精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
5.Tile Spring Festival is almost over,but the celebrations are continuing.The Chinese    embassy in Sydney have devoted a day to celebrating the Spring Festival and Chinese culture.
    Tile carnival features a series of cultural performances and demonstrations,bringing the Spring Festival fun to Sydney.Over the past four years,the annual event has become popular not only with tile Chinese community but also with locals.And some have even set up their  own stalls to allow more people to learn about China and the country's culture.
    This is my second time to have a stand here,but I've been here many times before."said Carole Kyle from Sydney.Carole has brought along some brochures about Project Hope which
supports Chinese students who drop out of school due to poverty.
    China's Ambassador to Australia Ma Zhao xu hopes that this kind of event will facilitate a dialogue between people from the two countries.
"In Chinese culture,we appreciate unity without uniformity,and harmony in diversity.
Australian culture welcomes cultural diversity,so that is a good foundation for Sino-Australian relations,to further our understandings and strengthen our friendship."Ma said.
    Sydney's mayor Clover Moore was also present and echoed Ma's view.
"In fact we have Chinese living in Australia since the middle of the 19th century,so it
 goes way back and there has been a strong link between China and Australia for many many
 years.We have a very ancient culture here,the aboriginal culture.You have a very ancient
culture in China.We'd like to marry those two and celebrate them."Moore said.
    A centre about Chinese culture in Sydney is also set to have a test run in March,and will be the biggest of its kind in the Oceania region.

51.We can learn from the text thatB.
A.people will have a running race in March
B.the Chinese culture is popular with the local people
C.the Chinese culture has no effect on the local people
D.the Spring Festival is celebrated only one day in Australia
52.For what purpose does Carole bring some brochures?C
A.To encourage people to take part in the carnival.
B.To introduce the Spring Festival and Chinese culture.
C.To help the poor Chinese students dropping out of school.
D.To promote the communication between Australia and China.
53.According to the opinion of China's Ambassador Ma,A.
A.Australians welcome a variety of cultures
B.Chinese refuse to accept culture in diversity
C.Chinese culture is better than that of Australia
D.The communication between the two countries is meaningless
54.The underlined word"echoed''in Paragraph 6 is close in meaning toA.
A.approved of   
B.opposed to 
C.compromised on
D.argued with
55.What is the text mainly concerned about?D
A.Huge fun of the Chinese culture.
B.The history of Australia and China.
C.Conversations between two countries.
D.Celebrations of Chinese culture held in Sydney.

分析 本文是社会文化类的议论文.文章介绍中国驻悉尼的大使通过庆祝春节的文化表演和展示,使得中国文化在澳大利亚得以流行.这些活动有助于两国之间的对话,加深两国之间的友谊;事实上中国和澳大利亚在很久之前就有着很强的联系;中国文化和澳洲文化都是源远流长的文化,要使中国文化和澳大利亚文化是相互交融.

解答 51.B.细节理解题.根据第二段"Over the past four years,the annual event has become popular not only with the Chinese community but also with locals.在过去的四年中,这项每年一度的庆祝活动不仅受中国人的欢迎,也受当地人的欢迎"可知答案选择B.
52.C.推断题.根据第三段中"Carole has brought along some brochures about Project Hope which supports Chinese students who drop out of school due to poverty.(Carole带来了希望工程的小册子;希望工程师帮助因贫困而辍学的中国学生.)"推断带小册子的目的是宣传希望工程,因此是为了帮助中国的那些穷学生,由此判断答案是C.
53.A.细节理解题.根据第五段Ma说讲的"Australian culture welcomes cultural diversity澳大利亚欢迎文化的多样性"判断答案是A.
54.A.词汇猜测题.上文讲述了Ma对中国与澳大利亚的关系的看法,下文讲的是悉尼市长 Clover Moore 对中国和澳洲关系的观点,两个观点一致,所以选用approve of (赞成).

点评 阅读要在整体理解文章的基础上,根据题干选项定位细节,然后对照选项做出合理的判断.如果是主旨大意的判断要把握文章整体,避免以偏概全.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.The Internet in modern society has brought _______ great changes in our daily life.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.With the quality-oriented education (素质教育) being carried out,teachers won't          too much importance to students'grades.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The box is stored on a high shelf in my room so that I'm able to see it when I look up.The box contains those odds and ends of my personal collections.A thief looking into the box wouldn't take anything.But if the house ever catches on fire,the box goes with me when I run.
One of the things in the box is a small paper bag that has been in my care for 14years.It belonged to my 8-year-old daughter,Molly,who liked to do the job of packing lunches for herself and me.One morning,Molly handed me 2paper bags,a regular lunch bag and another one with paper clips (回纹针)."What's in it?"I asked."Just take it,dad."She said.At midday,I ate the lunch and opened Molly's second bag,shook out the things and saw 3small stones,a plastic dinosaur,a tiny seashell,a small doll,some coins and hair ribbons (绸带) I gave her as gifts.I smiled.There wasn't anything I needed.Later I swept the desk clean.Into the wastebasket went my leftover (剩余的) lunch and Molly's things.
That evening,Molly stood beside me while I was reading."Dad,where is my bag?I let you have it,because I think you might be lonely.Now I want it back,because I forgot to put the note into it.You didn't lose the bag,did you?"I saw tears in her eyes."Oh,no,I just forgot to bring it back."As she smiled with relief,I unfolded the note which read,"I love you,daddy."I hurriedly drove to my office and rushed to the wastebasket.I searched the wastebasket and found the jewels.I put the treasure back into the bag and headed home.I gave it back to Molly the next morning.She hugged me,smiled and said,"Dad,they are my best things but you can keep them."I felt forgiven,trusted and loved.Molly grew up.Me?I was left holding the bag.I missed it for the first time.But it is my bag now.

61.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase"odds and ends"in Chinese?A
62.The author would run with the box if the house is on fire,becauseD.
A.all his treasures are in the box
B.it contains what he needs for survival
C.it has all the odds and ends from work
D.the things inside are his best memories in life
63.Molly gave the paper bag to his father for the reason thatB.
A.she needed her collections to be taken care of 
B.she was afraid that her father would feel lonely
C.she gave it to his father on a special day as a gift
D.She hoped to get more gifts from her father
64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.The box is stored on a high shelf to be out of reach of children.
B.A thief would be interested in what's in the box.if he finds it.
C.The author didn't think Molly's paper bag was meaningful at first.
D.The paper bag was put away on the shelf before the author went home.
65.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.Molly doubted about her father's ability to keep things safe
B.the author was deeply touched by his daughter's love
C.the author surprisingly found treasure in the wastebasket
D.Molly didn't trust and love his father as much as she ever did.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.A gust of wind blew a canvas chair across the yard.My eyes followed the circling dirt out to the road and down toward the school bus stop.I was going to miss walking down the road to 
catch the big school bus that took us into town to school.I enjoyed being with the teachers and the  other  students.Now  that  I  was  finished  with  school  I  seemed  to  have  lost  some  of  the excitement from my life.
As  I was  folding  the  canvas chair,Chatita Chávez drove  into our yard  in her  father's old truck.It made short loud sounds and sent out a trail of black smoke out of its tailpipe.She got out smiling as usual and excitedly pointed toward the storm that seemed to be moving toward us.
"I can't stay long,Nilda.There's a storm coming and I need to beat it home."
I was glad to see her."Yes,I think we're in for some bad weather.Come on in and have a cup of coffee at least,"I said as I took her into our kitchen.
"I'm so excited,Nilda!You'll never guess what I just did!"
I stopped pouring the coffee and turned and looked at her.
"I just went over to Edinburg and registered for junior college,"she said and looked at me and smiled."Don't you want to go take classes with me?"
     I was astonished.I didn't know what to say.How could I go to college?I didn't have any money.I  gave  Chatita  a  cup  of  coffee."I  don't  know.I  don't  think  I  can.Isn't  college expensive?"
Chatita  sat down  at  the  table  and began  adding  sugar  to her  coffee."Not  really,and I'm working part-time at the packing shed(棚)on Canal Road.You could work there,too."
The wind  began  to  gust  causing  the  house  to  occasionally make  sounds  and  shake.The lightbulb  hanging  over  the  table  flashed  off  and  on  and  I  heard  a  low  roll  of  thunder  in  the distance.
I hesitantly asked,"Do you think I could get a job at the packing shed?"
"Sure.My cousin is the boss.He'll give you a job."
Mamá  came  into  the  kitchen  and  exchanged  greetings with Chatita.She must have  heard our conversation.
"I  think  it's  nice  that  you're  going  to  go  to  college,Chatita.What will  you  study?"my mother asked as she joined us at the table.
"I want to be a teacher."
"A teacher!How nice!"Mamá said as she patted Chatita's arm.
"A teacher?"I asked."Don't you need a degree?"
"You can start teaching before you get your degree.Clarence Duncan has been teaching in Brownsville since last year and I think Zulema will start this year."
The lightbulb blinked again and went out.Mamá quickly arose from the table."I'm going to have to bring in the lanterns.I knew I shouldn't have packed them away."
"Well,Nilda,do you want to go?Because,if you do,you can go over to Edinburg with me tomorrow."
I hesitated,then said,"Yes.I want to go."My heart was beating fast.I couldn't believe how happy I was feeling.
"But I have to talk to Mamá and Papá.What if they won't let me?"
"You can at least go with me tomorrow and find out what it's all about.I'll come by for you around eight."
Chatita left me sitting at the table staring at my cup of coffee.It seemed so unreal,this idea of me going to college.My parents had never had the opportunity for much education.Juana had quit school  to get married and Roberto and Zeke had graduated from high school as I had.But college?I would be the first one in my family to go to college.Yes,college was exactly what I wanted.
The day had  turned dark and  the  rain had started.My mother  came back  into  the kitchen with two lanterns.
"Mamá,I need to ask you something."
She picked up a cloth and began to clean the dust from the lanterns.She looked at me and smiled.
"Mamá,if  I  could  find  a way  to pay,could  I  take  classes  at  the  junior  college?"I  asked,trying to control my excitement.
She stopped cleaning and raised her eyebrows."What would you study,my daughter?"
"I think I want to be a teacher,"I quietly replied.
Mamá sat down at the table across from me."Then,I would like for you to go to college,"
she said in a serious tone.
"What about Papá?Do you think he will allow me to go?"
"Your  father wants  you  to  be  happy.If  going  to  college  and  being  a  teacher makes  you happy,then he will probably allow it,"she answered.
I didn't say anything.I was enjoying the feeling of happiness and sense of wonder that had come over me.The two of us sat in the darkened room without speaking until  I saw my mamá rubbing her eyes with the edge of her apron.
"What's wrong,Mamá."
"Nothing,"she replied."I probably got some dust in my eyes.That's all."
55.This story is told from the point of view ofC.
A.Chatita  B.Mamá     C.Nilda    D.Papá
56.Chatita responds to Nilda's hesitancy about going to college withC.
57.According to the underlined sentence from the story,what feeling does this realization create for Nilda?D
58.The real reason for Mamá's tears is most likely because she isA.
A.proud that Nilda wants to become a teacher
B.concerned about missing Nilda once she leaves
C.worried her husband will stop Nilda from leaving
D.happy that Nilda can work at a job with her friend
59.How does Nilda most show respect for her parents?B
A.She picks up a chair from their yard.
B.She seeks their approval to go to college.
C.She sits with her mother without speaking.
D.She tells her mother she plans to become a teacher.
60.Which sentence from the story best supports Nilda's sense of fulfillment?D
A."Now that I was finished with school I seemed to have lost some of the excitement
from my life."
B."I haltingly asked,‘Do you think I could get a job at the packing shed?'"
C."‘Mamá,if I could find a way to pay,could I take classes at the junior college?'"
D."I was enjoying the feeling of happiness and sense of wonder that had come over me."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The sun is setting on a summer night.At the entrance of a deep,dark cave,a few bats  fly out.Within a few minutes,millions and millions of bats are pouring out of the cave.
    Sounds like a scary horror movie?Believe it or not,this scene takes place all summer   long,at Bracken Cave in Texas,where 20 million bats come out to feed on insects every  night."It is magical,"says Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation International in Texas."It is   one of the most impressive animal movements on the planet."
    Every March or April,Mexican free-tailed bats migrate up to 1,600 kilometers from  their winter home in Mexico to their American home in Texas,where they raise their  young.Soon after they arrive,each mother gives birth to one baby.As many as 500,baby  bats crowd into 30 cubic centimeters of space.and all those bodies create nice warm tem-peratures to keep them cozy and comfortable.
    If you have ever lost sight of your parents in a crowded playground,you may be won-dering how mother bats recorgnize their children.They use their sense of smell to tell which  baby is theirs when it is time for the babies to have milk.   
    When twenty million bats fly out of one cave opening,they make a column so thick  that they show up on the radar at the nearby airport.It can take three hours for all of them  to get out from the cave."You can feel the breeze from their wings,and see the plats wa-ving,"says Kennedy."The movement of all those wings makes a very relaxing soft sound.I've always thought it would make a great relaxation music to help you go to sleep.So much  for bats being scary!"
56.The scene described in the first paragraph takes place inD.   
A.a movie    B.a cave    C.Mexico    D.the US
57.What makes the scene so"impressive"?C
A.The entrance of a deep,dark cave.
B.The bats feeding on insects at night.
C.The huge number of bats flying together.
D.It takes place all summer long.   
58.Both Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly aboutB.
A.when and where the bats migrate   
B.how young bats are raised
C.why baby bats crowd together
D.how mother bats find their children
59.The underlined word"breeze"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA.
A.light wind    B.hot air    C.strong smell  D.black smoke
60.What does Kennedy mean by"So much for bats being scary!"?C
A.So much space is being occupied by bats!
B.Bats are so much more scary than before!
C.Never say bats are frightening again!
D.So many bats are being scared away!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Many kids think that class and learning is boring.It is especially(1)Afor teachers to try to make learning fun.There are certain (2)Dthat you also would assume kids would (3)Bfind interesting.One of them is first aid.Many kids probably think first aid lesson is (4)C.But first aid is an important skill for anyone to learn,including children.So how can a teacher make learning about first aid interesting?
One way to do so is to get the children (5)D.Have them compete to bandage or care for one of their friends.Tell the children that their friend has cuts all over his body and that he needs to be(6)Afor.This can create a very fun situation where one child is covered in bandages.
Set up a (7)Cwhere the children find one of their friends unconscious.Have one child play the unconscious friend.Have the children call 911on a play phone and (8)Bto see if there is a heart rate or breathing.See how quickly they can do all of the necessary tasks and (9)Athem to other groups of children.Make the whole day into a competition with some sort of   (10)Dfor the child or group of children that do the best.
Another way to make first aid training (11)Dis to have the kids tell stories about scary times when they thought someone needed first aid.This is a good (12)Bbecause with the children's new learning they can figure out how best to help the person in their story.These sorts of(13)Bwill make first aid learning time fun and exciting.The kids will remember the day when you taught them first aid with fondness,(14)Cthat they will remember what you taught them.Who knows,maybe by making first aid fun you could help to(15)Aa life.

1. A.difficultB.disappointingC.strangeD.worrying
2. A.gamesB.wordsC.ideasD.subjects
3. A.alwaysB.neverC.oftenD.sometimes
4. A.preparedB.differentC.boringD.private
5. A.educatedB.trainedC.focusedD.involved
6. A.caredB.blamedC.thankedD.called
7. A.businessB.connectionC.situationD.system
8. A.failB.checkC.waitD.stop
9. A.compareB.introduceC.exposeD.relate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Much _______he has a good taste for China's football matches,he can't avoid being influenced by the side effects of the football gambling.(  )
A.that he claimsB.does he claim
C.is it that he claimsD.as he claims


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.I thought her nice and honest ________ I met her.(  )
A.first timeB.for the first time
C.the first timeD.by the first time

