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4.We    on it for several hours but we haven't yet reached any conclusion.(  )
A.are workingB.work
C.have been workedD.have been working

分析 我们一直努力了好几个小时,但是至今善未得出任何的结论.

解答 答案:D.根据but后的现在完成时态,可以判断出到现在还没有得出结论,有可能还要继续下去,所以要现在完成进行时..C表示现在完成时的被动态,与题意不符.

点评 考查现在完成进行时.
reach vt.到达,达到,伸出,影响 vi.达到,延伸,伸出手,传开.
1.reach after 努力谋求,竭力达到 伸手想抓
2.reach back 回忆,回顾
3.reach for 伸出手去抓
4.reach out 伸手拿[抓]; 伸向前; 追求; 伸出援助之手,提供援助


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.---That's the second time that he has won the English competition.
---Yes.He _______ for the competition in the past few months.(  )
A.preparedB.is prepared
C.has been preparingD.is preparing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Going for Yoga Lessons
"Try and see inside your mind,a wide open blue sky and a vast green plain far away.Breathe in as you circle your hands high above your head,then bend back a little.Breathe out as you circle your arms back down to your sides…"
Following the yoga teacher's gentle instructions,Bai Yunuo,15,from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University tried to get each of her poses correct.
Bai's school offered 24 elective courses for Senior 1 students this term and she chose two.It was her first yoga class.
"I'm happy that I can learn yoga at school.I love dancing but I have some injuries on my knees from when I was a kid.So I decide to try something soft.Simply stretching into different poses makes me feel free and quiet.And the music is quite comforting.The class is relaxing after a whole day's work,"Bai said.
Thinking like an adult
Liu Zehao,15,found his interest was Junior Achievement(企业经营模拟).The course brings students into the real world of business.In their first class,Liu and his group members named their company"Vision".Liu was elected as CEO of the company.
"Here we learn to think like an adult.We have to make our company gain the most profits with the least investments (投资).It's new and different from other courses,"he said.
Liu and Bai take their elective courses twice a week with students from other classes who share the same interest.The students will get two credit points (学分)from each course at the end of this term.They have to achieve eight credit points from electives to graduate from high school.
59.What is the first paragraph about?A
A.Instructions of the yoga teacher.
B.Advertisements of the yoga lessons.
C.Experiences of elective courses of the students.
D.A gymnastic lesson given to Senior I students.
60.Which of the following is NOT true about Bai Yunuo?C
A.She chooses two elective courses for this semester.
B.She can't dance because of the injuries in her knees.
D.She enjoys listening to the music when practicing yoga.
61.What can we infer from Bai's words?B
A.She has been crazy with yoga since she was very young.
B.Yoga is not as intense to the body as dancing.
C.Yoga can help heal the injuries in knees.
D.Yoga can always take the place of dancing.
62.Liu Zehao chooses Junior Achievement as his elective course becauseA.
A.he can learn to think like adults in this course
B.he can make some new friends with the same interest
C.he prefers to be CEO of the company
D.he is building a company in his spare time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Dear Reader:
    I receive many letters from children and can't answer them all.Now,I'll try to answer the questions that are commonly asked.
    Where did I get the idea for Stuart Little and for Charlotte's Web?Well,many years ago I went to bed one night in a railway sleeping car and dreamed about a tiny boy who acted like a mouse.That's how the story of Stuart Little got started.As for Charlotte's Web,one day when I was on my way to feed the pig,I began feeling sorry for the pig because,like most pigs,he has to die.So I started thinking of ways to save a pig's life.I had been watching a big grey spider(蜘蛛) at her work and was impressed by how clever she was.Gradually I worked the spider into the story.Three years after I started writing it,it was published.
    Sometimes I'm asked how old I was when starting to write,and what made me write.I started early-as soon as I could spell.I don't know why I enjoyed writing,but I think children often find pleasure in trying to set their thoughts down on paper,either in words or in pictures,but I was not good at drawing.
    Are my stories true?No,they are made-up.In real life,a family doesn't have a child who looks like a mouse,and a spider doesn't spin (编织) words in her web.But real life is only one kind of life-there is also the life of the imagination.And I like to think there is some truth in my stories-truth about the way people and animals feel and think and act.
    Yours sincerely,
50.What is E.B.White?B
A.a traveller       B.Writer           C.farmer           D.painter
51.How long did it take the writer to finish Charlotte's Web?C
A.1 year             B.2 years          C.3 years      D.4 years
52.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Stuart Little is about a real mouse seen in a sleeping car.
B.Something in real life can give the writer ideas of writing.
C.Children show interest in writing thoughts down on paper.
D.The writer thinks there is no truth in imaginary stories.
53.What are the readers interested in according to the passage?A
A.when to start writing stories        
B.the spiders in his stories    
C.when to write more stories           
D.the writer's family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I feel so excited!At this time tomorrow,I ________ by camel with local guides in Northern Africa.(  )
C.will be travellingD.have travelled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.She _____ concerts every day since last week.(  )
A.was performingB.has performed
C.has been performingD.had performed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Our senior high school has _____ students as my junior high school.(  )
A.as twiceB.twice manyC.twice many asD.twice as many


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Bob!How's your project?I heard you started it last Friday,right?
-Oh!I           for it.But I haven't decided when to do it.(  )
A.have preparedB.had prepared
C.have been preparingD.was preparing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14._Could I use your computer tomorrow morning?
_Sorry.I_______a report with it(  )
A.will be writingB.will have written
C.have writtenD.have been writing

