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15. He is_____as a leader but he hasn’t _____in teaching.

  A. success; many experiences

  B. a success; much experience

  C. great success; an experience

  D. a great success; a lot of experiences



选B。抽象名词具体化,表示具有某种特征的人或事物,可用作可数名词。如:She is a success in business but a failure in marriage (她在事业上是个成功者,但在婚姻上是个失败者);experience作为“经验”解,为不可数名词。


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.The news that so many miners died of the disaster _________(使惊讶)us greatly.

2.The _________(摇摆)of the ship made many passengers seasick.

3.We should be satisfied with our own life when comparing with those who are _________(穷的).

4.Those with a _________(感觉)of humour are popular everywhere.

5.Her _________(特殊的;特别的)way of smiling left a good impression on me.

6.The learners of a second language have many obstacles to _________(克服).

7.It is also believed that playing firecrackers will bring good _________(运气)in the coming year.

8.A lot of funny jokes are _________(有趣的)and can make us relaxed.

9.Yuan Longping are invited to travel _________(遍及)the world circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice.

10.It’s not allowed to talk in the library, even to _________(日语).

11.The clothes are so _________(穿旧的)that they must be thrown away.

12.Mr.Johnson is easy to _________(挑出)among the crowds, for he is as tall as two meters.

13.When shopping in the mall, I _________(撞上, 碰见)a childhood classmate.

14.Some people are never _________(满足的)with their life and are always thinking of gaining wealth.

15.Having been _________(切断;断绝)with the outside world for fifty years, he doesn’t know about the modern life.

16.He _________(咀嚼)over the problem for several days before making his decision.

17.Li An _________(导演)the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省高三上学期摸底考试英语题 题型:单项填空

_____________, Gao Xiaosong was sentenced to 6-month imprisonment–the most severe punishment about drunk driving–on June.1.

A. A public figure as is he              B. Public figure as he is

C. Public figure he is as                D. A public figure as he is



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年黑龙江哈尔滨市第三次高考模拟考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Another food which is closely associated with Americans is apple pie.Apple pie is often served hot with a spoon of ice cream or a slice of cheese at the end of the biggest meal of the day—dinner, and it is a favorite dessert throughout the nation, if a person is typical of Americans, we can say, "He is as American as apple pie."

It is true that the apple and apple pie do not originate in America, but the expression "as American as apple pie" is not the product of a pure imagination.As early as 1625, the English colonists, having brought orchards (果园) on this new land and in most of the colonial times, the apple was a main material of both plain and fancy cooking.The first Massachusetts governor, William Endicott, was one of many keen apple planters who helped to lay the foundations for today' s apple-growing industry in America.

A major attraction of the apple for the colonists was that it could be made into cider (苹果酒). Like most Europeans, English colonists held a strong suspicion (怀疑) of drinking water, and since grapegrowing was hindered by plant peats, cider became an alternative to wine.Cheap and easy to produce, it was the American drink of first choice well into the nineteenth century. Whether it was dried, raw or cooked, the apple also found its way into numerous colonial dishes, including apple sauces, pudding, stuffings and many desserts.Therefore, the conclusion to be drawn here is obvious.The apple pie became known as American, not because it was invented on this land (since it was proved that Europeans had been eating apple pies for centuries), but because, thanks to the huge orchards in the states of Washington and New York, America became the world's largest apple-producing nation.

1.If a person is said to be as American as apple pie, it means that _______.

A.he always prefers apple pie as a dessert

B.his favourite pie is apple pie

C.he behaves and thinks in the American way

D.he is good at making American apple pie

2.The apple can be used to make into all of the following except _______.





3.The underlined word hindered in Paragraph 3 means.________.





4.It can be concluded from the passage that_______.

A.the apple pie was first served in America

B.the English colonists developed a taste for the apple only after they, arrived at the New World

C.the expression "as American as apple pie" is a pure imagination

D.the apple pie is traditionally associated with Americans due to their large apple production



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高考二轮复习必备词汇及应用训练系列:动词(一) 题型:单项填空

96. In this novel, he is  ____ as a hero, actually he is a coward.







科目:高中英语 来源:20102011年安徽毫州涡阳二中高二下学期期末英语试题 题型:阅读理解

            475 Riverside Drive

New York N.Y. 10027

Jan.15, 2011

Dear John,

I'm sorry you didn't get the part you tried out for in that play. I know how much you wanted to be in the play. Now you feel that maybe acting isn't the right future for you. I think you're wrong. You're a good actor. Do you remember when you played Caesar in your summer theatre group's play? You were excellent . People clapped(鼓掌)every time you walked on stage(舞台). Even the other actors loved you.

All actors have to get used to being turned down for a job. It's part of an actor's life. Even famouse actors don't get every part they want. I think you should give acting another chance. You love it so much, and you're good at it. Don't be discouraged because you lose one part in the play. Wait a bit, and try for another one. After all , you can always give up some other time.




Jane wrote this letter because____.

A.she wanted John to get a part in the play he was trying out for

B.she wanted to tell John that he shouldn't give up acting.

C.she wanted to tell John how to become an actor.

D.she was unhappy with John.


Jane talks about other actors to show Jon that ____.

A.they are as bad as he is

B.acting is a hard life

C.they sometimes get turned down for parts they want

D.they are lucky enough


What does Jane think of John?

A.He is a good actor, and some day he will be successful.

B.He is too easily dicouraged to become a good actor.

C.He is a better actor than the person who has got the part.

D.He is as unlucky as the other actors.


The person who wrote this letter probably ____.

A.is an actress.

B.cares about John

C.wants to be an actress some day

D.envies at John's success.


