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It is unavoidable that you have one of those days when nothing seems to go right. Although you try to keep a 1 attitude towards the day, you find yourself getting worn down and starting to 2about the way things are going. And then 3 walks up to you, gives you a smile and asks if you would like to have a cup of coffee with them. The small act of 4brings a smile to your face as you tell them you would love to.
It does not take much 5to perform an act of kindness. The effort is in learning 6it is needed the most and bringing yourself to do it. 7 if you had been the person mentioned above who saw you 8 throughout your day, you might not have felt so inclined(倾向于……的) to be9More than likely, you would have wanted to keep your distance and be critical of that complaining. But that person 10that you needed that act of kindness to brighten your day. In being 11to have understanding and compassion for others you will find it 12 to show kindness to them.
Criticizing others not only makes them defensive against you, but it also 13 you from getting what you need or want from someone. 14, try to understand why people do what they do. After all they do have their 15 for their words and actions. In understanding their motivations, you are breeding tolerance, sympathy and kindness, and the other person will 16his or her defenses.
Dale Carnegie wrote, “ Perhaps you will17tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.” In showing them kindness, they are more likely to be more productive at work as well as at home, and your act of kindness will make a lasting18on them. They are more likely to do nearly anything for you that you ask19they have more trust in you. It is finding the good in people instead of the bad that20us to motivate them through our kind ways and receive their kindness in return
(1)A.doubtful B.neutral C.depressing D.positive
(2)A.argue B.complain C.talk D.think
(3)A.someone B.everyone C.he D.anyone
(4)A.patience B.trust C.kindness D.funniness
(5)A.money B.effort C.time D.energy
(6)A.where B.how C.what D.when
(7)A.In short B.For example C.As a result D.After all
(8)A.working B.talking C.worrying D.complaining
(9)A.careful B.annoyed C.kind D.disappointed
(10)A.understood B.accepted C.promised D.agreed
(11)A.able B.certain C.eager D.afraid
(12)A.hard B.polite C.easy D.important
(13)A.makes B.stops C.allows D.reduces
(14)A.Meanwhile B.Then C.Besides D.Instead
(15)A.reasons B.decisions C.choices D.rules
(16)A.build up B.come to C.let down D.turn down
(17)A.explain B.forget C.recall D.recognize
(18)A.choice B.decision C.Impression D.comparison
(19)A.although B.unless C.once D.since
(20)A.turns B.warns C.allows D.introduces


(1)考查形容词。根据“ you find yourself getting worn down”,你发现自己变得越来越没有斗志,结合上文,“Although you try to keep a ___1___ attitude towards the day”尽管你尝试着保持一个( )的态度,去面对生活,前后两句表示意义上的转折关系,后句为消极意义,因此前句应表示积极意义。故选D。
(2)考查动词。根据上文“you find yourself getting worn down ”你自己的斗志在慢慢消磨,以及连词and可知,前后两句为并列结构,均表示意义上的消极。故选B。
(3)考查代词。根据句中walks 、gives 可知,此处应为代表第三人称的代词,表示泛指。根据语境分析,应是某个人邀请你一起喝咖啡。故选A。(4)考查名词。根据下文“perform an act of kindness”,可推知,此处应与之对应。故选C。
(8)考查动词。根据“if you had been the person mentioned above”如果你曾经是上述文章中提到的那种人,再结合“you find yourself getting worn down and starting to complain about the way things are going”,可知这种人整天都在抱怨,斗志一点点被消磨。故选D。
(9)考查形容词。根据上文“if you had been the person mentioned above who saw you complaining throughout your day”前后两句应表示意思上的承接关系,都表示否定意义。故选C。
(10)考查动词。根据上句“you would have wanted to keep your distance and be critical of that complaining”你会想要保持距离,对抱怨持有批判的态度。再由but可知,此句与上句表示转折关系,但是那个人知道你需要善意的举动来照亮你的生活。故选A。
(11)考查固定搭配。 be able to do sth.“能够”,故选A。
(14)考查副词。。根据“try to understand why people do what they do”尝试去理解别人为什么这样做,可知此句与上文之间是一种意思上的转折,故选D。
(15)考查名词。根据上文“try to understand why people do what they do”尝试去理解别人为什么这样做,可知,每个人的言语和行动都是有原因的。故选A。
(16)考查动词短语。A. build up “建立”;B. come to “苏醒”;C. let down “放下、使失望”; D. turn down“ 调低”。“句意:理解了别人的行为动机,你就可以以宽容、同情和善意的行为去对待别人,那么别人也会放下他的防御行为。故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dear Windows Internet Explorer.

Our relationship has been strained(紧张的)for a long time.Of course. it’s not all your fault,and nor is it a11 mine.Our intermediary is also to blame;my hated Gate-way PC. which runs far too slowly. But that does not get you off the hook.

You see,Windows Internet Explorer.I can no longer deal with your ridiculous loading time.Sure,at one time I found it attractive--even--sexy for my browser to take ages to log in or load a web page.But not any more My life is fuller than it was, and I don’t have time for you to semi-load and then stop.

Also.as much as I loved it when we got together, your refusal to log me into some of my necessary accounts.such as email and MySpace.has become a problem. It was unfair of you, and I should not have submitted to your cruelty and mistreatment.

A third reason for my leaving you may seem mean:you are simply far too sickly. You are constantly contracting new viruses.and your immune system is terrible·I don’t have the time or the money to care for you any more. It may seem unfair,but you will have to survive on your own. I cannot keep curing you.going through and finding all your corrupted(损坏的)files,cleansing our intermediary’s system because you have given it some virus,bug or spyware. It takes far too much time and energy,which I do not have.

Windows Internet Explorer,you did wonderful things for me that,at the time,no other could do.But,my dear.times have changed,and while you have,too,you have not changed enough. I am 16 now,nearly a grown woman,and I cannot tolerate your childish ways As much as I once cared about you,I fear that the time has come for us to part.

Your former friend,


1What is the intermediary.according to the passage?

A. The computer. B. The network speed

C. A virus D. An account.

2Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the author doesn’t use Wmdows Internet Explorer?

A. Its immune system is really bad

B. The author cannot log into her accounts

C. It cannot find corrupted files automatically

D. It takes the author too much time to open a web page

3What is the author’s attitude towards the subject of this letter?

A. Cautious B. Skeptical.

C. Critical D. Contradictory·

4What kind of letter is this reading material?

A. A thank-you letter. B. A break-up letter.

C. A warning letter D. A consultation letter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbors.
The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $ 125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.
It was like a race, but one could never finish his race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.
Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses” because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momand's series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.
People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.
(1)Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they ________.
A.want to be as rich as their neighbors
B.want others to know or to think that they are rich
C.don't want others to know they are rich
D.want to be happy
(2)It can be inferred (推断) from the story that rich people like to ________.
A.live outside New York City
B.live in New York city
C.live in apartments
D.have many neighbors
(3)Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because “Jones” is _____.
A.an important name
B.a popular name in the United States
C.his neighbor's name
D.not a good name
(4)According to the writer, it is ________ to keep up with the Joneses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2). 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
To show our love for poor kids lived in earthquake-hit areas, our school hold a special activity recently in our school lecture hall. Its purpose was to making sure those poor kids have a warm winter. All the teachers and students in our school took an actively part in this activity. We gave away 400 pieces of clothes and 200 pairs of shoe altogether. After be sorted, they will be sent to those in the need. I believe what they did will make a great difference to those poor kids. Although we all learn to care for others, the world will be more comfortable to live.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The English language has a lot of words which can be used in many different ways and in many different expressions.
One such example is the word matter. In fact, matter can mean just about anything. It could be one of the most useful words in the English language.
Let's get to the heart of the matter —a matter of principle(原则).
If someone says that you owe(欠) him $50, but you don't, a friend might say, “Well, you could pay him the $50. It's not that much money. Then you won't have to hear him say it anymore. But if you do not owe him the money, do not pay him the money. It's a matter of principle.
There is another way to use the word matter. But be careful with your choice of words.
If you ask someone, “What's the matter?”, it shows you are worried about the other person. But saying, “What's the matter with you?” has a completely different meaning. And it usually sounds rude (粗鲁的). In fact, when you say, “What's the matter with you?” you are suggesting that the person did something wrong or stupid.
Another expression that could sound rude is to say, “It doesn't matter to me.” Here, it depends on the context, and how you say it.
Let's say you tell someone that a friend just got a big raise at work. That person answers with, “It doesn't matter to me.” Here, it means he or she does not care. And it sounds rude.
But saying, “Oh, you pick where we eat dinner. It doesn't matter to me.” does not sound rude. In this situation, “it doesn't matter” shows you are easy-going(随和的).
No matter how you look at it and what you say, matter is a very useful word. And it's only a matter of time before you will become an expert on the use of matter.
(1)We can infer from the text that the word matter ________.
A.has a wide use
B.can mean money
C.is the most used English word
D.has the most different expressions
(2)What is the author's suggestion in Paragraph 4?
A.Every penny counts.
B.Stick to what is right.
C.Follow your friend's advice.
D.Be careful when making friends.
(3)The underlined word “context” in the text probably means“
(4)The author develops the text mainly by ________.
A.using examples
B.giving instructions
C.describing his experiences
D.discussing research findings


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor1the question papers, with the text facing down as usual.2he handed them all out, he asked his students to 3 the page and begin. To everyone's surprise, there were no4 just a black dot(点) in the center of the page. The professor, seeing the expression on everyone's face, told them the following:
"I want you to write what you5there.”
The students,6got started on the inexplicable(费解的) task. At the end of the class, the professor 7all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no8described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been9 the classroom was silent, the professor began to explain:
"I'm not going to grade (打分)this. I10wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the11part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same happens in our12 .We have a white paper to watch and13but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a14 given to us with love and care and we always have15 to celebrate: nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that 16 our livelihood(生计) and the miracles (奇迹)we see every day.17 we insist on focusing only on the dark spots: the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the18relationship with people we work with, the19 with a friend, and etc.
The dark spots are very20compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. "
(1)A.handed out B.turned up C.referred to D.pointed at
(2)A.Since B.Until C.If D.After
(3)A.shut B.open C.turn D.use
(4)A.exercises B.choices C.questions D.scores
(5)A.remember B.imagine C.study D.see
(6)A.surprised B.confused C.curious D.displeased
(7)A.finished B.collected C.marked D.selected
(8)A.excuse B.doubt C.exception D.explanation
(9)A.said B.answered C.returned D.read
(10)A.also B.just C.even D.finally
(11)A.big B.black C.beautiful D.white
(12)A.lives B.classrooms C.colleges D.studies
(13)A.send B.keep C.show D.enjoy
(14)A.burden B.gift C.pressure D.lesson
(15)A.reasons B.time C.freedom D.festivals
(16)A.threatens B.ruins C.provides D.changes
(17)A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Moreover
(18)A.bad B.close C.special D.strong
(19)A.stay B.touch C.satisfaction D.disappointment
(20)A.dark B.round C.small D.dirty


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, _____ he gave the instruction ______a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha.

A. in which, what B. when, which

C. where, which D. after which, that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】任务型阅读Tips on buying outdoor solar lights(太阳能灯)
As solar lighting is becoming useful for homes, many different such outdoor lights can now be found in supermarkets.Here are some helpful tips for customers.
Does your area receive enough direct lighting?
So you shouldn't even give it a thought if you live in an area that doesn't get much sunlight.These lights need direct sunlight, or they just won't work very well.
The expensive one usually means good quality Choosing the cheapest ones will result in many problems. For once, it's best to buy more expensive lights of high quality. At least you should know the difference between a $10 light and a $45 light.
Buy lights that require less installation(安装)
Most solar lights are simply driven into the ground.Therefore.you shouldn't deal with the difficulty in installing a system that involves anything more than that. You don't need to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground because that's just a waste of time.
Make sure the lights can store enough energy.
Different solar lights can store different amounts of energy Therefore, you should choose lights that are able to store enough energy to last for a few hours or more,at least those that will last from nightfall throughout most of the night and part of the morning.
A.They should take a few minutes each to get into the ground
B. Without sunlight, solar lighting is useless.
C.It means some will stay lit longer than the others
D.Buy many solar lights instead of just one or two.
E.Choose something a bit more expensive for once.
F.That doesn't mean you have to spend all your money.
G.Solar lights are becoming more and more popular.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every day born a decade from now will have its genetic code(基因编码)mapped at birth, the head of the world’s leading genome sequencing(基因图谱)company has predicted.

A complete DNA read – out for every newborn will be technically possible and affordable in less than five years, promising a revolution in healthcare, says Jay Flatley, the chief executive of Illumina. Only social and legal problems are likely to delay the age of “genome sequences,” or genetic profiles. By 2019 it will have become routine to map infants’ genes when they are born, Dr Flatly told The Times.

This will open a new approach to medicine, by which conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease can be predicted and prevented and drugs used more safely and effectively.

A baby’s genome can be discovered at birth by a blood test. By examining a person’s genome, it is possible to identify raised risks of developing diseases such as cancers. Those at high risk can then be screened more regularly, or given drugs or dietary advice to lower their chances of becoming ill.

Personal genomes could also be used to ensure that patients get the medicine that is most likely to work for them and least likely to have side – effects.

The development, however, will raise legal concerns about privacy and access to individuals’ genetic records.

“Bad things can be done with the genome. It could predict something about someone – and you could possibly hand the information to their employer or their insurance company.” said Dr Flatley.

“People have to recognize that this horse is out of the barn, and that your genome probably can’t be protected, because everywhere you go you leave your genome behind. Complete genetic privacy, however, is unlikely to be possible”, he added.

As the benefits become clearer, however, he believes that most people will want their genomes read and interpreted. The risk is nothing compared with the gain.

1In the first two paragraphs, the author mainly wants to tell us about__________.

A. the significant progress in medicine

B. the promise of a leading company

C. the information of babies’ genes

D. the research of medical scientists

2Which of the following is a problem caused by this approach?

A. The delaying in discovering DNA.

B. The risk of developing diseases at birth.

C. The side effects of medicine on patients.

D. The letting out of personal genetic information.

3What does the underlined sentence “… this horse is out of the barn” mean?

A. Genetic mapping technique has been widely used.

B. people can’t stop genetic mapping technique advancing.

C. People are eager to improve genetic mapping technique.

D. Genetic mapping technique is too horrible to control.

4What’s Dr Flatley’s attitude towards the technology?

A. Tolerant. B. Conservative. C. Positive. D. Doubtful.

