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 If I _______ that program the day before yesterday, my computer wouldn’t have broken down.

A. didn’t run               B. haven’t run                      C. hadn’t run                        D. were not to run





试题分析:考查虚拟语气。句意:如果我前天不运行这个程序,电脑就不会瘫痪了。根据the day before yesterday和后面的wouldn’t have broken, 可知假设条件与过去相反, 所以用过去完成时态。选C。




科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江西省吉水中学高三第一次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I 36 across some old love letters that my parents wrote to
each other. these letters were all piled up in a basket, dirty and 37 with dust. 38 to read and sort them, I asked
them if I could take the letters back to my Illinois home. They agreed.
As I carefully opened each letter, all of them 39 with age, I discovered a new page 40 unknown to me in
this private chapter of my parents’ lives.
My father used to   41 in the army. So his letters were full of frontline(前线) 42 of the things about the war.
Each of my mother’s letters was marked with her 1944 dark red lipstick(口红) kiss. I was  43 to these letters
like a magnet(磁铁).
Just six weeks after our Christmas visit, Daddy became very 44 and was hospitalized(住院). This time, he
was fighting a 45 kind of war. As I sat by his bedside, we discussed the  46 . He told me how much receiving
those lipstick-kissed letters had 47 to him when he had been so far from home.
It so happened that the next day would be February 14. From the  48 letters I chose the card my father had
sent mother in 1944 and brought it to my father’s bedside.
At his bedside, I joked with him, saying  49 .“Today is Valentine’s Day, don’t you want to sent Mother a
present?” He became more 50 when I handed him the old 51 . He carefully opened it and took out the card,
and when he 52 it, his eyes were filled with tears.
My father, in a voice tight with 53 read the loving 54 he’d sent to my mother fifty-six years earlier. And
this time, he could read it to her  55 .

A.Christmas cardB.lipstickC.basketD.envelope
A.in peaceB.in privateC.in dangerD.in person


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建厦门大学附属科技中学高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

What I like best is seeing Arsenal win and playing football. If I am feeling sad I will play a football game on my Play Station 2. The best day I have ever had was when I finished first in the 800-metre race at my secondary school. It was a school record, although I didn’t know that at the time. My family makes me happy, too.
My little sister makes me sad because she always tells tales on me to my mum. If I am having a bad day, food cheers me up. I like chili con carne and sweet chili crisps. It makes me happy because I want to be big and have lots of energy.
I haven’t done anything very exciting in my life but one of my best achievements is that I got a good report from my school this year, because last year I got a bad one. People on TV make me laugh, particularly Eddie Murphy. If I am having a bad day I watch Basil Brush. I am good at making other people happy. I just talk and my friends start laughing — they think I am silly.
If I’m having a bad day, knowing that someone is there for me can make me happy. I wouldn’t say I’m the best at making other people happy, but I know that just being a good friend to other people is important. The things I like doing are singing, dancing, hanging out with my friends and just being lively and funny.
The most exciting thing I have ever done in my life was when I went abseiling in Wales. But that was a one-off. The things I do all the time are playing football, watching movies and going places with my friends. I know it sounds bad, but what I find funny is when people hurt themselves. If I am having a bad day and I see someone having a worse day than me, that makes me feel better.
【小题1】 Food is very important for _________ when he has a bad day.

【小题2】________ like playing football.
A.Jason and AshleighB.Jason and Usman
C.Kinzey and Usman D.Kinzey and Jason
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Kinzey finds it bad when people hurt themselves.
B.Jason knew he had set a new school record when he finished first in the 800-metre race.
C.When Usman talks, his friends start laughing because they think he is humorous.
D.Antonio likes food because he wants to be big and have lots of energy.
【小题4】Ashleigh mentions all the following things EXCEPT(除外)_________.
A.to make other people happy
B.to play football with friends
C.to hang out with friends
D.to be lively and funny
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _________.
A.what makes different people happy
B.what makes different people feel moved
C.relationships between different people
D.what different people think success is


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省高安中学09-10学年高二下学期期中(英语) 题型:阅读理解

When I was 19 years old, I was at a dance club. As we were walking to my car one cold night, a man walked up to us. Behind him was a woman carrying a small child. The child had a jacket on but it wasn’t buttoned up(扣上). The man began to tell us he wanted to borrow some money for the night to get his wife and kid into a hotel. He had a job but no place to live in and was waiting for he first paycheck. He said he could get our mailing address and mail the money back.
The guy I was with reached into his pocket to give this man a $20 bill. As the other man was extending his hand out to take the money, I put my hand on my new friends’ hand and said, “ Can I talk to you for a minute?”
I told him that every day people asked my mother for money on her way to work. She said they made more money than she did, simply begging for money. These people were scamming those with soft hearts. And if they were truly worried about their child suffering from the cold, they would have at least buttoned his jacket or covered him with his blanket.
My new friend looked at me with disappointment and said, “Michelle, I know there are people out there that take advantage of others. I also know there are people out there that are one paycheck away from being homeless. If I give $ 20 to 10 people and only one of them really needs it and uses it for the right thing, it is worth it.”
I am now 37 years old and have never forgotten what he said to me. I don’t even remember his name. But I do remember that that experience changed the way I look at different situations.
56. What do we know about the stranger according to the passage?
A. He had been begging for a long time near the dance club.
B. He would spend the cold night at an expensive hotel.
C. He was careless and didn’t take good care of his child.
D. He might be just lying in order to get some money.
57. Why did the author put her hand on her new friends’ hand?
A. She wanted to tell him to give some more money to the stranger.
B. She believed her mother had already given the stranger some money.
C. She wanted to warm him not to be cheated by the stranger.
D. She asked her friend to pay more attention to the baby instead.
58. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word “ scamming ” in the 3rd paragraph?
A. cheating                     B. respecting            C. disappointing                D. understanding
59. We can safely say that the author’s friend was_________.
A. funny                           B. kind                         C. rich                         D. brave


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

If I ______ that program the day before yesterday, my computer wouldn’t have broken down.

  1. A.
    didn’t run
  2. B.
    haven’t run
  3. C.
    hadn’t run
  4. D.
    were not to run

