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Some drivers run traffic light or drive drunk,_______ the traffic regulations .

A.to ignore            B.ignoring              C.having ignored          D.and ignore


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省高三12月阶段性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Greg Woodburn, a student at the University of Southern California, spends a lot of time cleaning sneakers he collected. But soon the shoes will be sent to poor children in the United States and 20 other countries, thanks to Woodburn’s Share our soles (S.O.S) charity.

A high school track star in the town of Ventura, California, Woodburn was treated in hospital for months with foot injuries.

“I started thinking about the health benefits, the friendship and the confidence I got from running,” he says, “And I realized there are children who don’t even have shoes”.

Woodburn gathered up his old sneakers, and then asked his friends to donate. His goal was to have 100 pairs by Christmas 2006. When he collected more than 500 pairs, he decided to turn the shoe drive into a year-round effort.

Back then, the sneakers came from donation boxes and the local sporting goods store and from door-to-door pickups. Woodburn has now set up collection boxes at two high schools, city gym and recreation center. So far, S.O.S has collected and donated more than 3,000 pairs.

Woodburn has cleaned all the shoes. After sorting the shoes by size, Woodburn selects the good shoes for the washing machine and the worn-out ones for recycling.

For many recipients, the shoes represent opportunity. Two young boys in Southern California attended school every other day because they shared a pair of shoes. They were too big for one boy and too small for the other. Thanks to S.O.S, each brother received his own pair of shoes. The boys now attend school daily and enjoy their learning. When they graduate, they say, they will help a stranger, just as Woodburn helped them.

1.The text is mainly about    .

A.the attempts to collect sneakers            B.the school track star, Woodburn

C.Woodburn and his Share Our Soles          D.the recycling of the worn sneakers

2.What caused Greg Woodburn to donate old shoes for poor children?

A.News about some poor children.            B.The benefits from playing sports.

C.His memory of school life.                 D.The medical treatment he received.

3.When collecting more sneakers than expected. Woodburn decided to      .

A.collect shoes throughout the year           B.set up branches in different cities

C.put out a call to his friends                D.make his effort in the whole city

4.From the fifth paragraph we can learn that       .

A.Woodburn has changed his business

B.Few students are interested in his suggestion

C.Few people supported his career

D.Woodburn succeeded in this charity

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The two brothers would like to share a pair of shoes.

B.The shoes will protect poor children from injuries.

C.Woodburn gets tired of cleaning the old sneakers.

D.The shoes from S.O.S make a big difference to the two brothers.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届吉林省高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


   Speaking to a group can be difficult, but listening to a bad speech is truly a tiresome task—especially when the speaker is confusing. Don’t want to confuse your audience? Follow these suggestions:


   When it comes to understanding new information, the human brain needs a little time. First, we hear the words; then, we compare the new information to what we already know. If the two are different, we need to pause and think. But a breathless speaker never stops to let us think about what he or she is saying and risks confusing us. Slow it.


   Sometimes we all start a sentence one way and then switch directions, which is very difficult to follow. When you confuse your listeners with opposing information, you leave the audience wondering what part of the information is right and what part they should remember. Instead of relying and keeping correcting yourself, work to get the facts clear and straight.


   Jumping from point to point as it comes to your mind puts the onus (责任)on your listeners to make up for your lack of organisation. And it’s confusing for them to listen, reorganise, and figure out what you’re saying all at once. But going smoothly from one point to the next helps them understand information more easily. You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large, top to bottom or by some other order. Just be sure to organise.         


   Repeated use of um, ah, like, you know and some other useless noises can drive an audience crazy. It makes the speaker sound uncertain and unprepared, and it can leave listeners so annoyed that they can’t pay attention. Recently I attended a speech that was marked by so many ums that audience members were rolling their eyes. Was anybody grasping the intended message? Um, probably not.


   Many speakers finish up their speeches with question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions, but some let the Q & A go on without a clear end. The audience is often left confused about whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave. Do your listeners a favour by setting a time limit on questions, and close your speech with a specific signal—even if it’s something simple like, “If you have any more questions, you know where to reach me.”

Or even more to the point, conclude your speech with “Thanks for your time. ”

A. Be well-organised.

B. Close with a Q & A.

C. Don’t be contradictory.

D. Bring it to a specific end.

E. Speak slowly and pause.

F. Drop unnecessary words.

G.how to make life simple.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届北京西城(北区)高二下学期学业测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.

The conversation soon turned into complaints about  26  in work and life. To offer his guests coffee, the  27  went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of  28  — porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some  29  , some expensive, some delicate — telling them to help themselves to the  30  .

    When all the students  31  a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, "If you have  32  , all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up,  33  the plain and cheap ones. While it is  34  for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the  35  of your problems and stress. "

    "Be assured that the cup itself adds no  36  to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even  37 what we drink. "

    "What all of you really want is coffee,  38  the cup, but you  39  went for the best cups … And then you began  40  each other's cups. "

    "Now consider  41  : Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain  42  , and the type of cup we have does not determine, nor  43  the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we  44  to enjoy the coffee. Fully appreciate the coffee, not the cups! Don't let the cups   45  you ... enjoy the coffee instead. "

1.A. stress             B. progress         C. condition        D. pride

2.A. advisor       B. professor        C. monitor     D. graduate

3.A. glasses       B. bowls        C. trays       D. cups

4.A. plain-looking   B. beautiful       C. modern       D. nice-looking

5.A. pot                B. sugar        C. milk         D. coffee

6.A. made               B. had          C. cooked      D. served

7.A. talked             B. discussed        C. noticed     D. decided

8.A. leaving behind  B. falling about      

C. leaving about    D. falling behind

9.A. strange       B. wonderful        C. normal      D. important

10.A. source            B. purpose     C. doubt        D. result

11.A. price             B. quality          C. sweet        D. color

12.A. proves            B. tastes      C. hides        D. steals

13.A. more than         B. less than        C. other than       D. rather than

14.A. consciously       B. wisely      C. shyly       D. carelessly

15.A. showing      B. eyeing      C. exchanging       D. praising

16.A. it                B. that             C. this             D. one

17.A. jobs              B. money        C. position         D. life

18.A. change            B. increase         C. discover         D. lower

19.A. try               B. manage       C. fail             D. plan

20.A. envy              B. drive       C. support     D. assess



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tony Burke, Australia’s environment minister, says he won’t decide until next year whether the koala should be protected as an endangered species. He was expected to make his decision by the end of October. But that decision has been put off. Burke said he needed more time to go over the latest information about the koala’s population.

In September, an Australian Senate committee reported that there was no question the koala’s population is on the decrease. “But they may not yet be eligible (符合条件) for listing as a threatened species,” said Senator Doug Cameron. “To have such a significant Australian icon(偶像) included on the threatened species list would be a national shame.”

The koala is found only in the eucalyptus (桉树) forests of Australia. And its population is reported to have fallen sharply for many reasons, including the cutting down of forests to make way for human beings’ development, their own illness, climate change and killings by other animals such as wild dogs. And every year many koalas are hit by cars as they are trying to cross the busy roads.

Putting off the decision on protection for the koala “is really bad news,” said Debbie Pointing, the president of the Koala Action Group. “We’ve worked tirelessly for many years to gather data on the populations,” Pointing said. “That data should be enough to make a decision.”

However, Burke pointed out that the Australian government had spent at least $6.3 million on koala conservation efforts since 1996. senators listed efforts that are already underway in Queensland – the construction of special koala bridges as well as fences along roads, to keep the animals out of harm’s way.

Some people say that is not enough. “What we’re doing at the moment is likely to drive this species to extinction,” Queensland University zoologist Bill Ellis said.

“Koalas are an iconic Australian animal,” Burke told Australians. “They hold a special place in the hearts of Australians.”

But it is a fact that if more isn’t done to protect the koala, they might soon hold a place only in Australians’ memories.

1.Tony Burke put off announcing the koala as an endangered species because        .

A.he needed more time to examine latest information

B.he doubted whether koalas’ number is decreasing

C.he was thinking about ways to protect koalas

D.he had more important issues to deal with

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The habitat of the koala.

B.Australia’s traffic problems.

C.The importance of koalas for Australians.

D.Reasons for the decrease of the koala population.

3.According to the text, Debbie Pointing thinks that        .

A.the construction of special koala bridges is of little use

B.the government should announce the koala as an endangered species

C.the government is to blame for the decreasing koala population

D.koala are becoming less important in Australians’ hearts

4.It can be learned from the text that Tony Burke        .

A.decided to construct more fences along roads

B.called on Australians to take care of the koala

C.thought the government has done much for koalas

D.was optimistic about the koalas’ future

5.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Australia puts off the decision on whether the koala is endangered.

B.Australia is taking special measures to protect koalas.

C.The population of koalas is reducing rapidly.

D.Australians are concerned about koalas.



科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳市三校20092010学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Why do we need friends? Well, having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are lonely. But never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage, friendship needs care and patience(耐心).Here is something to remember to maintain(维持)a friendship:

    Make friendship the most important thing. Find the time to be with your friends even if it means letting the grass go unmoved or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can’t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.

    Open up to close friends. Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems, but offer advice only when it’s wanted.

    Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies, singing in a choir, or taking part in a bowling league.

    Don’t wait for a friend to ask a favor. When a friend has the flu, offer to go to the store to buy some pills or drive his / her children to their after-school activities.

    How to make new friends?

    You can start a group, such as a discussion group on gardening or books. Place an ad in a community newspaper to find people.

    Talk to strangers to find new friends. You should be cautious(谨慎的)and use your common sense, of course. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores can lead to firm friendships.

    Enroll in an adult-education course. A classroom is a good place to meet others with similar interests.

48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. How to make new friends.                B. Why do we need friends.

C. How to keep a friendship.                 D. How to gain friends’ trust.

49. We can learn from the passage that             .

A. We should not give advice to our friends anytime we want to

B. We should offer to help our friends even if they don’t need help at all

C. It’s impolite to have different activities with different groups of friends

D. People with friends can live longer than those who don’t have friends

50. According to the author, _______ are good places to find people sharing your interests.

A. libraries                        B. markets

C. laundry rooms        D. classrooms


