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-You're drinking too much.

-Only at home.No one ________ me but you.

[  ]

A.is seeing

B.had seen




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



  Ask Dr ? Jeffers

This month Dr. Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.

Dear Dr. Jeffers,

One of my colleagues, Felix Moeller, told me that scientists are learning to use computer to ‘read minds’. Is there any truth to this story/

—Jane Leon, New York, USA

Dear Ms. Leon,

Well, a lot of research is being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and corresponding computer programs haven’t been able to actually read thoughts. In one experiment, test subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen. They were then asked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers. Using this method, researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time. It’s not quite mind reading, but it’s certainly a first step.

—Dr. J.

Dear Dr. Jeffers,

My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs uncontrollably. The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn’t do it. Why not?

—Glenn Lewis, Vancouver, Canada

Dear Mr. Lewis,

It’s because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. For example, you don’t notice how your shoulder feels while you’re walking down the street. But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder, you may jump in fear. It’s that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.

—Dr. J.

1.What can we learn from the answer to the first question?                           

A. Some equipment is able to read human minds.

B. Some progress has been made in mind reading.

C. Test subjects have been used tomake decisions.

D. Computer programs can copy brain processes.

2.People laugh when tickled by others bedause the feeling is _______.                  

A. unexpected        B.expected        C. comfortable        D. uncomfortable

3.Who has got a little child according to the text?                                   

A. Ms. Leon          B. Mr. Lewis        C. Mr. Moeller        D. Dr. Jeffers

4.According to the text, Jeffers is probably _______.                                 

A. a computer programmer                B. a test subject

C. a human brain expert                   D. a medical doctor


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some couples spend every waking minute together. Others fill their hours with personal hobbies,outside interests and even part-time jobs, just to keep their distance from each other! "There should be private time and couple time," suggests Dr. Stephen Treat at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia."You don't want your latter years to turn into a process where two people unite as one. If you hold too tightly to your partner, it's going to cause resentment and anger. If you're completely separate, you'll both be lonely and disconnected. You need balance. So you have to talk about how you'll achieve that."

The right balance? It's different for every couple. "Having a conversation about time can be difficult,but it's important for both partners to process those feelings out loud," Dr. Treat says. "You should not be accusing and act as a judge—ask the difficult questions, but do it in a loving way. You could say something like, 'How are we going to be as individuals and how are we going to be as a couple?' "

   Barbara and Chris Christensen have achieved the balance that works for them. In addition to daily routines that keep them close—including about 10 minutes for a daily check-in and about a half hour of relaxation time—they each maintain separate interests and friendships.

 "We have found that we need time apart," Barbara says. "I have a group of women friends that I have known for the last 30 years. We have dinner out once a month. We women also have parties and weekend or weeklong vacations as a group at a beach or somewhere. Chris, a former fighter pilot, has many aviation-oriented(航空的) groups and friends and also a poker-playing group of our friends. I may be with him during the poker night, but I don't play, and the wives usually watch a chick flick' DVD or something while the poker group has an evening of fun. We have found it important to have separate time as well as together time."

The author writes the passage to ______.

A. offer some suggestions on how to spend the time after retirement

B. advise couples to develop their separate hobbies

C. warn couples not to be accusing each other

D. give people some advice on how to entertain themselves after retirement

Dr. Stephen suggests that _________after retirement.

A. couples stay together all the time

B. couples express their feelings in a loving way

C. couples be separate

D. wives make many friends

It can be inferred that________.

A. many couples are faced with problems after retirement

B. America has a large population of retired people

C. most people join various social groups after retirement

D. playing poker is a popular activity among retired people

Barbara and her friends do the following EXCEPT_______.

A. having dinner regularly

B. holding parties

C. having weekly vacations at the beach

D. having fun playing poker

The second paragraph is mainly intended to_______.

A. warn the husband not to act as a judge

B. suggest couples have discussions about difficulties

C. suggest how to keep the correct balance

D. require couples to be considerate


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市宣武区2010届高三下学期第二次质量检测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you’re a male and you’re reading this, congratulations! You’re a survivor. According to statistics,you’re more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term,about 78 years for men in Australia,you’ll die on average five years before a woman.
There're many reasons for this--typically,men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.
“Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should,” says Dr. Gullotta.“This is particularly so
for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.  According to a recent survey, 95%of women aged between 15 and early 49s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70%of men in the same age group.
“A lot of men think they’re unbeatable,”Gullotta says.“They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, Geez, if it could happen to him …”
Then there’s the ostrich(鸵鸟)approach.“Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.
“Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Cartmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.
“Prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases.Besides, the final cost is far greater,it’s called premature death.”
64.Why does the author congratulate male readers at the beginning of the passage?
A.They can live longer than they expected.
B.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.
C.They have lived long enough to read this article.
D.They are more likely to survive serious diseases now.
65.Which of the author’s statements is the most important reason that men die five years earlier on
average than women according to the passage?
A.Men drink and smoke much more than women.
B.Men don’t seek medical care as often as women.
C.Men are more likely to suffer from deadly diseases.
D.Men aren’t as cautious as women in face of danger.
66.Which of the following best completes the underlined sentence “Geez, if it could happen to him…” (in Para 4) ?
A.it could happen to me,too.
B.it would be a big misfortune.
C.I should avoid playing golf.
D.I should consider myself lucky.
67.What does Dr.Ross Cartmill mean by“the ostrich approach”(in Para 5)?
A.A casual attitude towards one’s health conditions.
B.A new treatment for certain psychological problems.
C.Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.
D.Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届安徽省阜阳一中高三最后一卷英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile and fake (假的) happiness simply leads to people feeling unhappier. So, putting a brave face on your sadness could be harmful. The research also found that women suffered more than men when pretending to be happy.
Dr. Brent Scott, who led the study, said employers should take note because forcing workers to smile when dealing with the public can result in bad outcomes. He said, “Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional tiredness, and that’s bad for the organization.” He also said the research showed customer-service workers who had “fake smiles” throughout the day fell into a bad mood and didn’t want to work, so their productivity dropped.
The study is one of the first of its kind to examine emotional expressions over a period of time and compare the different effects on men and women. Dr. Scott’s team examined the effects of “surface acting”, or fake smiling, compared to “deep acting”, or making people smile by thinking of peasant memories.
Dr. Scott said, “Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their moods worsened even more than men’s. However, they were helped more by deep acting, which means their moods improved more by thinking of pleasant memories. ”
According to Dr. Scott, women tend to suffer more when pretending to be happy because they are expected to be more emotionally expressive than men. Therefore, forcing a smile while feeling down is more likely to go against their normal behavior and cause more harmful feelings.
Although deep acting can improve moods a little in the short term, Dr. Scott says, it’s not a long-term solution to feeling unhappy. “There have been some suggestions that if you do this over a long period you start to feel unreal. You’re trying to develop positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself any more.”
【小题1】According to the passage, Dr. Scott’s study ______.

A.is supported by some big employers in the USA
B.is meaningful as there haven’t been many similar ones
C.examined more women than men for a long time
D.aimed to make the employees more productive
【小题2】Women suffer more from fake happiness mainly because ______.
A.they usually turn up shy in public places
B.they should be more emotionally expressive
C.they are often treated in a terrible way
D.they like thinking of pleasant memories
【小题3】It is implied in the passage that deep acting _____.
A.doesn’t have any effect on men
B.cannot improve our moods in any case
C.harms our feelings in the long run
D.pleases people by feeling like another person
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Fake smiling makes people unhappy.
B.Women shouldn’t be forced to smile.
C.An important suggestion for workers.
D.Why people don’t want to work.


科目:高中英语 来源:2007年高考试题(浙江卷)解析版 题型:阅读理解


If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say,“Hey,Butterfly Man,”his face would break into a smile.The title suits him.And he loves it.

Arthur Bonner works with the Palos Verdes blue butterfly(蝴蝶),once thought to have died out.Today the butterfly is coming back—thanks to him.But years ago if you’d told him this was what he’d be doing someday,he would have laughed,“You’re crazy.”As a boy,he used to be “a little tough guy on the streets”.At age thirteen,he was caught by police for stealing.At eighteen,he landed in prison for shooting a man.

“I knew it had hurt my mom,”Bonner said after he got out of prison.“So I told myself I would not put my mom through that pain again.”

One day he met Professor Mattoni,who was working to rebuild the habitat(栖息地) for an endangered butterfly called EI Segundo blue.

“I saw the sign‘Butterfly Habitat’and asked,‘How can you have a habitat when the butterflies can just fly away?’”Bonner recalls,“Dr.Mattoni laughed and handed me a magnifying glass(放大镜),‘Look at the leaves.’I could see all these caterpillars(蝴蝶的幼虫) on the plant.Dr.Mattoni explained,‘Without the plant,there are no butterflies.’”

Weeks later,Bonner received a call from Dr.Mattoni,who told him there was a butterfly that needed help.That was how he met the Palos Verdes blue.Since then he’s been working for four years to help bring the butterfly back.He grows astragalus,the only plant the butterfly eats.He collects butterflies and brings them into a lab to lay eggs.Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.

The butterfly’s population,once almost zero,is now up to 900.For their work,Bonner and Dr.Mattoni received lots of awards.But for Bonner,he earned something more:he turned his life around.

For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of prison.While he’s bringing back the Palos Verdes blue,the butterfly has helped bring him back,too.

1.When he was young,Arthur Bonner _______.

A.broke the law and ended up in prison

B.was fond of shooting and hurt his mom

C.often laughed at people on the streets

D.often caught butterflies and took them home

2.Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he _______.

A.found the butterfly had died out

B.won many prizes from his professor

C.met Dr.Mattoni,a professor of biology

D.collected butterflies and put them into a lab

3.From the last sentence of the text,we learn that raising butterflies has _______.

A.made Bonner famous

B.changed Bonner’s life

C.brought Bonner wealth

D.enriched Bonner’s knowledge

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.A Promise to Mom

B.A Man Saved by Butterflies

C.A Story of Butterflies

D.A Job Offered by Dr.Mattoni


