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3.We regularly hear how important consumer spending is for the economy.The story goes like this:the more consumers spend,the more money circulates in the economy,which contributes to healthy job growth and profits.Keynes,a British economist,went as far as to say that individuals saving their money may actually be hurting the economy.Sounds troubling,doesn't it?
Fear not.You aren't actually hutting anyone else by saving money.Strong economic growth only comes from one place:savings.Not consumption.In fact,economic activity should not be mistaken for economic growth.For example,somebody takes their money,walks into a store,and purchases goods.The store increases its revenue.
But what happens to all of those goods and services that people have chosen not to consume by saving their money?Simple:Other people are allowed to consume them.Think of it this way:When you lend out your savings,you are actually saying,"Here,I am not going to consume right now,so why don't you?"Banks simply play the middleman:they collect lots of people's savings and then lend out lots of funds.
It takes an unbelievable amount of goods and services to construct a building.It takes food,shelter,and entertainment for all of the workers,as well.Without savings,it is quite impossible to finance such a construction.The coordination(协调)between savings and consumption is a necessary basis for sound economic growth.This coordination is also why consumer lending (say,to borrow a big sum of money to buy a car) is not productive,in a strict sense.It doesn't increase the net (净的) amount of wealth of an economy.Those savings could have been used to construct,say,factory equipment.
None of this means consumption and spending are"bad"things.They simply do not make us wealthier.Alter all,the final goal of production and savings is to consume.But to say that consumption is the engine of economic growth is to put the cart before the horse.Or,to rephrase:the consumption of wealth can never make you wealthier.Happier,perhaps.Wealthier,no.

63.What is the author's attitude towards Keynes'theory?D
64.The underlined word"revenue"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning toD
65.The author holds the view thatD.
A.governments shall cut out banks as financial middleman
B.economic activity is equal to economic growth
C.consumer lending is the engine of economic growth
D.consumption is likely to lead to increased happiness
66.According to the author,which chart could show the effect of savings on economy?B

67.What would be the best title for this passage?D
A.The Saving Behavior of the Economy       
B.Consumption:a Key Concept in Economy
C.Consumer Spending and Economic Growth 
D.The Truth about Savings and Consumption.

分析 本文是一篇议论文,本文章提出了一种与众不同的观点,大众都认为消费者存钱是对经济有害的,而本文章提出消费者存钱有益经济发展.

解答 63-67DDDBD63.D推理判断题.根据第二段Fear not.You aren't actually hurting anyone else by saving money.存钱不伤害任何人,故选D.
64.D词义猜测题.根据第上文For example,somebody takes their money,walks into a store,and purchases goods.可知推断商店增加收入,选D.
65.D观点态度题.根据文章最后一句话the consumption of wealth can never make you wealthier.Happier,perhaps.Wealthier,no可知消费不会让你更富有,可能会更开心,但不会更富有,故答案选D
66.B推理判断题.根据第三段内容But what happens to all of those goods and services that people have chosen not to consume by saving their money?Simple:other people are allowed to consume them.可知存钱会推动经济发展,故选B.

点评 经济政治类阅读有一定难度,考生可先阅读题干要求,带着问题读文章,可能会更快更准的找到答案,达到事半功半的效果


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.It will be cchallenging to communicate with those from different countries because of cultural differences.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.The number of people learning Englishhas increased/has been increasing (increase) ever since last century.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Well,parents,surprise!Lots of us are using Twitter and Facebook to find rides,and not just to school.It's awkward to call a friend and ask for a ride,and half the time they'll say,"Sorry,my car is full."But with Twitter,you just tweet#AshleysPoolParty and look for other people heading the same way.
It may sound risky,but many teens stay within their own social circles to find rides,and don't branch out beyond friends of friends when asking on Twitter.For me,I only rideshare with people I know,but to some young people,especially those taking longer trips,stranger danger is less of a concern.
The sharing economy got big during the recession(经济衰退).It allows people to access more goods and services using technology,while also allowing them to share cost.And that technology,for me,is what the car was for my mom,a gateway to more freedom.
According to the researchers at the University of Michigan,30 years ago,eight in ten American 18-year-olds had a driver's license.Today it's six in ten.So it's not that surprising that on my 16th birthday I wasn't rushing to get a license.All I wanted was an iPhone.Juliet Schor (Sociology professor at Boston College) knows people my age love being connected and for young people driving means they have to disconnect from their technology,and that's a negative.So if they could sit in the passenger side and still be connected,that's going to be a plus.
To me,another plus is ridesharing represents something much bigger than trying to save money.I see it as evidence that people still depend on each other.My generation shares their cars and apartments the way neighbors used to share cups of sugar.For the system to work,some of us still need our own cars.But until I get my own version of the silver Super Beetle,you can find me on Twitter.
66.The writer usually rideshares withB.
A.anyone heading the same way      B.people he knows
C.friends of friends               D.strangers of his age
67.Fewer young people choose to ride by themselves becauseD.
A.driving means offering free rides to others.
B.getting a driving license becomes more difficult.
C.driving one's own cars causes a negative impression.
D.driving makes them disconnected from technology.
68.We can conclude from the passage thatC
A.the writer rideshares just to save money
B.people under 18 are not allowed to drive
C.silver Super Beetle is the writer's favorite
D.the older generation had to fight for freedom
69.Which is the best title for the passage?A
A.Teens use Twitter to thumb rides.
B.Tips on reducing risks in ridesharing.
C.Car is no longer a gateway to freedom.
D.New generation knows how to save money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.These young men were a different kind of prisoner from those we had seen before.They-were brave,hostile(怀敌意的)and(1)     they would not take orders,and shouted
"Amandla!"at every opportunity.Their instinct was to confront(对抗)rather than cooperate.
The authorities②did not know how to handle them,and they turned the island upside down.
During the Rivonia Trial,I remarked to a security policeman that if the government did not reform itself,the freedom fighters who would take our place③would some-day make the
authorities miss us.That day had indeed come on Robben Island.
In these young men we saw the angry revolutionary spirit of the times.I had had some
warning.On a visit with Winnie a few months before,she had managed to tell me through our coded conversation that there was a rising class of discontented youths④who were violent and Africanist in beliefs.She said they were changing the nature of the struggle and that I should be aware of them.
The new prisoners were shocked by what they considered the inhuman conditions of the island,and said that they could not understand how we could live in such a way.We told them
that they should have seen the island in 1964.But hey were almost as sceptical of us as they were of the authorities.They chose to ignore our calls for discipline and thought our advice weak and unassertive(不果断).
It was obvious that they regarded us,the Rivonia Trialists⑤,as moderates⑥(温和派).
After so many years of being branded a radical(激进的)revolutionary,to be seen as a moderate was a novel and not altogether pleasant feeling.I knew that I could react in one of two ways:I could scold them for their disrespect or I could listen to what they were saying.I chose the latter.
'4hen some of these men,such as Strini Moodley of the South African Students'
Organization and Saths Cooper of the Black People's Convention,came into our section,I
Shortly after their arrival on the island,the commanding officer came and asked me as a
favour to address the young men.He wanted me to tell them to behave themselves,to recognize the fact that they were in prison and to accept the discipline of prison life.I told him that I was not prepared to do that.Under the circumstances,they would have regarded me as a follower of the authorities.
(-adapted from"Long walk to freedom:The autobiography of Nelson Mandela')

66.Which of the following words fits best in Blank (1)?B
A.mild   B.aggressive   C.friendly   D.optimistic
67•We may infer from the passage all of the following EXCEPT thatD
A.an angry massive revolution was probably on its way
B.the author's activities were strictly monitored
C.many were concerned about the influence these young men could make
D.these young men were willing to cooperate in face of difficulties
68.Sentences are missing in Blank (2)regarding the author's following reactions.Which of the  following reactions do you think he would have?A
A."I"asked them to tell us about their movement and beliefs.
B."I"reported to the officers about their dissatisfaction.
C."I"tried to calm them down and talked them into behaving.
D."I"just turned a deaf ear to the young men.
69.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Conditions of the prison were far more unsatisfactory in 1964.
B.Officers of the prison turned the island upside down to discipline the young men.
C.The Rivonia Trialists felt honored to be regarded as moderates.
D.The young men regarded the author as a follower of the authorities.
70.Several phrases have been underlined and numbered in the passage; which two of them actually refer to the same people?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

8.A.How much sleep you need 
Sleep cycles & stages,lack of sleep.
Getting the hours you need to sleep consist of a series of distinct cycles and stages that restore and refresh your body and mind.
Even minimal sleep loss takes a toll on your mood,energy,efficiency and ability to handle stress.
B.Panic attacks and panic disorder
A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear.Left untreated,panic attacks can lead to panic disorder and other problems.They may even cause you to withdraw from normal activities.But panic is treatable and the sooner you seek helps,the better.
C.How to stop worrying
Continuous doubts and fears are paralyzing,not motivating or productive.Worrying can be,when it spurs you to take action,helpful to solve a problem.You need self-help strategies for anxiety relief.
D.Generalizes anxiety disorder
Everyone gets worried sometimes,but if you have a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),worries and fears are so constant that they interfere with your ability to function and relax.
E.What you need to know about anti-anxiety drugs
Under guidance from a health professional,medication can relieve some of the symptoms of anxiety,but it requires non-drug treatments to produce lasting changes and continuing relief from anxiety.Medication doesn't cure the underlying problem and is usually not a long-term solution.Anxiety medications also come with side effects and safety concerns,including the risk of addiction.
F.Understanding stress
Modern life is full of hassles,deadlines,frustrations,and demands.For many people,stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life.Stress isn't always bad.In small doses,it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best.But when you're constantly running in emergency mode,your mind and body pay the price.

46.Jane seldom goes out.Her heart may pound violently and she may stop breathing.She may feel dizzy and sick to her stomach.She may even feel like she's dying or going crazy.That may even cause her to withdraw from normal activities.With the help of her doctor,she can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of panic and regain control of her life.B
47.Thomson is a middle-aged architect.He used to be quick-minded and could come up with good ideas in group meetings.But recently,he finds it difficult to have a good design and he has much more hesitation before taking action,which worried him a lot.After lots of thinking,Thomson decides to try solving his problem himself first.C
48.James is a 100% workaholic.As the boss of a small firm competing with other big companies,James feels that he'd better work 24/7 or he may never succeed,or even worse,fail.So he and his employers often work overtime.But lately,James finds himself not as efficient as before and even dozes off during the day.He is always tired and sleepy.Worse still,he is under a lot of stress.A
49.Linda is a single working mum who is showing symptoms of anxiety.She is talking to her doctor and she is weighing the benefits of taking drugs against its drawbacks.Her doctor insists that other therapies and lifestyle changes may help her.So she must make a careful decision whether to take drugs or change her lifestyle.E
50.Sandy is a journalist of a fashion magazine,who has to spend a lot of time looking for interesting news and stories every day.She has to present high-quality articles before deadlines and her boss,the chief editor,is quite demanding and harsh on her.She used to think that stress urged her to work more productively but now it seems more than she can take.F.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean.It was one of the poorest nations in the region.Within the last five years,however,it has become a hot spot for adventure travelers.In 2006 it was voted the happiest place on Earth.The reason is not that Vanuatu are the richest but that Vanuatu has white-sand islands,clear waters,the world's most accessible live volcano,great diving and food that grows faster than it can be picked.
With a population of about 221,000,Vanuatu has 113 languages,which is a result of 3,000 years of immigration from many Pacific countries.There are three official languages:English,French,and Bislama.Bislama developed from South Pacific English,a simplified language that traders and other foreigners used it to communicate with speakers of the many local languages.
Most of the islands are mountainous and of volcanic origin.There are several active volcanoes in Vanuatu,including Yasur on the island of Tanna,one of the world's most accessible volcanoes.If you've ever fancied getting close to a volcano,here's your chance.
Vanuatu Post's Underwater Post Office has quickly become one of the busiest post offices for postcards in the world!Visitors from around the world want to experience the world's first underwater post office.The Post Office is only 50 meters offshore and at just three meters below the surface,very appealing to the young and young at heart.Since opening in 2003,the underwater post office has received about 100,000 visitors.They have posted one of the waterproof(防水的)postcards available in Vanuatu; these cards are collected regularly by one of Vanuatu Post's four trained divers.The underwater branch is manned daily for usually about an hour,longer with demand.
71.Vanuatu was voted the happiest place on Earth becauseD.
  A.it's the poorest nation in the region                
B.it's Vanuatu that are the richest
  C.it's a favorite place for adventurers                
D.it's blessed with abundant nature
72.From the text,Aled to over one hundred languages spoken in Vanuatu.
73.Which of the following is true about Vanuatu?B
A.Bislama developed from local Pacific French.
B.Yasur is one of the live volcanoes in Vanuatu.
C.Vanuatu has more than 113 official languages.
D.Underwater Post Office has opened for 5 years.
74.Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?C
A.Working at the underwater branch                  
B.Great diving in amazing Vanuatu
C.A hot spot for adventure travelers      
D.The busiest post office on Earth
75.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?C
A.Various languages
B.Underwater diving.
C.Food in Vanuatu
D.History of Vanuatu.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.When I was in junior high school,I was really a bad boy.My history teacher-Mr Oven criticized me a lot because I was naughty in his class.By the end of the first semester,I'd had enough of his words and had decided that I would get my revenge on him.
The opportunity arose one morning when Mr.Oven was called to the office for a certain reason.While Mr.Oven left,my company Billy and I grabbed Mr.Oven's lunch bag from under his desk.I opened his sandwich and placed a bug in between the two slices of bread.We put it back and closed it.To keep it in memory,Billy took photos of the whole process.We laughed for weeks over this.
Well,it all went south during Thanksgiving break.Billy's mother found the pictures in his room,and demanded that he should tell her where these pictures were from.Billy told his mother the whole story,and Mr.Oven was informed.Not only was I punished from school for two weeks,but also I was kicked off the football and basketball team.Before I could return to school,I had to turn in a 1000-word essay on what I did and why I did that.I really felt embarrassed every time I saw Mr.Oven in the hallway for the rest of the school year.I felt a little regret that Mr.Oven left our school the next year.

21.Mr.Oven criticized me a lot becauseB.
A.I didn't go to his class          
B.I disobeyed his rules in class
C.I didn't answer his questions     
D.I was naughty in my homework
22.How can you imagine Mr.Oven would act when he had his lunch?C
A.He would be glad to eat his delicious sandwich with the bug.
B.He would eat it as usual when he had his sandwich.
C.He would cry out,shocked that the bug lay in his sandwich.
D.He would be very hungry when he found the bug in his sandwich.
23.The underlined sentence"Well,it all went south during Thanksgiving break."in Paragraph 3probably meansA.
A.It was not until Thanksgiving break ended that the secret was let out.
B.All the students left on Thanksgiving break.
C.All the students went south on Thanksgiving break.
D.Billy and I went south during Thanksgiving break.
24.Which one was NOT true according to the article?C
A.He had to be punished to leave school for two weeks.
B.He was kicked off the football and basketball team.
C.He had to eat the sandwich he had made for Mr.Oven.
D.He had to write a 1000-word essay to acknowledge his mistake.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.The relationship between exercise and cancer has long both intrigued and puzzled oncologists and exercise physiologists.
Exercise is strongly associated with lowered risks for many types of cancer.At the same time,exercise involves biological stress,which typically leads to a short-term increase in inflammation(发炎)which can contribute to higher risks for many cancers.
Now,a new study in mice may offer some clues into the exercise-cancer paradox.It suggests that exercise may change how the immune system deals with cancer by boosting adrenaline(肾上腺素),certain immune cells and other chemicals that,together,can reduce the severity of cancer or fight it off altogether.
To try to better understand how exercise can both elevate inflammation and simultaneously protect the body against cancer,scientists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and other institutions decided to closely examine what happens inside mice at high risk for the disease.
So,for the new study,they began by gathering a group of adult lab mice.These animals generally like to run.
The scientists then implanted melanoma(黑素瘤) skin cancer cells into the mice before providing half of them with running wheels in their cages while the other animals remained sedentary.After four weeks,far fewer of the runners had developed full-blown melanoma than the sedentary mice and those that had been diagnosed with the disease showed fewer and smaller lesions.
They drew blood from both the exercising and sedentary animals and cells from any tumors in both groups.As expected,they found much higher levels of the hormone adrenaline in the blood of the exercising animals,especially right after they had been working out on the wheels but also at other times of the day.The body releases adrenaline in response to almost any type of stressful experience,including exercise.
They also found higher levels of interleukin-6in the blood of the runners.This is a substance that is released by working muscles and is believed to both increase and decrease inflammation in the body,depending on where and how it goes to work.
Perhaps most important,they found much higher numbers in the bloodstreams of runners than in the sedentary mice of a type of immune cell named natural killer cells that are known to be strong cancer fighters.
So the scientists repeated their original experiment multiple times,inducing cancer while allowing some mice to run and others to sit.In some of these follow-up experiments,the scientists injected the runners with a substance that blocked the production of adrenaline and gave sedentary animals large doses of added adrenaline.
What they now found was that when running mice could not produce adrenaline,they developed cancer at the same rate as the sedentary animals,while the sedentary animals that had been injected with extra adrenaline fought off their tumors better than other sitting mice.
More remarkably,the scientists determined that adrenaline seemed to be sending biochemical signals to some of the animals'IL-6cells,making them physiologically more alert,so that when a tumor began to develop in the affected animal,those IL-6cells in turn activated the natural killer cells in the bloodstream and actually directed them to the tumors,like minute guide fish.
With these results,"we show that voluntary wheel running in mice can reduce the growth of tumors,and we have identified an exercise-dependent mobilization of natural killer cells as the underlying cause of this protection,"said Pernille Hojman,a researcher at the University of Copenhagen who oversaw the new study.It perhaps provides one more incentive for us to get up and move.

63.The relationship between exercise and cancer has long puzzled oncologists and exercise physiologists becauseB
A.exercise is strongly associated with lowered risks for many types of cancer.
B.exercise can both elevate inflammation which can contribute to higher risks for many cancers and meanwhile protect the body against cancer.
C.exercise may change can reduce the severity of cancer or fight it off altogether.
D.exercise can lead to a short-term increase in inflammation which can contribute to elevated risks for many cancers.
64.In the first experiment,which one is the most important result the scientists found?A
A.natural killer cells are much more in the bloodstreams of runners than in the sedentary mice.
B.levels of interleukin-6are higher in the blood of the runners than in the sedentary mice.
C.exercise such as running seemed to help the mice fight against the cancer.
D.adrenaline can reduce the severity of cancer or fight it off.
65.What does the underlined word"sedentary"mean?C
66.In the follow-up experiments,the scientists foundB.
A.the hormone adrenaline has much higher levels in the blood of the exercising animals,
B.how these elements in the runners-their increased adrenaline,IL-6,and natural killer immune cells fight against tumor.
C.interleukin-6can both increase and decrease inflammation in the body,depending on where and how it goes to work.
D.what happens inside mice at high risk for the disease.
67.According to the study,we can infer the fundamental substance to fight the cancer off isC.
C.natural killer cells    

