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7.Nokia,the world's largest mobile phone maker,said that over the first nine months of the year it     23million handsets in China.(  )
A.has soldB.had soldC.soldD.would have sold

分析 世界上最大的移动电话制造商--诺基亚表示:在今年前九个月里,它在中国已经销售了2300万部手机.

解答 答案:B
根据句中的时间状语"over the first nine months of the year"(在今年前九个月里)可知,此处应使用现在完成时,但由于此处用在了that引导的宾语从句中,而主句"Nokia,…said that"中使用的是一般过去时,故从句应使用过去的某种形式,即用过去完成时;D.过去将来完成时,表动作从过去某时间开始一直延续到过去将来的某一时间,用在此处不合句意;故选B

点评 本题考查了过去完成时的用法;做本题的关键在于:首先应根据句意,确定出该动作发生的时间是在过去某时间之前;其次,需要熟练掌握过去完成时及其它各时态的意义及用法区别.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.I have a younger brother.To me,he is a fourteen-year-old kid named Joe,with blond hair and blue eyes.To others,he is different.Where I see a kid who just needs a lot more attention,others see a mentally disabled boy,a kid who cannot walk or talk or think for himself.I see someone who just makes daily routine a bit less routine.Others see an annoyance,a bother.
This is not to say that I have never felt resentful(怨恨的) toward Joe.He is my brother,and with that comes responsibility."Gina,could you stay in tonight and watch your brother?""Gina,do me a favor and feed him dinner and change his diaper(尿布) later,please?""Could you come home right after school today and get Joe off the bus?"
These are phrases that I have heard since I was twelve.And sure,they have made me resent my brother to a certain extent.I would think:that's not fair!Everyone else can stay after and be a member of this club,or get extra help from that teacher.Or,all my friends are going out tonight,why can't I?And,how come I have to feed him?He is not my son!
However,the small amount of resentment I feel toward my brother is erased a thousand times over by what I have learned from him.Besides making me responsible from a young age,and helping me be more accepting  of all kinds of people,he has taught me to be thankful for what I have.
I know that there are moment in my life that I should cherish and that Joe will never experience.He will never laugh so hard that he cries.He will never feel the glory of a straight-A report card.He will never comfort a  best friend crying on his shoulder.And he will never know how much his family love him.
Because he will never know,it is up to me to know,every second,how lucky I am.It is up to me to realize that life should be lived to its fullest,and that you should always,always be grateful that God,or whoever are the powers that be,gave you the ability to live your life the way you were meant to live it.

60.We know from the first paragraph that Gina's brotherC.
A.causes trouble to neighbors
B.pays more attention to others
C.lives with mental disability
D.considers daily routine a bother
61.If Mother asks Gina to look after her brother now,what will she probably answer?B
A.I'm afraid not.  B.No problem!C.It depends.  D.It's not fair!
62.The passage intends to tell us that we shouldB.
A.value the glory of success
B.appreciate what life gives us
C.comfort unfortunate people
D.treasure meaningful moments.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届天津市河北区高三总复习质量检测(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.

—That’s right.

A. Many hands make light work B. Something is better than nothing

C. The more, the better D. The sooner begun, the sooner done


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南省衡阳市高三实验班第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Third Culture Kids

As more cities and companies become increasing international, there is a growing number of children that are creating their own sub-culture. Often ________ to as TCKs (Third Culture Kids) or Global Nomads, these students have a(n) ________ impact on the global community.

So who are these Third Culture Kids? They are not a new phenomenon. As one looks ________ history, there is a realization that certain groups of people have led highly ________lives, a key ________ in describing TCKs. They often________ their parents into another country and spend a significant part of his or her development years outside the parents’ culture. They are ________ to new cultures and to other people in the community who ________ move constantly. Their numbers________ into the hundreds of thousands and are increasing. Ease of ________and constant relocation of people through multinational companies and global business links contribute to this________.

The question “Who am I?” is frequently asked by TCKs. They have ________ a host of cultural identities, and have built relationships to all the cultures, ________ not having full ownership of any. Although elements from each culture are absorbed into TCK’s life experience, the sense of ________ is in relationship to others of a similar background.

As you enter into the world of TCKs, one might suspect they are no ________ . But it is ________ , after spending only a short time with them, that they bring a deep knowledge from inside and a special ability to compare________ and local issues. They represent many countries and cultures. They are the future cross-culturalists and ________ future politicians, diplomats, government employees and educators. They certainly experience a different lifestyle compared to their mono-cultural peers but we can benefit from their global and ________ lives. So, whatever one chooses to label the international students as ---TCKs, Global Nomads, or Global Souls ---we will gain unbelievable____________.

1.A. referred B. appealed C. subscribed D. submitted

2.A. initial B. temporary C. immediate D. tremendous

3.A. down on B. back on C. up to D. forward to

4.A. adventurous B. mobile C. civilized D. primitive

5.A. figure B. reason C. cause D. factor

6.A. drive B. divide C. accompany D. invite

7.A. connected B. addicted C. exposed D. committed

8.A. frequently B. also C. rarely D. altogether

9.A. change B. burst C. break D. extend

10.A. communication B. travel C. interaction D. export

11.A. tradition B. shift C. option D. trend

12.A. revealed B. discovered C. accumulated D. accelerated

13.A. as B. so C. when D. while

14.A. belonging B. achievement C. possessing D. responsibility

15.A. exception B. denying C. doubtful D. different

16.A. clear B. vital C. universal D. essential

17.A. international B. updated C. complicated D. specific

18.A. luckily B. necessarily C. hopefully D. generally

19.A. professional B. spiritual C. material D. colorful

20.A. awards B. rewards C. popularity D. success


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.As a famous saying goes,life turns on small things.Sometimes it's hard to see how small choices can change your life.But when put together over time,the little things can make the biggest difference.
The theme of SUCCESS of Teens is"Little Things Matter."The book helps teens identify small,positive choices they can make in their lives to help them reach their goals.Lots of teens don't realize how the little choices in their lives can have lasting effects.Often they are focused on the bigger events,such as a major exam,a big game or competition,or choosing a college.The little things,however,can go unnoticed unless your teen understands how important they can be.
The little things that lead to success are mostly easy to do.Help your teen identify a few areas in everyday life where he or she can make small,positive choices.It might be as simple as getting up on time,planning to do their homework,putting in an extra 10minutes of practice or using some spare time to help someone else.
Eighteen-year-old George Fred used to be on his school baseball team and would play every day after school.When the season was over,he had an empty three hours a day,so he started spending one third of such extra time daily,looking for ways to help other kids.Over the last few years,his project has raised thousands of dollars to help abused,homeless and sick children.Fred spent just a little time each day doing something that ended up benefiting a lot of kids.The important thing to understand is that Fred made the small and positive decisions necessary for success.
Make sure your child understands that even though the results of the positive choices may not be seen right away,they are building on each other and taking him or her on a path that will lead to success.

54.What does the underlined part"turns on"in Paragraph 1probably mean?B
A.takes away
B.depends on
C.sets aside
D.puts out
55.We learn from Paragraph 2 thatD.
A.dealing with big events is the most important in one's life.
B.Little choices seldom have lasting effects on one's life.
C.Teens should try to focus their attention on big choices.
D.many teens fail to realize the importance of little choices.
56.What is the passage mainly talking about?C
A.the relationship between little choices and big choices.
B.the relationship between teens'goals and their actions.
C.the relationship between small positive choices and success.
D.the relationship between positive and negative decisions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-Did you listen to the report last Friday?
-Yes,it was about the shortage of migrant workers.That was the first time I ______ about the subject.(  )
A.heardB.was hearingC.would hearD.had heard


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.You are definitely a seasoned traveler.So can you suggestthe three most impressive places/three of the most impressive places/three places that are the most impressive(给你印象最深的三个地方)?( impressive)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The cause he had devoted himself to _______ a perfect success.(  )
A.provingB.provedC.was provedD.has been proved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Although everyone has a creative side and a logical side,some people find it a challenge to get in touch with their creative side.Being creative means being prepared to think of new and original ways to do things.Here are some ways to help you get in touch with your creative side.
When you want to be creative,it's very important to relieve any tension from your body so that your mind can be open to new experiences and not be occupied with dealing with tension or stress.It's possible to relax very quickly if you take three or four deep breaths.In the relaxed state you pick up a pen and start to write down all the potential ways that you could take to achieve what you want.You might find that you would like to use paints instead or a musical instrument to express your new found creativity and explore where it leads you.
Once you are fully relaxed,you can begin to think about the project you are attempting to complete and allow your mind to wander over various possibilities rather than immediately going for the obvious logical way to do it.Close your eyes and ask yourself  what ways there might be to solve your project and notice the scenarios ( 设想) which appear in your mind as you do  this.You may notice pictures,sounds or emotions or a combination of all three.Then imagine yourself moving into the scenario that you are thinking about and then discover what might or might not work for you and others.Be aware of any emotions that come up when you visit the various scenarios.Keep a notebook handy to write down your experiences and insights as a result of your visualization (可视化).
It's easy to dismiss unusual or different solutions which you haven't tried before but it's important to be prepared to experiment and play with them.Sometimes  what is needed is just doing something even if you are uncertain of the potential outcome.People often think of all the possible ways that something won't work and as a result they dismiss the idea of performing an experiment to see what would happen.The reality is that we can't foretell the future,so it's useful to plan for it in a creative and exciting new way.
TitleHow to develop your (76)creativity.
Introduction◆It's (77)challenging/difficult/hard.in getting in touch with their creative side.
◆Being creative means being ready to think of new and original ways to do things.
helping you 
be creative 
(79)Relaxing.◆Release any tension from your body to open your 
◆(80)Breathedeeply for several times can help relax 
very quickly.
◆Set down the entire potential ways of helping you 
achieve something while you feel relaxed.
Visualizing◆Think about your project and take various possibilities 
into(81)considerationbefore going to the way to do it.
◆Close your eyes and ask yourself the   
(82)possibleways to solve your project and notice 
the scenarios appearing m your mind.
◆Imagine yourself moving into the scenario and 
discover what might or might not work for you and 
◆Be aware of any emotions that come up when visiting 
the various scenarios.
◆Make a (83)note/record of your experiences and 
insights as a result of your visualization.
(84)Experimenting.◆Be prepared to try unusual or different solutions.
◆Do something (85)regardlessof what is the potential 
◆Plan for the future in a creative and exciting new way.

