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—Has Tom already finished his new story?

—I have no idea. He ________ it last month.

A.had written 

B.was writing

C.would write 





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A.“Just do it!” — This slogan(口号) speaks out to teens. It tells them to do something, but only if they think it’s worth it. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?

B.“Always Coca-Cola.” — Coke’s slogans change every few years, but this one has enjoyed a lasting popularity because it shows the brand’s spirit. It seems to say “Coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drink.”

C.“Share moments, share life.” — This slogan from Kodak connects photos and beauty. It asks people to remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them — using Kodak film of course!

D.On hearing the slogan “Make yourself heard”, you will know there is Ericsson product for you to call anyone.

E.There are some public service advertisements (PSAs) that educate people about public service projects, such as Project Hope. Its slogan is “Project Hope — Schooling every child.”

F.One toothpaste ad says “Bright-teeth fights bad breath!” The advertisers want you to read the word “fight” and think that the toothpaste cures bad breath.


Jack passed the entrance exam and was admitted to a famous university. These days, his father is looking for a mobile phone for him so as to keep in touch with each other closely.

Tom was a senior middle school student. He likes sports very much and plays football every afternoon. But after class this afternoon he has to buy a pair of shoes because his shoes have been worn out.

There’s a party this evening — for Mary’s 15th birthday. Her family are making preparations for it. Her brother’s job is to buy some drink.

Joan doesn’t want to forget the past, especially the happy moments.

Alice is afraid of opening her mouth, because a bad smell will come out, which makes her feel embarrassed when talking with others. So she needs something which can remove the smell no matter how much it is.

购买者                                              广告语

Jack                                 A.Just do it!

Tom                                 B.Always Coca-Cola.

Mary                                C.Share moments, share life.

Joan                                 D.Make yourself heard.

Alice                                E.Project Hope — Schooling every child.

F.Bright-teeth fights bad breath!


科目:高中英语 来源:2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁卷英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Tom was one of the brightest boys in the year, with supportive parents. But when he was 15 he suddenly stopped trying. He left school at 16 with only two scores for secondary school subjects. One of the reasons that made it cool for him not to care was the power of his peer(同龄人) group.
The lack of right male(男性的) role models in many of their lives — at home and particularly in the school environment(环境) — means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.
They don’t see men succeeding in society so it doesn’t occur to them that they could make something of themselves. Without male teachers as a role model, the effect of peer actions and street culture(文化) is all-powerful. Boys want to be part of a club. However, schools can provide the environment for change, and provide the right role models for them. Teachers need to be trained to stop that but not in front of a child’s peers. You have to do it one to one, because that is when you see the real child.
It’s pointless sending a child home if he or she has done wrong. They see it as a welcome day off to watch television or play computer games. Instead, schools should have a special unit where a child who has done wrong goes for the day and gets advice about his problems — somewhere he can work away from his peers and go home after the other children.
【小题1】Why did Tom give up studying?

A.He disliked his teachers.
B.His parents no longer supported him.
C.It’s cool for boys of his age not to care about studies.
D.There were too many subjects in his secondary school.
【小题2】What seems to have a bad effect on students like Tom?
A.Peer groups.B.A special unit.
C.The student judges.D.The home environment.
【小题3】What should schools do to help the problem schoolboys?
A.Wait for their change patiently.
B.Train leaders of their peer groups.
C.Stop the development of street culture.
D.Give them lessons in a separate area.
【小题4】A teacher’s work is most effective with a schoolboy when he ______.
A.is with the boy alone
B.teaches the boy a lesson
C.sends the boy home as punishment
D.works together with another teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省石家庄市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Cold weather has a great effect, on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries, the body’s blood has been linked closely with the emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blood people act in a merciless way. They may do brutal things to others, and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone, not in self-defense. He seemed to kill with no emotion.

Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet, if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression ---- to get cold feet--- that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you decided to do. For example, you agree to be president of an organization. But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.

Cold can also affect your shoulder. You “give someone the cold shoulder” when you refuse to speak to them. You treat them in a distant, cold way. The expression probably come from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face-to- face. You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you or to someone who has lied about you to others.

“A cold fish” is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and show no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.

“Out in the cold” is and expression often heard. It means not getting something that everybody else got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise. He was left our in the cold. And it is not a pleasant place to be.

1. The text is intended to tell us that ______.

A. cold weather has a great effect on human bodies

B. “cold” is a word closely linked with human emotions

C. many English expressions contain the word “cold”

D. the word “cold” has many different meanings in English

2.The underline word “brutal” in paragraph 1 most probably means ______.

A. merciless                    B. illegal           C. impolite                D. extreme

3.Which phrase can best describe a person who is unwilling to offer anything to others?

A. Cold-blooded.                                          B. To get cold shoulder.  

C. A cold fish.                                                D. A cold shoulder.

4.If the teacher gives all the boys except Tom a pen as a prize, you can say he ______.

A. is given the cold shoulder                   B. is punished by a cold fish

C. has got cold feet                              D. is left out in the cold



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2010届高三第十一次适应性训练英语试题 题型:单项填空

— Has Tom finished his homework yet?

— I have no idea, he _____ it this morning.

A.was doing


C.had done

D.would do



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省高一上学期第二次段考英语卷 题型:单项填空

 I guess Tom won’t keep on asking me the time from now on, as he has had ______.

A.his watch repaired

B.his watch repairing

C.repaired his watch

D.repair his watch


