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 Salon survived ____ to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his ____ attitude. 

A.thanking; amazed             B. thanked; amazing            

C. thanks; amazing              D. to thank; amazed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Hey! It's going to be Mother's day again. Have you planned something good for your Mama? If not, try even one of these tips.

Make Your Mama Proud

  What special talents do you have? Maybe this is the right time to show it to her. She would be very proud and surprised if she'd realized that you have something that she doesn't expect.

  What's Her Favorite?

  Most teens don't know what their mama's favorite. You do? Then, what are you waiting for ? Buy her some of her favorite stuff and put a little twist on it. Make it more special.

  The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up she'll be surprised to see it. And, maybe, a little tear may fall down from her cheeks.

  The Memories

  Our mothers have special memories in mind. Those are the times that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you? What's your best moment with her? Maybe you can tell her about the time she got mad at you because you did something that you thought is right but since that day forward you realized your mistakes. Or, you can tell her how happy you are when she was there during your painful days in your life.

  Be Her

  What does she look like if she is so exhausted and angry and tired? What does she do for your family? This is the right time to show her the things that she usually does at home. Try to imitate her voice when she is angry. Make your face as if you are her when she is mad.

  Treat a Queen

  Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor). Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off by being a servant to her.

  Make-Over Beauty

  Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, especially in the family, she doesn't look great any more. Admit it! Most mothers are not into trends anymore because their focusing on us.

  Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look GLAMOROUS!

  Have Some of Your Time

  It's the cheapest but a meaningful way. Most of us are busy from our work, friends, boy/girl friends, school. We stay home late and after several hours, we go out again.

  Have you ever had a meaningful time with your mother where you don't think or talk about problems and arguments? Have you ever told her how much you thank her from the life she gave to you, the time she took care of you, and for every suffering she'd felt for you? Have you ever told her that you love her?

Life is short. We don't know what will happen tomorrow nor today. Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know? Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We don't want to miss a thing, right?

Tips on 71 _________ to make mother happy

Tell your mother your best 77 ______ with her. For example, tell her you were so happy when she 78 ________ care of you during painful days. Imitate her when she is tired or angry and all that she does for the family.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(9) 题型:阅读理解

It had been a long time since I had been to Jacksonville, Florida. I had driven to town hoping to see the old barber shop where my hair had been cut as a child.     
I parked my truck and decided to try and locate a telephone to see if the Florida Barber College had moved to a new location.   
After walking about a block I saw an open shoe store. I walked inside and asked if I could use their telephone book. Unable to find a listing for the Barber College, I picked out the number of a local beauty salon, hoping they might tell me if the barber college was still in business. The number was busy, so I decided to wait and try again in a few minutes.
As the salesman and I stood talking the front door opened and a young man about twenty came into the store pushing himself in a wheelchair. “I need a new pair of shoes,” said the customer. As he turned the corner, there was a blanket across his lap. I was shocked to see that the young man had no legs.
“A gift for a friend?” I asked the boy. “No,” he replied. They are for me,” he continued, with a smile on his face. I just smiled back and watched to see what would happen next.
“What type of shoe would you like?” asked the clerk. “How about a pair of cowboy boots?” The man pointed to the back wall where three or four pairs of boots were displayed. The salesman, sharply turning, headed off to the backroom.
“Isn’t this fun?” the boy asked me. I moved my hand to let him know that I did not understand his question. “When I was a kid, my parents used to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a wonderful feeling. Something I have never forgotten. The smell of the leather and the pride I felt when I walked around the store showing off my new shoes.”
The salesman came walking down the aisle with a large box. He sat it down on the floor, took out one boot and handed it to the young man. The boy closed his eyes. He placed the boot against his nose, and drew in a large breath. I did not know what to say as tears began to fall on the young man’s cheeks. “What type of accident did you have?” I asked him. “Farm accident,” he said, as he tried to clear his voice.
“Do you want the cowboy boots?” the salesman asked him. 
“Oh, yes!” he answered.
“I see buying a new pair of shoes still gives you that good feeling you talked about,” I told the young man, as I smiled. 
“Yes it does.” he said “And I may have someone, and his feet to share it with some day.” 
67. Why did the young man want to buy a new pair of shoes?
A. Because he bought a pair every year.
B. Because he wanted to send a new pair to a friend.
C. Because he hoped to keep it for memory.
D. Because he enjoyed the feeling of possessing a new pair.
68. The author writes about the barber shop at the beginning of the article in order to _______.
A. introduce the background of the story
B. see if the Barber College had moved to a new location
C. find a listing for the Barber College       D. pick out a local beauty salon
69. How did the author feel when he saw a young man without legs buying a pair of shoes?
A. Unexpected.     B. Proud.    C. Sympathetic.    D. Superior.
70. What can you conclude from the passage?
A. The young man was a stubborn person.      B. The author was a man of understanding.
C. The cowboy boots were fashionable then.   D. The disabled envied much those healthy.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省景德镇市高三第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It’s the dirty little secret many shampoo companies don’t want you to know.  When you wash your hair with certain traditional chemical shampoos, you may actually be removing your hair and scalp(头皮)of their natural oils.  These shampoos generate a thick bubble to clean hair, they can also create dryness, curl, dullness, and color fade. We then spend a lot of time and money on products that are effectively repairing the damage caused by shampoo.

Chaz Dean got tired of clients leaving his salon raving about their color and the feeling of their hair---brassy(似黄铜的) and dull. He knew the main cause was likely their shampoo, so he started experimenting with various ingredients, including natural herbs and botanicals, that he knew had cleansing(弄干净)and hydrating (保湿的) properties.

The result was a totally new approach to the way we cleanse our hair.  It’s called WEN® Cleansing Conditioner.  WEN® contains a super-hydrating natural herbs and botanicals mixture of glycerin, chamomile(甘菊), rosemary, calendula, and Cherry bark, which when combined, will both cleanse the hair as well as give shine and softness, even to damaged hair.

WEN® is a 5-in-1 formula(配方) that takes the place of your shampoo, And the most amazing thing about it is that it cleanses without bubble.  Instead, when mixed with water, it creates a smooth bubble for shiny, healthy-looking, manageable results.  The first time you try it certainly feels strange, but the results speak for themselves.

Before being marketed, WEN® went through extensive consumer tests, and the results were impressive.  More than 90 percent of the participants in the studies reported that their hair was more shiny, less frizzy, and had more bounce.

WEN® is recommended for all hair types, and once you start using it, it will become the only cleanser/conditioner you will want to include in your daily routine.

Right now, WEN® is offering an easy way for online shoppers to try the product.  Now you just pay less than $30 and have a 60 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Click here to learn more about WEN® and try this revolutionary new approach yourself.

1.We can infer from the first paragraph that _________________

A. All the shampoo companies are irresponsible.

B. Few traditional shampoos depend on chemicals for cleaning. 

C. WEN® does harm to people’s hair.

D. It takes much time and money to repair hair damaged by shampoo.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “ raving about”(in para.2)?

A. smiling satisfactorily at     B. shouting angrily for     

C. crying excitedly for                       D. sighing silently at

3.Which is right according to the passage?

A. WEN® contains natural herbs and botanicals.  

B. You cann’t use WEN® without bubble. 

C. WEN® hasn’t been tested before selling.      

D. WEN® is accessible only online. 

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Why are shampoos a waste of money B. Why do we need shampoos

C. WEN® is your best choice.                D. WEN® has good guarantee

5.Where does the passage come from ?

A. magazine   B. website      C. newspaper           D. text



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题


51. Jasper enjoys listening to music. He is expecting to find a website where he could search for various songs with similar tunes that he prefers.

52. Luke is planning to buy a car. But right now he has not made up his mind. He prefers Mazda RX-8. He wants to find more information about this car to make sure that it is a good choice.

53. Connie works in a beauty salon. She always talks about fashion with her customers. She is especially interested in dresses with new designs.

54. This Sunday is Valentine’s Day. Roderick is still deciding what kind of presents he should buy for his girlfriend. He prefers to have something traditional, like chocolate.

55. Fiona is retired. She begins to pay attention to her health. What interests her most now is how to remain healthy and young. She always surfs on the internet for such information.

A. Naturespath.com is an excellent health-food website. “Life enhancement expert” Allan Hunkin interviews such guests as nutrition expert Dr. David Katz and tri-athlete Melanie McQuaid. They talk up health food and weight management, including debates on the benefits of whole grain and organics.

B. Autoblog.com tops the category by covering “auto industry news from A to Z.” They discuss hundreds of car models and links to outside articles for more information. While the site provides no reliability reviews, its “royal and growing fan base” comments frequently on the entires.

C. Mrchocolate.com—The Consumer Reports “best buy” for “unusual” chocolates for the one you love. Jason’s choice is 50 pieces of small dark, milk, and white chocolate with offbeat (标新立异的) centers, including coffee, nut butter, and tropical fruit.

D. Elizabeth-charles.com highlights new fashion designs from the Southern Hemisphere. This fall, that means “drapery pieces” of New Zealand brand Zambesi and the “tailored, Greek-inspired dresses” of Australian Jayson Brunsdon.

E. Carpet-rug.org— The Carpet and Rug Institute awards a “Green Label” to vacuums (真空吸尘器) that release fewer than 100 micrograms of dust particles per cubic meter of air. Find a list at this site.

F. Pandora.com takes one of your favorite tunes, then suggests songs that you might enjoy. Pandora offers 10 hours of free use, then charges $ 36 a year.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年浙江省高二下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:单项填空

The school equip ________specialist dog training ground, Pet usage swimming pool, beauty salon and curing room.






