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9.Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock."Oh,no!"he thought to himself."Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time."
As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door.He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside."Bigwoods Football Pools (赌博公司) would like to congratulate you.You have won half a million pounds."
Frank suddenly came to life.The cigarette fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.
At 11:30Frank arrived at work."Please explain why you're so late,"his boss said."Go and jump in the lake,"replied Frank."I've just come into a little money so this is goodbye.Find yourself someone else to shout at."
That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar when a knock was heard on the door.He rushed to the door.Outside were two men,neatly dressed in grey suits."Mr.Smithson,"one of them said,"We're from Bigwoods Football Pools.I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake…"
51.What do we know about Frank?A
A.He was a lazy man
B.He was a lucky person
C.He made a lot of money
D.He didn't get on well with his boss.
52.Why did Frank dare to shout to his boss?A
A.Because he thought he did not need the job.
B.Because his boss did not like him.
C.Because he was not late in fact.
D.Because he found a better job.
53.When he heard the knock at the door,Frank probably thoughtD.
A.someone had come to make an apology
B.someone had come to give him the money
C.his friends had come to ask about the football pools
D.his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck
54.On hearing"…there's been a terrible mistake…",Frank was most likely to beA.
A.disappointed  B.worried  C.nervous  D.curious.

分析 这篇短文为我们讲述了一个关于Frank的故事.Frank在公司里总是挨老板的骂.有一天他收到了一个足球赌博公司的信,信上说他中了很多钱.Frank很高兴,在老板又要责骂他的时候,他毫不犹豫的进行了反击.但是那天晚上两个人来找Frank,说那个足球赌博公司可能寄错了信.

解答 51.A  推理判读题.根据文章的第一句话Frank Smithson woke up and got up to turn off the alarm clock,Frank醒来关掉闹钟,由此我们可以推断Frank是一个比较懒惰的人.B  选项说他是一个幸运的人,由故事的结尾我们可以知道他并不幸运;C选项说他赚了很多钱,由故事的结尾我们也可以知道这不是真的;D选项说他和老板相处的好,由文章的意思我们知道这是不对的.故选A.
52.A  推理判断题 根据前文可知,Frank以为自己中了大奖,再也不用在公司做工作挣那点钱了,所以他敢对老板吼,故答案为A
53.D  推理判断题.根据文章的最后一段,当Frank听到敲门声时,他rush to the door,他冲到了门那,可见他非常的兴奋,加上他以为自己中了大奖,所以他应该是以为是他的朋友们来祝贺他来了.故选D.A意为有人来道歉;B意为他的同事来安慰他;C意为他的邻居来询问足球彩票的事.这些选项都不符合文意.
54.A 推理判读题.当听到…there's been a terrible mistake…,有一个可怕的错误的时候,Frank感觉怎样.我们首先推断一下这个错误是什么,之前我们知道Frank以为自己中了奖,但现在这个足球赌博公司的人却说他们犯了一个错误,那么这个错误肯定跟他的中奖有关,既然错了,那么也就是说其实Frank并没有中奖,所以这个时候Frank应该是感到很失望,故选A.

点评 做阅读时经常犯错的主要原因是,仅凭读过文章后残留在脑海中的一丝印象来勾选答案,这样便很容易掉入出题人故意设布下的题目陷阱.所谓阅读理解,对于题目的理解一定要忠实于原文,因此,每一道题都应该与原文作全面的对比与核查,再得出答案.也就是说,阅读理解的每一道题目,在原文都应该有明确的出处,我们把这一出处叫做原文相关句,(1)排除与原文相关句主题不一致的选项(2)排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项  (3)排除用于过于极端或负面的选项(4)注意结合文章主旨和主题去排除.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Too much eating.Too many unhealthy foods.Too many advertisements for food.Too little activity.Different explanations are offered for America's weight problem-a problem increasingly shared by other countries.Almost one-fifth of American children and teenagers are overweight.
Schools have been urged to increase physical education,an important tool for public health.And many have.Yet now comes a study showing an increase in the number of injuries in"phys ed"class.Injuries increased one hundred fifty percent between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand seven.
The study involved injuries treated in hospital emergency departments.Only two percent were serious.
The researchers did not try to identify the causes of the increase,but they have some theories.
Lara McKenzie from Ohio State University was the lead researcher.She says one possibility is a decrease in the number of school nurses during the period they studied.For example,a two thousand four study showed that the number of school nurses nationally failed to meet federal guidelines.Schools without a nurse on duty may be more likely to send an injured child to a hospital.
Another possible reason for more injuries is a change in the traditional idea of physical education.This"New P.E."expands the kinds of sports that are taught.But activities that some schools offer now,like rock climbing and skateboarding,can also expand the risks,says Cheryl Richardson.She is with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
Also,she says not all states require P.E.teachers to be specially trained.Untrained teachers could be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions.
Cheryl Richardson also points to one of the study's findings-that injuries are often the result of contact with a person or a structure.This tells her that the teachers were not giving each student enough space to move around safely.
Six activities produced seventy percent of all injuries:running,basketball,football,volleyball,soccer and gymnastics.
The researchers say larger class sizes are another possible reason for the increase in injuries.Larger classes can mean less supervision.The National Association for Sport and Physical Education says twenty to thirty students in a P.E.class should be the limit.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

78.Many schools deal with the problem that more children are overweight byincreasing physical education.
79.What's the result of expanding the kinds of sports taught in school?The risks of getting injured increase/expand..
80.P.E.teachers without special training are more likely toneglect unsafe conditions.
81.After reading the passage,could you give at least two suggestions to an American school on how to reduce injuries in"phys ed"classes?Increasing the number of school nurses; avoiding high risk activities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Britain's most popular lie has been discovered,with one in four people admitting using"Sorry I had no signal"when returning a missed mobile phone call,a survey found.
According to a recent survey people usually use this little white lie after they hit the"ignore"button when their mobile rang.The second most common fib is"I haven't got any cash on me"when asked for money by beggars.Modern technology is a major excuse in many of our lies with"I didn't get your text"in 18th,"Our server was down"in 20th and"My battery died"in 26th place.
Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every year.One in three Britons have lied about their weight,a quarter have fibbed about the amount of debt they are in and 30 percent have bent the truth about the amount of exercise they do.
Almost a quarter of men have told their wife or girlfriend they look good in an outfit,despite thinking the opposite.More than 40 percent of women have admitted lying about how much new clothes actually cost while 30 percent have fibbed about how much they've had to drink.
Three quarters of people think women are better liars.The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying,compared to 58 of men.Men tell the most fibs,coming out with five every day compared to women who lie just three times.
A spokesman for one poll,which carried out the research of 4,300 adults,said,"As a nation we are obsessed with trying to be nice and not upsetting people.Often little white lies are used to cover what we actually want to say."
"Most of these were considered either completely harmless or necessary depending on the situation in which they are delivered."He added,"It was sad to see a string of compliments in the top 50,but once again in many cases perhaps it is better to compliment(恭维) with a lie than destroy someone with the truth."
26.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.The most popular British lies         B.British people like to lie
C.The reasons British people lie        D.Technology makes us lie
27.According to the research,what do women most frequently lie about?D
A.Their weight
B.The amount of their debt.
C.Their drinking habits
D.The cost of their clothing.
28.Which of the following statement is true according to the research?B
A.Three quarters of women are better liars
B.Men lie more often than women.
C.More men are better liars than women
D.More women lie than men.
29.The underlined phrase"obsessed with"is closest in meaning toA.
A.very concerned with                  
B.surprised about
C.opposed to                           
D.not interested in
30.Why do people usually lie according to the one poll?C
A.To prevent argument with their partners.
B.To avoid speaking with others on the phone.
C.To avoid hurting others.
D.To destroy others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi for a living.I met(21)Cpeople.But none touched me(22)Bthan a woman I picked up late one night.
I received a call from(23)Din a quiet part of town.When I arrived at 2:30a.m.,the building was(24)Aexcept for a single light in a ground floor window.I  walked to the door and(25)B."Just a minute,"answered a(26)D,elderly voice.After a long pause,the door opened.A small woman(27)Cher 80s stood before me.Beside her was a small suitcase.I took it to the taxi.and then returned to(28)Athe woman.She took my arm and we walked(29)Dtoward the roadside.
Seated,she gave me(30)B."I'm on my way to a hospice(临终关怀医院).I'm in no hurry.Can you drive through downtown?"I saw her eyes shining with(31)Cin the rearview mirror."I don't have any(32)Aleft."she continued."The doctor says I don't have very long."
During the next two hours'(33)B,sometimes she asked me to(34)Cin front of a particular building or corner and she(35)Astare into the darkness.When we got to the destination,she asked,"How much do I(36)Dyou?""Nothing,"I said."You(37)Cmake a living."she answered."I have(38)Bpassengers,"I replied,and gave her a hug. She held onto me(39)D."You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,"she said."Thank you."
After that,I drove aimlessly,lost in thought.People usually believe that our lives center upon great moments.(40)Bgreat moments often catch us unaware,beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

23.A.a storeB.an officeC.a clinicD.an apartment
30.A.a notebookB.an addressC.a presentD.an envelope
37.A.want toB.used toC.have toD.seem to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Enid's wedding(婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the evening just seventeen hours before her marriage!
"I must try it on,Mother!"she cried,as she ran upstairs.
Three minutes later Enid's cries brought her mother in.The dress was much too big for her.It was baggy in the front,and the neckline looked all wrong.Enid was in tears.
"Take it back to dressmaker's,"Mrs Bale said."She must  alter  it tonight.Hurry now.Take it off and go."
The dressmaker's shop was closed."CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK'S HOLIDAY"said a notice on the door.Fresh tears rose to Enid's eyes.She ran home again to her mother.
"This is unlucky,"Mrs Bale said."But what are we going to do?Shall I ask Mrs Peters to help?She was a dressmaker once.I'm sure she could alter it for you."
Mrs Peters was brought in and began to work.She could see what was wrong.She had to take in a lot of material at the front,and that was a big job.Then she altered the neckline-in fact she made it again.At ten o'clock the work was finished,and Enid tried the dress on.It fitted her beautifully.
The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang.Mrs Bale answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a fat young woman.The woman was carrying a large,flat box.
"Does Miss Enid Bale live here?"she asked breathlessly.
"Yes.She's my daughter."
"Oh,I'm glad I've found you!There's been a mistake.Your daughter has my wedding dress,and I've got hers.And I'm getting married tomorrow!She held out the box to Mrs Bale.

51.Why did Enid cry after she tried on the wedding dress?BecauseB.
A.she found that she had taken another women's dress
B.the dress didn't fit her
C.she was very excited when she put on the dress
D.she was very angry
52.According to the passage,the word"alter"means"C".
A.to buy something               B.to repair something which is broken
C.to make something different    D.to do something again
53.The dress maker's shop was closed,becauseD.
A.it was a holiday
B.it was late in the evening
C.the dressmaker went home from work
D.the dressmaker went on a holiday
54.The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang becauseA.
A.they felt happy to get the wedding dress prepared before the wedding
B.they were waiting for another women who would brought them another dress
C.they were planning to attend the two weddings the next day.
D.None of the above is right
55.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.Mrs Peters was a kind and helpful woman.
B.The young woman was worried about her wedding dress very much.
C.The dressmaker made a mistake when she sent out these two dresses.
D.The young woman could not get married the next day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Mr.Smith,how does my son Tom behave at school?
-Pretty good,though he ______ be absent-minded occasionally.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Indian's snake charmers (耍蛇者) are to be retrained as wildlife teachers under a plan to prevent their unique skills and knowledge from being lost.The charmers,who make snakes dance to the sound of flutes (笛子),used to be a traditional feature of Indian life,performing in towns and villages,until they were banned in 1972to control the trade in snake skins.
The government is now considering a plan to train the snake charmers,as they are known,to visit schools and zoos to tell children about forests and wildlife.There is also a proposal to set up a"dial a snake charmer"service to help householders to deal with unwelcome intruders (入侵者).
"For generations they have been a feature of Indian life but now they can't earn a living for fear of arrest,"said Behar Dutt,a professor behind the plans,"if a policeman doesn't catch them,animal rights activists report them."
Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban,despite the threat of up to three years in jail.But their trademark cloth-covered baskets,hanging from a bamboo pole carried across their shoulders,make them an easy target (目标) for police.
The fate of Shisha Nath,56,from Badarpur,a village just outside of Delhi,is typical of practitioners (从业者) of the dying art."I used to earn enough to support my family and send my children to school,"he said."Now it's hard to earn even for a day.My children want to be snake charmers.It's our identity.We love the work.But it's become impossible."
Next month Dutt's project to train 30snake charmers will begin at a snake park in Pune,western India,where experts will enrich their home-grown skills with some formal knowledge.
More than the law,though,it is the dishonest attitude of their fellow countryman that angers many snake charmers.
"We're disturbed all the time but when people want a snake removed from the house,they rush to us,"said Prakash Nath,who was ordered recently to the home of Sonia Gandhi,the Congress party leader.

60.According to the passage,snake charmers will be retrained as wildlife teachers mainly becauseD.
A.schools need large numbers of such teachers
B.most of them cannot support their families
C.their performances on the street are banned
D.the government plans to save the dying art
61.The purpose of the proposed"dial a snake charmer"in paragraph 2telephone service isD.
A.to give performance of snake dancing
B.to teach householders how to catch and kill snakes
C.to offer cleaning service to wealthy householders
D.to help remove unwanted snakes from the houses
62.The word underlined word"clandestinely"in paragraph 4can be best replaced by the word"A".
A.secretly  B.happily  C.unconsciously  D.diligently
63.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?B
A.Snake charmers can easily be recognized by the police on the street.
B.Children of snake charmers would not like to continue their fathers'job.
C.Snake charmers are quite angry with the attitude of their fellow countrymen.
D.The animal rights activists take a negative attitude towards snake charmers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.The tennis match between Li Na and little Williams was so fierce that everyone _________ their breath at the end.(  )
A.will holdB.had heldC.holdD.was holding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19."The world's oceans are slowly getting more acidic."say scientists.The researchers from California report that the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
         The lowering of the waters'PH value is not great at the moment but could cause a serious threat to current ocean life if it continues,they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett,from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of oil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air,and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.Once in the water,it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.
         These researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere,"said Dr Caldeira.And we predict the amount of future acidity will exceed(超过) anything we have seen over the last several hundred million years,let alone perhaps after rare disastrous events such as asteroid(小行星) impacts
          However,it is not absolutely clear what that means for ocean life.Most organisms live near the surface,where the greatest PH change would be expected to occur,but deep-ocean life forms may be more sensitive to PH changes.Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) and other organisms whose shells contain calcium carbonate(碳酸钙) may be particularly affected if the water's acidity levels keep going up,the team predict.They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower PH.
         In recent years some people have suggested storing carbon dioxide from power station in the deep ocean as a way of dealing with global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously,most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing--because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet,and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean,it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming."
57.The ocean is becoming more acidic due toC.
A.the lower water PH value                                     
B.the warming atmosphere
C.the higher level of CO2 in the air                         
D.the increasing use of oil fuels
58.According to Dr Caldeira,D.
A.ocean absorption of carbon dioxide is a good thing
B.more oil fuels will be used in the near future
C.scientists may predict climate changes with computer models
D.the future situation of the amount of acidity is extremely serious
59.If the water's acidity level keeps rising,A 
A.ocean life whose structures contain calcium carbonate may be affected
B.the water's PH value will become higher and higher
C.organisms living near the surface are more sensitive to PH changes
D.some disastrous events will occur more often than before
60.Most experts once believed storing carbon dioxide in the ocean would reduceB.
A.the CO2 absorbed by the ocean                          
B.the amount of greenhouse warming
C.the acidity of the ocean                                         
D.the gradual release of CO2.

