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12.Parents should guide their children,not direct them.Observe      your child′s talent and interests lie,and then encourage them in those directions.(  )

分析 父母应该引导他们的孩子,而不是命令他们.观察孩子的才艺和兴趣在哪,然后往那些方向鼓励他们.

解答 答案B.考查动词的宾语从句.observe为动词,意为"观察,观测",其后接"your child′s talent and interests lie"作宾语从句.在该从句中,lie为谓语动词,且lie意为"位于,展现"时,是一个不及物动词,其后不能直接接宾语,若接宾语,须和介词in等连用.即该宾语从句为"主语+谓语"结构,故排除what和that.根据句意,才艺和兴趣在哪,用where表示地点,故选B.when表示时间.

点评 考查从句的题,一定要分析主句和从句的句子成分.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The local government expressed their thanks for the aid they ________ these days.(  )
A.had receivedB.are receivingC.have receivedD.would receive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

We all hope that we willridthe worldofwars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I have no alternative but to accept his invitation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Does your country have a national species?In early 2013,BBC Wildlife magazine held a poll to ask readers to select a symbol for the UK.There were 10species to choose from,including the badger,the red squirrel,the otter and the robin.And the winner,with over 3,849votes(about 40% of the total),was the hedgehog!
The hedgehog is a small mammal with quills(刺)on its body.ft weighs between 250and 550grams,eats mostly insects,and curls up into a little ball when it feels threatened.It'sanocturnal(夜间活动的)animal that can be found in parts of Europe,Asia and Africa.There are no hedgehogs native to Australia or the Americas.
The name"hedgehog"came into use around the year 1450.It comes from the Middle English"hegge"(meaning"hedge").and"hogge"(which means"hog").Sadly,hedgehog numhers are declining in Britain.They've almost halved over the past 20years to less than a million.
Some people were disappointed that there were so few insects on the list.But Ben Hoare,an editor of BBC Wildlife,had a different opinion.He said,‘'All the other insects are very important,but I'm not sure they make a good national symbol.Fur and feathers tend to win over creepy-crawlies(爬行类昆虫).'
The hedgehog has long been popular in the UK.It's generally seen as a hard-working and friendly animal.And one of the characters from Beatrix Potter's books is a hedgehog called Mrs.Tiggy,Winkle.It's also popular with gardeners as it eats garden pests such as slugs and snails.
"Of course we consider them to be friendly because we see them in our gardens,"said Ben"And seeing all those hedgehogs run on the roads probably makes us even fonder of

28.Why was-the hedgehog selected as a national symbol of the UK?D
A.It's good一looking.
B.It's rare in the UK.
C.It's endangered.
D.It's very popular.
29.Paragraph 2is mainly about the hedgehog'sA.
A.basic feature      
C.eating habits       
30.What is Ben Hoare's attitude towards hedgehog's victory?C
31.Mrs.Tiggy,Winkle might beB.
A.the name of a book     
B.a hedgehog       
C.a gardener         
D.a novelist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.You may read the questions first:
Our booklet is bringing to you the world's top sceneries:
Known as the Island of Spice for its abundance of spicy plants and leaves,Grenada is one of the southernmost Windward Islands in the Caribbean Sea.Many of its spices have been destroyed by hurricanes in the last decade,though its spicy relics(遗迹) are still the inspirations of many master chefs worldwide.The central mountainous land's cooler air and waterfalls produce a near-constant cloud cover of freeze.
A seeming paradise that claims to have 350sunny days a year,Tucson boasts geological beauty and hiking so fantastic that visitors can be tempted into a false sense of security.Be warned:Get prepared for the heat as it isn't unusual for temperatures to rise higher than 110°F (43°C) in summer months,when the rocks can hold that heat well into the evening hours.Even your hunting dog will get sunburned
Southern Belize
With flash rainstorms that instantly fill the dirt roads and the wet that makes it one of the greenest places on Earth,this Maya wonderland is home to the longest barrier reef(堡礁) in the Western globe,the unique uropygialis birds and the deepest diving-the Blue Hole.Nonetheless it is the back roads of the Toledo district,where rain forest meets the jungle,that truly inspire awe and joy.
This Canadian province,which sits at the eastern edge of North America,plays the home for 22whale species and dozens of seabirds that play in groups.While the capital city of St.John's can be quite gentle,the actual island of Newfoundland has more extreme and unpredictable weather moods.Don't forget to bring your windbreakers and thick sweaters.

This island across the Arctic Circle is the northernmost point of inhabitable space in Iceland.It is a small,rocky island with little vegetation,only a few hundred permanent residents,and cliffs teeming with arctic birds known as puffins,which seem insensitive to the local extreme chill as they dive-bomb from high on the rocks into the Arctic Ocean for food.

Uniquely known as the walled city because of its"hanging houses"atop (or actually part of) walls carved out of a rocky hillside in the 15th century,Cuenca's castle-like front sits above the Jucar River Valley,attracting visitors worldwide.The houses,which bake in the high summer temperatures,are now home to an abstract art museum reached by crossing a wooden pedestrian swinging bridge.
70.The two places of interest that enjoy high temperatures areD.
A.Tucson and Newfoundland
B.Grenada and Grimsey
C.Newfoudnland and Cuenca
D.Tucson and Cuenca
71.The creature(s) mentioned in the booklet that is not afraid of cold weather isC.
A.uropygialis birds
B.whales and seabirds
C.puffin birds.
D.hunting dog
72.Cuenca's major tourist attraction isA.
A.the hanging rocky face of an art museum
B.a naturally formed castle
C.the famous bakery in the summer time
D.a wooden pedestrian swinging bridge
73.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the booklets?
A.There are no people living in Grimsay due to the extreme whether.
B.Grenada would especially appeal to the cooking fans.
C.The most impressive focus of attraction in Southern Belize is the Blue Hole.
D.People's safety in Tucson can't be guaranteed by the local government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Farming is moving indoors,where the sun never shines,where rainfall is irrelevant and where the climate is always right.The perfect crop field could be inside a windowless building with controlled light,temperature,wetness,air quality and nutrition.It could be in a New York high-rise or a complex in the Saudi desert.It may be an answer to the
The world already is having trouble feeding itself.Half the people on Earth live in cities,and nearly half of those-about 3 billion-are hungry or ill-fed.Food prices,currently increasing,arebuffetedby dryness.Hoods and the cost of energy required to plant,harvest and transport it.And prices will only get more unstable.Climate change makes long-term crop planning uncertain.Fanners in many parts of the world already are using water available to the last drop.And the world is getting more crowded:by mid-century,the global population will grow from 6.8 billion to 9 billion.
To feed so many people may require expanding farmland at the expense of forests and wilderness,or finding ways to completely increase crop output.
Gertjan Meeuws has taken the concept of a greenhouse a step further,growing vegetables and house plants in enclosed(封闭的)and regulated environments.In their research station,water flows into the pans when needed,and the temperature is kept constant.Lights go on and off,creating similar day and night,but according to the rhythm of the plant.
A building of 100 square meters and layers(层)of plants could provide a daily diet of 200 grams of fresh fruit and vegetables to the entire population of Den Bosch,about 140,000 people.Their idea isn't to grow foods that require much space,like corn or potatoes.
Here sunlight is not only unnecessary but can be harmful.Plants need only specific wavelengths of light to grow.Their growth rate is three times faster than under greenhouse conditions.They use about 90 percent less water than outdoors agriculture.And city fanning means producing food near the consumer,and there's no need to transport it long distances.
66.What can we mainly learn from Paragraph 2?C
A.The climate is worse and worse.
B.The city people live a hard life.
C.The world has difficulty feeding its people.
D.The world's population is increasing fast.
67.The underlined word"buffeted"in Paragraph 1 meansA.
A.badly affected        B.prevented      C.demanded      D.well achieved
68.Which of the following is true of the environments in the research station?C
A.The temperature is often changed.
B.Sunshine is in great need for plants.
C.Day and night depends on plants.
D.Air quality is controlled by plants.
69.It can be inferred from the text that Gertjan Meeuws's farmingB   
A.helps save sea water a lot                              
B.is highly adaptable
C.resembles greenhouse agriculture                        
D.suits the production of corn
70.What is the text mainly about?D
A.Development of indoor farming.                         
B.Great Revolution in farming.
C.Advantages of indoor farming.                          
D.Sunless,rainless indoor farming.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Researchers in Britain are driving the environmental movement to a new level.A team from the University of Warwick has built what it calls the world's first completely environmentally friendly Formula Three racing car.
The car is made mainly of renewable materials,like plants and vegetables.The structure around the car is made from natural plant fibers and potatoes.The steering wheel(方向盘) is made from root vegetables like carrots.The engine uses bio-fuel made from vegetable oil and waste chocolate.
The new racing car is extremely fast.The car has a top speed of two hundred fifteen kilometers an hour.And it can go from zero to ninety-five kilometers an hour in just two and a half seconds.
The racing car meets all of the Formula Three racing requirements except for its biodiesel(生物柴油)engine.
Automobile racing is one of the most widely watched sports in the world.But it is also considered one of the least friendly sports to the environment.Racing cars burn a lot of fuel,and create a lot of air pollution.In recent years,the racing industry has taken steps to protect the environment.More racing companies are now producing cars that use less energy.These cars produce less pollution than cars that depend on traditional fuel,like gasoline.
Last month,the new racing car was set to run in its first competitive race at the Formula Three Championship Final at Brands Hatch.It would have been the first biodiesel-powered car to race at Formula Three.Current Formula Three rules let only gasoline-powered car to compete.Officials needed permission from all of the Formula Three racers for the biodiesel-powered car to compete.They were unable to contact one of the drivers,so the new racing car didn't appear in the event.In test runs,the new racing car was the fifth fastest among the Formula Three race cars.Supporters are hoping to have the fuel problem solved in time to compete in the next season.

66.What's the second paragraph mainly about?A
A.What materials the new racing car is made of.
B.Why researchers built the new racing car.
C.The characteristics of the new racing car.
D.The process of the new racing car being designed.
67.According to the passage,theD of the new racing car doesn't meet the Formula Three racing requirements.
A.speed      B.appearance      C.weight      D.engine
68.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.the new racing car is the first environmentally friendly car
B.automobile racing could be forbidden in the near future
C.many people like to watch automobile racing
D.the new racing car will be allowed to compete in the next season of Formula Three racing
69.In recent years,racing companies are producing cars thatC.
A.burn more fuel                    B.go more quickly
C.produce less pollution            D.cost less money
70.Why didn't the new racing car compete at the Formula Three Championship Final last month?B
A.Because the new racing car still needs testing.
B.Because officials needed each racer's permission but failed to contact one.
C.Because there're some technical problems to be solved.
D.Because few drivers think it is fast enough.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.______ the Americans who died in the attack,a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor.(  )
A.In memory ofB.In charge ofC.In praise ofD.In favor of

