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  Columbus made four voyages to the west between 1492 and 1504 in his vain(徒劳的)search for a sea route to Asia. The mystery of why he failed to find it haunted(萦绕心头的,耿耿于怀的)him and filled him with sadness.

  Wherever he went to Cuba(古巴), Puerto Rico(波多黎各), Jamaica(牙买加), South America, Panama(巴拿马), down the coast of Central America--it was always the same story. Instead of golden palaces, there were grass huts and palm-leaf tents. Instead of silk-robed merchant princes, he found“Indians”who did not have so much as a shirt on their backs.

  When Columbus explored the West Indies in 1493, he heard tales of a fierce Indian tribe(凶狠的印第安部落) who literally devoured(吞食) its defeated enemies after a battle. These people were called by many names in the area, including Calina, Canima, Carib, and Caniba. Columbus recorded the name of the American natives as Canibales in Spanish, a word which came to refer, within a few years, to any eater of human flesh(食人部落, 食人族). In the similar fashion, the word Caribbean, a title for the sea as well as for the region, came into English.

  At times Columbus knew that this new land was not China, not Japan,not the Spice Islands. He seemed to accept it as a part of the earth that the geographers of Europe had never heard of before. It was another world--and he called it exactly that--but Columbus also insisted until he died that land he had reached was an unknown part of Asia.

1.What is the best title for this text?

[  ]

A.Sailing to Asia

B.Columbus' voyages

C.West Indies

D.Spice Islands

2.In the course of his four voyages, Columbus succeeded in _____.

[  ]

A.finding China and the Spice Islands

B.trading with many merchants

C.visiting several parts of Central and South America

D.sailing to Asia

3.According to this text, Columbus _____.

[  ]

A.sailed to find new lands for the king

B.sailed to find a water route round the world

C.sailed to establish trading ports

D.named the Caribbean which literally means any eater of human flesh

4.Columbus thought that _____.

[  ]

A.others had sailed to Asia before him

B.it was impossible to sail to Asia

C.the land he had found was not China or Japan

D.the geographers knew about the land he had found

5.The text implies that _____.

[  ]

A.Columbus never realized the full meaning of his discovery

B.Columbus was disappointed with his voyages

C.there was no way to reach Asia from Europe at that time

D.Columbus found exactly what he had intended to



科目:高中英语 来源:1课3练单元达标测试高二英语(下) 题型:050


  China's astronaut, 38-year-old Yang Liwei returned safely to earth Thursday morning, when his craft Shenzhou V touched down as scheduled after more than 21 hours in the earth's orbit. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao called the landmark debut flight a “complete success”. The descent capsule (返回舱) carrying Lt. Col. Yang Liwei touched down on the grasslands of the Gobi Desert, in central Inner Mongolia at 6:23 a. m. Thursday (Beijing Time), the Beijing-based China's Aerospace Command and Control Center said. Minutes later, Yang grabbed the capsule hatch with his hand, pulled himself out, smiled and waved at recovery teams and reporters. “It is a splendid moment in the history of my motherland and also the greatest day of my life,” Yang, a former flight pilot from Northeast China's Liaoning Province, said immediately after emerging. In an interview with CCTV, China's state television, Yang said he was “feeling excellent”. Shenzhou V landed at dawn, 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) from its designed landing target, the officials said. “The spaceship operated well,” the astronaut Yang Liwei said in his first publicized comments. “I feel very good and I am proud of my motherland.” After a physical exam on spot, Yang's condition was found as “good”. Li Jinai, the commander of China's manned space program, called Yang a “space hero” and a “national hero”. Following Yang's touchdown China's premier Wen Jiabao immediately spoke to Yang from Beijing's Command and Control Centre and offered his congratulations.

  Within hours, Chinese space officials announced that the country's space dreams will continue with a “Shenzhou Ⅵ” mission, most possibly within a year. They said China also had worked out plans to conduct space walking by its astronauts, and eventually build up a space station. However, Chinese scientists ruled out building a space shuttle, like the United States.

  Yang's flight came four decades after the former Soviet Union and the United States pioneered manned spaceflight. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in April 1961. One month later, the United States launched Alan B. Shepard Jr.

1.What is true of the Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei?

[  ]

A.He is now a flight pilot.

B.He was helped to get out of the descent capsule.

C.He spent nearly a day in space.

D.He was called a “space hero” and a “national hero” by China's premier Wen Jiabao.

2.China will carry out the following space programs in the near future except ________.

[  ]

A.space walking

B.setting up a space station

C.building up a space shuttle

D.sending up “Shenzhou Ⅵ”

3.The underlined word debut means ________.

[  ]

A.first public appearance
C.carrying person

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in the world to travel in space.

B.The United States launched Alan B. Shepard Jr. about 43 years ago.

C.China is the third country in the world to carry out the manned space flight successfully.

D.“Shenzhou Ⅵ”will carry more than one astronaut in the mission.


科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  China’s first astronaut-38-year-old Yang Liwei returned safely to earth Thursday morning, when his craft Shenzhou 5 touched down as scheduled after more than 21 hours in the earth’s orbit.

  Chinese premier Wen Jiabao called the landmark debut flight a “complete success”.The descent capsule(返回舱)carrying Lt.Col.Yang Liwei touched down on the grasslands of the Gobi Desert, in central Inner Mongolia at 6.23 a. m.Thursday(Beijing Time), the Beijing?based China’s Aerospace Command and Control Center said.

  Minutes later, Yang grabbed the capsule hatch with his hand, pulled himself out, smiled and waved at recovery teams and reporters.“It is a splendid moment in the history of my motherland and also the greatest day of my life, ” Yang, a former fighter pilot from Northeast China’s Liaoning Province, said immediately after emerging.

  In an interview with CCTV, China’s state television, Yang said he was “feeling excellent”.Shenzhou 5 landed at dawn, 4.8 kilometres(3 miles)from its designed landing target, the officials said.“The spaceship operated well, ” the astronaut Yang Liwei said in his first publicized comments.“I feel very good and I am proud of my motherland.” After a physical exam on spot, Yang’s condition was found as “good”.Li Jinai, the commander of China’s manned space program, called Yang a “space hero” and a “national hero”.Following Yang’s touchdown China’s premier Wen Jiabao immediately spoke to Yang from Beijing’s command and control centre and offered his congratulations.

  Within hours, Chinese space officials announced that the country’s space dreams will continue with a “Shenzhou 6” mission, most possibly within a year.They said China also had worked out plans to conduct space walking by its astronauts, and eventually build up a space station.However, Chinese scientists ruled out building a space shuttle, like the United States.

  Yang’s flight came four decades after the former Soviet Union and the United States pioneered manned space flight.Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in April 1961.One month later, the United States launched Alan B.Shepard Jr.


What is true of the first Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei?

[  ]


He is now a flight pilot.


He was helped to get out of the descent capsule.


He spent nearly a day in space.


He was called a “space hero” and a “national hero” by China’s premier Wen Jiabao.


China will carry out the following space programs in the near future except ________.

[  ]


space walking


setting up a space station


building up a space shuttle


sending up “Shenzhou 6”


The underlined word debut means ________.

[  ]


first public appearance




carrying person


spaceship 61?65 CCABA


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in the world to travel in space.


The United States launched Alan B.Shepard Jr.about 45 years ago.


China is the third country in the world to carry out the manned space flight successfully.


“Shenzhou 6” will continue the mission.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省临海市杜桥中学2011届高三年级上学期九月底月考试题英语试题 题型:050


  Choose Your Virginia

  Rock House Museum

  Rock House Museum.Take a journey through history with a visit to the exciting museum and historic sites of Wytheville.The Rock House Museum offers glimpses into daily life in the 19th century.The museum is part of the 50 structures featured in Wytheville's Historic Walking Tour.540/223-3330.

  Natural Bridge of Virginia

  Natural Bridge of Virginia, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.Caverns of Natural Bridge, guided tours of underground wonders; Natural Bridge Inn &Conference Center, Indoor Heated Pool, largest Gift &Souvenir Shop in the East.Information 800/533-1410.

  Grand Caverns

  Grand Caverns is America's Oldest Showcave.Beautiful and massive formations.Union troops visited the caverns.Thomas Jefferson visited-you should too!Open weekends in March, daily April~October, 9 am~5 pm.Hour tours leave every 30 minutes.703/249-5705.

  The News museum

  The News museum in Arlington, the world's only interactive museum of news.Visitors can be reporters or television newscasters, see today's news as it happens on a block-long video news wall, and be taken behind the scenes to see how news is made.The news museum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m.~5 p.m.888/NEWSEUM.www.News museum.Org

  Kenmore Plantation & Gardens

  Kenmore Plantation & Gardens, visit over two hundred years of history from the Revolutionary War, Civil War and into the 21st-century.Home of Betty Washington, George Washington's only sister, and Patriot Col.Fielding Lewis.Explore this historic building and city block of restored gardens.Tea and ginger cookies served.540/373-3381.

  Virginia Beach

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What is the purpose of this passage?

[  ]


To introduce Virginia to tourists.


To encourage people to settle in Virginia.


To introduce historic sites in Virginia.


To give people a general description of Virginia


What way is the News museum different from Rock House Museum?

[  ]


It is larger.


It is more exciting.


Visitors can act in it.


Visitors can see more in it.


Which of the following places is not open in the winter months?

[  ]


Natural Bridge of Virginia


Grand Caverns


Virginia Beach


Kenmore Plantation &Gardens

