

1£®Where are the two speakers?

A£®In a restaurant£®

B£®In a clinic£®

C£®In a workshop£®

2£®What time is it now?




3£®What are the two speakers doing?

A£®Trying to fix a date£®

B£®Planning a party£®

C£®Meeting for the first time£®

4£®What's the man going to do?

A£®Buy a ticket£®

B£®Have a holiday£®

C£®Make a journey£®

5£®How many pages does the book have at least?







6£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a secretary's office£®

B£®In an editor's office£®

C£®At a TV Station£®

7£®What will the man come back for on Friday?

A£®An appointment with the secretary£®

B£®A press conference£®

C£®An interview with the manager£®


8£®Who is the woman speaking to?

A£®Her husband£®

B£®A policeman£®

C£®A fire fighter£®

9£®What's she asking for?

A£®Advice on safety£®




10£®Why didn't Mike go to the concert?

A£®Because he failed to get a ticket£®

B£®Because he was not interested in it£®

C£®Because he was not free£®

11£®How did Mike feel about missing the concert?

A£®He felt it a pity£®

B£®He didn't care£®

C£®He regretted it£®

12£®How did Lucy like the concert?

A£®She liked it a little£®

B£®She enjoyed it very much£®

C£®She thought it was OK£®


13£®Who is going to the concert?

A£®John, Mary and Ellen£®

B£®John and Mary£®

C£®Mary and Ellen£®

14£®At what time will they leave for at the concert?

A£®8 pm£®

B£®7 pm£®

C£®6¡Ã30 pm£®

15£®At what time will they arrive at the concert?

A£®7 pm£®

B£®8 pm£®

C£®6 pm£®

16£®At what time is the concert over?

A£®It can not be determined£®

B£®9 pm£®

C£®9¡Ã30 pm£®


17£®Why did John keep long hair?

A£®His hair grew too fast£®

B£®John liked it to be long£®

C£®The barber wouldn't like to cut it shorter£®

18£®Why did his friends never make jokes about his hair?

A£®His hair wasn't funny£®

B£®John was big and strong£®

C£®John didn't allow any jokes about his hair£®

19£®What did the barber ask to do?

A£®To clean his head£®

B£®To cut off most of his hair£®

C£®To make him recognized by nobody£®

20£®What was John's answer to the barber?

A£®It was a great joke£®

B£®It was a great praise to the barber£®

C£®It was a threat against the barber£®


Text 1

¡¡¡¡W£ºIs there anything wrong with the machine?It sounds strange£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes£®I think it's the engine£®

Text 2

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat time are we supposed to arrive?

¡¡¡¡W£º8 o'clock£®We are a quarter of an hour early£®

Text 3

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhen shall we go, Sunday or Monday?

¡¡¡¡W£ºIt's up to you£®Either is fine with me£®

Text 4

¡¡¡¡W£ºMake sure you have got everything packed and don't forget your air ticket£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºDon't worry, mum£®I've got everything ready and the ticket is in my pocket£®

Text 5

¡¡¡¡M£ºHave you finished the book?

¡¡¡¡W£ºNot yet£®I've only read half of it£®There are two hundred and twenty more pages£®

Text 6

¡¡¡¡M£ºGood afternoon£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºGood afternoon£® Can I help you?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes£®I'd like to make an appointment with the manager, Mr Brown£®Are you his secretary?


¡¡¡¡M£ºGood£®I'm John Hayes, a reporter from London TV Station£®I'd like to have an interview with Mr Brown about his work experiences£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºLet me chock£®Well, according to his schedule, Mr Brown won't be free until Thursday afternoon£®Will Friday morning be all right?

¡¡¡¡M£ºThat sounds good£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWhat about 10 o'clock?

¡¡¡¡M£ºThat's fine£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWell, let me write it down£®John Hayes, interview, 10 o'clock, Friday morning£®Er¡­, your phone number, please?

¡¡¡¡M£ºIt's 614-275-8038£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºOK£®I'll talk to Mr Brown about it and let you know for sure by Thursday£®OK?

Text 7

¡¡¡¡M£ºHello!Police Station£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºHello!This is Mrs Black£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºCan I help you£®Madam?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes£®I've just come home from work and I find someone has broken into my house and stolen all my money and jewellery£®Could you please come over immediately?

¡¡¡¡M£ºSure£®Where do you live?

¡¡¡¡W£ºMy house is No£®14 on the 5th Avenue£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºOK£®Don't worry£®Madam£®We'll be there in about 10 minutes£®

Text 8

¡¡¡¡W£ºMike, did you go to the concert last night?

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, I had wanted to, but Peter invited me to his birthday party£®Did you go?


¡¡¡¡M£ºHow was it?

¡¡¡¡W£ºIt was wonderful£®They played quite a few Beethoven's works£®You really should have gone£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat a shame!

¡¡¡¡W£ºBut I hear it was video-taped and will be shown on TV£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºReally?Then I can watch it£®When will it be on?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI have no idea£®

Text 9

¡¡¡¡M£ºHello, Mary£®This is John£®Are you free tomorrow night?

¡¡¡¡W£ºNo, I'm going to the concert with Ellen£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºI'm also going£®Ellen was calling to ask if you wanted to go with me£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºIt's kind of you£®Would you like to go with us?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, thanks£®Let's try and arrive at the concert one hour early£®It begins at 8 pm£®That means we should leave for the concert about one and a half hours before it starts£®Is that a good time for you?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, see you at that time at your house£®

Text 10

¡¡¡¡john liked to wear his hair very long£®Some of his friends thought that looked like a girl's hair, but they never made jokes about it, because John was a big, strong young man, and he did not think jokes about his hair funny£®

¡¡¡¡john always went to the barber's twice a month to have his hair cut and washed£®One day the barber said to him, ¡°Wow, why don't you let me cut most of this hair off and make your head clean?Nobody would recognize you if I did that, I am sure£®¡±

¡¡¡¡john said nothing for a few seconds, and then he said, ¡°Perhaps you are right, but I am sure that nobody would recognize you either if you did that to my hair£®


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1£®How does the man prefer to go to work?


A. By car.

B£®By bus.

C£®Standing up.

2£®What nationality is Sheila?





3£®Where did the woman live before she moved?


A In an apartment on University Avenue.

B£®In an apartment in the city.

C£®In a house in the city.

4£®Where is Mr Baker now?


A£®At his office.

B£®At lunch.

C£®At the travel agency.

5£®How many people were injured in the accident?


A£®One baby.


C£®Three women.



6£®What do you think the woman might be?


A£®A teacher.

B£®An engineer.

C£®A newspaper reporter.

7£®How did the man escape?


A£®Climbing down the outside of the house.

B£®With the help of the firefighters.

C£®Using the lift.

8£®What was the man doing when the fire broke out?


A£®He was sleeping soundly.

B£®He was reading something.

C£®He was discussing with others.


9£®When did the woman come back from the trip?


A£®In the morning.

B£®After the picnic at noon.

C£®Late in the afternoon.

10£®How could the woman get to the park in such a short time?


A£®She took a short cut where there was little traffic.

B£®She knew her way very well and drove very quickly.

C£®She was lucky to drive through the valley.

11£®What did the woman enjoy best during the trip?


A£®Swimming in the sea.

B£®Spending the whole morning under the tall trees.

C£®Haying her picnic in the park.


12£®What did they plan to do?


A£®To see a film.

B£®To whitewash the wall and the ceiling.

C£®To visit a friend of theirs.

13£®What did the man ask the woman to do?


A£®To go to the cinema again

B£®To wait for him.

C£®To have some coffee.

14£®Who went to see the film in the end?


A£®They both went with the boy¡¯s father

B£®Only Jane went done.

C£®Neither of them went.


15£®Where will the man park his car?


A£®In the parking area at the back.

B£®Inside the apartment building.

C£®In the parking space in the front.

16£®Which of the following in not true?


A£®Guests can also find parking space here.

B£®People can¡¯t keep pets in the building.

C£®Garbage is collected every five hours.

17£®How do they usually deal with the garbage?


A£®Leave it outside their rooms in a paper bag.

B£®Leave it outside their rooms in a special plastic bag.

C£®Leave it on the ground floor in either a plastic or paper bag.


18£®What did the woman want to do?


A£®Find herself a pair of alligator shoes.

B£®Catch a living alligator (öùÓã) .

C£®Go on vacation in Louisiana.

19£®How did the woman try to manage it?


A£®By finding fault with the shopkeepers.

B£®By bargaining with the shopkeepers.

C£®By catching herself an alligator.

20£®Why didn¡¯t the woman get what she wanted?


A£®Because the shopkeepers wanted the lady to find a pair by herself.

B£®Because she wouldn¡¯t like to pay a lot of money for them.

C£®Because she didn¡¯t catch any alligator wearing shoes.


¡¡¡¡When Thomas Edison was 15 years old, something (1) ________ happened. £®One August morning, when it was rather hot, in 1862, (2) ________ in Mount Clemens. He watched a train, which carried both people and goods, (3) ________ water and move some cars from one place to another. Edison saw one large train (4) ________ begin to move. There was no one on it to (5) ________ it. It moved faster and faster towards the station.

¡¡¡¡Suddenly, Edison (6) ________ a small child playing on the ground beside the railway. The little boy was the son of J. U. Mechanize, (7) ________ at the Mount Clemens Station. The fast-moving and uncontrolled train was (8) ________ straight towards the child, who didn't know what was happening.

¡¡¡¡Throwing down his papers, Edison ran as fast (9) ________. He lifted the boy and pulled him away from the (10) ________ railway car, only a moment before the car would have hit the child.


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1£®What are the two speakers talking about?




2£®What time will the football match start?

A£®At 20¡Ã25£®

B£®At 21¡Ã30£®

C£®At 19¡Ã00£®

3£®Where is the man going?

A£®To the bank£®

B£®To the hotel£®

C£®To Oxford Street£®

4£®Which of Mary¡¯s arms was hurt?

A£®The left one£®

B£®The right one£®


5£®What¡¯s the weather like now?






6£®What is Mary¡¯s plan for Saturday?

A£®Visit her mother£®

B£®Cook dinner for Tom£®

C£®Ask John and his wife to dinner£®

7£®What does John say to Mary about the invitation?

A£®He¡¯s not free£®

B£®He¡¯ll certainly go£®

C£®He¡¯s not sure£®

8£®What has John promised to do?

A£®Phone back with an answer£®

B£®Persuade(˵·þ)Jane to join him£®

C£®Visit Mary¡¯s mother on Saturday£®


9£®Who was going to give a party for Mary?

A£®Mr Green£®

B£®Mary¡¯s friends£®

C£®Mrs Green£®

10£®When did the party begin?

A£®At three o¡¯clock£®

B£®Before three o¡¯clock£®

C£®After three o¡¯clock£®



1£®What do we learn from this conversation?

A£®Lucy didn¡¯t come to the party last night£®

B£®Lucy broke her glasses at the party last night£®

C£®Lucy couldn¡¯t see things clearly without her glasses£®

2£®What¡¯s Mary¡¯s address?

A£®1664 Garden Street£®

B£®1646 Buard Street£®

C£®1646 Garden Street£®

3£®What does Mary do at last today?

A£®To go shopping£®

B£®To finish the report£®

C£®To go to the club£®

4£®Who always comes to school earliest?




5£®What does the man want to learn?






6£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®Attending someone¡¯s dinner£®

B£®Inviting a guest£®

C£®Buying a present£®

7£®What should one do if invited to dinner according to the dialogue?

A£®He/She should make up£®

B£®He/She should bring a small present£®

C£®He/She needn¡¯t bring anything£®


8£®How did Mr Brown travel?

A£®By air£®

B£®By train£®

C£®By ship£®

9£®What can we learn from this conversation?

A£®Mr Brown was a friend of the manager£®

B£®Cindy was the manager¡¯s wife£®

C£®It was the first time that Mr Brown had seen Cindy£®

10£®What did Mr Brown think of the flight?


B£®Not good£®



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1£®What does the man do?

A£®An actor£®

B£®A doctor£®

C£®A worker£®

2£®Who painted the picture?




3£®Is the woman going to the cinema?



C£®Not mentioned£®

4£®Why was the man late for the meeting?

A£®His clock didn't work and he overslept£®

B£®He didn't sleep well last night£®

C£®He had the wrong time£®

5£®How long will they have to wait before the match starts?

A£®10 minutes£®

B£®20 minutes£®

C£®15 minutes£®



6£®What's the matter with Janice?

A£®She has got a serious headache£®

B£®She can't finish her report on time£®

C£®She has got a really bad stomachache£®

7£®Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A£®At the airport£®

B£®In an office£®

C£®At home£®

8£®When does the woman have to finish her report?

A£®By 2 o'clock£®

B£®By 3 o'clock£®

C£®By 4 o'clock£®


9£®What size of ski jacket does the woman want to buy?

A£®Size 6£®

B£®Size 8£®

C£®Size 10£®

10£®What color does the woman like best?




11£®Why does the woman NOT buy the jacket?

A£®They haven't got the right size£®

B£®The price is too high£®

C£®She doesn't like the color£®


12£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®How to celebrate(Çì×£)Mary's mother's birthday£®

B£®How to cook Chinese food£®

C£®How to make Mother look younger£®

13£®Who is going to cook the special dinner?

A£®Mary's friends£®

B£®Mary's mum£®


14£®What is the man going to do in the afternoon?

A£®Make a cake£®

B£®Do some shopping with Mary£®

C£®Learn how to cook some Chinese dishes£®


15£®Why does Ted want to have beef today?

A£®He likes beef£®

B£®Beef can give him more energy£®

C£®He likes beef better than chicken£®

16£®What fruit is Ted's favorite?




17£®What does Mum advise Ted to do for tomorrow's competition?

A£®Practice more and eat a little£®

B£®Have more fruit than food for dinner£®

C£®Have a good rest tonight£®


18£®Where was the writer's friend from?




19£®Where was the speaker when he received his friend's telephone?

A£®At the airport£®

B£®At the office£®

C£®At his house£®

20£®How did the man come into the house?

A£®By finding the key£®

B£®By getting the key from his friend£®

C£®By climbing the apple tree by the window of the living room£®


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1£®Why is the man going to Chengdu?

A£®To attend an important meeting£®

B£®To do some important business£®

C£®To meet some important business partners£®

2£®What does the woman want the man to do?

A£®To paint her house£®

B£®To build a new house£®

C£®To choose colors£®

3£®What is the man most likely to be?

A£®A librarian£®

B£®A teacher£®

C£®A reporter£®

4£®What is the relationship between the speakers?

A£®They are friends£®

B£®They are strangers£®

C£®They are brother and sister£®

5£®What's the problem with the two speakers?

A£®They broke the traffic rules£®

B£®They lost their way£®

C£®They couldn't find the police station£®




6£®Which of the following is the bad result of using computers?

A£®More people will lose their jobs£®

B£®Many people will have to work at small offices£®

C£®People will become much lazier than before£®

7£®What does the man think we should do in order not to fall behind?

A£®He thinks we should run faster£®

B£®He thinks we should make more money£®

C£®He thinks we should learn more£®


8£®Where are the two speakers?

A£®In a bookshop£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®In a language centre£®

9£®Which level is the man in?

A£®The third one£®

B£®The fourth one£®

C£®The fifth one£®

10£®What does the man think of the classes?

A£®They are too large£®

B£®They are boring£®

C£®They are a bit small£®


11£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®On the phone£®

B£®In the woman's home£®

C£®In Dr Baker's office£®

12£®What is the woman going to do?

A£®See the doctor£®

B£®Wait for the doctor£®

C£®Send for the doctor£®


13£®Why did the couple leave?

A£®They got their concert tickets£®

B£®They felt angry with the woman£®

C£®They didn't want to wait any longer£®

14£®How soon will the ticket office be closed?

A£®In one hour£®

B£®In two hours£®

C£®In three hours£®

15£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She quarreled with theman£®

B£®She is waiting for her friend£®

C£®She has moved forward only a little£®

16£®What can we learn about the man?

A£®He is willing to wait£®

B£®He is pleased to see the woman£®

C£®He is disappointed about his phone order£®


17£®What is the speaker's job?

A£®A scientist£®

B£®A volunteer£®

C£®A doctor£®

18£®What finally made almost every blood transfusion successful?

A£®The discovery of blood types£®

B£®The founding of a blood bank£®

C£®The experiment with sheep blood£®

19£®According to the speaker, if you give 10£¥ of your blood how long does it take your body to replace it?

A£®One week£®

B£®Five days£®

C£®One day£®

20£®What is the main purpose of the speech?

A£®To call on people to give blood£®

B£®To give you a lesson£®

C£®To review the history of the research on blood transfusion(ÊäѪ)£®


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1£®Where will the speakers go first?

A£®To the park£®

B£®To the museum£®

C£®To the market£®

2£®What will the woman do this evening?

A£®See her sister off£®

B£®Fly to Paris£®

C£®See a film£®

3£®What is Holly doing now?

A£®Doing her homework£®

B£®Cleaning a bike£®

C£®Changing clothes£®

4£®What does the man think of soap operas?




5£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®The weather£®

B£®The work£®

C£®The air-conditioner£®



6£®What is the woman?

A£®A guide£®

B£®A travel agent£®

C£®A secretary£®

7£®How will the man and his wife travel?

A£®By plane£®

B£®By ship£®

C£®By coach£®


8£®What day is it today?




9£®Who will most probably play as a goalkeeper tonight?




10£®What will the woman do next?

A£®Make a phone call£®

B£®Watch a match£®

C£®Visit her brother£®


11£®What is the man going to do tomorrow?

A£®Do shopping£®

B£®Attend a party£®

C£®Go fishing£®

12£®What will the speakers buy for Uncle Harold?

A£®A bag£®

B£®A fishing pole£®

C£®A camera£®

13£®What does the man suggest doing?

A£®Coming back tomorrow£®B£®Walking round for a while£®

C£®Having something to drink£®


14£®Why is Linda so frightened?

A£®She has been robbed£®

B£®She is at home alone£®

C£®She has been followed by someone£®

15£®Where did Linda meet the stranger on Monday?

A£®At a restaurant£®

B£®Outside a shoe store£®

C£®At a book store£®

16£®What did Linda do right after she saw the stranger today?

A£®She stared at him

B£®She went into a bookstore£®

C£®She went home quickly£®

17£®What does the man advise Linda to do?

A£®Wait and see£®

B£®Call the police at home£®

C£®Ask the stranger what he really wants£®


18£®How does the speaker mostly get the news?

A£®From newspapers£®

B£®From TV£®

C£®From the Internet£®

19£®What is the speaker mostly interested in?



C£®Weather forecast£®

20£®What does the speaker think the media should do?

A£®Affect citizens' lives£®

B£®Think about the truth£®

C£®Respect people's privacy£®

