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No one was left in the museum now, and John was walking round to see if everything was all right. Suddenly he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floor. John picked it up and gave it to the director of the museum.

The director called several museums to check and see if it was a stolen painting, but no one claimed(认领) it. So the director decided to hand it in the museum. All the experts came to look at the painting. Each one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaning. The director was proud to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery.

Some weeks later a woman and her little son came to the museum. While they were looking at the new painting, the little boy began to cry. The director went over and asked him.

“Why are you crying?”

The child pointed to the painting and said, “That’s my painting on the wall and I want it back.”

“Yes, ”said his mother. “ He left it on the floor a few weeks ago. If you look carefully, you can see his name on the painting.”

46. John was perhaps     .

A. a painter B. an expert on painting

C. a visitor to museum                D. a man working in the museum

47. John found the painting      .

A. before the museum opened B. during his visit to the museum

C. after the museum was closed         D. while he was enjoying his walk

48. After the director heard what woman and the boy said, he must be very      .

A. angry            B. surprised      C. afraid      D. proud

49. All the experts thought the painting good because      .

A. it was a stolen famous painting

B. none of them looked carefully enough

C. it was drawn by a famous painter though he was a child

D. they found it really beautiful and had very deep meaning



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One August afternoon, Richard Allen dropped off his last passenger, Mrs. Carey. Lifting two grocery bags, he followed her across the yard and stood on the step of her house. Glancing up, he saw a large wasp(黄蜂) nest under the roof. Allen had heard that wasps can become more likely to sting (sting, sting, stung蜇) in summer. He mentioned this to Mrs. Carey, who had opened the door.

“Oh, they don’t bother me,” she said lightly. “I go in and out all the time.”

Anxiously, Allen looked at the nest again—— to see the wasps flying straight at him. “Hurry!” he shouted to Mrs. Carey. “Get in!”

She stepped quickly inside. Allen ran for his mini-bus. Too late; they were upon him. Just as he jumped aboard, half a dozen red spots showed on his arm, and he felt more on his back and shoulders.

As he was driving down the road, Allen felt as if something was burning at the back of his neck, and the “fire” was spreading forward toward his face. And immediate anxiety took hold of him. Allen knew that stings could cause some persons to die. But he had been stung the previous summer and the after-effects soon passed. However, what he didn’t know what that the first sting had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next to set off an explosion.

Miles from the nearest medical assistance, Allen began to feel his tongue thick and heavy and his heartbeat louder. Most frightening, he felt his breathing more and more difficult. He reached for the radio mike(话筒), trying to call the mini-bus center, but his words were hardly understandable. Signals were also poor that far out. He knew a rescue team was on 24-hour duty at the Amherst Fire Department’s north station. So his best chance was to make a run for it.

Rushing down the mountain, Allen tried not to panic, focusing his mind on each sharp turn. He was almost through the last of them when he felt sure he was going into shock(休克). Just then he reached for the radio mike again.

“Call fire station,” he shouted, concentrating to form the words. “Emergency. Bee sting. Emergency. There in ten minutes.”

“Five-ten,” the center replied.

Hold on, Allen thought. Keep your eyes open. Breathe. Keep awake.

At last he reached the station. Two firemen ran out. Allen felt their hands grasp him before he hit the ground. You made it, he thought.

It is mentioned in the passage that wasps are more likely to attack when _______.

A. there are huge noises

B. strangers are approaching

C. the air is filled with food smell

D. the hottest season comes around

Allen didn’t know that if stung by wasps again, he would _______.

A. have no after-effects

B. suffer from sharper pain

C. surely lose his life

D. become more sensitive

Allen failed at his first attempt to send his message to the mini-bus center because _______.

A. he was unable to speak clearly

B. his radio equipment was poor

C. he was in a state of shock

D. no one was on duty

Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Allen, A Helpless Driver

B. Wasps, Bloody Killers

C. A Race Against Death

D. War Against Wasps


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省衡水中学2010届高三第二学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 A 卷 题型:完型填空

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 ̄40各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop. I thought the job would be easy and stress-free. I   21   myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnut (炸面包圈), and becoming friends with   22   customers.
But I wasn't   23    the people with enormous orders, the women who   24  that the coffee was much too creamy (全乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees   25  again and again until they reached perfection. I couldn't seem to   26 anyone.
One rainy day, one of my regular customers came in looking  27  . He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the   28  up over his head, and staying there for a few years. I knew exactly how he felt.
29   he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was   30  , since he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee, I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.
“It’s   31  me,” I told him. “have a nice day.”
He smiled and thanked me before heading back out into the  32  .
The next day, it was still raining. I   33  my afternoon hanging out the window, handing people their  34   . I was completely wet and freezing cold.   35  , no one was tipping that day. Every time I looked into our   36   tip jar, I grew more depressed.
In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window. He handed me a pink rose and a  37 .He said that not many people took time to  38  others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away.I ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:
Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It's so nice to meet someone who’s genuinely (真诚地) nice.Please don ' t change your   39  ! Have a great day !——Hank
After that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high,   40   my throat and ask politely, "How can I help you?"
21.A.believed             B.hoped               C.pictured           D.supposed
22.A.particular        B.regular   C.special           D.common
23.A.thinking  B.considering           C.guessing          D.expecting
24.A.complained     B.praised     C.doubted           D.explained
25.A.repeated         B.returned        C.recovered       D.remade
26.A.fit         B.please   C.suit      D.meet
27.A.satisfied        B.happy    C.upset            D.anxious
28.A.hat             B.sheet          C.coat       D.pillow
29.A.Before         B.After        C.Until           D.While
30.A.embarrassed    B.angry          C.surprised D.glad
31.A.on                  B.in       C.for      D.after
32.A.crowd         B.street    C.shop             D.rain
33.A.spent     B.took   C.cost     D.wasted
34.A.doughnuts      B.coffees         C.orders     D.bags
35.A.Better              B.Worse              C.Further           D.Later
36.A.old            B.full              C.broken         D.empty
37.A.letter          B.bill            C.note             D.gift
38.A.talk about      B.care about   C.hear about            D.know about
39.A.way     B.job       C.mind            D.product
40.A.cut                  B.force       C.raise        D.clear


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省舒城中学高一入学考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

The back door of the ambulance(救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the engine. Inside were the  36 parents, Mr and Mrs Green, the mother holding their baby daughter Ally. The little girl had  37 food stuck in her throat and could hardly breathe.
The driver, Mr white, 38  his siren (报警器) and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, fighting against _39 _. The cars ahead of him pulled out of the way as he drove through the  40.  From the back of the 41 the parents were shouting at him to 42 , since Ally had almost stopped  43 . In front of him he saw some traffic lights, with the red “STOP” light shining. Mr White knew that he had no time to 44 , so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking  45  his left and right as he did so.
Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows  46 , since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not  47  the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight  48  into the path of the ambulance.
Mr White tried to stop his ambulance but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everybody was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr White looked to see  49 little Ally was. He was astonished to see relief (宽慰) instead of  50  on the faces of the parents.
“Look!” cried Mrs Green. “She is  51  again.”
“It must have been the  52 .” said her husband. “It  53  the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning to normal, and she was crying in a loud but healthy  54 .
They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi, and the lines of 55  all around them.

A.opened onB.turned onC.turned offD.sped up
A.empty streetB.busy trafficC.crowdsD.deserted place
A.hurryB.be carefulC.stopD.drive
A.thinkB.look aboutC.loseD.miss


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2010届高三冲刺卷英语(五) 题型:单项填空

No one was sure exactly__________ he wanted

A.how was it that

B.how it was that

C.what was it that

D.what it was that



科目:高中英语 来源:0910年浙江省高二第一学期期中考试 题型:完形填空



    Once there lived in Egypt a famous philosopher(哲学家) named Zun-Nun. One day a young man came to visit him and asked ___30___, “Please, sir, why are great people like you dressed in such a way?”

___31____ his ring to the man, the philosopher said, “I will answer your question, ___32____ first you must take this ring to the ____33___ and sell it for one gold coin.”

Looking at the dirty ring, the young man replied ____34___, “One gold coin? Could this ring be sold at that ___35____?” Then he went to the market. He ____36___ the ring to the vegetable, meat, fish traders, and others. The fact was that no one was willing to ____37____ a gold coin. He went back and said ___38____ to Zun-Nun, “I didn’t manage to sell it. They all thought a gold coin was too ___39____ a price for such an ugly ring.” With a smile, Zun-Nun said, “Now go ___40____ the gold shop at the back of this street, and show ____41____ to the owner. Don’t give your price; just wait and let him tell you ___42____ he would like to pay.”

The youny man went to the shop, returned and reported, “The traders in the market don’t know the ____43___ of this ring. The gold trader said he would pay one thousand gold coins for it.”

“That’s the answer to your question, my young friend. A person cannot be valued only from his ____44____.” Zun-Nun said gently. 

30. A. foolishly                    B. Coldly                              C. proudly                            D. politely

31. A. Handing                   B. Turning                            C. Joining                             D. Selling

32. A. for                              B. so                                     C. but                                    D. or

33. A. theatre                     B. restaurant                      C. market                            D. school

34. A. with joy                    B. for sure                          C. by mistake                      D. in surprise

35. A. price                          B. table                               C. farm                                 D. house

36. A. added                       B. returned                          C. showed                           D. Reported

37. A. pay                            B. make                                C. save                                 D. get

38. A. good-bye                  B. sorry                                 C. yes                                    D. cheers

39. A. short                         B. long                                  C. Low                                 D. high

40. A. through                    B. to                                      C. out of                               D. away from

41. A. you                            B. him                                   C. it                                       D. them

42. A. how many                B. how much                       C. how often                       D. how far

43. A. shape                        B. value                                C. design                              D. size

44. A. words                       B. coins                                 C. ring                                   D. dress


