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   Over time, the Declaration of Independence has deeply affected American history. Phrases from the document such as “all men are created equal” quickly took on a life of their own or were applied to groups that the authors never expected. Blacks quickly used this language to challenge slavery in the United Sates. The ideal of equality led Northern states to free slaves in the 1780s,1790s,and early 1800s.Black and white abolitionists(废奴主义者) used the ideal that all men were created equal to attack slavery in the South before the Civil War. And civil fights supporters gathered behind Jefferson's words in their fight against racism in the 1950s and 1960s.In 1848 the delegates(代表) to the Seneca Falls women's fights conference proclaimed that “all men and women are created equal”, and the 20th?century feminist(女权主义者) did the same.?

   Other groups have focused on the document's defence of the right to rebel against an unjust government. The Declaration of Independence had a deep effect on the French Revolution; its influence was strong in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted by the National Assembly of France in 1789.In the 19th century the principles of the declaration were adopted by various Latin American movements fighting for independence from European colonial powers. The declaration influences more recent struggles for national identity(身份):Vietnamese Communist leader HoChi Mink, for example, used the American document as one of the basic principles behind his fight to establish an independent and unified Vietnam.?

   The document itself continues to be an important symbol for the American people. Today, each page of the Declaration of Independence is protected. Over one million Americans view the document each year in Washington, D.C., where it is displayed along with the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.?

   1.What can be inferred about the 20th?century feminists?

   A. They fought against racism, using the Declaration of independence?.?

   B. They defended women's rights by referring to “men and women”.?

   C. They held conferences to discuss the Declaration of Independence.?

   D. They proclaimed the Independence of Women's Rights.

   2.The passage gives the example of the French Revolution to show that ________.

   A. the Declaration of Independence ensures people's rights to supervise(监督) the government?

   B. the Declaration of Independence ensures the equality for all men?

   C. French people and the U.S. are closely minted?

   D. the French Revolution had a strong influence on many Latin American Movements

   3.From the last paragraph, we can see that today the Declaration of Independence__________ .?

   A. has had many of its pages lest?

   B. is only available in Washington D.C.?

   C. is still supported by the American people?

   D. has had many changes

   4.What is the main idea of the passage?

   A. The Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution.?

   B. The Declaration of Independence's influence on other countries.?

   C. The application of the Declaration of Independence by different people.?

   D. The different purposes of the Declaration of Independence intended by its authors.??


科目:高中英语 来源:快客英语学习手册高一年级上必修①② 题型:050

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passages, and choose the best answer that can answer the question.

  One morning in April, Jim Reed checked his e-mail. He found a strange message on the e-mail. It was from a woman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had talked to her on c mail many times in the last ten days. All the other messages were fun and interesting to read. This message was different.

  The message said, “Good-bye loved kowihn yu I amj leavig.”

  Mr Reed was frightened by the message. He tried to understand the words that were not spelled right. He quickly wrote a message to his new friend.

  “What do you mean by the message you just sent me?”

  He waited but did not get an answer. He wrote back, “Please talk to me.”

  Finally, she wrote, “I m falllljg aseep wat ti sat gildgye tin y frnds.” Mr Reed thought hard about this message. “Is she going to kill herself?” he thought.

  “What is your phone number?” he typed. The woman sent a phone number. Mr Reed called. At first the phone was busy. Then it just rang and rang. He called help in Pittsburgh. They connected him with the police. Reed told his story. Then he told them what his friend wrote.

  The police and paramedics quickly went to the woman's house. When she didn't answer the doorbell, they broke in. they found her on the floor near the computer. She told them, “I took 60 pills.” The paramedics rushed her to the hospital.

  “Mr Reed did a great job of saving this woman,” the police captain said. “If he hadn't guessed at the e-message, she would be dead now.” the woman is fine now, and she thanks Mr Reed for saving her life.

1.How did Mr Reed meet his new friends?

[  ]

A.By writing letters.

B.By sending e-mail.

C.By meeting them.

D.By talking over the phone.

2.How long did they write e-mail to each other?

[  ]

A.Less than ten days.

B.More than ten days.

C.Ten days exactly.

D.Ten days or so.

3.What was different about the e-mail message this time?

[  ]

A.The words were not spelled right.

B.His friend suddenly said goodbye to him.

C.His friend said she wanted to go home.

D.She said she wanted to go to bed.

4.How did the woman try to kill herself?

[  ]

A.She had too much wine.

B.She slept too much.

C.She had too much pills.

D.She hadn't eaten anything for days.

5.Which of the following is closest to “I m falllljg aseep wat ti sat gildgye tin y frnds”?

[  ]

A.I am falling asleep want to say goodbye to my friends.

B.I am feeling a sheep what till sat guilty to my friends.

C.I am falling a sheep want till say good day to your friends.

D.I am falling my sleep what to say to get a tin for my friends.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省日照市2009届高三模拟考试(英语) 题型:050


  Alice watched from her brother's New Orleans house as Hurricane Katrina split trees, broke windows, and swallowed cars, including her own, A few miles away, her best friend, Pat also a nurse.was supervising patients in the high-risk hospital when the river banks broke, For the next six days, Pat and her crew lived there until a rescue boat picked them up,

  Both of them were evacuated to safer parts of the States, Weeks later, they, like thousands of others,returned to find their homes uninhabitable, their jobs gone,

  The following spring, as she was rebuilding her life, Alice contacted an information centre for returning, residents, When asked if she would head a desperatedly needed clinic, Alice said she'd do ti, but only with Pat, It took Pat less then five minutes to say yes, And after consulting with her children, she offered her damaged home as the new clinic.

  As word spread, help poured in, Groups raised money and donated medical equipment, exam tables, free ductwork, other supplies and even labor, Bedrooms were transformed into exam rooms and Pat's living room into a waiting room.

  On February 27,2007,the clinic opened, with patients lined up around the block, Those who came in that first day were very sick with problems from not taking their medicine for a year after Katrina, Over 1,200 people have made their way to the clinic, whose decoration passes what Pat calls the mama test.:“Would your mama feel comfortable here?”Until recently, it was the only health-care facility in there,“It's a relief to have a clinic right here in the neighborhood where I can check my pressure.”says Latoya Owens, 30, who suffers from hypertension.

  “This is the most rewarding thing I ‘ve ever done,”says Alice.Adds Pat,“I ‘m alleviating(减轻)some suffering in an underserved population.I listen to their stories, and I cry a lot, People outside New Orleans think things are back to normal here, but we are far from that.”


When Hurricane Katrina arrived, ________.

[  ]


Alice was driviilg to her brother's hous


Pal was visiting in a hospital


houses were destroyed


peoplc were rescued to safety


What does the fifth paragraph mainly 1elI us?

[  ]


The clinic opened a year after Hurricane Katrina.


The clinic helped local people a lot.


The clinic was the only one of its kind in the neighborhood.


The clinic was decorated to people's satisfaction.


Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Things in New Orleans were much worse than people thought.


Alice felt happy and satisfied about what she was doing.


Pat thought a lot before agreeing to work together with Alice.


People were ready to help when disasters happened.


Pat cried a lot probably because ________.

[  ]


she was sad about what people had suffered


she was moved by people's help to the clinic


work in the clinic was too difficult


she lost her job and home during Hurricane Katrina


The underlined word“|evacuated”in the second paragraph most probably means“________”

[  ]









