

3.Because of the war, his family had to f_______(逃离) to another country.

4.The river looks very deep. Do you know the d___________ of it.

5.The company will have its a______________ celebration this Saturday.

6.Without t_______(舌头), we can’t speak, nor can we taste.

7.He was a_______(抛弃) by his cruel parents when born because of his disability

8.The mountains are r____(反射,倒影)in the clear water, forming a pleasant     picture.

9.Whenever I go to the West Lake, I’m always stricken by its b__________.

10.A baby is too young to be a________(意识到) of the dangers around it.



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2010届高三6月适应性考试英语试卷试卷类型:A 题型:阅读理解

The first people who gave names to hurricanes were those who knew them best — the people of Puerto Rico. The small island of Puerto Rico is in the West Indies, off the coast of Florida. This is where all the hurricanes begin that strike the east coast of the United States. Often they pass near Puerto Rico or cross it on their way north. The people of Puerto Rico expect some of these unwelcome visitors every year. Each one is named after the Saint’s Day on which it arrives. Two of the most destructive storms were the Santo Ana in 1840 and the San Ciriaco in 1899.

Giving girls’ names to hurricanes is a fairly new idea. It all began with a story called “Storm”, written by George Stewart in 1941. In it a weatherman amused himself by naming storms after girls he knew. He named one Maria. The story describes how she Maria grew and developed, and how she changed the lives of people when she struck the United States.

Weathermen of the U.S. Army and Navy used the same system during World WarⅡ. They were studying weather conditions over the Pacific Ocean. One of their duties was to warn American ships and planes when a storm was coming. Whenever they spotted one, they gave it a girl’s name. The first one of the year was given a name beginning with [A]. The second one got a name beginning with [B]. They used all the letters from A to W, and still the storms kept coming. They had to use three lists from A to W to have enough names to go around. This was the first list of hurricane names that followed the alphabet. It served as a model for the system the Weather Bureau (局) introduced in 1942.

Before 1950 the Weather Bureau had no special system for naming hurricanes. When a hurricane was born down in the West Indies, the Weather Bureau simply collected information about it. It reported how fast the storm was moving and where it would go next. Weather reports warned people in the path of the hurricane, so that they could do whatever was necessary to protect themselves.

This system worked out fine as long as weather reports talked about only one hurricane at a time. But one week in September 1950 there were three hurricanes at the same time. The things began to get confused. Some people got the hurricanes mixed up and didn’t know which was which. This convinced the Weather Bureau that it needed a code for naming the storms in order to avoid confusion in the future.

1.Hurricanes were first named after the _________.

A. date on which they occurred                         

B. place where they began

C. amount of destruction they did                     

D. particular feature they have

2.The practice of giving girls’ names to hurricanes was started by _________.

A. a radio operator        B. an author                  C. a sailor                     D. local people

3.The purpose for which weathermen of the army and navy began using girls’ names for hurricanes was _________.

A. to keep information from the enemy

B. to follow the standard method of the United States

C. not given in the article

D. to remember a certain girl

4.The Weather Bureau began naming hurricanes because it would help them _________.

A. collect information more rapidly                  

B. warn people more efficiently

C. make use of military (军事的) records          

D. remember them



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省福州市高三下学期第一次质量检查 题型:其他题



第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The college entrance exam is on the way and all the teachers     

work very hard, encouraging us to build      our confidence              76.          

and inspiring us to i           our studies. Whenever we meet                 77.          

with difficulties, they are r      to come to our help. Meanwhile,          78.          

our school also    (提供)great help for us students, for example,            79.          

the library stays       in the evenings and even on the weekends.           80.          

At home, our parents take good care of        so that we can always             81.          

be full of energy. I’m very grateful for the       (努力)of our parents     82.          

And teachers. I’m       (决心)to try my best to prepare for the exam.     83.          

I am sure that w       their timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal        84.          

and be a useful person of our society in the near f     .                    85.          


