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I was always complaining about wind or rain.  26  it was nothing unusual for the arrival of wind or rain, it caused inconvenience for me to go out, and sometimes it even created an awful atmosphere, so I  27  it strongly.

On a rainy day a meteorologist(气象学家)I met was very  28  at my great anger caused by rain that made a little inconvenience for me.

He asked, “Have you ever seen typhoon? Do you know what would happen to the world if there were no typhoon?” I shook my head. I had no  29  of how overwhelming it was when it  30  everything away in its way.

“Well, let me tell you,” the meteorologist said. “Without it the  31  of fresh water will be more serious, for it is a great  32  of water supply on earth, Without it, there would be a greater imbalance in the distribution of  33 . The equatorial area that receives the most sunshine on earth  34  entirely on typhoon to disperse(驱散)heat. Without typhoon the tropics would be even  35  while the frigid zones much colder. As a result the temperate zones would  36  from the world...”

Ignorance made me  37 . I disliked wind only because it ruffled(吹乱)my hair. I hated rain merely because I had to carry an umbrella. But I had no idea at all that typhoon---something much more violent, something a thousand times more  38  than wind or rain---was a  39  to the existence of mankind.

40  no road on earth goes all the way on level ground, there’s no person in the world who can do whatever he pleases.  41  as it is for people to guard against typhoon, it is advisable for a man to stop  42  for a moment before he complains. “  43  typhoon disappeared all together? What would the world become then?” The  44  will keep him calm and lead him closer to truth---he will be better  45  of the world he lives in.

26. A. But            B. Therefore       C. Although      D. Unless

27. A. refused              B. blamed                    C. punished           D. fought

28. A. excited               B. puzzled                    C. encouraged              D. delighted

29. A. experience   B. sign                         C. sense                      D. recognition

30. A. washed              B. frightened         C. swung                     D. swept

31. A. shortage             B. supply                     C. amount                    D. waste

32. A. resource             B. power                     C. strength                   D. source

33. A. warmth              B. energy                     C. water                      D. wealth

34. A. holds          B. keeps                      C. moves                     D. depends

35. A. warmer              B. hotter                      C. cooler                     D. better

36. A. disappear            B. move                C. escape                     D. remove

37. A. farsighted            B. out of sight              C. in sight                    D. shortsighted

38. A. appealing     B. frightening               C. disturbing         D. exciting

39. A. trouble               B. danger                     C. must                D. lead

40. A. Since          B. As                           C. When                      D. While

41. A. Impossible   B. Wrong                     C. Hard                D. Easy

42. A. thinking              B. to think                    C. to rest                     D. resting

43. A. How come B. What about              C. What if                    D. Even if

44. A. theories              B. answers                   C. phenomena              D. complaints

45. A. careful               B. kind                        C. aware                      D. tired

26—30: CBBAD  31—35: ADADB  36—40: ADCCB  41—45: CBCBC


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!

Posted by DP, Ohio

I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!

Posted by MK, Missouri

I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start going to bed on time. It’s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it----I feel so much better.

Posted by SP, Georgia

Last year , I didn’t make the soccer team at school. I didn’t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts(选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!

Posted by JS , New York

I’m deaf, so I’ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can’t hear the ball bounce(弹起) or listen to the guys call plays, but I’ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we’ve been unstoppable.

The kids mentioned in the text came here _______.

        A.to talk about their efforts to keep fit             B.to learn to tell stories

        C.to make new friends                D.to share weight-losing experiences

The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that ____.

        A.his soccer skills have improved a lot this year

        B.he scored a goal in an important soccer match

        C.he helped the school soccer team win an important match

        D.he was admitted to the school soccer team

Who taught other kids sign language?

         A.DP, Ohio                    B.MK, Missouri        

         C.SP, Georgia              D.JS, New York                                


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市南开中学2010届高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I rebellious(叛逆)on the outside, __16__ on the inside I wanted people to __17__.
Once I left home to hitchhike(搭便车)to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t __18__, and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. One situation in particular __19__ me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was different-----not so outwardly sure of myself.
I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was __20___ with us, was wearing my clothes. And my __21__ seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be __22__ if I weren’t there. I told my mom, and she explained that __23__ Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could __24__ me. I pointed out, “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful __25__, but I was the only person who could fill my __26__. She made me realize that even with my __27__, ------ and they were many-----I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.
I became a searcher, __28__ who I was and what made me unique. My __29__ of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist pressure to __30__ in ways that I didn’t like any more, and I __31__ who I really was. I came to feel much more __32__ that no one can ever take my place.
Each of us __33__ a unique place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So __34__ about being replaced. You __35__ be.
16.A. as           B. and                   C. but                   D. for
17.A. leave         B. replace        C. receive                 D. like
18.A. easy          B. hard                  C. fun                   D. long
19.A. made         B. kept                  C. left                   D. forced
20.A. playing       B. staying        C. eating                  D. travelling
21.A. family        B. friends        C. relatives                D. neighbors
22.A. loved         B. mentioned     C. cared                  D. missed
23.A. since         B. as            C. while                 D. unless
24.A. scold         B. replace        C. compare               D. match
25.A. qualities       B. girls          C. people                D. times
26.A. character      B. role           C. task                  D. form
27.A. faults         B. advantages     C. manners               D. pities
28.A. looking       B. looking back         C. giving up      D. seeking out
29.A. picture        B. view               C. sense          D. idea
30.A. think         B. learn               C. change              D. act
31.A. hated         B. wished              C. celebrated     D. expected
32.A. sure          B. doubtful             C. happy        D. lonely
33.A. takes         B. catches              C. seizes               D. holds
34.A. talk          B. forget              C. care          D. argue
35.A. mustn’t       B. shouldn’t           C. can’t         D. needn’t


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省高三第五次诊断考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was a warm April day when a big fat envelope came in the mail from the only college I had ever imagined attending. I tore open the packet. My eyes were fixed on the word “congratulations. ”I don’t remember ever smiling so wide.

Then I looked at my financial(财政的)package.

The cost of Dream School’s tuition(学费), room and board was around $ 40,000- an impossible sum! How could I afford to attend? What good reasons did I have to go there when three other fine colleges were offering me free tuition? My other choices were good, solid schools even if they weren’t as famous as my first choice.

In my mind, attending my dream university would be the only way to realize my dream of becoming a world-class writer. My parents understood how I felt. They told me that even though it would be a financial problem, I could go wherever I would be happiest. But as I was always careful with money, I wasn’t sure what to do.

One of the schools that offered me a full ride had an informational dinner one night in the spring. Considering my parents’ financial difficulties, I decided to drive the 45 minutes and attend. At first, all I had planned to do was to smile politely, eat free food, listen quietly. But I surprised myself.

At dinner the president of the university talked about the wonderful activities on campus (校园)including guest lectures and social gatherings. He also made it perfectly clear that free food would be offered at all future events. He continued with explanations of professors, class sizes, activities, and sporting events on campus. As he spoke, I began to realize that this school, though not as good as my first choice, might be the best one for me. It seemed small yet with many great programs. It seemed challenging yet caring.

As the president ended his speech, we clapped politely and pushed back our chairs. As I walked out that door, a feeling of comfort washed over me. Looking at the campus that night, I realized that I would be spending the next four years right there.

In all honesty, my university is not as well-known as my “dream”university. However, it turned out to be the right choice of schools for me.

1.How did the author feel when he started to read the letter?

A.He was lost in his dream.

B.He was full of joy.

C.He was worried about the money.

D.He was uncertain which school to go to.

2.We can learn from the passage that the parents were _________.

A.honest           B.supportive         C.strict             D.decisive

3.In Paragraph 5, “offered me a full ride”can be replaced by “_______”.

A.would charge me nothing for tuition         B.would pay for transport to the school

C.would show me around the campus          D.would offer free meals at all events

4.What does the author mainly want to say?

A.You should consider comfort in your choice of schools.

B.You should try your best to attend your dream school.

C.Your second-choice college may actually be your best fit.

D.Your choice of schools should be based on their fame.



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省六市2010届高三下学期联合考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解



“Tell me, Wally,” my amazed friend asked the driver, “have you always served customers like this?”

Wally smiled into the back-view mirror.

“No, not always. In fact, it’s only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the taxi drivers do. Then I heard the personal growth of Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day. He had just written a book called You’ll See It When You Believe It. Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you’ll rarely disappoint yourself. He said, ‘Stop complaining! Distinguish yourself from your competition. Don’t be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles fly high above the crowd.’”

“That hit me right between the eyes. Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other taxis and their drivers. The taxis were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.”

“I take it that has paid off for you,” I said.

“It sure has,” Wally replied. “My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I’ll probably quadruple(增四倍) it. You were lucky to get me today. I don’t sit at taxi-stands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can’t pick them up myself, I get a trustworthy friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.”

Wally was phenomenal. He was running a first-class service out of a Yellow Taxi.

I’ve probably told that story to more than fifty taxi drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn’t do any of what I was suggesting.

Wally, the Taxi Driver, made a different choice.

51.   The underlined word “phenomenal” means ______.

A.easy-going           B.warm-hearted      C.flexible              D.remarkable

52.   Wally doesn’t park his taxi at taxi-stands just because _______.

A.his income doubles.

B.his taxi is usually fully booked

C.he has a company of his own.

D.he has a look of a disgusting eagle

53.   Wally’s income doubled when he improved his service about ______.

A.one year ago                                        B.two years ago

C.five years ago                                       D.seven years ago

54.   After reading the passage we may draw a safe conclusion that ______.

A.kindness must be rewarded

B.it’s easy to say but hard to do

C.good service pays off in the end

D.the early bird catches the worm



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度湖北省咸宁市高二上学期期末统考英语卷 题型:完型填空

完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious (反叛的) on the outside,   31   on the inside, I wanted people to   32   me.

Once I left home to hitchhike (搭便车) to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t   33  , and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. One situation in particular   34   me grateful to still be alive When I returned home, I was different, not so outwardly sure of myself.

I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was   35   with us, was wearing my clothes. And my   36   seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be 3 if I weren’t there. I told my mom, and she explained that   38   Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could   39   me. I pointed out, “ She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been. ” My mom said these were wonderful   40  ,but I was the only person who could fill my 41  , She made me realize that even with my   42   — and there were many —I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.

I became a searcher, wanting to   43   who I was and what made me unique. My  44   of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. . I started to resist  pressure to   45   in ways that I didn’t like any more, and I was   46   by who I really was. I came to feel much more   47   that no one can ever take my place.

Each of us   48   a unique  place in the world.You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So   49   about being replaced.You   50   be.

1.A. and            B. but          C. as               D. for

2.A. leave         B. respect       C. admire          D. like

3.A. easy           B. hard         C. fun              D. long

4.A. succeeded      B. kept         C. managed      D. remained

5.A. playing       B. eating            C. staying          D. running

6.A. family         B. friends      C. relatives        D. class

7.A. loved          B. mentioned    C. cared            D. missed

8. A. before            B. after           C. though            D. unless

9. A. scold         B. compare      C. replace          D. match

10.A. qualities     B. girls           C. people            D. times

11. A. character        B. role        C. task              D. job

12.A. faults            B. advantage    C. manners      D. pities

13. A. look for      B. look back       C. find out         D. give up

14.A. picture           B. view         C. sense            D. drawing

15. A. think            B. learn            C. change           D. act

16. A. thankful   B. delighted     C. disappointed    D. hopeful

17. A. sure         B. doubtful     C. happy            D. lonely

18.A. carries          B. catches       C. seizes           D. holds

19.A. talk          B. forget       C. care             D. argue

20. A. mustn’t     B. shouldn’t       C. can’t           D. needn’t


