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Physical fitness is the result of many factors: good medical and gentle care, proper nutrition, enough rest and relaxation, and sensible personal habits. But these are never enough. An essential factor is regular physical activity for a body to function well.

All of us know that ordinary movements like running, jumping, and bending are made possible by muscles. Muscles also do many other things. They suck air into your lungs, push food along your digestive tract(消化管), and tighten your blood vessels to raise blood pressure when you need more pressure for an emergency. Your heart is a muscular pump(强健的泵或抽水机).

When your muscles are not used, or not used enough, they do not develop and grow properly. They soon become weak, smaller in size and lose their ability to do the jobs they were meant to do.

Recent studies showed that the average high school student spend fifteen to thirty hours a week watching television and only two hours a week in organized play or exercise. That is one reason why one-third of the 200,000 pupils tested for the President's Council on Physical Fitness failed a simple test of strength. Some of the boys and girls could not raise themselves to a sitting position without using their hands!

Cars and buses, lifts, TV and push-button machines all tend to reduce physical activity. But our bodies still need exercise. Without it they soon become weak and unattractive.

1. In the article,muscles are said to do all of the following except _______ .

A.suck air  B. run, jump and bend  C. tighten blood vessels  D. reduce pain

2. The thing to keep physical fitness discussed in this article is _______ .

A.strength B. nutrition C. skill D. exercise

3.The author advises us to _______ .

A.replace physical activity with watching TV

B. fail 200,000 students on a physical fitness test

C.exercise our bodies regularly

D. do annual medical checkups

4.According to the article, high school students _______.

A. are mostly weak

B. often suffer from lung troubles

C. lack enough exercise

D. should watch less TV programs



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届湖南省株洲市南方中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. account  B. unable  C. psychologically   D. fulfill   E. physical
F. concern  G. habits   H. devotion   I. exposure   J. academic  K. lead to
Addiction (沉溺,上瘾)to computer games has been on the increase with its rise in popularity. It is not a 1  disease or mental illness. A person with this type of addiction sets aside practically all other activities in favor of playing computer games almost endlessly.
Computer games addicts tend to separate themselves from normal, face-to-face human contact. They spend hours playing the online games, without much __2__ for those around them. They also do not care to __3__ the responsibilities awaiting them and they are more likely to feel depressed. The fact that computer games reduce time available for family and friends may __4__ for the drop in well-being. Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less __5__ satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. In addition, __6__ to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
Many addicts spend as long as 100 hours a week playing computer games. Such a lifestyle will result in decreased job or __7__ performance. Late nights and days spent playing the games make the addict  8 to perform as well as he would have. Some gamers even spend real money on virtual products to make their characters distinct from others.
Computer games addicts have unwittingly developed a set of habits. These  9 have become part of their lives and if not dealt with, their jobs, relationships and careers may collapse. However, breaking these habits is easier said than done. Sometimes these habits could 10  depression, stress and other emotional problems. Therapy, counseling programs can be helpful to them. The earlier treatment is sought, the greater the chance it will be successful.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011河北衡水中学高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:填空题

Dr. Green, Mrs. Brown, Li Ming 以及其他的读者,Mr. King 和Henry Jordan 正在书店选择自己所需的书刊。阅读下面六个介绍书籍及杂志的广告(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,并标在相应的位置。选项中有一项是多余选项。
____1. Dr. Green — a historian who is interested in the English history.
____2. Mrs. Brown — a woman who tries her best to keep pace with the fashion.
____3. Li Ming—a Chinese student who considers English a headache but wants to make progress in it.
___4. Mr. King—a CEO in an IT company.
____5. Henry Jordan—an ordinary worker who is crazy about the mysteries of nature.
A. Discover
Newsmagazine of science devoted to the wonders and stories of modern science, written for the educated
general readers. Published (出版)  by Disney Magazine Publishing Co., Discover tells many of the same stories by professionals  (专业人员) read in Scientific American. A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue (每期) brings light and newsworthy topics to make dinnertime and water-cooler conversations interesting.
Cover Price: $59.88
Price: $19.95 ($1.66 / issue)
You Save: $ 39.93 (67%)
Issues: 12 issues / 12 months
B. Self
Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc., Self is a handbook devoted to women’s overall physical and mental health. Each issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”, in which wearable clothes are 
mixed and matched on “Non-models” and the “Eat-right Road Map”, with tips on how to eat properly.
Cover Price: $35.86
Price: $15.00 ($2.5 / issue)
You Save: $ 20.86 (58%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
C. Instyle
Instyle is a guide to the life and life-styles of the world’s famous people. The magazine covers the
choices about their homes, their clothes and their free time activities. With photos and articles, it opens 
the door to these people’s homes, families, parties and weddings, offering ideas about beauty, fitness and
in general, life-styles. Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine Company.
Cover Price: $47.88
Price: $23.88 ($2.38 / issue)
You Save: $ 24.00 (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
D. Wired
This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries. Published by Conde Nast 
Publications Inc., Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s life.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
E. Crazy English
This book is meant for the students who are learning English as a foreign language or a second language. Published by Guangming Publishing Company. The writer—Li Yang says it will be of great help to whoever reads it carefully.
Cover Price: 15 yuan
Price: 10 yuan
You Save: 5 yuan (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
F. A History of the English-speaking Peoples
The book, written by Winston Churchill, who once was a famous Prince Minister of the UK, informs us 
something about the history of English-speaking people. It says something until the time when the New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(辽宁卷解析版) 题型:其他题


To forgive is a virtue,but no one has ever said it is easy.When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.However,forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial

to your physical and mental health.People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness,according to a recent research.

 1.Try the following steps.

Calm yourelf. 2. You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology.Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. _3.__Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者).Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain.Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings,learn to look for the help,beauty and kindness around you.

 4. If you understand your offender ,you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. _5.__ But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

A.Why should you forgive?

B.How could you start to forgive?

C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D.Try to see things from your offender’s angle.

E.For some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F.To make your anger die away,try a simple stress-management technique.

G.If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Love and Friendship

They are both so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic(柏拉图式的) friendship possible between persons of the opposite sex? ___1.____

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friends will understand why we acted in a certain way. ___2. ___ The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

__3.____ In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above is taken for granted. But love transcends(超出) all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. ____4.____ This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the species can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. ___5._____ You will not feel totally lost, if you don’t meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.

A.What about love?

B.My answer is “Yes”.

C.Let us try and understand.

D.Friendship does not have that.

E.We need not explain anything to our very good friends.

F.You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend.

G.The physical element may include hand in hand while walking.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Running marathons r______ a high level of physical f______.


