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Here's a scene:a village where the sun always shines,crops always grow and your friends drop by to sweep your yard to the sound of guitar music.Animals do what they are told,there is no disease,and lendin’ folks a helpin’hand makes you richer and wiser.Welcome to FarmVille—

Current population 69m and rising fast.

 “It reminds me of my childhood,”says one player, Lia Curran,37,a nurse from London.“Right now I'm growing wheat and flowers. I've got a small garden, and I'm raising some chickens and some cows. I like having the animals. It's relaxing.” Curran's animals, however, is nothing more than a collection of cartoons. FarmVille is an online computer game built into the social networking site Facebook and is described by its players as “addictive”. Launched last June by Zynga Game Network, FarmVille now has many players—more than the population of the UK. The players are largely women over the age of 35.

FarmVille unites the worlds of social networking and gaming.Players are given a ground with six fields,“cash”,a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth,skills and neighbors to create bigger,better,richer farms.Inviting your online friends to play means you earn more and get flee gifts;you rise rapidly through the first levels but,once hooked,have to work harder and harder with no final level or goal in sight.

“Games like this draw people into a fantasy world that's separate from real life where there are no issues,and where things are simple and controllable,” Brian Dudley says.In November,he opened the UK's first computer games addiction clinic,treating online gamers who stayed at the keyboard for up to eight hours a day—“the tip of the iceberg”,he says.Two weeks ago,a group of US players launched a class action against Zynga and Facebook.“Most,if not all,of the online advertisements presented through Zynga are scams(骗局),”the lawsuit states.“The advertisements are highly misleading and often result in users ordering goods or services that they do not want or need.”

According to Nick O'neill from the social media site All Facebook,Zynga is making $500,000(£304,000)a day,from its Facebook games,in turn spending some $50m(£30m)a year on Facebook ads.

If all that weren't enough,FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm:in FarmVille,wheat grows in two days—in real life,it takes months.But play continues nevertheless.

68.If you want to create a better and richer farm,you should do the following EXCEPT that   ____.

A.you have to work harder and harder

B.you should pay real—world money to advance in the game

C.you should invite your online friends and neighbors to play

D.you should develop your skills and befriend FarmVille neighbors

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Most young girls are fascinated by the farming game.

B.Money Zynga has made is mostly spent on advertising campaign.

C.There is potential threat to the players and some players are misled by the advertisements.

D.The UK's first computer games addiction clinic was opened to help treat online players.

70.The purpose of the class action against Zynga and Facebook was to_____.

A.show that Zynga has an extremely tight relationship with Facebook

B.try to stop Zynga and Facebook from putting advertisements

C.attract more people to FarmVille game to plant crops

D.appeal to the public to order more goods or services










科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:054


  The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs. Smith had 1 on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.

  We were 2 to go back for class again when the headmaster called on us 3 and said, “I've got a little 4 for you boys. Mrs. Smith has just lost her watch on the playground, This kind of thing has happened 5 , she says-it just 6 off her wrist. So, look around for it, will you? 7 if you are clever enough to find it, let's 8 it clear the boy who does 9 will get a useful reward.”

  At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the 10 one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent down as if to 11 something. And 12 he was in front of Mrs. Smith, all smiles, 13 the watch to her. Mrs. Smith, however, didn't seem at all 14 . In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without 15 a “Thank you.”

  Jim got 16 —a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who 17 him to write a composition 18 the dangers of smoking. What could 19 Jim write about? He hadn't listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the 20 .


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A.put down
B.give away
C.find out
D.pick up


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A.the following moment
B.the next moment
C.for a moment
D.just a moment


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A.handing out
B.turning in
C.giving up
D.sending back


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A.her punishment
B.her prize
C.his job
D.his reward


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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The story I’m going to tell truly happened in my life.

The other day, I met a man outside the gym who_16___a movie star. He was handsome and smiling. His upper body was muscular and he __17_to be on top of the world.

“How are you?” I _18___with a smile. “I’m doing really well,” he replied in a cheerful voice. His enthusiasm and big smile _19___the parking garage . _20___as he walked up, I _21___his long legs were thin and I saw he had a silver cane(手杖).“Why do you need that cane?” I couldn’t _22___thinking he had a minor injury. “I have MS,” he answered in a _23___ voice too, as his broad smile __24__left his face. Multiple Sclerosis is a very serious disease and often painful. I looked at him from my little red sports car and said, “You _25___it very well. You seem like a happy man _26___ the MS.” Without losing a bit of his smile he replied, “ I am a happy man,” and then added, “I’d be even happier if I had that sports _27___.”

 It was ironic(讽刺的). Just _28___we spoke, I’d been sitting in that little sports car, feeling sad about my painful shoulder over the last 11 months although I was _29___ after an operation. Here’s a man with a __30__far tougher than mine, but his positive attitude made him feel no _31___happiness. He went on with his enjoyment of life as usual, which moved me deeply.

     It was also a wonderful reminder of that old _32___, “I cried because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.” _33___ your problems, just keep in__34__that none of us goes through life __35__and like the man with MS, make the most of what you have. Count your blessings.

A. stared at

B. talked about

C. agreed with

D. looked like

A. conducted

B. appeared

C. performed

D. pretended

A. questioned

B. advised

C. complained

D. greeted

A. lit up

B. put up

C. held up

D. kept up

A. o

B. And

C. But

D. Though

A. diagnosed

B. noticed

C. examined

D. checked

A. want

B. set

C. wait

D. help

A. cheerful

B. sad

C. low

D. painful

A. sometimes

B. regularly

C. never

D. always

A. need

B. handle

C. demand

D. deal

A. in spite of

B. in return for

C. thanks to

D. but for

A. training

B. coach

C. coat

D. car

A. when

B. until

C. before

D. since

A. recovering

B. suffering

C. repairing

D. benefiting



C. situation

D. position

A. fewer

B. less

C. further

D. more

A. story

B. news

C. saying

D. lesson

A. Whatever

B. However

C. Whichever

D. Whenever

A. head

B. brain

C. heart

D. mind

A. completely

B. easily

C. hardly

D. lightly


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省德州市某中学高三12月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The porter brings your bags to your room and helpfully explains all you want to know. Then he points to the phone and says, “If there's anything else you need, just call.” All this time you have been thinking one thing, “How much should I tip(付小费) him?” To make your next trip a little easier, here's a guide to tipping across some Asian countries.
In general, the more Westernized the place is, the more likely you will be expected to leave a tip. Some top-end restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appreciate you tacking on(附加) the 10% yourself. However, if you're eating at a lower-end(低档的) restaurant a tip is not necessary. If you're staying at one of Bangkok's many five-star hotels, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(泰国货币单位), depending on how many bags you have. Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare(车费) up to the nearest five baht.
Hong Kong
Tipping is customary in this money-mad metropolis(大都市). Most restaurants add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the extra money often ends up in the pocket of the owner. If the service is good, add another 10% to the bill, up to HK $100 in an especially nice restaurant. For HK $10 hotel porters should do it at all but the nicest hotels where a new HK $20 bill may be more acceptable. When in a taxi, round up(凑整数) to the nearest dollar.
Kuala Lumpur
Tipping in Malaysia is limited to the expensive Westernized hotels, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room. If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge. But at local restaurants, there's no need to add a tip. At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(马来西亚货币单位) will content a porter. At lower-end buildings don't feel you have to tip. Like Bangkok, many taxis are now metered so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit.
Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added. If you're at a Korean barbecue joint(烧烤处), there's no need to add anything extra. But a nice Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution. If you're at a top-end hotel, so expect to pay 500~1 000 won per bag. Taxi drivers don't accept a tip. Keep the change for yourself.
【小题1】In which of the following cities is it unnecessary to tip the taxi-drivers?

A.Bangkok.B.Hong Kong.C.Seoul..D.Kuala Lumpur
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the unit of money?
A.BahtB.Charge.C.Won. D.Ringgit.
【小题3】From the text, we can infer tipping comes from _______.
A.the westB.Hong KongC.Asian countriesD.Bangkok
【小题4】If you stay at a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur, how much will you pay the porter at least?
A.one ringgit. B.10% of service chargeC.half a ringgit. D.two ringgit.
【小题5】The writer seems _______.
A.to give the readers some advice on how to tip B.to tell the readers how to travel
C.to ask the readers to go on a travel to Asian citiesD.to make the trip more pleasant


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:完形填空


I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang.  36  voice on the other end spoke to me, "Dad, please come back soon.I miss you so much! "I judged that it was a   37_  number.A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely   38   , "You've dialed the wrong number! " and then   39

    During the following days, I got the same call   40   .But I didn't care much about it.

    Then one day she constantly called me,   41   I didn't answer.Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, "Dad, please come back.I miss you so much!  Dad, I'm   42   so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take   43  of me.But, dad, please   44  me again, OK?" The innocent   45  was difficult to reject.I made a   46  kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, "Thank you...Dad, I am so...happy, so...happy..."

    Shortly after this, I became   47   about who had been on the other end of my phone.So I called back, and a woman answered, "Sorry, sir.I am really sorry to have   48   you.My daughter has suffered from bone cancer   49   she was born.And her father...died in an    50   a short while ago.I dare not tell her this   51   .Poor baby.When she couldn't   52  the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad, who had always   53  her.I really couldn't bear it, so I gave her a random phone number..."

    "How is your daughter now?" I couldn't wait to   54

    "She has   55   .You must have kissed her on the phone, because she went with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone..."

Tears blurred my eyes...

36.A.A boy' s           B.A child' s         C.My daughter' s         D.My son' s

37.A.bad               B.different          C.new                      D.wrong

38.A.screamed        B.blamed            C.returned                D.replied

39.A.hung up          B.hung on           C.held on                 D.held up

40.A.here and there  B.now and then   C.more or less          D.sooner or later

41.A.so that            B.in case       C.as if                   D.even if

42.A.near               B.on                   C.in                    D.at

43.A.care               B.control            C.notice                 D.charge

44.A. comfort         B.kiss                 C.pat                     D.encourage

45.A.application   B.command         C.request               D.appetite

46.A.soft               B.sweet           C.low                    D.loud

47.A.surprised       B.curious            C.interested             D.amazed

48.A.bothered         B.confused          C.interrupted           D.reached

49.A.when               B.since           C.as                        D.while

50.A.invitation         B.event           C.accident               D.invention

51.A.fate                 B.reason             C.story                   D.news

52.A.receive            B.fight                C.bear                    D.face[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]

53.A.encouraged     B.amused            C.satisfied                  D.supported[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]

54.A.hear                B.ask                  C.tell                         D.see

55.A.gone               B.passed             C.gone by                  D.passed by



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川攀枝花市高一月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

  Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English.

  Well, here’s a secret for you: a lot of British people can’t understand each other either! Apart from the different regional accents across the country, language can also differ (不同) among age groups. The words and pronunciations used by young Britons can be very different to those used by adults. This is called “yoof” culture.

  The word “yoof” is a slang (俚语) spelling of “youth”. Some people consider “yoof” to be a negative (消极的) term, since its pronunciation is easier than “youth”. Other people see the term as positive, because it describes how young people are creating their own language, concepts (观念) and identity.

  When parents find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more things without the censorship (审查) of their parents. In this way, young people are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.

   They are creating a “yoof culture”. It is impossible to come up with a complete list of words used by yoof. By the time the list was completed, it would be out of date. New words come and go like fashions.

                                                By A.J. Dalton

1.The point of the article is _____.

  A. to list words used by yoof

  B. to introduce UK yoof culture

  C. to give advice on how to communicate with native English speakers

  D. to explain why it is hard for British people to understand each other

2. According to the article, children are creating a “yoof culture” _______.

  A. to stay cool among their peers

  B. to draw more attention from their parents

  C. to avoid interference of their parents in their lives

  D. to keep up with the fast pace of modern society

3. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

  A. The variety of regional accents in the UK is an obstacle to communication.

  B. Some people consider the term “yoof” positive because it is easier to pronounce than “youth”.

  C.A few vocabularies used by yoof are going to be collected in dictionaries.

  D. Yoof culture is getting popular all around the English speaking countries.

4. By saying “Sorted!”, yoof probably means ______.

  A. “I’m very tired.”           B. “I understand.”

  C. “You got it wrong!”      D. “I don’t care!”



