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Elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression, probably due to a "feel good" chemical found in this type of tea, Japanese researchers said.

Several studies have    1  drinking green tea to lessening psychological problems and Kaijun Niu, of Tohoku University Graduate School, and colleagues found people    2   70 and older who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44 percent   3     likely to experience depression.

Green tea is widely   4    in many Asian countries,  5    China and Japan.

Niu's team   6     1,058 relatively healthy elderly men and women. About 34 percent of the men and 39 percent of the women had symptoms of    7  , according to the study that was   8      in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

A total of 488 participants said they    9    four or more cups of green tea a day, 284 said they downed two to three cups    10   and the rest reported having one or fewer cups daily.

According to the researchers, the    11    effect of drinking more    12    tea on alleviating symptoms of depression did not    13   after they factored in social and economic status, gender, diet, history of medical problems and       14 of antidepressants.

There was no   15    between consumption of black or oolong tea, or coffee, and   16     symptoms of depression.

A green tea component, the amino acid thiamine(硫胺素), which is   17    to have a tranquilizing(镇静的)  18   on the brain, may  19  the "potentially beneficial effect" shown in the current study, Niu noted,   20   that more study is needed.

(    ) 1. A. linked              B. taken         C. considered               D. regarded

(    ) 2. A. aging                      B. aged          C. years                D. age

(    ) 3. A. more                B. little          C. less                  D. much

(    ) 4. A. sold                 B. planted      C. spread               D. consumed

(    ) 5. A. including          B. concluding C. containing               D. considering

(    ) 6. A. looked for               B. checked     C. investigated      D. asked

(    ) 7. A. optimism          B. happiness   C. bitterness          D. depression

(    ) 8. A. published         B. come out   C. appeared           D. showed

(    ) 9. A. ate                   B. drank               C. swallowed               D. chewed

(    ) 10. A. weekly           B. daily          C. monthly           D. yearly

(    ) 11. A. apparent         B. light          C. huge                D. gentle

(    ) 12. A. black                     B. oolong      C. coffee              D. green

(    ) 13. A. fade                      B. disappear   C. run                  D. decease

(    ) 14. A. influence               B. effect               C. use                   D. result

(    ) 15. A. association      B. use            C. comparison       D. difference

(    ) 16. A. lower             B. increase     C. strengthen         D. cause

(    ) 17. A. assumed          B. thought     C. imaged              D. hoped

(    ) 18. A. effect             B. affect               C. effort                      D. outcome

(    ) 19. A. report             B. confirm     C. complete          D. explain

(    ) 20. A. adding            B. addressing        C. speaking           D. saying




1. A 此题考查动词词义的简单辨析。这一句的意思:某些研究把喝绿茶跟缓解精神问题联系起来,我们得知用A项:link…to…, 把……和……联系起来,其他三项依次分别表示:带走,考虑,认为,都无此意。

2. B 此题的解题关键是得知道aged是个形容词,意思是:……岁的,而其他的三项均无此意。最容易错选的是years和age,然而此两个词的正确用法是:70 years old和at the age of 70,aging本身就是个错误,故选择B项。

3. C 解此题的关键是得联系上下文的逻辑关系。文章的第一句就说:老年人喝绿茶可以少有可能患抑郁症。此时也是这个意思,只不过多了个44%,more表示的意思刚好相反,又得用比较级,然而little和much是原级,所以选择C项:比较少。

4. D 这个题得结合常识和把握文章的话题。文章说的是:老龄人喝绿茶。这里的“喝”,就说consume:消耗,消费。ABC项依次的意思是:卖(sold是sell的过去式),种植,传播,故我们选择D项。

5. A 考查的是近义词和形状相近的词的辨析。Include:包括(整体),contain:包含(元素),又因为中国和日本都属于亚洲,再者,其逻辑主语是countries,和include这个动词之间是主动关系,conclude:得出结论;consider:考虑,故选用including

6. C 这一空的考查的动词词义的辨析。结合上下文我们得知:Niu和他的同事在大学里作研究,要研究就得调查,也就是investigate,而别的三项的语意分别是:寻找,核对,问,都就显得不合适了。

7. D 考查名词词义的准确记忆。全文讲述的都是老年人喝绿茶可以少患抑郁症。ABC项的含义分别是:乐观,高兴,辛酸。这儿的D项意思是:depression,抑郁。故D为正确答案。

8. A 检测联系上下文的能力。the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition明显是一份杂志,当然这项研究要“刊登(published)”在杂志上,也就是选择A项,而不是BC两项,这是因为他们就没有被动语态这样的用法,come out的用法是:sth.come out:……出版了。appear的用法跟它相似。而D项的show表示意思是:展示,逻辑上页也不合适。

9. B 此题考查动词词义的辨析。茶当然是用来喝的,也即是:drink,它的过去式就是drank。而不是ACD项分别表达得“吃,吞,嚼”之意。

10.B 此题考查的是喝茶的常识,当然是“每天”(daily)喝两到三杯茶,不可能“每周(weekly),每月(monthly),每年(yearly)”才喝三杯茶。故B项正确。

11.A 考查形容词词义的辨析。从文章前面的论述我们得知:老年人喝绿茶可以少患抑郁症,并且可也大幅度的降低几率,这个效果当然很明显,也即是:apparent,而不是BCD项分别依次所表示含义:轻微的,巨大的,温柔的。

12.D 考查上下文逻辑关系的照应。文章的开头第一句就说是绿茶:green tea,也就是D项,而不是红茶(black tea)和乌龙茶(oolong tea),更不是什么咖啡(coffee)

13.A 这一题的关键是厘清这一段的逻辑关系和语意:在这些研究人员看来,在他们把各种社会、经济地位、性别、饮食、各种患病史和使用抗抑郁症药等等考虑进来之后,喝绿茶有减缓精神压抑的明显作用也很明显,也就是没有消退:fade,暗淡,褪色,消退。BCD项表示的意思不合适:disappear(消失),run(跑),decease(死亡)。

14.C 检测名词词义的准确记忆和上下文语言逻辑之间的照应。由上一题的分析我们得知,此空需填上表示使用之意的词语,C项use就是这个意思;ABD三项表示的意思依次分别是:影响,作用,结果,在语言逻辑上都不合适。



17.B 考查近义词的辨析。我们可以从这些词的基本意思结合这一段的语境来确定答案。语境是:Niu指明说,他认为对大脑有着镇静作用的硫胺素可以解释在这项研究里表明的这种潜在的有益的影响。又补充说,还有必要再作研究。因为是做研究,所以不能是假想(assume)和想象(image)。而hope根本就没有这样的用法。

18.A检测名词词义的准确记忆和上下文语言逻辑的照应。由上一题的分析我们知道此题要填上表示“影响”之意的名词,也就是effect,而不是CD三项依次表示的意思:努力,结果,B项的affect(影响)是个动词。而不是名词;又因为have an/a…..effect on是固定的搭配,故选A项。解这个题的关键是单词的准确记忆,包括它们的词形、词性和词义。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

All of us need ______.

  A. to feel needed and admired        B. feeling needed and admired

  C. to feel being needed and admired   D. to feel needing and admiring


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I think it’s unfair to judge a person________their clothes.

A.in             B.from         C.with      D.on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Bread and butter____________ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.

A. serve          B. servers      C. is served     D. are served


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

__________ she couldn't understand was__________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.

A. What; why    B. That ; what    C. What ; because    D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

_____ heat is different from temperature?

A.How do you think B.How you think  C.What do you think D.What you think


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Shanghai has a large population than ________.

A that of Wuxi.       B. the population of Wuxi     C. Wuxi     D. Wuxi’s population


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Of the two possibilities, ______ is more likely than that.

   A. that           B. one           C. this        D. it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

---Shall we go out for a walk?

--- Sorry. This is not the right ____ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.

A. moment             B. situation

C. place       D. chance

