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11.During a recent Senior Three English lesson,the teacher caught Xiao Di,a female student,busily (61)typing(type) messages on her cell-phone.To the teacher's surprise,Xiao Di wasn't just texting her friends the latest small talk.She was (62)actually(actual) blogging about what was being taught in the classroom,sharing her opinions about the information and material(63)withher classmates.
The case caused a heated (64)discussion(discuss)among teachers and students city-wide.Miss Li,an English teacher from another nearby school said,"I am amazed at how(65)creative(create)the students can be when writing on their blogs.To me it's a great way for students to improve their writing skills while writing about personal feelings and(66) experiences(experience)."(67)But/While other teachers are worried that blog-addiction may disturb their students'study.
A supporter and classmate of Xiao Di said,"We love her blog!We all read it each day and can't wait to see (68)whatshe writes about next.Her interesting stories and great suggestions on study really help to encourage us.And it adds a little fun to (69)our(we) stressful life."Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night,writing his blog and responding to comments posted there.He said,"Sometimes I don't even have time (70).to finish(finish) my homework.I can't help myself.I really have a lot to say."

分析 本文就学生们爱写爱看的博客展开了讨论.

解答 61.typing  考查非谓语.根据句意"抓住小迪正在手机上输信息",catch sb doing sh."抓住某人正在干某事",所以答案填typing.
 62.actually 考查副词.根据句意:她实际上是在写课堂上正在教的内容.actually是副词"实际上".
63.with 考查固定搭配.根据句意:和同学分享她对信息和材料的看法.share…with…是英语的固定搭配"和…分享…",所以答案填with.
64.discussion 考查语境理解.根据语境可知是老师和同学们之间的一次热烈的讨论,discussion是名词"讨论",所以答案填discussion.
65 creative  考查感叹句.根据句意:我很惊讶当学生们写这些博客的时候是多么的有创造力啊.根据感叹句的结构how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语,可知答案填creative形容词"具有创造力的".
67.But/While 考查连词.根据上下文的关系可以看出,李老师和其他的老师的观点不相同,是转折关系,所以答案填but 或者while.
68.what 考查名词性从句.分析句子可知这是一个宾语从句,宾语从句she writes about next中缺少宾语,所以用关系词what.
69.our 考查代词.我们有压力的生活,所以此处应该用形容词性物主代词our.
70.to finish 考查非谓语.本题用动词不定式做定语修饰time.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Tom was ______ that he couldn't understand ______ difficult sentence.(  )
A.so a stupid boy; suchB.a so stupid boy; a such
C.so stupid a boy; a suchD.so stupid a boy; such a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2._______ the doors were closed and that all the lights were off,the man left the office for home.(  )
A.CheckedB.Having checkedC.To be checkedD.Checking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The fat lady threw her sick pet into a river.She is the cruelest woman I have ever seen.
The fat lady threw her sick pet into a river.I havenever seen acrueler woman.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-It's useless crying over spoiled milk,________?
-It's better late than never.Actually,no one has expected it,________?(  )
A.is it; have theyB.isn't it; have they
C.isn't it; hasn't heD.is it; hasn't he


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Listening to the lecture given by the famous professor is an exciting experience,______ I am looking forward to.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.I sat at my seat waiting for the school paper to be passed around.I waited anxiously,knowing that once I received it I would know how good a writer I really am.
When the paper arrived at my classroom,I nearly knocked down five of my classmates to get to the first paper.With the school paper in my hands,I returned to my seat.About a month earlier,I had handed in one of,what I believed to be,my best stories.I named it Symbol of Success.The head of the English Department at my school,Professor Cullen,had said that she would include some reviews of students'stories in the latest school paper.Professor Cullen was known for her rough criticism.Impressing her was very hard but I wanted to be the first to do so.
I sat at the edge of my seat as I read through the other story reviews.There wasn't one story that got more than three stars.I became calm and wasn't anxious to know my review.It was long after that I heard someone shout out"Five stars?!Seriously!"from behind me.I turned around and saw the shocked expression of Gene's face,"Peter,your story got five stars!"I couldn't believe what I had heard.I turned my attention back to my story and saw the five stars at the end of the review that I had not read yet.I looked through the review written by Professor Cullen.She wrote that I had a gift for story writing.
I was proud that I achieved what I thought was impossible.For so long I believed I wasn't as good as I thought I was and that my talent was not enough to cover up my lack of wring skills.But this review proved that I was truly a good writer and that there was a future ahead of me in the field of fiction writing.The review and the five stars meant the world of me.Those five stars became the symbol of my success.
24.How did the writer get the school paper?A
A.He rushed ahead to get the first one.
B.His friend helped him get the first one.
C.The publisher sent it to him first        
D.His teacher gave it to him first.
25.What can we learn about Professor Cullen?C
A.She was very cold to her students.
 B.She was hated by her students.
C.She seldom praised her students.
D.She was very gentle to everyone
26.We can learn from this text that PeterD.
A.had thought his story was better than those of others
B.was always anxious to know the other story reviews
C.looked through a few stories that got four stars
D.didn't know he got five stars until someone told him
27.Why did the review and the five stars mean the world to Peter?B
A.Because they helped him learn writing skills
B.Because they made him see his writing talent.
C.Because they helped him enter a key university
D.Because they made him happy for some time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Most people nowadays are so busy with their lives that they do not have time to enjoy a healthy and  (61)balanced  (balance)diet.For most individuals,as  (62)a  result of eating foods rich in fats and sugar several years,they choose to go on a diet but do not succeed at the end.Be sure to be with a strong(63).awareness (aware)that you are  (64)what  you eat!Therefore,maintaining a healthy diet not only (65)provides (provide)your body with energy but also numerous health benefits.One is that you will keep a healthy weight and is also the easiest and most(66)beneficial (benefit)way in which you can be energetic and protect yourself  (67)from  a number of diseases when growing old.Another benefit is that you will meet your everyday nutritional(68)requirements(require). (69)Basically (Basic)speaking,you should ensure that you take good amount of vegetables,grains,milk and proteins.In most cases,a healthy diet can help you decrease the risk of (70)getting  (get)some diseases like diabetes and cancer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Anchors on China Central Television (CCTV) will need to do some fast talking to replace the popular English acronyms(首字母缩略词) they're now banned from using.Shanghai Daily reports that"anchors at China Central Television[CCTV]have been banned from saying the English acronyms NBA,CBA,GDP,and the like in their programs."
The replacement for those handy acronyms?Chinese presenters must use the full Chinese name,standardized by the State Administration of Radio,Film and Television.
Although CCTV (oops,we mean China Central Television) presenters must already have a score of at least 94 in their government-rated oral Mandarin proficiency exam,saying the full name of organizations like the CBA or WTO-10 and 6 character's long separately-is sure to challenge even the most skillful anchors.CCTV sports anchor Sun Zhengping tells Shanghai Daily,"A full Chinese explanation of the English initials must be followed if my tongue slips.It is a little trouble but a necessary one because not every audience member can understand the initials."
Although the government isn't giving any official explanation for the shift,it is believed to have to do with a proposal by Huang Youyi,director of the China International Publishing Group,at March's NPC meeting.In his speech,Huang said,"With more and more publications mixing Chinese with English,measures and regulations should be adopted to avoid English invading Chinese.If we don't pay attention and don't take measures to stop the expansion of mixing Chinese with English,Chinese won't be a pure language in a couple of years."
Although China is far from the first country to take measures to protect local languages (the French and Québécois beat them to it by a long way),acronyms are more about saving time than they are about corrupting a language,we would think.Good luck to the CCTV anchors.
56.CCTV anchors have to"do some fast talking"because they can no longerB.
A.speak as slowly as they like                           
B.mix English into Chinese
C.use shortened Chinese expressions            
D.have so much time for their program
57.According the writer,"CBA"is supposed to be replaced with"A"by CCTV anchors.
D.The Chinese Basketball Association
58.When Sun Zhengping said"if my tongue slips",he meant"if IA".
A.habitually use an English acronym               
B.speak a little bit too fast
C.make a mistake in pronunciation                 
D.say something impolite or improper
59.What's Huang Youyi's proposal?D
A.Using full English names instead of short forms.
B.Translating Chinese terms into proper English.
C.Avoiding Chinese words mixing into English.
D.Keeping our mother tongue as a pure language.
60.What's the main idea of the last paragraph?B
A.China has fallen behind in the matter.
B.The ban is not necessary.
C.Chinese shouldn't be corrupted.
D.CCTV anchors will have a hard time.

