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1. 希望他能考虑这份工作;

2.简单介绍工作内容:撰写新闻报道、校对及制定编辑计划 (editorial pans ) 等;


注意:.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使杆玄连贯。

Dear Ted,

     I 'm writing to tell you that our school English newspaper wants a part-time English editor

One possible version

Dear Ted,

    I'm writing to tell you that our school English newspaper wants a part-time English editor. Since you have been looking for a part-time job,I hope you can think about this position.

For this job,you will be asked to write news reports and find and correct mistakes in newspapers before they,re printed. In addition,making- editorial plans is another important task. You are good at English and computers. Therefore,V m sure you511 be well suited for it. It is a good opportunity that you shouldn’ t miss. If you are interested in this job,please call at 0351-7773957 or send your personal information and application to xiaobao@l26. com.

   Looking forward to your reply.


                                                                       Li Huav

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第43期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      Holly's dad kept homing pigeons (信鸽)in the back garden. She loved the pigeons 41 her favourite was Charlie.

      Dad's homing pigeon club was to hold its first race,and all of his birds were in training. On the day of the 42 ,Dad had to drive 100 kilometres to the starting point. Dad whistled (吹口哨) as he 43 along the road. 44,a dog rati out in front of the car!Dad changed direction to 45 it,but the car skidded (打滑) across the road and into a large tree.

Dad tried to 46 ,but his legs were stuck. He had to get 47 as soon as possible. No one had seen the accident,so it might have been hours before he was 48 . He felt around for his phone,but it had been thrown out of reach.

    Dad 49 to turn around to check that the pigeons hadn,t been 50 . They seemed all right. Then a great 51 came to him. One of the pigeons could carry a message home to Mum and Holly!

52,Dad had a pen and a notebook in his pocket. He 53 Charlie,lifted him out and tied the message to Charlie's leg.

   “Fly home,Charlie,” he called.

    Charlie set off towards his home and reached the 54 at last.

     “Mum!” Holly called “Charlie's home!And he's carrying a 55 !”

     Mum came out to the backyard. As she read the note,she cried, “Oh no!Dad's had a(n) 56 !” Mum ran into the house,phoned the ewergency (紧急事件) number and 57 what had happened. Soon,Mum came out to the backyard 58 and called ,“They‘ve 59 Dad,Holly,and he's going to be all right."

“You 60 Dad!” Holly told Charlie. “You’ re tlie best pigeon in the world!”

41. A. or   B. so   C. and   D. for

42. A. race   B. training

   C. trade   D. meeting

43. A. walked   B. ran

   C. drove   D. flew

44. A. Immediately   B. Suddenly

   C. Finally   D. Lately

45. A. stop   B. control   C. keep   D. miss

46. A. cry   B. call   C. move   D. talk

47. A. advice   B. help   C. sleep   D. money

48. A. remembered   B. protected   C. discovered   D. understood

49. A. learned   B. agreed   C. continued   D. managed

50. A. caught   B. hurt   C. shot   D. followed

51. A. idea   B. dog      C. deal   D. pigeon

52. A. Strangely   B. Naturally    C. Honestly   D. Luckily

53 A. depended on   B. reached for

 C. waited for   D. thought of

54. A. back garden   B. club

  C. starting point   D. hospital

55. A. pen        B. notebook

  C. message       D. leaf

56. A. car   B. accident

   C. competition   D. phone

57. A. realised   B. imagined

 C. explained       D. wondered

58. A. once    B. then   C. again   D. first

59. A. found   B. described   C. taught   D. warned

60. A. corrected   B. trusted   C. recognised   D. saved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. The question is (我是否该告诉他真相) . 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


       It's often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun,but may offer activities either for small children or adults,with not much for teenagers.

       Fifteen-year-old Josh Sandford and his 13-year-old sister Rowena took a cruise last year,on a ship called the Rega. ‘ Before we left,I'd spent ages looking at the brochure (宣传册) , and all the activities on offer,so I was really looking forward to it/ says Josh. 'When we got on,I could see they had activities that teenagers could join in,so we couldn't really say the brochure was wrong. But they were a bit boring — things like old movies we’d seen before. I wish there’d been somewhere for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it,but they were disappointed that we didn’t. 

     Josh's parents had almost decided they'd never take their family on a cruise again when they heard about some new cruises that were specially for families with teenagers. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again,this time on a ship called the Flora. ^We did some tours organised by the Flora when the ship stopped in different ports (港口) ” says Josh. ‘We went off and explored some old ruins. I was worried it 'd  be boring,but I have to admit the mins were actually quite cool.

      ‘The biggest difference was the activities on board,though,like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic rock-climbing wall,too, although lots of the teenagers on board didn’ t seem to want to try it. Maybe they were too scared (害怕的) ,as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the way up it'so I just had to do the same!'

     Josh and Rowena’ s family had such a good time on their last cruise that they're thinking of going again 一 in fact,they re already saving up for it!

32. It seems that the Rega.

   A. provided wrong information in the travel brochure

   B. didn't offer satisfying activities for teenagers

   C. only provided activities suitable for adults

   D. didn’ t satisfy the needs of Josh's parents

33. After the trip on the Rega,Josh's parents

   A. considered giving up cruise holidays

   B. started to look for adventurous cruises

   C. found it hard to get along with teenagers

   D. decided they would never take children along

34. What did Josh think of the tours organised by the Floral

   A. He found them a little boring.

   B. He didn't think they were special

   C. He was surprised to find he enjoyed them.

   D. He was worried that his parents wouldn't love them.

35. What does the text mainly talk about?

   A. Teen cruises.                       B. Family holidays.

   C. Difficult teenagers.                  D. Special families.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other,and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. (P2)


① 本句是一个由 连接的并列复合句。

② 前一分句是一个复合句,主句是 She also discovered,后跟   引导的宾语从句。

③ 后一分荀是一个简单句,为主谓 宾补结构,work out their social system作宾语补足语。

[句意]她还发现了黑猩猩之间是 如何交流的,并且她对黑程程身势语的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.只有几个人表示支持这一计划。(in support of)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

用括号内动词的正确形式(包括动 词-ing形式和不定式) 完成下面对话。

David: When did you begin 1. (study) English? 

Tony: When I was in high school. I continued 2. (study) it in college.

David: 3. (learn) a language takes a long time. Do you like studying English how? 

Tony: Yes. But I' m shy,and I avoid 4.(talk) in class.

David: You'11 never learn 5. (speak) if you don't practise.

Tony: But I'm afraid of 6. (make).mistakes.

David: You can 't help 7. (make) some mistakes. It's only natural. You can't expect 8. (be) perfect.

Tony: You,re right,of course. How about you? Do you enjoy 9.  (speak) English?

David: Yes. My English is not perfect,but I manage 10.  (communicate) when I need to.But I dislike 11.(do) homework. I

don't mind 12. (fill) in the blanks in a grammar exercise,but I hate 13. (write) compositions.

Tony: Me too. I always put off 14. (do) them until the night before. Also I need to refer to a dictionary many times to finish a composition.

David: When you leam more English,you will stop 15. (use) your dictionary so much.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I made a promise to myself my first year in high school would be different.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Local (娱乐活动) are listed in the newspaper.

